Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

No collective economy duh. German corporate elites worked hand in hand with Hitler to make MONEY in their war economy.
Yes, as long as they weren't Jews. But the government called the shots. Literally.

Yeah, um, and er, that's totally in line with the right wing limited government and individual liberty platform, er, doh!
I added a bit more to the post. Won't make a difference to the libs though, they can't deal with the FACT that NAZI Germany adopted many of their ideals.
It was an easy definition, it just can't overcome your political programming. I'll dumb it down for you, probably won't be enough since you're exceptionally dumb, but what is a material difference between "Fascist" Germany and "Communist" Russia?

You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Russia was invaded by Germany, if they were allies, why is that so? Later, Russia occupied Germany, if they were allies why is that so?

It requires thought applied critically to historical records to fully understand geopolitics, something the Crazy Right Wing of today in the US cannot or will not do.

LOL, you talk about "thought applied critically."

The question skippy was how Germany is "right" while Russia is "left." It had nothing to do with them being allies. BTW, your historical knowledge apparently is unaware that they allied and divided Poland before Germany attacked. Still nothing to do with the question, just more of your overt ignorance.
So lets begin with lesson one.....pay attention dummies, there will be a quiz later.
Facts have been posted. You reject them because you need to apparently. Leftists are the true authoritarians. Big government and more control is NOT the hallmark of the right. You bought lies, just like the Nazis did!

OK dummies, it's time for your quiz now.

1. What was the political orientation of the Nazi Party?
a. Right wing.
b. Buffalo wing
c. Chile Lime wing

2. Hitler's political philosophy can best be described as:
a. Authoritarian right wing reactionary
b. Republican
c. Tea Party Republican

3. Hitler came to power through what political process?
a. Democracy
b. Electoral College
c. FOX News poll

We'll have another quiz after the next lesson.
It was an easy definition, it just can't overcome your political programming. I'll dumb it down for you, probably won't be enough since you're exceptionally dumb, but what is a material difference between "Fascist" Germany and "Communist" Russia?

You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?
No collective economy duh. German corporate elites worked hand in hand with Hitler to make MONEY in their war economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Where do you get this stuff? The whole rest of the world outside the 20% Pub hater dupe bizarro world believe Liberal Fascism and Beckcrappe are absolute drivel.

German industry took direction from the Nazi government, Russian industry took direction from the Russian government. You have a distinction without a difference. You may want to google the word "material" so you can learn what it means.

The question stands, how were Germany and Russia actually different. That means they did something different, not they did the same thing moving the name cards around.
I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.

I don't know, have you read any of the Idiot-grams posted by CrusaderFrank? The insanity of Keys may mitigate his general dishonesty, reality is a challenge to him.

dear, if you disagree with Frank on a substantive matter please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. thanks

Maybe if you repeat that phrase again it will raise your IQ.
that's Grauchos 1244rd post without any substance whatsoever. Somehow he finds wasting time meaningful as a typical braindead liberal!!

And now that you've repeated it again the substance is so much more apparent.
It was an easy definition, it just can't overcome your political programming. I'll dumb it down for you, probably won't be enough since you're exceptionally dumb, but what is a material difference between "Fascist" Germany and "Communist" Russia?

You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Soviet Communist were left wing and Nazi Germany was right wing......as everyone obviously already knows. Well.....almost everyone.

Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.
JoeNormal said:
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy;More
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Do you notice that all those words apply to Russia and China? Again, the only difference in this definition is the unsubstantiated claim it's "right wing."

If you go back to what the Nazis did, it was central economic planning. Again, exactly like China and Russia. Are any bulbs going off yet?

Authoritarian, would you not expect an authoritarian system of rule not to include central planning and limited personal choice?

What is right wing? Traditionally, the RW supported the Monarchy, the Clergy, the Aristocracy and the status quo; the left wing, supported a representative government elected by the people, and the common people.

LOL! Key word here: "Traditionally" ... a word delusionally used to promote the erroneous notion that such IS... and 'supported', a word mistakenly used, which speaks to what WAS...

