Holy crap - this has to stop!

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There is also the possibly of retarded parents giving birth to a retarded child. If the retardation is not caused by genetics and the parents can care for the child there is no reason why they should not have children.

It doesn't matter if they have normal or retarded children. They cannot financially support them because in most all cases, they can't even financially support themselves.
Same goes for the Libertarian party. No frickin' way is a Libertarian ever going to be President until a majority of states are Libertarian.

Don't know about that. Depends on the Candidates. Der Trumpenmeister ain't a Repub. He Hijacked a party by force and bullying and I have NO fucking idea what he is. Folks say -- he's "populist"... WE can be "populist" too. Because the public and the media think Populist = being for the people and against the swamp....

I could make that "populist" case. But certainly, another ex governor or ex Senator who's fricking tired of being muzzled by the Party bosses could do it better. I truly think the right person could win it under an LParty banner. Wouldn't ever be a "libertarian ideologue" who wants to starts from 1st principles. But -- the party is mature enough now to actually understand that GOVERNING and fantasizing about IDEALS are two different things.

But yeah.. Having a bunch of Indies in Congress and the state houses is PROBABLY how you get folks to drop the I'm voting for only "winners" mistake. BEFORE this inevitable destruction happens..
True about depending on the candidates, but disagree Trump is an example. He didn't hijack the party; the Re publican party has been imploding for years. I remember several articles about the "Republican Civil War" and the "Republican soul searching" throughout the Bush 43 years. Now that war has reached it's endgame.

What MAKES him "a Republican"? Has he written any policy that truly Conservative? He said several times that the US should leverage with MORE debt.

He cut down every one of the 16 candidates --- one by one -- with one liners and insults. Didn't NEED party support or money. He Hijacked them. At best -- he's an Indie candidate. He just LEASED the GOP and put the mgt into his servitude.

Similar deal over at the DNC. It was dynasty time. No need to encourage 17 Dems on a stage competing on the basis of abiility, leadership, honesty, etc..

Both parties are HUGELY fractured. That's why "the resistance" is now turning into a hot war. Because THEY are losing the duopoly franchise. AND they're desperate....

This is an EXCELLENT posting.
There is also the possibly of retarded parents giving birth to a retarded child. If the retardation is not caused by genetics and the parents can care for the child there is no reason why they should not have children.

It doesn't matter if they have normal or retarded children. They cannot financially support them because in most all cases, they can't even financially support themselves.
The numbers are so small it's not worth the time and cost.
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Just to makie the Saudi's Happy CRAP

Gulf plunged into diplomatic crisis as countries cut ties with Qatar

The Gulf has been hit by its biggest diplomatic crisis in years after Arab nations including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar, accusing it of destabilising the region with its support for Islamist groups.

The countries said they would halt all land, air and sea traffic with Qatar, eject its diplomats and order Qatari citizens to leave the Gulf states within 14 days. Shoppers in the Qatari capital, Doha, meanwhile packed supermarkets amid fears the country, which relies on imports from its neighbours, would face food shortages after Saudi Arabia closed its sole land border.

Social media reports from Doha showed supermarket shelves empty as nervous consumers began to worry that stocks of food and water would run out. As much as 40% of Qatar’s food comes over the Saudi border.

Egypt’s foreign ministry accused Qatar of taking an “antagonist approach” towards the country and said “all attempts to stop it from supporting terrorist groups failed”. It gave the Qatari ambassador 48 hours to leave Egypt, and ordered its own chargé d’affaires in Qatar to return to Cairo within 48 hours.

SEE -------- This is exactly a good example of what I'm talking about. It's acceptable for Trump supporters but not acceptable to the left.

Making the Saudi happy. That is correct 100%.

Right now this is a crisis. Since when it's acceptable to blast a very close ally just to favor Saudis and the rest?
Which part of it don't you get when deciding partners in a War.................I just pointed out that Qatar backs Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood............and also the dang Taliban who happens to be fighting our forces in Afghanistan..........................

How the hell do you know that Trump isn't calling all of them to the dang floor......................

I would remind you that the other countries are in the fight against ISIS as well...................Egypt OUTLAWED the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas there.........why the hell would we choose Qatar over Egypt then....................Oh.....we have a base there...............we can freaking move it.........

There are no good choices over there..................But I'll take 4 allies in the fight over 1..............or NONE if all of them decide to continue funding terrorism.

You are not being careful where you dropped your droppings my almighty.
That is not what I'm trying to say.

