Holy crap - this has to stop!

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No shit he is a blow hard Carnival Barker by Trade

GOP Lawmaker Says Trump Lacks ‘Language Discipline’
Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) said that President Trump might lack the “language discipline” to avoid giving the appearance of interfering in an investigation, CNN reports.

You're right, your "Great (HA!!) Leader" hitlery got her fat ass electorally kicked and once Ice agents clean up the south west the democrooks may as well merge with the CPUSA. They might get more bang for their buck. hitlery lost $1B in a campaign against a fuckin clown.

The best part is he is actually getting shit done while moonbats are still foaming at the mouth about russia.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
Because it is true. Lefties are intolerant immature hate mongers. Who do you think you're fooling?
As reported endlessly on Fox and Rush etc etc, hater dupe. And Lock her UP, Soros is a Nazi financing violence and a pile of other hateful crap...Look up brainwashed, RWNJ. All investigated multiple times and NOTHING, stupid.

Same OLD shit by liberal pseudocommunist trash, labels, lies and "PUT OUR CRIMES ON THEM" we have no responsibility for OUR actions. You liberal shitpiles have gotten away with murder for years, it is going to come back to you soon in triplicate, and all your little BS acting like you don't worship the sob that shot up the ball field isn't even passingly fooling anyone. If you shitpiles were serious you would be asking for the special council to recuse himself because he is in total violation of the legal requirements of the job. His suggestions will be of NO value whatsoever even if they are that TRUMP has committed no crime. He is far outside the legal requirements and dims know it yet they embrace ANY chance to do damage of ANY KIND Murder, theft, dishonor, assault, intimidation, lies, ON AND ON. until there is an equal response by conservatives, the violent behavior, the incitement, the lack of responsible redress, and the complete disregard for others rights REMAINS a liberal dimshit thing, proved by the ABOVE THE LAW actions of their ruling class liberal shit. Even with the biased news media talking shit and spewing vomitus propaganda, their reports of riots and murders, and violent behavior have been the actions of LIBERAL dimshits and their pet genres of vermin. Truth coming out soon when the REAL investigation gets going into the oshit team. ALL they want is to stop it before the REAL truth comes out and they do not mind killing as many people as they have to so they can keep it in the bag. Anyone who supports the left IS complicit in every action they take. The conservatives are NOT any of the labels shit leftist paste on them daily, just as they are not involved in ANY type of violence YET, BUT I like many am getting fed up with being assaulted daily by leftist lying shit, and the trigger is just ONE vile action away. THE LEFT is THE PROBLEM, and THEY are the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Have a nice day HAHAHAHAA.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
This shooting highlights the need for some against Trump to think twice before expressing their level disappointment. High profile people on left should have been speaking out against any violence long before this happened.
This guy lost it. Dems always do say NO VIOLENCE- Trump eggs his supporters on. There has been a big surge in violence against Jews, blacks, gays- NOT against RWers or by Dems. That's propaganda videos repeated endlessly on Fox etc, not facts. And those are a tiny number of anarchists and gangsta wannabees, not Dems like Rush and Sean go on about endlessly.
Fret not ----fellows in cyberspace--------chalk it up to SPRING FEVER----that vaguely unsettling
feeling that SOMTHIN' GOTTA GIVE....... ------it will pass

I used to always think that. This is different somehow. It's been going for a mighty long time now.

I'm thinking not more than 7 years. :rolleyes: Did someone succeed when they sowed the seeds of division?

you forgot the 5 solid years he was accused of not even being an american. but a muslim born in kenya.

gee whiz.... who started that complete line of bullshit & only ended it so he could have a 30 minute infomercial spotlighting his newest hotel?

Now, let's call attention to this poster's sig line. The same language was being used by the attacker on his facebook feed. Am I saying this poster will go out and target some conservatives? No, but from where I'm sitting, he's beginning down the same path.

"Impeach Putin's Treasonous Bitch"

For me that's a red flag.

let's start from the beginning m'k, little ignorant one.

