Holy crap - this has to stop!

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I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
Yep, that is all too common. Where I live if police pick them up several times, they will drop them off at the psych ward in the local hospital. If they have room, they take them for an evaluation for a couple days, give them a prescription which they will not be able to fill and a referral to a doctor which they will never see. If there is no room in the psych ward, they just let them go.

The problem is 1/3 of the homeless have serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. A psychiatrist in a local hospital who sees these people everyday said, "At least a 25% of those we see are either dangerous to themselves or others". A friend on the police force told me that, most people they arrest for violent acts are badly fucked up in the head. So how are we going to give them special treatment?
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
Yep, that is all too common. Where I live if police pick them up several times, they will drop them off at the psych ward in the local hospital. If they have room, they take them for an evaluation for a couple days, give them a prescription which they will not be able to fill and a referral to a doctor which they will never see. If there is no room in the psych ward, they just let them go.

The problem is 1/3 of the homeless have serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. A psychiatrist in a local hospital who sees these people everyday said, "At least a 25% of those we see are either dangerous to themselves or others". A friend on the police force told me that, most people they arrest for violent acts are badly fucked up in the head. So how are we going to give them special treatment?

When you have a Constitution, that makes it difficult.

As a child of the 70's, I remember a common term of "being committed." A police officer, a family member, or perhaps just a concerned citizen would haul people into court who could not take care of themselves, and a judge would have them committed.

You don't hear that term often today, and I wonder why? But I also remember Geraldo had a show of his own back then. He went to these places where people were committed. He called them crime-less prisons and a violation of their constitutional rights. I forget now if it was the show or a court order, but after that, they opened up the doors and allowed those people to leave if they chose to. They are still roaming our streets today.

Back then, they found institutions to be dirty, disgusting, and even violent in many places. Patients were often mistreated, so eventually they closed them down. Was it for the better? You tell me.
As typical for you, all lies and/or invective -- but no answers...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Proving you to be a low-life moron has become tedious.

Everyone just witnessed another victim of Leftwing propaganda inspiring violence and murder

a. James T. Hodgkinson produced quotes almost exactly from Bernie Sander's speeches on Facebook
b. He then takes the quotes literally....and makes a list of Republicans to kill.
c. Now you have the gall to demand exactly how Jarod Lee Loughner had been bent by years in a communist-organized high school paid for by Hussein Obama.
You just saw the cause and effect, you imbecile.
d. You remain as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
You poor thing. Bless your heart.

I didn't ask you to repeat your post. I asked you, exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Since I asked you to cite something from their book that you claim would inspire such a mentally depraved condition, don't you realize the answer should contain something from their book? Repeating banalities from your earlier post certainly doesn't answer it.


You dunce, it was an entire high school curriculum infused with Leftists propaganda.

You of all people should understand how weak minded individuals succumb to that sort of indoctrination.

Probably took even less time with a dope like you, huh?
Yes, their book which contributed to the curriculum you obviously know nothing about...


So? Should I expect you to keep running from my question, which seems to be all you ever do...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
Yep, that is all too common. Where I live if police pick them up several times, they will drop them off at the psych ward in the local hospital. If they have room, they take them for an evaluation for a couple days, give them a prescription which they will not be able to fill and a referral to a doctor which they will never see. If there is no room in the psych ward, they just let them go.

The problem is 1/3 of the homeless have serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. A psychiatrist in a local hospital who sees these people everyday said, "At least a 25% of those we see are either dangerous to themselves or others". A friend on the police force told me that, most people they arrest for violent acts are badly fucked up in the head. So how are we going to give them special treatment?

When you have a Constitution, that makes it difficult.

As a child of the 70's, I remember a common term of "being committed." A police officer, a family member, or perhaps just a concerned citizen would haul people into court who could not take care of themselves, and a judge would have them committed.

You don't hear that term often today, and I wonder why? But I also remember Geraldo had a show of his own back then. He went to these places where people were committed. He called them crime-less prisons and a violation of their constitutional rights. I forget now if it was the show or a court order, but after that, they opened up the doors and allowed those people to leave if they chose to. They are still roaming our streets today.

