Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Holy shit these people are stupid. When will the dummies substantiate their alleged argument?

I think it reaches a point where posters have spent days debating this, realise that they are wrong, and figure they better bluff it out.

They will also repeat the same lies next week, I suspect.

This is what happens when people put partisan loyalty ahead of truth.
Holy shit these people are stupid. When will the dummies substantiate their alleged argument?

I think it reaches a point where posters have spent days debating this, realise that they are wrong, and figure they better bluff it out.

They will also repeat the same lies next week, I suspect.

This is what happens when people put partisan loyalty ahead of truth.
That's exactly what you did all throughout your failed effort here. You haven't posted a single piece of evidence where ANY historian made the claim that national socialism in NAZI Germany wasn't a form of socialism. I, on the other hand, posted sources that show how it was.

Only a retard would try to claim the workers socialist party adopted nationalism and therefore was no longer socialist. You are too stupid to realize how outlandish that is. Your propaganda won't work here.
Holy shit these people are stupid. When will the dummies substantiate their alleged argument?

I think it reaches a point where posters have spent days debating this, realise that they are wrong, and figure they better bluff it out.

They will also repeat the same lies next week, I suspect.

This is what happens when people put partisan loyalty ahead of truth.
That's exactly what you did all throughout your failed effort here. You haven't posted a single piece of evidence where ANY historian made the claim that national socialism in NAZI Germany wasn't a form of socialism. I, on the other hand, posted sources that show how it was.

Only a retard would try to claim the workers socialist party adopted nationalism and therefore was no longer socialist. You are too stupid to realize how outlandish that is. Your propaganda won't work here.

Hey stupid....you're the one trying to overturn universally accepted history. The burden of proof is entirely on you.....obviously.
Weasel -

For the third time - answer the questions.

Your dodging on this thread has started to get more than a little childish.
You haven't posted a single piece of evidence where ANY historian made the claim that national socialism in NAZI Germany wasn't a form of socialism

And it's back to lying.

By my count there are about 20 links, book citations and historians named in this thread. I named 4 historians about 10 minutes ago, and another two Nazi Party members. All were right-wing Germans.
You haven't posted a single piece of evidence where ANY historian made the claim that national socialism in NAZI Germany wasn't a form of socialism

And it's back to lying.

By my count there are about 20 links, book citations and historians named in this thread. I named 4 historians about 10 minutes ago, and another two Nazi Party members. All were right-wing Germans.

It's amazing that these idiots could carry a thread this far with nothing but lies and denials.
You dummies really are just about as stupid as you can possibly be.

Right wing Define Right wing at Dictionary.com

Wow, you finally didn't just call us stupid, you provided a link this time. LOL. You're not just discombobulated, you're dismanhooded.

At least I'm smart enough to know better than to make up my own definitions.

No, you link to someone not smart enough to make up their own definitions but does it anyway.

So what about answering the question, Skippy. How was fascist Germany materially different from Communist Russia?

Soviet Communist were left wing and Nazi Germany was right wing......as everyone obviously already knows. Well.....almost everyone.

Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

You really are an ignorant partisan, the truth of the conclusion is assumed by the premises, is the fallacy of begging the question.

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.

Not so. The commonality is both were forms of rule by terror, not the rule of law, and each were ruled by single personality.

"Many conservatives accuse Hitler of being a leftist, on the grounds that his party was named "National Socialist." But socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state.

"True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship -- it can only be democratic.

"Hitler's other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist."

Kaz really is an ignorant, the truth of the conclusion is assumed by the premises, is the fallacy of begging the question.

Link: Myth Hitler was a leftist
So to summarize this thread: Fascist and Nazis have never been characterized as anything but right wing reactionaries by actual scholars of history. All the dummies who attempted to make arguments to the contrary have failed completely to substantiate any part of their alleged arguments.
Begs the question: How stupid do you have to be to argue points of history without being able to cite any historians who concur with your view?
You're a complete moron, that much has been made clear. Your bias relies on the assertion that no "actual" historians call national socialism a form of socialism. That's bullshit. Like all liberals, you place a qualifier so only you can decide who the legitimate sources are while ignoring what right wing means in that context.

This thread demonstrates how truly dishonest liberals are. Any objective individual can read the thread and see who the liars are here.

Feel free to quote some actual historians who can validate your half wit view. Oh wait a minute that's right....you never read any.
We go now to Arizona, where some left wingers are at the border:

Give the Mexicans amnesty, damn it!
Feel free to quote some actual historians who can validate your half wit view. Oh wait a minute that's right....you never read any.
You forgot to back up your statement that it wasn't socialist. I don't think there is a historian that says it wasn't. You guys aren't very good at this, time to back up your assertions. There's just popcorn farts otherwise.
Feel free to quote some actual historians who can validate your half wit view. Oh wait a minute that's right....you never read any.
You forgot to back up your statement that it wasn't socialist. I don't think there is a historian that says it wasn't. You guys aren't very good at this, time to back up your assertions. There's just popcorn farts otherwise.

Again dummy, the burden of proof to overturn history is entirely on you. Let's see it. You can't produce it because it comes from Jonah Goldberg....and he's nothing like a historian.
Weasel -

For the 4th time - STOP DODGING. Answer the questions or concede the point.

Jesus man - the lying, the tantrums, the running away.....how old are you, actually?
Left wingers begin streaming into Ferguson, Missouri.

Side note: "88" is White Nationalist code for the eighth letter of the alphabet repeated twice. HH. Heil Hilter.

Yes, they really are that juvenile.


Everyone who is here to protest the shooting of Michael Brown line up to my left!
I don't think there is a historian that says it wasn't.

So far on this thread I have named around 20.

You have yet to look at a single one of the references.

Do you want to see the names again?

I'm happy to post them, but the deal is that if I do - you accept that Hitler is right wing, and actually post that in writing, ok? So you won't be in a hurry to lie again.
Nazis support all the usual left wing causes. Affirmative action. Amnesty for illegals. A weak national defense. Gay rights.

They particularly love the Jewish-run ACLU. After all, the ACLU won the Skokie case for them.
Hey stupid....you're the one trying to overturn universally accepted history. The burden of proof is entirely on you.....obviously.
Hey stupid, show me where they say it wasn't socialism. YOU made the claim without evidence. I backed up mine.

"Hitler's other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist."
More obvious left wingers out to support Obama's policies, no doubt. Notice the "88" in their web address. :laugh2:


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