Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Liberal scumbags confuse hicks here hating the Jews as part of the KKK with Hitler hating the Jews as a National "socialist."
Any "historian" that claims the national socialists weren't socialist is a propagandist. Which is why the left would grovel at their feet. Just like the Nazis.
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Unfortunate that actual historians don't concur with your superficial pop culture historical revisionist view.
But you made that up, so....
Yet you can't cite any real historians who would in any way validate your hair brain theories.
Already did. You're a popcorn fart, nothing more. You offer nothing but insults so that's all you deserve.

No you never cited any historians. Why do you people have to lie all the time?
So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?
You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Soviet Communist were left wing and Nazi Germany was right wing......as everyone obviously already knows. Well.....almost everyone.

Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.
Neither was socialist, which has to be democratic. One totalitarianism was communist, collective economy, the other fascist, capitalist economy. Duh.
Unfortunate that actual historians don't concur with your superficial pop culture historical revisionist view.
But you made that up, so....
Yet you can't cite any real historians who would in any way validate your hair brain theories.
Already did. You're a popcorn fart, nothing more. You offer nothing but insults so that's all you deserve.

Weasel -

Have you considered that in the time you have spent posting nonsense on this thread, you could have gone and read a book and brought yourself up to speed on this topic?

Yes, you'd have found that you were wrong - but you would also have learned the topic.

What would it cost you to read a book and learn?
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So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?

That's a good summary.

There is also this question that none of the Revisionists want to answer:

If Hitler was left wing, where does that leave other obviously right-wing fascists like Franco, Stroessner and Antonescu?

Where does this leave Pinochet, who most historians see as a link between conservatism and fascism?

Are some fascists right wing, or only some of them?
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Any "historian" that claims the national socialists weren't socialist is a propagandist. Which is why the left would grovel at their feet. Just like the Nazis.

Now we're back to lying.

I have already told you that German historians from the era, some of whom had close links to the Nazis, also assure us that Hitler was right wing.I listed 6 historians on this thread - not one is communist and two are Jewish.

This idea that "I won't read history because it's communist" does not make you look smart, dude. You look like someone who knows what he is posting is horseshit.

Everything with you seems to come down to "I won't read! I won't learn!"

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?
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Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.

It's explained in some detail in the OP, which you obviously did not read.

Read it, give it some thought - THEN come back with questions.
Just in summary here -

The idea that any small group of people want to change the meaning of a word that has stood for 60+ years should disturb all of us. It's Orwellian. It's Groupthink. It should particularly disturb us when that group are not only horribly, woefully misinformed about history, but have no problem lying in order to whitewash their former leaders. Give this another year and posters will be claiming Hitler and Stalin fought on the same side in WWII, that being the obvious end game of their logic.

We saw communists re-write the history of Europe from 1945 to 1989, with devastating effect.

We now see the American extreme right wing re-writing history by shifting Hitler from the right wing to the left wing, in defiance of history, logic and basic common sense.

The voice who should be the loudest in shouting down this rabble are the real conservatives; those that know history and remember how dangerous Revisionism can be.
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Unfortunate that actual historians don't concur with your superficial pop culture historical revisionist view.
But you made that up, so....
Yet you can't cite any real historians who would in any way validate your hair brain theories.
Already did. You're a popcorn fart, nothing more. You offer nothing but insults so that's all you deserve.

Weasel -

Have you considered that in the time you have spent posting nonsense on this thread, you could have gone and read a book and brought yourself up to speed on this topic?

Yes, you'd have found that you were wrong - but you would also have learned the topic.

What would it cost you to read a book and learn?
Or a search online would have revealed the truth that fascism is in no way 'left wing':

'Opposition to political and cultural liberalism
Although circumstances sometimes made accommodation to political liberalism necessary, fascists condemned this doctrine for placing the rights of the individual above the needs of the Volk, encouraging “divisiveness” (i.e., political pluralism), tolerating “decadent” values, and limiting the power of the state.

Fascist propagandists also attacked cultural liberalism, claiming that it encouraged moral relativism, godless materialism, and selfish individualism and thereby undermined traditional morality.'

fascism Opposition to parliamentary democracy -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Consequently, the notion that fascism is 'left wing' is ignorant idiocy, fascists exhibited an intense hatred of liberals, where in fact liberals were among the very first victims of fascist regimes.
#732-Aren't any left, or scared of the loudmouth dingbats...

I think there are a fair few real conservatives on this board, but whether they are on this thread is another question.

Certainly most conservatives understand that Hitler was right wing, although whether they have the patience to deal with the gaggle of extremists we have here is another question.
Hitler's Socialist Deeds

Yes, now flesh out his nationalist deeds just as thoroughly, will you?

You know...that whole Jew thing. That whole hatred of multiculturalism thing. All that usual liberal stuff.

Your belief that nationalism is somehow "right-wing" is utterly absurd. Are we supposed to believe that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt didn't practice nationalism?
And you are aware that Arendt's boyfriend worked for the Nazi Party at the time, right?

So how left wing is she, would you say?
What does that mean? Socialists are big on authority, working for the party doesn't demonstrate anything.
When do you stop gazing into the mirror?

How many of the half dozen authors cited have you read, Weasel?

Because the ones listed are about the most reknowned people working in this field, and any history course on Fascist Politics will include 2 or 3 of them.

Do you really think you can come to understand something as complex as Fascist theory by spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia?

He obviously never read a book in his life. Just goes to show that people can't learn as much from websites as they thought.
I have a college degree and you pooped your pants again.

From John Dean's book, Conservatives Without Conscience.

"Authoritarianism is not well understood and seldom discussed in the context of American government and politics, yet it now constitutes the prevailing thinking and behavior among conservatives."

excerpts from the book Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean

Exactly, they want to cut taxes, shrink the govt, and end Obamacare because they want authoritarian govt!!

See why we have to be 100% certain that liberalism will be based in pure ignorance? Is any other reasonable conclusion possible?

When you attempt to reduce the government's power or its budget you're marching towards dictatorship!
#732-Aren't any left, or scared of the loudmouth dingbats...

I think there are a fair few real conservatives on this board, but whether they are on this thread is another question.

Certainly most conservatives understand that Hitler was right wing, although whether they have the patience to deal with the gaggle of extremists we have here is another question.

Whenever left-wingers presume to determine who is a real conservative they invariably reveal themselves to be fools.
So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?

All you have to do is cite the facts.

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