Normally a leader with a minimal with minimal experience will say------------ We have a grave situations in ME and we need to diffuse the crisis. I dispatched S.O.S. Tillerson to assess the situation to keep our close allies together.
TRUMP COMMENTS ------- Fuck the Qataris (hypocritism at the highest level). Read the link below.

I'm not disputing about Qatar sponsoring terrorism --------- AGAIN as I said -------- we have a military base in Qatar we supply arms to Qatar. Qatar sponsor Hamas and Muslim brotherhood------- Thus making us no difference from who is supporting arms to terrorism.
It is NOT that simple to establish a military base all over ME. The Al Udeid Air Base was established and operated by US since 1991.
You take 4 allies against one----- That is not how it works bud. If you have 5 kids one of them is a black sheep------- Are you going to help him. educate him, lure him away from troubles like drugs and alcohol? Or just say fuck or just shoot him?

US 'mystified' by continued embargo of Qatar

It's also the administration's strongest public condemnation of the blockade, which began earlier this month when Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and others cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar for allegedly supporting extremism.

To date, the administration's messaging on the crisis has been inconsistent.

Initially, Trump seemed to welcome the diplomatic freeze, going so far as to suggest he was partially responsible for the decision.

"We had a decision to make," Trump told reporters in the White House Rose Garden two weeks ago. "Do we take the easy road or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism."

The remarks created confusion within Washington's foreign policy circles. Only hours earlier, Tillerson went in front of cameras at the State Department to say the blockade was "hindering US military actions in the region and the campaign against ISIS."
because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.
because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

"i know what saint ronnie did all by himself..."

1. I proved that it was Democrat John Kennedy who emptied the mental hospitals.

2. You proved that you're a liar.

ummmm.... sweety? again i will





wasn't prez in the 1980s.

but he was still dead in the 1980s.

ronald reagan was prez in the 1980s & he was alive & very willing to close the doors & release the patients of those institutions into nursing facilities & title 19 senior housing.

whether anything STARTED with JFK matters not. but you go girl, trying to somehow make it always somebody's else's fault.

" sweety?"

Don't nauseate me.


1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

Take notes this time, you dunce.


verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?

"i know what saint ronnie did all by himself..."

1. I proved that it was Democrat John Kennedy who emptied the mental hospitals.

2. You proved that you're a liar.

ummmm.... sweety? again i will





wasn't prez in the 1980s.

but he was still dead in the 1980s.

ronald reagan was prez in the 1980s & he was alive & very willing to close the doors & release the patients of those institutions into nursing facilities & title 19 senior housing.

whether anything STARTED with JFK matters not. but you go girl, trying to somehow make it always somebody's else's fault.

" sweety?"

Don't nauseate me.


1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

Take notes this time, you dunce.


verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
ummmm.... sweety? again i will





wasn't prez in the 1980s.

but he was still dead in the 1980s.

ronald reagan was prez in the 1980s & he was alive & very willing to close the doors & release the patients of those institutions into nursing facilities & title 19 senior housing.

whether anything STARTED with JFK matters not. but you go girl, trying to somehow make it always somebody's else's fault.

" sweety?"

Don't nauseate me.


1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

Take notes this time, you dunce.


verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

OMG, you are a really sad creature.
" sweety?"

Don't nauseate me.


1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

Take notes this time, you dunce.


verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

OMG, you are a really sad creature.

You don't seem brave enough to deny the truth of my statement.

Let me know if you'd care to try me, and I'll be happy to rip one who is one a new one.

My statement about JFK is correct.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.
Last edited:
because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.

Correct, so get your own phone and pay for it with your own money.
because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.
Mostly correct about cell phones in Reagan's era. A throwback episode of "X-Files", which made ubiquitous use of cellphones, featured "the brick" cellphone like the one of Gordon Gekko in 1987's "Wall Street". Pretty funny. As for "Bush phones", "Obama phones" and now "Trump phones", yes, since land lines are much rarer now, if we want the unemployed to become employed, including a limited usage cell phone as part of their unemployment benefits is reasonable.

because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.

Correct, so get your own phone and pay for it with your own money.
Remember the Laffer Curve? The Right praised it as a godsend and the Left was in denial, but both forgot that there are two sides of it; too much and not enough.