Back then, they found institutions to be dirty, disgusting, and even violent in many places. Patients were often mistreated, so eventually they closed them down. Was it for the better? You tell me.
Mental institutions cost a hell of a lot money to run and psychiatrists were saying they could treated most patients more effectively in the local community with prescription drugs and counseling. Government jumped on the idea of closing the institutions but there was no plan to insure treatment in the community.

The basic problem was patients were released and there was no one to see that they take took their medications and got needed treatment. The result is our streets are full of people that have serious mental problem and are not getting treated. Many of them hurt themselves and other creating more problems.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
I like how this guy makes a legitimate post about the poison of partisan rhetoric...and it is quickly followed by 2 posts with blatant partisan slant. This forum has become a place for radicalization of partisanship rather than real discussion.
I worked with crazy people for years. I still work with them.

They do things like shit in their socks, then wear their socks, paint with their own crap, piss themselves.
They do things like jack off in public, take off their clothes and run down the street while screaming "I'M GOING TO PUT MY PENIS ON YOU!" and throw heavy davenports across the living room.

They do things like jump from second story windows, and fantasize about drinking buckets of blood.
They do things like manipulating themselves into a newspaper route that takes them past an elementary school and a park with a convenient bathroom where they can duck in and whack off while listening to the kids play fifty feet away.
Speaking from a very selfless point a view, I just want to have something done about them. I ride the bus everyday and there are always these nuts, many of them homeless that smell like they haven't bathed in 10 years screaming at passengers about being saved or god knows what. Bus drivers and the police do nothing. Maybe there's nothing they can do with them.

Over here we have highway ramp beggars. They stand at the end of exit ramps and beg for money. For the most part, they are not aggressive, but some of them are.

When the police have nothing to do, they round them up and put them in jail for the day, but they are out the very next day doing the same thing.
Yep, that is all too common. Where I live if police pick them up several times, they will drop them off at the psych ward in the local hospital. If they have room, they take them for an evaluation for a couple days, give them a prescription which they will not be able to fill and a referral to a doctor which they will never see. If there is no room in the psych ward, they just let them go.

The problem is 1/3 of the homeless have serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. A psychiatrist in a local hospital who sees these people everyday said, "At least a 25% of those we see are either dangerous to themselves or others". A friend on the police force told me that, most people they arrest for violent acts are badly fucked up in the head. So how are we going to give them special treatment?

When you have a Constitution, that makes it difficult.

As a child of the 70's, I remember a common term of "being committed." A police officer, a family member, or perhaps just a concerned citizen would haul people into court who could not take care of themselves, and a judge would have them committed.

You don't hear that term often today, and I wonder why? But I also remember Geraldo had a show of his own back then. He went to these places where people were committed. He called them crime-less prisons and a violation of their constitutional rights. I forget now if it was the show or a court order, but after that, they opened up the doors and allowed those people to leave if they chose to. They are still roaming our streets today.

Back then, they found institutions to be dirty, disgusting, and even violent in many places. Patients were often mistreated, so eventually they closed them down. Was it for the better? You tell me.
Mental institutions cost a hell of a lot money to run and psychiatrists were saying they could treated most patients more effectively in the local community with prescription drugs and counseling. Government jumped on the idea of closing the institutions but there was no plan to insure treatment in the community.

The basic problem was patients were released and there was no one to see that they take took their medications and got needed treatment. The result is our streets are full of people that have serious mental problem and are not getting treated. Many of them hurt themselves and other creating more problems.

Not much you can do to stop it however. I had an uncle that worked at a hotel downtown. He said two of his coworkers were homeless. Every week they got their paycheck, and ran down the hill to the railroad tracks. He had no idea what they did with their paychecks. He didn't know if they hid them somewhere, threw them away, but they lived outside by the tracks somewhere.

They didn't make much less than him and he stated their earnings were easily enough for them to afford an apartment or something. They were homeless by choice because that's the way they wanted to live apparently.