1) i am not a 'he'. a simple little inquiry would have enlightened you.

apparently you like to stay in the dark. & i am sure your head - being up your ass- is in a very dark place.


2) 'IMPEACH' is a legal term. something written in the constitution for such an occasion like present day... because we are still a nation of LAWS. NOT MEN.

however, me thinx that donnie tic-tacs will resign .... because settling is what he always ends up doing. & he won't wanna serve time like he so richly deserves.

3) shove your silly accusation where your head has proven to be. :fu:
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No shit he is a blow hard Carnival Barker by Trade

GOP Lawmaker Says Trump Lacks ‘Language Discipline’
Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) said that President Trump might lack the “language discipline” to avoid giving the appearance of interfering in an investigation, CNN reports.

You're right, your "Great (HA!!) Leader" hitlery got her fat ass electorally kicked and once Ice agents clean up the south west the democrooks may as well merge with the CPUSA. They might get more bang for their buck. hitlery lost $1B in a campaign against a fuckin clown.

The best part is he is actually getting shit done while moonbats are still foaming at the mouth about russia.
View attachment 133325
Getting WHAT done, dupe? lol. Half the GOP won't go for his bs propaganda based BS...He's got to leave Alex Jones and Bannon BS behind- and the dupes', or he will continue to fail miserably...
you forgot the 5 solid years he was accused of not even being an american. but a muslim born in kenya.

gee whiz.... who started that complete line of bullshit & only ended it so he could have a 30 minute infomercial spotlighting his newest hotel?

Now, let call attention to this poster's sig line. The same language was being used by the attacker on his facebook feed. Am I saying this poster will go out and target some conservatives? No, but from where I'm sitting, he's beginning down the same path.

"Impeach Putin's Treasonous Bitch"

For me that's a red flag.

Uhhh.... impeachment is legal. Firearm assault is not.

Paying attention to the mental state is important, too. Or are we just going to ignore the proclivities of the person who tried to assassinate members of congress today? Hodgkinson was using some of the same language on his Facebook feed.

Impeach, Destroy, Terminate, Treason... the language is key. It is a window into the mind of the person in question.

"Impeach" is in no way synonymous with "destroy". It's a remedy spelled out in the Constitution.

If a person feels the President (any President) should be impeached ---- why should they be suppressed from saying so? Or put on some suspicion list? "Impeach" is not an act of violence. Never has been, never will be.

So I guess all of these folks are all guilty of wanting to destroy the government?

View attachment 133184 View attachment 133185 View attachment 133186 View attachment 133187

no. however- trump- if proven to have his own little CONnection to the russians will be impeached. looky how quick it's going down & obama, for 8 years never even had a fear of it.
.................................he will continue to fail miserably...
CEOs to Trump: You're failing

President Trump loved to brag during the campaign about his business skills. Now that he's in charge, business leaders seem alarmed by Trump's political skills.
A stunning 50% of the CEOs, business execs, government officials and academics surveyed at the annual Yale CEO Summit give Trump an "F" for his first 130 days in office.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
This shooting highlights the need for some against Trump to think twice before expressing their level disappointment. High profile people on left should have been speaking out against any violence long before this happened.
This guy lost it. Dems always do say NO VIOLENCE- Trump eggs his supporters on. There has been a big surge in violence against Jews, blacks, gays- NOT against RWers or by Dems. That's propaganda videos repeated endlessly on Fox etc, not facts. And those are a tiny number of anarchists and gangsta wannabees, not Dems like Rush and Sean go on about endlessly.
I don't see any RW'ers out starting fights at pro-Trump rallies and stabbing horses. Do you?
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
Because it is true. Lefties are intolerant immature hate mongers. Who do you think you're fooling?
As reported endlessly on Fox and Rush etc etc, hater dupe. And Lock her UP, Soros is a Nazi financing violence and a pile of other hateful crap...Look up brainwashed, RWNJ. All investigated multiple times and NOTHING, stupid.