Similarly, it's important, IMO, to remember both the cost of workfare and the cost of incarceration. Incarceration is about $30K/year per prisoner. While prisoners can do work, their productivity level isn't the same as free motivated employees so it's unlikely they are able to pay for their own imprisonment. Ergo, prisoners cost taxpayers money. While welfare recipients also cost taxpayers money, there are limitations on how much and how long they can receive them. I'd rather have a citizen working and paying their own way than for "We, the People" to have to pay for them to be in prison. If a little bit of workfare, some training and a $50/month cellphone helps most get on their feet, then I'm all for it.
Since when we give a president that kind of tolerance? Like trial and error as we go along?
As you see this administration is very chaotic ALL by self inflicted wounds. It's not all about blaming-------- The divisive speech, him against us, the world is against him, world is falling apart ---------- attitude will only make this problem worse--Solutions are in Trump's hand.

Problem in this country no matter who is at fault the president is responsible. It's that simple.

His NEVER ending lies from campaign to his presidency to Climate Change speech to Cuba speech yesterday is full of distortion and lies. Is that supposed to be acceptable?
He has not denounce the hatred groups that are on the rise because of Trump. Is that supposed to be acceptable?
When Trump speak wrong or lies it doesn't matter it's all acceptable to his supporters. Is that supposed to be acceptable?
So people on the left should just shut up? Is that supposed to be acceptable?
Can you please answer those questions?

Let me give you an example ------------ Qatar crisis in Middle East right now is a serious problem. In Qatar we have a very large and impressive state of the art military base where US spy drones are launched with 10,000 soldiers stationed in that country. The other day Trump blasted Qatar as terrorist supporters just to make the Saudis happy-------- In his admission we are also a terrorist supporters. WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT? But Trump.
Day after we just seal the sale of 36 F15 fighter jets to Qatar worth $12B. Talking about hypocritism and amateurism in view of foreign government against us.
Instead of defusing the crisis ( contradicting Tillerson ) Trump sided with the Saudis adding fuel to the problem. Guarantee you that is 100% acceptable to Trump supporters.
Guarantee you that is NOT acceptable to the left.
So tell me------ Who is responsible for that kind of disagreement? Guarantee you its not the left or the right.

So tell me ------Where I'm wrong?

and their reaction

When this first came out, there was some analysis and an interview with a former SOS on how to respond. Both nations are allies and in essence this is a regional power struggle that we should stay out of. But no, Trump has to tweet without first examining the issue.

How the Hell do we stay out of it when it is our main forward Command and Control Base in the Region................................Are you suggesting removing our base from Quatar.................or our assets in the other countries instead............

This isn't just about Quatar............it is about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Bahrain as well..................

They are pulling diplomats out and kicking their out as well.

Okay------- Then --------Why is Trump blasting Qatar?

To hard for you to see..........hmmm...........He wants them to knock it off in the same way he has been hitting Turkey to knock it off attacking the Kurds..............

He is trying to get them to stop supporting TERRORIST GROUPS...........and not just them................the others to.

For so long, many have been demanding that someone call the middle eastern countries to the floor for supporting terrorism............When someone finally tries to do so you slam him for it..........


No dude. Blasting an ally only helps the enemy. Deng ------- Why didn't Obama think about that?

Turkey/ Kurds. This shows Trump is nothing more than an amateur. I can tell you right now that you and Trump are both 100% incorrect.
Problem in that region is far more complex than just blasting an ally.
Turkey and Iraq problems with the Kurds has existed long before Sadam Hussein came to power. The Kurds has been terrorizing both Turkey and Iraq trying to carved out a Kurdis estate. That's the reason why Sadam gassed the Kurds them in the first place.
Now my smart president Trump are arming the Kurdistan------- because of ISIS------- Those arms will also be use to fight against Turkey and Iraq.
You will expect that people from Turkey and Qatar will say ------- Fuck you Americans. Why do you think these people hate us in the first place? On top of that you have Trump blasting them because of ignorance.

Turkey slams Trump plan to arm Kurds
because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.

Correct, so get your own phone and pay for it with your own money.
Remember the Laffer Curve? The Right praised it as a godsend and the Left was in denial, but both forgot that there are two sides of it; too much and not enough.

Similarly, it's important, IMO, to remember both the cost of workfare and the cost of incarceration. Incarceration is about $30K/year per prisoner. While prisoners can do work, their productivity level isn't the same as free motivated employees so it's unlikely they are able to pay for their own imprisonment. Ergo, prisoners cost taxpayers money. While welfare recipients also cost taxpayers money, there are limitations on how much and how long they can receive them. I'd rather have a citizen working and paying their own way than for "We, the People" to have to pay for them to be in prison. If a little bit of workfare, some training and a $50/month cellphone helps most get on their feet, then I'm all for it.