Nobody is excluded from having constitutional rights. Working people have them, foreigners have them, illegals have them, criminals have them, and yes, mentally screwed up people have them. One of our customers is a place that's half private and half county owned. They have several shops set up across town and they get the mentally retarded work to do. Mostly it's assembly jobs like putting products into plastic bags and such.

There was one mentally retarded girl at one of the shops that was absolutely beautiful. If you didn't talk to her, you'd never know she was mentally retarded. Anyway, one of the caretakers was telling me about her and how she had three children. I asked why the state didn't make sure she had no ability to get pregnant? The worker told me they can't. It's illegal. They can tell their clients to use birth control and even provide it, but you can't force them to take birth control pills or have procedures done to them to insure they can't get pregnant. All they can do is stop sexual activity "if" they see it taking place.
Congressmen (including da wimmens) actually represent their constituents fairly well.

Attacking them is attacking the wrong people. It was bad when that blond woman got shot and it's bad now.

The "Free Press" is over there pouring gas on the flames, too.

The press needs reigned in. For real.
The free press, that is the news media is just a reflection of what their readers want. A media news business is just like any other business. It survives by producing a product that customers want. If listeners can't get what they want from Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Meadows they will create a demand that will be filled by someone else. The internet has made it all but impossible to control the media. You can bet if there was way Trump could control mainstream media, he would certainly do it.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post
Anti-American Sulzberger guides the NYTimes, with funding from Mexican Carlos Slim.

Profit means very little to these three, and they have weaponized their papers to use against Trump.

You should be more careful in your posts, try to be more accurate.
Profit may or may not be important to Bezos but readership certainly is. Newspapers that loose circulation loose advertising. A paper that operates as such looses legitimacy and creditably which is probably the reason Bezos bought the Post. I seriously doubt he will change anything other than providing a solid financial base, something the Post has not had in many years. It should continue to be a center left paper ranking in the top 10 in the country for circulation, Pulitzers and revenue.

"Profit may or may not be important to Bezos but readership certainly is. Newspapers that loose circulation loose advertising. "

You just contradicted yourself.

What I'm saying is readership is the key to the creditably and legitimacy of the paper and they won't keep that readership without providing the kind of publication their readership wants.

BTW, Bezos is certainly not some far left nut. In fact, I would question whether he is a democrat in spite of fact that he has been a strong supporter of gay marriage. He claims to be libertarian and is the primary supporter of reason.com. In the last election he donated $88,000 to support republican congressmen. His family are big supporters of charter schools. Bezos has been attracted to right-libertarian politics—meaning socially liberal, but in favor of business and privatization. He is of course a major voice for corporate tax cuts. No wonder Washington Post readers would be concerned about the new ownership.

And what I've said is that those newspapers have become no more than screeds leading the attack on President Trump.

Contrary to your contention, profit is not the motivation, political retribution is.

If you read those propaganda rags, and deny what I've said, then your are either willingly blind or as dumb as asphalt.

For you:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
Our Playmate, it seems, is afraid to ask about why JFK was so involved in policies relating to the mentally deficient and mentally ill.
He must know that it relates to a horrifying family secret that reflects on Democrat elites.

1. This is the cover story:
"The Kennedy family had a personal connection to the issue; the president's sister Rosemary, sixteen months his junior, was born with intellectual disabilities. In 1946, Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy established the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation (in memory of their eldest son) to "seek the prevention of intellectual disabilities by identifying its causes, and to improve the means by which society deals with citizens who have intellectual disabilities." Eunice Kennedy Shriver began directing the foundation in 1957 and became a staunch advocate for people with intellectual disabilities and their families."
John F. Kennedy and People with Intellectual Disabilities - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

2. Here's the true story: Rosemary was NOT born deficient.

"Sister of John F. Kennedy, Rosemary was said to have been considered retarded by members of her family but that assessment has been widely disputed by subsequent analysts. Some concluded that Rosemary may not have been as brilliant as other members of her family but she was a fully functioning person, kept a diary and had an active social life.

In 1941, when Rosemary was 23, her father Joseph Kennedy was told by her doctors that a new procedure would help calm her mood swings that the family found difficult to handle at home. Her father gave permission for the prefrontal lobotomy to be performed by Walter Freeman and James Watts.

