Hitler's religiony


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

I've decided to dedicate an entire thread on the subject since I often hear people around here glibly say that Hitler was a Christian.

Who is in? We can start with the Wiki link above.

As near as I can tell, Hitler:

1. Thought that Jesus was fathered by an Arian Roman soldier, thus making him a non-Jew.
2. Thought that Jesus came to earth to fight the Jewish vermin. His favorite verse in the NT was Jesus driving out the Jewish money changers in the temple.
3. Did not believe in the after life, but somehow thought he might live eternally based upon his accomplishments.
4. Persecuted the church and planned to ultimately destroy it and replace it with "positive Christianity". However, publically he defended Christianity at every turn while privately lambasting it.
5. Thought that science and rational thinking would someday absolve all religion.
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Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.
It would appear that Darwin inspired Hitler more than Christianity.

Laurence Rees noted that "emphasis on Christianity" was absent from the vision expressed by Hitler in Mein Kampf,in which the universe is ordered around principles of struggle between weak and strong, rather than on conventional Christian notions.[263] Rees argues that Hitler's "bleak and violent vision" and visceral hatred of the Jews had been influenced by quite different sources: the notion of life as struggle he drew from Social Darwinism, the notion of the superiority of the "Aryan race" he drew from Arthur de Gobineau's The Inequality of the Human Races; from events following Russia's surrender in World War One when Germany seized agricultural lands in the East he formed the idea of colonising the Soviet Union; and from Alfred Rosenberg he took the idea of a link between Judaism and Bolshevism.[264] Hitler espoused a ruthless policy of "negative eugenic selection", believing that world history consisted of a struggle for survival between races, in which the Jews plotted to undermine the Germans, and inferior groups like Slavs and defective individuals in the German gene pool, threatened the Aryan "master race". Richard J. Evans wrote that his views on these subjects have often been called "social Darwinist", but that there is little agreement among historians as to what the term may mean, or how it transformed from its 19th-century scientific origins, to become a central component of a genocidal political ideology in the 20th century.[265]
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....

A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming. He would not be a Catholic then, would he. No, the Catholic church was just trying to save their own skin cuz they knew Hitler would wipe them out if they did.

Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Here is what Darwin once wrote in the Decent of Man.

We civilised men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilised societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man itself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.

The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy, even at the urging of hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest part of our nature. The surgeon may harden himself whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is acting for the good of his patient; but if we were intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could only be for a contingent benefit, with an overwhelming present evil.

It is interesting that Darwin saw helping the "weak" as harming the gene pool and ultimately human race in general, yet he seems to champion sympathy as the reason for helping the weak instead of getting rid of them by saying it was the noblest part of human culture. Hitler obviously saw no scientific reason for sympathy for the weak. Instead, he wanted to treat human being like animals. Only the strong would survive and breed.

Richard J. Evans wrote that "Hitler emphasised again and again his belief that Nazism was a secular ideology founded on modern science. Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition [-] 'In the long run', [Hitler] concluded, 'National Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together'".[13]
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?
So silly...why even quote such things? You degrade your arguments.
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?
So silly...why even quote such things? You degrade your arguments.

Admit it, you only love Hitler for his legs.

A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?
So silly...why even quote such things? You degrade your arguments.

Admit it, you only love Hitler for his legs.

Well...they are rather nice.....oops NEIN NEIN!!
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?

I have no indication that Hitler was 'practicing' or 'devout' or any such degree in his Catholicism.

--- But that's a question of degree, and that's not what you asked.

I suspect Hitler simply used whatever religious terminology and icons in his writings and speeches, that would serve his political purposes at the time. Much the same as wags on this board try to point to the same invocations of deity in this country's founders as if evidence that "we are a Christianist nation".

In both cases --- bullshit.
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....

Catholicism is a cult. It is simply a mixture of paganism and some Biblical references thrown in to appeal to the dumbed down masses. I guess this is yet another topic that I can add to the list concerning things that you don't know diddly squat about. Here's some homework for you to do......research the Reformation of Martin Luther, the Council of Trent, the Counter Reformation and the Jesuit order and the inquisitions that took place that killed close to 60 million "heretics" in Europe up until the suppression of the Jesuit order in 1773 and then get back to me. Did you know that Hitler's S.S was fashioned after the Jesuits? Did you know that under "Operation Paperclip" that the Vatican ratlines were used to "whitewash" the backgrounds of the most evil Nazis so that they could come over to America where they were given cushy jobs after the OSS was changed into the CIA????? Get busy, little fella, you have some reading to do........feel free to ask for guidance. It's what I do.
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....