So she wants to establish that "Right-wingers", OKA: Americans... are big proponents of Aristocracy and Monarchy... this despite America being founded upon the rejection of BOTH. All of which merges PERFECTLY with her attempt to hijack the traits of Americans, assigning such to the Left...

Bass-ackwards and downside-up.

The Wealthy in the US TYPICALLY have EARNED the money they have available to them... thus they are NOT Aristocrats who were born into money.

In MOST instances, those in the US Born Into Money go out BROKE... and it is THAT FUNCTION OF THE NATURAL ORDER that "BALANCES THE PLAYING FIELD".


I really, honestly, truly believe you are not sane.

I don't doubt you are sane, you're just stupid.
You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Russia was invaded by Germany, if they were allies, why is that so? Later, Russia occupied Germany, if they were allies why is that so?

It requires thought applied critically to historical records to fully understand geopolitics, something the Crazy Right Wing of today in the US cannot or will not do.
Hitler's "alliance" with Stain was about as truthful as the name of his party and all his other bs propaganda. His fascist RW beliefs are just an inch to the right of the worst of the GOP.

Again, begging the question. How were they different that made one "right" and the other "left." This Saigon if you read this is why the left is stupid.
OK dummies, it's time for your quiz now.

1. What was the political orientation of the Nazi Party?
a. Right wing.
b. Buffalo wing
c. Chile Lime wing

- Left wing

2. Hitler's political philosophy can best be described as:
a. Authoritarian right wing reactionary
b. Republican
c. Tea Party Republican

- Authoritarian Leftist, like the Communists and the Democratic party

3. Hitler came to power through what political process?
a. Democracy
b. Electoral College
c. FOX News poll

- Pseudo Democracy, just like the Soviet Union.

Still dodging the question what made Germany "right" and Russia "left" when they were materially the same.
You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Soviet Communist were left wing and Nazi Germany was right wing......as everyone obviously already knows. Well.....almost everyone.

Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.

Unfortunate that actual historians don't concur with your superficial pop culture historical revisionist view.

“I wonder if it could be more obvious that dummies like that don't actually believe anything they say, they are completely dishonest. No one could actually be that stupid and still retain autonomic functions.”


One must entertain the possibility that the Liberals are actually right wingers pretending to be Liberals, to make them look stupid!,.


So the notion that "All the Leftists in this site are actually Right Wingers Pretending to BE Leftists, to make us look stupid!", is gathering a following!

You're doing great at making yourselves look stupid ... no help needed.
And you are aware that Arendt's boyfriend worked for the Nazi Party at the time, right?

So how left wing is she, would you say?
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.
It doesn't matter how much actual legitimate history you cite. They can't comprehend it because it doesn't fit with their superficial definitions or half wit rhetoric.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

How many of the half dozen authors cited have you read, Weasel?

Because the ones listed are about the most reknowned people working in this field, and any history course on Fascist Politics will include 2 or 3 of them.

Do you really think you can come to understand something as complex as Fascist theory by spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia?

He obviously never read a book in his life. Just goes to show that people can't learn as much from websites as they thought.
I have a college degree and you pooped your pants again.

From John Dean's book, Conservatives Without Conscience.

"Authoritarianism is not well understood and seldom discussed in the context of American government and politics, yet it now constitutes the prevailing thinking and behavior among conservatives."

excerpts from the book Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean

Exactly, they want to cut taxes, shrink the govt, and end Obamacare because they want authoritarian govt!!

See why we have to be 100% certain that liberalism will be based in pure ignorance? Is any other reasonable conclusion possible?
1. What was the political orientation of the Nazi Party?
a. Right wing.

100% perfectly illiterate liberal has no idea that conservatives since Aristotle have been for limited govt or freedom from govt!
Aristotle was a philosopher and a scientist, not very conservative.

how would you know you're a typical and perfect liberal illiterate??

Political Science Resource Blog: Plato vs. Aristotle

Aug 25, 2006 ... Aristotle. The First Conservative: Contrasting Plato and Aristotle. Introduction. Plato and Aristotle are our oldest political thinkers. Surprisingly ...

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