After the surgery Rosemary was reduced to an infantile mentality that left her incontinent and staring blankly at walls for hours. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble. In 1949, Rosemary moved to an institution and was visited on regular occasions by her sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver who became the founder of the Special Olympics."
Top 10 Fascinating And Notable Lobotomies - Listverse

3. And worse:
" In addition, her parents were concerned about Rosemary’s sexual awakening.18 Rosemary being widely regarded as one of the most attractive of the Kennedy girls, Joe and Rose were extremely worried about the possibility that she would become sexually abused or pregnant.19 The latter possibility was a special source of anxiety to a father who was constantly concerned about political implications and a mother who was raising her daughters to be “good Catholics.”

Because of concerns about her growing aggression and sexuality, Joe Sr. decided, without consulting or informing his wife, to have a prefrontal lobotomy performed on Rosemary.20 Because of its importance in this case, a few words about the prefrontal lobotomy are in order. First, Rosemary’s surgery was performed very soon after the introduction of the technique in this country. Fewer than one hundred such operations had been completed at this time, and the procedure was very much experimental.21 The operation was recommended for “ ‘hopeless’ patients who had failed to respond to other methods of treatment, people who had little to lose and everything to gain.”22
Interesting article on Rosemary Kennedy and her impact on the family -- Kennedy Family Forum

"....she underwent a prefrontal lobotomy at age 23, which left her permanently incapacitated."

John Kennedy knew what his father's concerns had done to is sister.

because i never said anything nor care about JFK & what he did when he did it. but i said . i know what saint ronnie did all by himself.... when he was prez. hard to admit it though for ya 'eh? kinda like the whole 'obama phone' you can blame that freebie giveaway on ronnie too. lol....

"i know what saint ronnie did all by himself..."

1. I proved that it was Democrat John Kennedy who emptied the mental hospitals.

2. You proved that you're a liar.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
So is the guy who shot up the baseball game.

And he was also a FOSTER PARENT. One of his foster kids committed suicide by TORCHING HERSELF.

That's the sort of person that engages in state control of children. Leftist and beloved by leftists. The left think this guy is a fucking hero.

Before the Gunfire in Virginia, a Volatile Home Life in Illinois

you are a fucking loon.

Is the vulgarity because you're a low-life, or because you know the lady is correct and you have no way to refute it?

don't preach to me about vulgarity when the mango you voted into the whitehouse is an aficionado in vulgarity; something you tend to have overlooked time & time again....lest you look like a hypocrite.

oopsie... too late for you superchicky. .

I never use vulgarity.

You do.

Glad to have embarrassed you.
You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
So is the guy who shot up the baseball game.

And he was also a FOSTER PARENT. One of his foster kids committed suicide by TORCHING HERSELF.

That's the sort of person that engages in state control of children. Leftist and beloved by leftists. The left think this guy is a fucking hero.

Before the Gunfire in Virginia, a Volatile Home Life in Illinois

you are a fucking loon.
Because I stated a fact?

You must be a foster parent.

I read about his first foster daughter earlier, and I was horrified.
So often when you look at these attacks, the perpetrators are really sick people which usually starts when there're young. When a spouse or parent says I have a really sick dangerous person on my hands, nobody will do anything until something like this attack at the baseball field happens. For people on Medicaid, getting outpatient help is damn near in possible.

Specifically, Jarod Loughner....I have never claimed to know when his disability began.
What I showed was that he was exposed to Leftwing, communist propaganda, paid for by Hussein Obama, during his school years....

...and his girlfriend at the time stated that he seemed 'normal' until after said 'schooling.'

What gives credence to the view that Leftism engenders violence is this weeks baseball attempted massacre.

every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.
Proving you to be a low-life moron has become tedious.

Everyone just witnessed another victim of Leftwing propaganda inspiring violence and murder

a. James T. Hodgkinson produced quotes almost exactly from Bernie Sander's speeches on Facebook
b. He then takes the quotes literally....and makes a list of Republicans to kill.
c. Now you have the gall to demand exactly how Jarod Lee Loughner had been bent by years in a communist-organized high school paid for by Hussein Obama.
You just saw the cause and effect, you imbecile.
d. You remain as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
You poor thing. Bless your heart.