Same OLD shit by liberal pseudocommunist trash, labels, lies and "PUT OUR CRIMES ON THEM" we have no responsibility for OUR actions. You liberal shitpiles have gotten away with murder for years, it is going to come back to you soon in triplicate, and all your little BS acting like you don't worship the sob that shot up the ball field isn't even passingly fooling anyone. If you shitpiles were serious you would be asking for the special council to recuse himself because he is in total violation of the legal requirements of the job. His suggestions will be of NO value whatsoever even if they are that TRUMP has committed no crime. He is far outside the legal requirements and dims know it yet they embrace ANY chance to do damage of ANY KIND Murder, theft, dishonor, assault, intimidation, lies, ON AND ON. until there is an equal response by conservatives, the violent behavior, the incitement, the lack of responsible redress, and the complete disregard for others rights REMAINS a liberal dimshit thing, proved by the ABOVE THE LAW actions of their ruling class liberal shit. Even with the biased news media talking shit and spewing vomitus propaganda, their reports of riots and murders, and violent behavior have been the actions of LIBERAL dimshits and their pet genres of vermin. Truth coming out soon when the REAL investigation gets going into the oshit team. ALL they want is to stop it before the REAL truth comes out and they do not mind killing as many people as they have to so they can keep it in the bag. Anyone who supports the left IS complicit in every action they take. The conservatives are NOT any of the labels shit leftist paste on them daily, just as they are not involved in ANY type of violence YET, BUT I like many am getting fed up with being assaulted daily by leftist lying shit, and the trigger is just ONE vile action away. THE LEFT is THE PROBLEM, and THEY are the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Have a nice day HAHAHAHAA.
One nut vs hundreds of violent attacks on jews, blacks, and gays by RWNJs like you. Try and remain calm, hater dupe. Amost all the fake news and BS is RW. See lock her up, Obama had total control for 2 years and did this, Dems caused the meltdown. Total hate and bs...dupe. Get some fresh air and watch PBS news hour.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
Because it is true. Lefties are intolerant immature hate mongers. Who do you think you're fooling?
As reported endlessly on Fox and Rush etc etc, hater dupe. And Lock her UP, Soros is a Nazi financing violence and a pile of other hateful crap...Look up brainwashed, RWNJ. All investigated multiple times and NOTHING, stupid.

Same OLD shit by liberal pseudocommunist trash, labels, lies and "PUT OUR CRIMES ON THEM" we have no responsibility for OUR actions. You liberal shitpiles have gotten away with murder for years, it is going to come back to you soon in triplicate, and all your little BS acting like you don't worship the sob that shot up the ball field isn't even passingly fooling anyone. If you shitpiles were serious you would be asking for the special council to recuse himself because he is in total violation of the legal requirements of the job. His suggestions will be of NO value whatsoever even if they are that TRUMP has committed no crime. He is far outside the legal requirements and dims know it yet they embrace ANY chance to do damage of ANY KIND Murder, theft, dishonor, assault, intimidation, lies, ON AND ON. until there is an equal response by conservatives, the violent behavior, the incitement, the lack of responsible redress, and the complete disregard for others rights REMAINS a liberal dimshit thing, proved by the ABOVE THE LAW actions of their ruling class liberal shit. Even with the biased news media talking shit and spewing vomitus propaganda, their reports of riots and murders, and violent behavior have been the actions of LIBERAL dimshits and their pet genres of vermin. Truth coming out soon when the REAL investigation gets going into the oshit team. ALL they want is to stop it before the REAL truth comes out and they do not mind killing as many people as they have to so they can keep it in the bag. Anyone who supports the left IS complicit in every action they take. The conservatives are NOT any of the labels shit leftist paste on them daily, just as they are not involved in ANY type of violence YET, BUT I like many am getting fed up with being assaulted daily by leftist lying shit, and the trigger is just ONE vile action away. THE LEFT is THE PROBLEM, and THEY are the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Have a nice day HAHAHAHAA.

