Holy crap - this has to stop!

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because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

uh........an emergency limited LANDLINE phone was quite different than an Obama cellphone "plan".

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they didn't HAVE cell phones in ronny's day. not anything like today & now there are more cell phones than landlines for personal use. & a phone is a damn necessity no matter how you slice it or dice it, chief.

Correct, so get your own phone and pay for it with your own money.

lol... done & done; AND i still have a landline for back-up. what's your point ray ray?
The stuff about cell phones being a necessity for everyday life and safety is mush. Just more free shit for more under performers

uh-huh. nobody is prepared for an unexpected emergency. i rarely use my cell for anything but important stuff & sometimes that stuff is away from the house. how common are payphones nowadays 'eh?
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.
I'm pretty sure I watched that testimony. Where did his testimony say that?
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.
I'm pretty sure I watched that testimony. Where did his testimony say that?

I suspect you watched MSNBC to find out what you THOUGHT about the testimony..

{Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday during an interview on CNN that the Senate Judiciary Committee should investigate former FBI Director James Comey’s allegation that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to downplay the bureau’s probe into former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.}

Democratic senator calls for Lynch investigation after Comey testimony
Hilarious bs, for dupes only. Link? LOL! I'll go with our justice system over your bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ heroes...

You stupid fucking Nazi.

Senate announces probe of Loretta Lynch behavior in 2016 election

I don't know if you're more dumb or just so incredibly dishonest that you spew this kind of shit. Either way you're complete gutter scum.
Rev. Moon's Times and the GOP Senate witch hunt? Amazing....That's a fact then...lol. At least they're they're getting something done...
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.
I'm pretty sure I watched that testimony. Where did his testimony say that?

I suspect you watched MSNBC to find out what you THOUGHT about the testimony..

{Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday during an interview on CNN that the Senate Judiciary Committee should investigate former FBI Director James Comey’s allegation that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to downplay the bureau’s probe into former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.}

Democratic senator calls for Lynch investigation after Comey testimony
Yup, Comey saw the Russian fake news and thought he had something 10 days before the election...Great job. It should be investigated...
The hateful bs that so many dupes believe about Dems is ridiculous...

We look at you Herr Himmler and see it is all far too true.
What happened to lock her up, hater dupe? Thanks for the meltdown and 9/11...great job!

Mafia Boss Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, no question about it. Now because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.

You are stupid as dirt.
because of the Comey testimony we KNOW with absolute EVIDENCE that there was collusion by the AG and OBAMA to obstruct justice to allow Don Hillary to avoid prosecution.
I'm pretty sure I watched that testimony. Where did his testimony say that?

I suspect you watched MSNBC to find out what you THOUGHT about the testimony..

{Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday during an interview on CNN that the Senate Judiciary Committee should investigate former FBI Director James Comey’s allegation that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to downplay the bureau’s probe into former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.}

Democratic senator calls for Lynch investigation after Comey testimony
Sources: Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake ...
May 26, 2017 - Then-FBI Director James Comey knew that a critical piece of information ... Sources:Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake ..... then-Attorney General Lynch had been compromised in the Clinton investigation. ... UPDATE AND CLARIFICATION: This story has been updated to reflect that ...
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI's handling of the ...
May 24, 2017 - How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI's handling of the Clinton probe ... has long been viewed within the FBI as unreliable and possibly a fake, according .... Aides to Comey said he decided to act alone after Lynch met .... He joined the newspaper in 2017 after 15 years with The Wall Street ...
James Comey's fake Russian document handling baffles former ...
May 31, 2017 - ... reports that a fake Russian document affected James Comey's handling of ... FBI officials briefed Lynch on the existence of the document one ...
Graham on Document Proving Clinton-Lynch Collusion: Comey ...
Jun 11, 2017 - He doesn't believe he did anything wrong with the Russians, and I tend to believe him. ... Clinton-Lynch Collusion: Comey "Never Mentioned It Was A Fake" ... Louie Gohmert (TX-01) talked to Julie Banderas on Fox News ...

verb: prattle; 3rd person present: prattles; past tense: prattled; past participle: prattled; gerund or present participle: prattling
  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist" or JFK
noun: prattle
  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.
    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

OMG, you are a really sad creature.