I didn't ask you to repeat your post. I asked you, exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Since I asked you to cite something from their book that you claim would inspire such a mentally depraved condition, don't you realize the answer should contain something from their book? Repeating banalities from your earlier post certainly doesn't answer it.


You dunce, it was an entire high school curriculum infused with Leftists propaganda.

You of all people should understand how weak minded individuals succumb to that sort of indoctrination.

Probably took even less time with a dope like you, huh?
Yes, their book which contributed to the curriculum you obviously know nothing about...

A Simple Justice: The Challenge of Small Schools (Teaching for Social Justice Series) (Teaching for Social Justice (Paperback)): William Ayers, Michael Klonsky, Gabrielle Lyon: 9780807739624: Amazon.com: Books

So? Should I expect you to keep running from my question, which seems to be all you ever do...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Not a book, you dope.....

....years of political indoctrination.
Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

Yet more typical rightarded nonsense from PoliticalHack. :rolleyes:

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?
Loughner should have been institutionalized long before he killed anybody.

So should you.

' cept that saint ronnie closed many mental institutions & your overlord just signed in the ability for the mentally disabled to legally own a gun? yep. any nutjob now can have a gun. & the day scalise was shot, congress was gonna talk about easing restrictions on silencers. those on the ballfield wouldn't have even known where the shots were coming from & that is just freakin sick.

Astounding how wrong you Leftist dolts are.

As the great Ronald Reagan said: 'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.'

It was John Kennedy, Democrat, who did that.

1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

4. ... this federal program failed because ... it did not provide care for the sickest patients released from the state hospitals. When President Ronald Reagan finally block-granted federal CMHC funds to the states in 1981, he was not killing the program. He was disposing of the corpse.

a. .... Medicaid and Medicare... Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance programs.... The federal takeover of the mental-illness treatment system was complete.

5. According to multiple studies summarized by the Treatment Advocacy Center, these untreated mentally ill are responsible for 10% of all homicides (and a higher percentage of the mass killings), constitute 20% of jail and prison inmates and at least 30% of the homeless. Severely mentally ill individuals now inundate hospital emergency rooms and have colonized libraries, parks, train stations and other public spaces. The quality of the lives of these individuals mocks the lofty intentions of the founders of the CMHC program.

6. ...the annual total public funds for the support and treatment of mentally ill individuals is now more than $140 billion. The equivalent expenditure in 1963 when Kennedy proposed the CMHC program was $1 billion, or about $10 billion in today's dollars.

7. Nor is President Obama likely to do anything, since his lead agency, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, has essentially denied that a problem exists. Its contribution to the president's response to the Dec. 14 Newtown tragedy focused only on school children and insurance coverage. And its current plan of action for 2011-14, a 41,000-word document, includes no mention of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or outpatient commitment, all essential elements in an effective plan for corrective action.

8. ... this federal experiment has failed, as seen most recently in the mass shootings by mentally ill individuals in Newtown, Conn., Aurora, Colo., and Tucson, Ariz. It is time for the federal government to get out of this business and return the responsibility, and funds, to the states." E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill

So....the mentally ill are the major factor in mass shootings......and the inception of the 'empty the mental hospitals' is not at the behest of Republican Reagan....but, rather, Democrat Kennedy.

BTW....if you have the guts....ask me why John Kennedy did that.

i worked in nursing homes during ronnie's reign & we got the recipients of all those closings. i lived it.
I had a second job 6-12midnight shift at Dunkin Donuts in a town that had a large mental hospital. The homeless insane were coming to DD for their ablutions and on bad days we had to call the cops to get them out if they were agitated or harassing customers. Nah, they didn't empty the mental hospitals. LOL
As typical for you, all lies and/or invective -- but no answers...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Proving you to be a low-life moron has become tedious.

