Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Any "historian" that claims the national socialists weren't socialist is a propagandist. Which is why the left would grovel at their feet. Just like the Nazis.

Now we're back to lying.

I have already told you that German historians from the era, some of whom had close links to the Nazis, also assure us that Hitler was right wing.I listed 6 historians on this thread - not one is communist and two are Jewish.

This idea that "I won't read history because it's communist" does not make you look smart, dude. You look like someone who knows what he is posting is horseshit.

Everything with you seems to come down to "I won't read! I won't learn!"

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?

Can you quote one of these "German historians" who says Hitler was a right-winger?

He didn't say he wouldn't read history. However, intelligent people ignore what historians have to say when it's obviously just partisan babble. Historians all claim FDR was one of the greatest presidents, and everyone with a brain, who actually believes in freedom, knows he was one of the worst.
BriPat -

Yes, absolutely, I'd be happy too. I'm at work now, but will find the names when I get home. Certainly philosopher Martin Heidegger is one you might consider reading.

Rejecting biased history makes sense. Rejecting ALL history, as both you and weasel do, does not. It is nit history that is partisan - it is you that are partisan. It is your bias, your prejudice.

Hence, you both need to set the politics aside, read books based on quality and reputation, and actually learn from it. You will never learn any other way.
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Hitler's Socialist Deeds

Yes, now flesh out his nationalist deeds just as thoroughly, will you?

You know...that whole Jew thing. That whole hatred of multiculturalism thing. All that usual liberal stuff.

Your belief that nationalism is somehow "right-wing" is utterly absurd. Are we supposed to believe that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt didn't practice nationalism?

Churchill et al did not preach ethnic superiority.

Hitler is obviously an extreme example of nationalism, but I would also say that nationalism is an inherent feature of right-wing autocratic regimes.
Hitler's Socialist Deeds

Yes, now flesh out his nationalist deeds just as thoroughly, will you?

You know...that whole Jew thing. That whole hatred of multiculturalism thing. All that usual liberal stuff.

Your belief that nationalism is somehow "right-wing" is utterly absurd. Are we supposed to believe that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt didn't practice nationalism?

Churchill et al did not preach ethnic superiority.

Hitler is obviously an extreme example of nationalism, but I would also say that nationalism is an inherent feature of right-wing autocratic regimes.

Based on what? You can't even tell me what the left-right scale measures, so how do you conclude nationalism has anything to do with it?

Church may not have preached racial superiority, but Woodrow Wilson certainly did. He reinstated segregation in the American armed forces, and FDR continued that tradition. FDR was also a notorious anti-semite. So was Stalin, so your yardstick doesn't seem to measure what you claim.
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Any "historian" that claims the national socialists weren't socialist is a propagandist. Which is why the left would grovel at their feet. Just like the Nazis.

Now we're back to lying.

I have already told you that German historians from the era, some of whom had close links to the Nazis, also assure us that Hitler was right wing.I listed 6 historians on this thread - not one is communist and two are Jewish.

This idea that "I won't read history because it's communist" does not make you look smart, dude. You look like someone who knows what he is posting is horseshit.

Everything with you seems to come down to "I won't read! I won't learn!"

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?

Can you quote one of these "German historians" who says Hitler was a right-winger?

He didn't say he wouldn't read history. However, intelligent people ignore what historians have to say when it's obviously just partisan babble. Historians all claim FDR was one of the greatest presidents, and everyone with a brain, who actually believes in freedom, knows he was one of the worst.
Every single one. Don't try your bs anywhere but Tea Party rallies and on Beck.
Hitler's Socialist Deeds

Yes, now flesh out his nationalist deeds just as thoroughly, will you?

You know...that whole Jew thing. That whole hatred of multiculturalism thing. All that usual liberal stuff.

Your belief that nationalism is somehow "right-wing" is utterly absurd. Are we supposed to believe that Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt didn't practice nationalism?

Churchill et al did not preach ethnic superiority.

Hitler is obviously an extreme example of nationalism, but I would also say that nationalism is an inherent feature of right-wing autocratic regimes.

Right wing autocratic is an oxymoron, from a moron.

Right wing is individual liberty and limited government
kaz said:
Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."
Unfortunate that actual historians don't concur with your superficial pop culture historical revisionist view.

I didn't ask you what "historians" say moron, I asked you.

So you have no idea what the difference between "Fascist" Germany and "Communist" Russia is for yourself that makes
one left and the other right, you just know that liberal academics tell you that. As always, you turned your manhood over to liberalism.

Dude, you are saying they are the complete opposite ends of the spectrum, but you don't know what makes them that? Seriously? Don't even you think you're an idiot right now?
kaz said:
How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.
Neither was socialist, which has to be democratic. One totalitarianism was communist, collective economy, the other fascist, capitalist economy. Duh.

Damn, ignorance in action.

Socialism is central economic planning, it has nothing to do with "democracy." Sweden is socialist and democratic, Russia was socialist and totalitarian, Nazi Germany was socialist and totalitarian. You are socialist and an idiot.

And Nazi Germany was capitalist? The marketplace was free to make it's own choices? In Nazi Germany? That's what you are saying? You are fucking stupid.
It's explained in some detail in the OP, which you obviously did not read.

