Holocaust education planned after WV jail guard Nazi salute

My pop, who was in Patton's army & liberated concentration camps could tell them a story or two...
So? No offense intended- again, what makes jews so special? What about the Armenian genocide? Or the native American genocide? Do they not count? I'm sick to death of the whining of jews and no recognition of others!
What a stupid thing to say. The native American genocide took place in the context of settling the nation, and while it is inexcusable, it was an accumulation of events that were essentially little wars over land. As depraved as many of the actions committed in these little wars were, one can see a rational motive behind it.

The Armenian genocide took place in the context of a war between the Turks and Kurds on one side and the Armenians on the other, and while it was inexcusable it was about land occupied and by Armenians and desired by the Turks, so as depraved as the actions were, it had a rational motivation.

The Holocaust, on the other hand, had no rational motivation. It was an act of pure hate, pure depravity, from which Germany could hope to realize no gain, and the fact that it was committed by one of the most advanced, most civilized nations on Earth, makes it even more alarming. Germany set its engineers and scientists to work on how to most efficiently kill as many Jews as possible for not purpose that could bring any gain to Germany or the German people. Moreover, while it was the Germans who committed these acts, it was in a larger sense a full expression of a core value of European culture that had existed ever since the first Crusades when European were unable to tell the difference between Muslims and Jews in the ME.

So the Holocaust was one of the most depraved acts in modern history and it was committed by some of the most advanced and civilized people on Earth for no rational purpose, so if you have the courage to look at it for what it was, what does that tell us about ourselves and what sorts of depravity we are capable of?

Nazi Germany is just another example of Multiculturalism failing.

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