Everyone just witnessed another victim of Leftwing propaganda inspiring violence and murder

a. James T. Hodgkinson produced quotes almost exactly from Bernie Sander's speeches on Facebook
b. He then takes the quotes literally....and makes a list of Republicans to kill.
c. Now you have the gall to demand exactly how Jarod Lee Loughner had been bent by years in a communist-organized high school paid for by Hussein Obama.
You just saw the cause and effect, you imbecile.
d. You remain as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
You poor thing. Bless your heart.

I didn't ask you to repeat your post. I asked you, exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Since I asked you to cite something from their book that you claim would inspire such a mentally depraved condition, don't you realize the answer should contain something from their book? Repeating banalities from your earlier post certainly doesn't answer it.


You dunce, it was an entire high school curriculum infused with Leftists propaganda.

You of all people should understand how weak minded individuals succumb to that sort of indoctrination.

Probably took even less time with a dope like you, huh?
What about paranoid schizophrenia do you not understand?
Proving you to be a low-life moron has become tedious.

Everyone just witnessed another victim of Leftwing propaganda inspiring violence and murder

a. James T. Hodgkinson produced quotes almost exactly from Bernie Sander's speeches on Facebook
b. He then takes the quotes literally....and makes a list of Republicans to kill.
c. Now you have the gall to demand exactly how Jarod Lee Loughner had been bent by years in a communist-organized high school paid for by Hussein Obama.
You just saw the cause and effect, you imbecile.
d. You remain as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
You poor thing. Bless your heart.

I didn't ask you to repeat your post. I asked you, exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Since I asked you to cite something from their book that you claim would inspire such a mentally depraved condition, don't you realize the answer should contain something from their book? Repeating banalities from your earlier post certainly doesn't answer it.


You dunce, it was an entire high school curriculum infused with Leftists propaganda.

You of all people should understand how weak minded individuals succumb to that sort of indoctrination.

Probably took even less time with a dope like you, huh?
What about paranoid schizophrenia do you not understand?

Rather than ask me about it, perhaps you should seek a physician'd help.

My prayers are with you.
So you won't answer the question...

You tried tying Loughner to a book by Ayers and Klonsky. Now you're trying to tie in Hodgkinson?

Did Hodgkinson attend a school influenced by "A Simple Justice?"

So again... the question you won't answer...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

You always were a slow learner.

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama,....

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Marana Unified School District."

....Klonsky became a top communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

He reportedly identified as a Maoist, and traveled in 1977 to Beijing,...."
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum?

Those who knew Loughner claim he changed after said 'schooling'...

"Jared Lee Loughner's high school girlfriend: 'He was completely different back then than he is now'
Kelsey Hawkes, who dated Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner in high school, says she's been 'bombarded' by media inquiries. 'I did date Jared Loughner six years ago in high school,' she says, 'but he's not the same Jared Loughner that the world now knows as a mass murderer -- not the same person at all.'"

January 12, 2011|By Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Los Angeles Times

The insane killer, Jared Loughner was a product of Leftist propaganda in schools funded by Barack Hussein Obama.

Now that we're chatting.....what caused your insanity?
You poor thing. Bless your heart.

I didn't ask you to repeat your post. I asked you, exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Since I asked you to cite something from their book that you claim would inspire such a mentally depraved condition, don't you realize the answer should contain something from their book? Repeating banalities from your earlier post certainly doesn't answer it.


You dunce, it was an entire high school curriculum infused with Leftists propaganda.

You of all people should understand how weak minded individuals succumb to that sort of indoctrination.

Probably took even less time with a dope like you, huh?
Yes, their book which contributed to the curriculum you obviously know nothing about...

A Simple Justice: The Challenge of Small Schools (Teaching for Social Justice Series) (Teaching for Social Justice (Paperback)): William Ayers, Michael Klonsky, Gabrielle Lyon: 9780807739624: Amazon.com: Books

So? Should I expect you to keep running from my question, which seems to be all you ever do...

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?

Not a book, you dope.....

....years of political indoctrination.
As always, you don't know what you're talking about.


The Small Learning Communities cites their book, as well as others, as contributing factors towards the program they develeoped.

And as everyone here saw for themselves... you spout nonesense about what they do without even knowing what it is they actually do.
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