Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

Well, what's obvious is your inability to support anything you say. Whether you believe it or not, is irrelevant.
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A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

We noticed you never have any of your own answers, you just link to irrelevant items. Does Obama pay you by the post?
If ya want to see a classic demonstration of fascism... watch this clip of a Beck listener who wrote in about her experience at school, wherein the Teacher 'taught' this listeners child that her mommy is not allowed to 'teach' her, because 'she's a mommy not a teacher'.

When the Mom finally got a meeting with the teacher, the teacher explained that they prefer that parents let the children do their homework without parental input to prevent confusing 'our' children; meaning that the school was claiming equal 'ownership' of the children... which for those who actually know their history is precisely the position taken by the NAZIs... and the literal Fascists in Italy and Spain.

>>Parent of Child whose teacher tells her that Mommy can't teach her, because she's not a 'teacher'<< it is perhaps the most disturbing thing I've heard from a parent of a small child, regarding their school, in my 54 years.

Had any of the schools that my children were enrolled ever come CLOSE to this, there would have been a war, right there on that spot.

It was no where NEAR that bad back then (80s) but it was sufficiently so, that we home-schooled our children for most of their grade school years.
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A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education ... .

"Indoctrination"... you're asking if they (those who are already education, thus actually know their history) need a little indoctrination.
A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

We noticed you never have any of your own answers, you just link to irrelevant items. Does Obama pay you by the post?

You've just confirmed a theory I've had some time. I believe there are liberals on this forum who pose as right wing conservatives. The purpose of the subterfuge is to make conservatives look just as stupid as possible. You are obviously a liberal provocateur, a double agent, a spy for the left. Good work by the way.
A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

We noticed you never have any of your own answers, you just link to irrelevant items. Does Obama pay you by the post?

You've just confirmed a theory I've had some time. I believe there are liberals on this forum who pose as right wing conservatives. The purpose of the subterfuge is to make conservatives look just as stupid as possible. You are obviously a liberal provocateur, a double agent, a spy for the left. Good work by the way.

So ... you people aren't actually as stupid as your reasoning suggest, you're saying it's a conspiracy by "The Right" to MAKE you APPEAR STUPID?


That is Hysterical... .

(Its only a matter of time before this becomes a 'fact'. "The Left is not actually stupid, the Right is pretending to be us, to make us LOOK STUPID!")
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That makes number two on the ignore list....reserved for only the very stupidest people.

Well, I really don't see that ya had any choice. Given that you lack the minimal intellectual means to sustain a dam' thing ya say.

You're among the weakest contributors on this site... you make Wry Catcher look like a genius!

So, I gotta say that was a good call.

You make Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski appear sane
That makes number two on the ignore list....reserved for only the very stupidest people.

Well, I really don't see that ya had any choice. Given that you lack the minimal intellectual means to sustain a dam' thing ya say.

You're among the weakest contributors on this site... you make Wry Catcher look like a genius!

So, I gotta say that was a good call.

You make Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski appear sane

So I'm responsible for your INFERENCE NOW?


Here, take this space and fill in the things for which you feel that you actually ARE responsible for>> [ ]. Given your prior testimony, there should be plenty of room.
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

Wow... I wonder what it must be like to get your ass handed to you by insane idiots, post for post, day in and out, with you being helpless to do anything about it?

I mean THAT has REALLY gotta SUCK!
A day in the life of a left winger:


Honk if you support same-sex marriage!

^ One Note Samba
That's how I respond to one note retards who think Nazis are left wing. I have to dumb it down for you.

Maybe it's not really their fault they are so ignorant, perhaps they just need a little education but no one took the time to explain things to them. I think we should be more charitable with people who's somewhat modest intellectual endowment prevents them from fully comprehending actual facts of history. We can do a real public service by educating these people. So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.

We noticed you never have any of your own answers, you just link to irrelevant items. Does Obama pay you by the post?

You've just confirmed a theory I've had some time. I believe there are liberals on this forum who pose as right wing conservatives. The purpose of the subterfuge is to make conservatives look just as stupid as possible. You are obviously a liberal provocateur, a double agent, a spy for the left. Good work by the way.

^ paid by the post, no quality control oversight
Based on what I've seen so far I'd be very surprised if some foundation hadn't already offered funding for you to start your own think tank.

Why? LOL! Because I own YOU?

As impressive as you might be sure that is, in reality, it ain't much. In most of the US, all I'm pointing out here what is otherwise recognized as basic common sense.

It only appears to be HIGH-REASON, when its set against the abyss of Left-think.
Yay! Another self-proclaimed victory! You can't lose can you.

It has become obvious, Keys can play with himself and lose. He mentally masturbates and loses his mind.

I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.
That makes number two on the ignore list....reserved for only the very stupidest people.

Well, I really don't see that ya had any choice. Given that you lack the minimal intellectual means to sustain a dam' thing ya say.

You're among the weakest contributors on this site... you make Wry Catcher look like a genius!

So, I gotta say that was a good call.

You make Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski appear sane

His mindless droning makes Kaczynski's Manifesto look succinct

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