Holy crap. Watch this video

The world had to listen to you loons rail against Bush for his response to Katrina, so stuff it.
"You told the truth about us, so we get to lie about you!"

You literally no longer care about truth. You only care about power for your political cult. That's how we know you're a Republican.

As is always the case, you lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.
But you all don't have any reports from the actual area. You just have rumors spread mainly by morons, but also by some deliberate liars.

I kind of feel bad for you. You're all literally some of the dumbest 'effin humans on the planet. You have no mental defenses against propaganda. Your masters tell you to parrot something stupid, you parrot it.

A tragedy happens, and you use it as an excuse to make up stories to push your sick racism. That's what makes you such a shit human.

When it's revealed that everything your side is saying here is a lie, will you apologize? Of course you won't. You'll scuttle away into a dark crevice, like all the cockroaches on this thread do each time their lies are revealed. None of you ever have any regrets over lying, you only regret getting caught.

Just remember, a person can't serve the Lord of Lies as devotedly as you all do without suffering eternal consequences for it.
Take your Racism BS and put it where the Sun doesnt shine.

You fuckers opened the border and flooded the Nation with illegals. Not only that you gave them Border Patrol money managed by FEMA to over 1/2 a billion dollars.

Yet these Americans...LEGAL get $750 while illegals are in Free Hotels.

Screw you and your BS.


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