You don't seem brave enough to deny the truth of my statement.

Let me know if you'd care to try me, and I'll be happy to rip one who is one a new one.

My statement about JFK is correct.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

Your ego is always so fun to watch.
If you were honest, you would admit that the hate is 90% from the left. The few incidents involving the Trump supporters were all minor, and no serious injuries. There is only a Democratic Party in NAME ONLY. They have no agenda except to oppose Trump and eventually take him out of office! Like Trump said if he presented the perfect ACA plan with low premiums and full coverage, not one Dem. would vote for it!
Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, BRAZIL AND THEIR Hollywood SYCOPHANTS MUST GO, and a new comprehensive party with an agenda for the people must take it's place, or after 2018 elections we will be a one party Nation, with Martial Law in NY and CA..
If you were honest, you would admit that the hate is 90% from the left. The few incidents involving the Trump supporters were all minor, and no serious injuries. There is only a Democratic Party in NAME ONLY. They have no agenda except to oppose Trump and eventually take him out of office! Like Trump said if he presented the perfect ACA plan with low premiums and full coverage, not one Dem. would vote for it!
Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, BRAZIL AND THEIR Hollywood SYCOPHANTS MUST GO, and a new comprehensive party with an agenda for the people must take it's place, or after 2018 elections we will be a one party Nation, with Martial Law in NY and CA..

Idk about the Martial law thing, but the rest is accurate. :)
Somebody stole the Democrat party, and they're running it right into the ground.

From what I remember, Democrats were Americans and loved America, that is not

the case in current times.

They're done.
If you were honest, you would admit that the hate is 90% from the left. The few incidents involving the Trump supporters were all minor, and no serious injuries. There is only a Democratic Party in NAME ONLY. They have no agenda except to oppose Trump and eventually take him out of office! Like Trump said if he presented the perfect ACA plan with low premiums and full coverage, not one Dem. would vote for it!
Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, BRAZIL AND THEIR Hollywood SYCOPHANTS MUST GO, and a new comprehensive party with an agenda for the people must take it's place, or after 2018 elections we will be a one party Nation, with Martial Law in NY and CA..

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^
Trump said if he presented the perfect ACA plan with low premiums and full coverage, not one Dem. would vote for it!

Depends on how much government dependency is involved.

If the new Republican plan were to contain a sizable amount of government, some Democrats would vote for it. Democrat politicians love government involved in all of our lives, and in spite of their hatred for Trump, it would be like them debating whether to pull out their own aching tooth.

I think what they should do is give tax breaks to companies that provide reasonable insurance for their workers since they want to give tax cuts anyway, and allow people with preexisting conditions to go on Medicare if they choose so. Something for everybody, and for employers that opt to provide coverage, it would reverse some of the damage DumBama has caused.
I admit to enjoying smashing a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Here is the actual speech:
John F. Kennedy: Special Message to the Congress on Mental Illness and Mental Retardation.

Did you enjoy being shown to be a lying sack of offal?


JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

....that John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

OMG, you are a really sad creature.

You don't seem brave enough to deny the truth of my statement.

Let me know if you'd care to try me, and I'll be happy to rip one who is one a new one.

My statement about JFK is correct.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

Your ego is always so fun to watch.

1. My ego is far too huge for you to even imagine.
Sometimes I feel sorry for folks who don't know me.

2. Here's why: I'm never wrong.

3. Let's prove that together:
I posted this: JFK.....the man who caused the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost starting WWIII.......

You implied you had some objection.

I challenged you to deny my statement....and you slithered off.

Now....how could I not have an enormous ego with you as the other side?
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