Read it, give it some thought - THEN come back with questions.

Actually all the OP discussed was the wrapping paper, not actual policy differences. For example, the soviets build their campaign on targeting the middle and upper classes, the Nazis did not, but the reality is they both crushed all the classes. They both were totalitarian States that crushed all opposition and tightly controlled every aspect of the economy, they were socialists, left wing.

As for your tired the right is racist bit, they are no more so than the left. But to your claim that Lenin wasn't a racist, give us some examples of non-whites who rose to power in the Soviet Union.
So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?
You're a complete moron, that much has been made clear. Your bias relies on the assertion that no "actual" historians call national socialism a form of socialism. That's bullshit. Like all liberals, you place a qualifier so only you can decide who the legitimate sources are while ignoring what right wing means in that context.

This thread demonstrates how truly dishonest liberals are. Any objective individual can read the thread and see who the liars are here.
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Weasel -

Have you considered that in the time you have spent posting nonsense on this thread, you could have gone and read a book and brought yourself up to speed on this topic?

Yes, you'd have found that you were wrong - but you would also have learned the topic.

What would it cost you to read a book and learn?
It's been demonstrated that the NAZIs were a socialist regime. Your stupid insults don't make you look smart. You're just another left wing asshole that relies on smears and insults. Just like the NAZIs. You and Adolf Hilter have more in common that you can apparently handle, don't blame me.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” Adolf Hitler - See more at: Nazi Germany quotations

“The Reichswirtschaftsministerium (‘Reich Ministry of Economic Affairs’) tells the shop managers what and how to produce, at what prices and from whom to buy, at what prices and to whom to sell. It assigns every worker to his job and fixes his wages. It decrees to whom and on what terms the capitalists must entrust their funds. Market exchange is merely a sham.” Ludwig von Mises (historian / economist) - See more at: Nazi Germany quotations
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Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises....and other economists of the time all point out that the nazis were socialists.....it took liberal historians to erase the truth...

The funny thing is...even if we subtract all the people murdered by the nazis.....the communist/socialists from china, the soviet union and the other communists around the world....still murdered close to 75 million people around the world, in more countries than the nazis committed their murder in.....

It is funny that they fight so hard to erase the left wing socialist murder of the nazis...yet brain dead lefties still where che t-shirts and praise the soviet union and mao's china....

leftists really have a problem with rational thought.....
Sounds like you put up a website and then this counts as proof and you won't listen to anything else.

Sorry, it is the people who refuse to acknowledge that the nazis were lefty socialists that won't listen to anything else....they go thru tortured definitions to separate the nazis from the other left wing socialists and look like fools as they do it....

boy, the internet sure makes lying harder for the left doesn't it....all of their big lies can now be challenged right away....no wonder that they want to control it....
The funny thing is...even if we subtract all the people murdered by the nazis.....the communist/socialists from china, the soviet union and the other communists around the world....still murdered close to 75 million people around the world, in more countries than the nazis committed their murder in.....

It is funny that they fight so hard to erase the left wing socialist murder of the nazis...yet brain dead lefties still where che t-shirts and praise the soviet union and mao's china....

leftists really have a problem with rational thought.....
Oldest game in the book. Blame your enemies with your shortcomings and hope no one notices.
Sounds like you put up a website and then this counts as proof and you won't listen to anything else.
All I've seen as a response is that "actual" historians don't agree, go read a book, you never read a book, I'm unintelligent, I haven't posted anything of substance and now I made the web sites.
Any "historian" that claims the national socialists weren't socialist is a propagandist. Which is why the left would grovel at their feet. Just like the Nazis.

Now we're back to lying.

I have already told you that German historians from the era, some of whom had close links to the Nazis, also assure us that Hitler was right wing.I listed 6 historians on this thread - not one is communist and two are Jewish.

This idea that "I won't read history because it's communist" does not make you look smart, dude. You look like someone who knows what he is posting is horseshit.

Everything with you seems to come down to "I won't read! I won't learn!"

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?

Can you quote one of these "German historians" who says Hitler was a right-winger?

He didn't say he wouldn't read history. However, intelligent people ignore what historians have to say when it's obviously just partisan babble. Historians all claim FDR was one of the greatest presidents, and everyone with a brain, who actually believes in freedom, knows he was one of the worst.
Every single one. Don't try your bs anywhere but Tea Party rallies and on Beck.

No, not every single one. Even if it was every single want, that would just be an appeal to authority.
So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?
You're a complete moron, that much has been made clear. Your bias relies on the assertion that no "actual" historians call national socialism a form of socialism. That's bullshit. Like all liberals, you place a qualifier so only you can decide who the legitimate sources are while ignoring what right wing means in that context.

This thread demonstrates how truly dishonest liberals are. Any objective individual can read the thread and see who the liars are here.

Historians aren't economists, so how are the qualified to determine whether Nazi Germany was socialist or not? According to their own logic, that shoots down the claims of the historians.
Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Here is Orwell on the topic in 1940

Orwell in a Mein Kampf review talking about an english edition "edited from a pro-Hitler angle". "For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had crushed the German labour movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism."

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