Catholicism is a cult. It is simply a mixture of paganism and some Biblical references thrown in to appeal to the dumbed down masses. I guess this is yet another topic that I can add to the list concerning things that you don't know diddly squat about. Here's some homework for you to do......research the Reformation of Martin Luther, the Council of Trent, the Counter Reformation and the Jesuit order and the inquisitions that took place that killed close to 60 million "heretics" in Europe up until the suppression of the Jesuit order in 1773 and then get back to me. Did you know that Hitler's S.S was fashioned after the Jesuits? Did you know that under "Operation Paperclip" that the Vatican ratlines were used to "whitewash" the backgrounds of the most evil Nazis so that they could come over to America where they were given cushy jobs after the OSS was changed into the CIA????? Get busy, little fella, you have some reading to do........feel free to ask for guidance. It's what I do.


I grew up Catholic, kkklown. I knew waaay more than diddly about it waaaaaay before you were born.
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....

Catholicism is a cult. It is simply a mixture of paganism and some Biblical references thrown in to appeal to the dumbed down masses. I guess this is yet another topic that I can add to the list concerning things that you don't know diddly squat about. Here's some homework for you to do......research the Reformation of Martin Luther, the Council of Trent, the Counter Reformation and the Jesuit order and the inquisitions that took place that killed close to 60 million "heretics" in Europe up until the suppression of the Jesuit order in 1773 and then get back to me. Did you know that Hitler's S.S was fashioned after the Jesuits? Did you know that under "Operation Paperclip" that the Vatican ratlines were used to "whitewash" the backgrounds of the most evil Nazis so that they could come over to America where they were given cushy jobs after the OSS was changed into the CIA????? Get busy, little fella, you have some reading to do........feel free to ask for guidance. It's what I do.


I grew up Catholic, kkklown. I knew waaay more than diddly about it waaaaaay before you were born.

Really? You believe that the pope is the "vicar" of Christ and is infallible? And that one must confess one's sins to a priest in order to be forgiven? And that "Purgatory" is Biblical and that by paying a certain fee to the church that an unsaved loved one can gain entry into heaven? That one can pay a penance via a donation to the church for indulgences i.e "sins one wishes to commit but wants (snicker) "forgiveness" in advance? You know about the Counter-Reformation and Ignatius of Loyola 's military Jesuit order and the reign of terror that they still bring upon nations even unto this day? And you call it a "christian" religion? Methinks that your definition of Christianity and mine differ greatly......I blame it on your catholic upbringing. (snicker)
I have the answer------A fact not well known ---is---A WHOLE LOT OF PSYCHIATRISTS from the classic schools of psychiatry (which means
Austria, Germany, and France) got together to DIAGNOSE ADOLF----
and INDEED THEY DID-------they analyzed and PONDERED and came up
with the DIAGNOSIS. Adolf was not nuts (ie not psychotic) ----nope----he
was not afflicted with dementia (diminished intellect) What adolf had-----was
a SERIOUS PERSONALITY DISORDER -----ie in common parlance----he was a
Adolf Hitler was a disaffected Catholic who tried to invent a Gothic pantheon to replace Catholicism.

He did not get far.

Nobody explained to him that it was unwise to stab Stalin his buddy in the back.

This led to his early suicide and the demise of his Gothic mythology.

A bit rambly but biplane is correct; Hitler was a Catholic. And Catholics are by definition Christians.

End of thread, mystery solved, except we never did get to find out wtf "religiony" might be.
Fade to black....

Catholicism is a cult. It is simply a mixture of paganism and some Biblical references thrown in to appeal to the dumbed down masses. I guess this is yet another topic that I can add to the list concerning things that you don't know diddly squat about. Here's some homework for you to do......research the Reformation of Martin Luther, the Council of Trent, the Counter Reformation and the Jesuit order and the inquisitions that took place that killed close to 60 million "heretics" in Europe up until the suppression of the Jesuit order in 1773 and then get back to me. Did you know that Hitler's S.S was fashioned after the Jesuits? Did you know that under "Operation Paperclip" that the Vatican ratlines were used to "whitewash" the backgrounds of the most evil Nazis so that they could come over to America where they were given cushy jobs after the OSS was changed into the CIA????? Get busy, little fella, you have some reading to do........feel free to ask for guidance. It's what I do.


I grew up Catholic, kkklown. I knew waaay more than diddly about it waaaaaay before you were born.

Really? You believe that the pope is the "vicar" of Christ and is infallible? And that one must confess one's sins to a priest in order to be forgiven? And that "Purgatory" is Biblical and that by paying a certain fee to the church that an unsaved loved one can gain entry into heaven? That one can pay a penance via a donation to the church for indulgences i.e "sins one wishes to commit but wants (snicker) "forgiveness" in advance? You know about the Counter-Reformation and Ignatius of Loyola 's military Jesuit order and the reign of terror that they still bring upon nations even unto this day? And you call it a "christian" religion? Methinks that your definition of Christianity and mine differ greatly......I blame it on your catholic upbringing. (snicker)

I'd say a cult is any organization or leader who has his followers focus on the leader or organization more than God.

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