Let me tell you, I use my phone for work, and I'm also a landlord that keeps me on the phone trying to take care of things from work, and I seldom ever come close to 250 minutes a month. I don't even have a landline.

So WTF are these non-working people talking about that they need 250 minutes that I'm paying for? It has nothing to do with jobs or staying in touch with emergency services or anything. A cheap local landline can do all of those things for half the price.

Need 50 bucks a month for a cell phone? Get a job at McDonald's for one day. That will cover the cost of the phone and more.

and their reaction

When this first came out, there was some analysis and an interview with a former SOS on how to respond. Both nations are allies and in essence this is a regional power struggle that we should stay out of. But no, Trump has to tweet without first examining the issue.

How the Hell do we stay out of it when it is our main forward Command and Control Base in the Region................................Are you suggesting removing our base from Quatar.................or our assets in the other countries instead............

This isn't just about Quatar............it is about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Bahrain as well..................

They are pulling diplomats out and kicking their out as well.

Okay------- Then --------Why is Trump blasting Qatar?

To hard for you to see..........hmmm...........He wants them to knock it off in the same way he has been hitting Turkey to knock it off attacking the Kurds..............

He is trying to get them to stop supporting TERRORIST GROUPS...........and not just them................the others to.

For so long, many have been demanding that someone call the middle eastern countries to the floor for supporting terrorism............When someone finally tries to do so you slam him for it..........


No dude. Blasting an ally only helps the enemy. Deng ------- Why didn't Obama think about that?

Turkey/ Kurds. This shows Trump is nothing more than an amateur. I can tell you right now that you and Trump are both 100% incorrect.
Problem in that region is far more complex than just blasting an ally.
Turkey and Iraq problems with the Kurds has existed long before Sadam Hussein came to power. The Kurds has been terrorizing both Turkey and Iraq trying to carved out a Kurdis estate. That's the reason why Sadam gassed the Kurds them in the first place.
Now my smart president Trump are arming the Kurdistan------- because of ISIS------- Those arms will also be use to fight against Turkey and Iraq.
You will expect that people from Turkey and Qatar will say ------- Fuck you Americans. Why do you think these people hate us in the first place? On top of that you have Trump blasting them because of ignorance.

Turkey slams Trump plan to arm Kurds

Blasting is an overstatement when they are supporting terror orgs. When they support the Taliban who is currently fighting our forces. Are they an ally if they assist those against us? So he called them out and it was the correct thing to do............And I understand that this is primarily a Shia versus Sunni battle being waged there.

To the Kurds. They have been attacked and killed by both Shia and Sunni.......because they are considered inferior........that is why they have become some of the best fighters in the region. Because everyone over there has been killing them for some time now. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. In regards to Turkey........they are the majority population there if my memory serves me correctly. Why shouldn't they seek Freedom from being killed by all the powers in the region. You say Trump armed them. So did Obama and Bush dumbass............In the War with Iraq they fought with us in Northern Iraq. Another point to Turkey is that Erodgen has openly stated that Turkey should destroy Israel. It is also that Turkey has been arming ISIS because they want Assad gone because he is Shia power...........

This whole battle between the arab nations is religious in nature............That my side is the right side with Allah and yours is not............All Non Islamic faiths are to be disregarded and treated like cattle. It is pure Hell over there now because of this.
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
Hilarious bs, for dupes only. Link? LOL! I'll go with our justice system over your bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ heroes...
ummmm.... sweety? again i will





wasn't prez in the 1980s.

but he was still dead in the 1980s.

ronald reagan was prez in the 1980s & he was alive & very willing to close the doors & release the patients of those institutions into nursing facilities & title 19 senior housing.

whether anything STARTED with JFK matters not. but you go girl, trying to somehow make it always somebody's else's fault.

" sweety?"

Don't nauseate me.


1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

Take notes this time, you dunce.


verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

yep... also the one that claimed to be a christian & yet screwed so many outside of marriage....

is still dead.

verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

OMG, you are a really sad creature.

You don't seem brave enough to deny the truth of my statement.

Let me know if you'd care to try me, and I'll be happy to rip one who is one a new one.

My statement about JFK is correct.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

MY statement about JFK is correct.

he's still worm bait.
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