We will use you as our model of restraint, maturity, and sanity.....
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

uh-huh. trump rallies were nothing but giant love fests, right? & i am positive you were incredulous & outraged at the portland alt right white supremacist who stabbed to death innocent men defending innocent muslim women on that train right?
...another Bernie Bro, not a alt-right, whatever that is. Yes, Trump rallies were a love fest, a few maggots tried to spoil it and lost though.

uh-huh. trump has had his share of white suprememies show up at his rallies from the start. no worries though. he's a goner.

i can't wait.

Don't hold your breath, sweetie.

heheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... you poor poor dupe. though i still like ya despite your shortcomings.
Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.

The only real communists I know are an autonomous religious group and don't deal in politics at all.

Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary [sic] I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met. Which kind of stands to reason -- why wouldn't they be, in a shared community where no one ever confronts a challenge alone and the concept of personal material [sic] competition does not exist.

Ah, in Fantasyland! :lol:
Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.

The only real communists I know are an autonomous religious group and don't deal in politics at all.

Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary [sic] I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met. Which kind of stands to reason -- why wouldn't they be, in a shared community where no one ever confronts a challenge alone and the concept of personal material [sic] competition does not exist.

Ah, in Fantasyland! :lol:

Nnnnnope. Actually in the Dakotas, Montana and the Canadian prairie provinces.
Remember the good old days when the Republicans would threaten to use a Second Amendment solution on Government workers .....they have only temporarily backed off of that in order to whine about Democrats being too rugged ...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
Because it is true. Lefties are intolerant immature hate mongers. Who do you think you're fooling?
As reported endlessly on Fox and Rush etc etc, hater dupe. And Lock her UP, Soros is a Nazi financing violence and a pile of other hateful crap...Look up brainwashed, RWNJ. All investigated multiple times and NOTHING, stupid.

Same OLD shit by liberal pseudocommunist trash, labels, lies and "PUT OUR CRIMES ON THEM" we have no responsibility for OUR actions. You liberal shitpiles have gotten away with murder for years, it is going to come back to you soon in triplicate, and all your little BS acting like you don't worship the sob that shot up the ball field isn't even passingly fooling anyone. If you shitpiles were serious you would be asking for the special council to recuse himself because he is in total violation of the legal requirements of the job. His suggestions will be of NO value whatsoever even if they are that TRUMP has committed no crime. He is far outside the legal requirements and dims know it yet they embrace ANY chance to do damage of ANY KIND Murder, theft, dishonor, assault, intimidation, lies, ON AND ON. until there is an equal response by conservatives, the violent behavior, the incitement, the lack of responsible redress, and the complete disregard for others rights REMAINS a liberal dimshit thing, proved by the ABOVE THE LAW actions of their ruling class liberal shit. Even with the biased news media talking shit and spewing vomitus propaganda, their reports of riots and murders, and violent behavior have been the actions of LIBERAL dimshits and their pet genres of vermin. Truth coming out soon when the REAL investigation gets going into the oshit team. ALL they want is to stop it before the REAL truth comes out and they do not mind killing as many people as they have to so they can keep it in the bag. Anyone who supports the left IS complicit in every action they take. The conservatives are NOT any of the labels shit leftist paste on them daily, just as they are not involved in ANY type of violence YET, BUT I like many am getting fed up with being assaulted daily by leftist lying shit, and the trigger is just ONE vile action away. THE LEFT is THE PROBLEM, and THEY are the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Have a nice day HAHAHAHAA.

We will use you as our model of restraint, maturity, and sanity.....

Since you aren't intelligent enough to figure it out, here, I fixed it for you. Broke it up because you can't figure it out on your own.

It's actually better written than the garbage you spout, he just isn't using paragraph breaks or a lot of punctuation, probably because he's using a device that makes it cumbersome:

Same OLD shit by liberal pseudocommunists. Trash, labels, lies and "PUT OUR CRIMES ON THEM, we have no responsibility for OUR actions". You liberal shitpiles have gotten away with murder for years, it is going to come back to you soon in triplicate, and all your little BS acting, like you don't worship the sob that shot up the ball field, isn't fooling anyone.

If you shitpiles were serious you would be asking for the special council to recuse himself because he is in total violation of the legal requirements of the job. His suggestions will be of NO value whatsoever even if they are that TRUMP has committed no crime. He is far outside the legal requirements and dims know it yet they embrace ANY chance to do damage of ANY KIND Murder, theft, dishonor, assault, intimidation, lies, ON AND ON.

Until there is an equal response by conservatives, the violent behavior, the incitement, the lack of responsible redress, and the complete disregard for others rights REMAINS a liberal dimshit thing, proved by the ABOVE THE LAW actions of their ruling class liberal shit. Even with the biased news media talking shit and spewing vomitus propaganda, their reports of riots and murders, and violent behavior have been the actions of LIBERAL dimshits and their pet genres of vermin.

Truth will come out soon when the REAL investigation gets going into the oshit team. ALL they want is to stop it before the REAL truth comes out and they do not mind killing as many people as they have to so they can keep it in the bag. Anyone who supports the left IS complicit in every action they take. The conservatives are NOT any of the labels shit leftist paste on them daily, just as they are not involved in ANY type of violence YET....BUT I (like many) am fed up with being assaulted daily by leftist lying shits... and the trigger is always just ONE vile action away. THE LEFT is THE PROBLEM, and THEY are the ONLY PEOPLE WHO CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Have a nice day HAHAHAHAA.
Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.

The only real communists I know are an autonomous religious group and don't deal in politics at all.

Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary [sic] I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met. Which kind of stands to reason -- why wouldn't they be, in a shared community where no one ever confronts a challenge alone and the concept of personal material [sic] competition does not exist.

Ah, in Fantasyland! :lol:

Nnnnnope. Actually in the Dakotas, Montana and the Canadian prairie provinces.
"If ballots don't work --- bullets will"
When conservative Florida radio host Joyce Kaufman went to a Tea Party rally on July 4, she got so fired-up that she was moved to make a fairly incendiary statement: “If ballots don’t work, bullets will.”

Another false equivalency.

The implication is that if mob violence and voter fraud subvert and pervert the election process in this country, that is when there is revolution. Which is perfectly reasonable, and in line with the constitution and the way our democracy is meant to function.

Another uncomfortable truth that the left doesn't like. So they pretend it's "hate speech" or "unhinged rhetoric"..which is what they call most of the constitution. It's why the corrupt judges won't allow anybody to reference or carry a constitution into their courtrooms.
Another false equivalency.

The implication is that if mob violence and voter fraud subvert and pervert the election process in this country, that is when there is revolution. Which is perfectly reasonable, and in line with the constitution and the way our democracy is meant to function.

Another uncomfortable truth that the left doesn't like. So they pretend it's "hate speech" or "unhinged rhetoric"..which is what they call most of the constitution. It's why the corrupt judges won't allow anybody to reference or carry a constitution into their courtrooms.

Tennessee man sentenced over plot to attack Muslim community
Source: Reuters

A former Congressional candidate from Tennessee
has been sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison for plotting to burn down a mosque, a school and a cafeteria in upstate New York, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Thursday.

Robert Doggart, 65, was sentenced on Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Chattanooga, where he was convicted in February of trying to recruit people to commit arson and violate civil rights.

Doggart was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in April 2015 after saying in wiretapped telephone calls that he planned to recruit a militia and travel to Islamberg, a rural town that is home to a small Muslim community in Hancock, New York, about 130 miles (209 km) northwest of New York City.

While there, he intended to "carry out an armed attack" that included burning down a mosque or "blowing it up with a Molotov cocktail or other explosive device," the statement said.


Read more: Tennessee man sentenced over plot to attack Muslim community
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