Home invasion...thank goodness victims didn't have a gun...grandfather was beaten to death though...

Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.

Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'

Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.

I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?

Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.

Yes defending yourself and your family from getting beat to death is a piss poor excuse to arm yourself.

Are you actually that fucking stupid?

Answer the question or STFU. Do you personally sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand in bed in anticipation of a home invasion? (Or do you hang upside down from the rafters until dark?)

Here, let me help you, idiot. Home invasion in 6 seconds:

The 6 Second Garage Door Break-In You Can Prevent

Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.

Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'

Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.

I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?

Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.
To retarded libs any argument for owning guns is sorry.
While that might be a one off story, here is the reality.

1. Only 28% of home invasions are when people are home and only 5.7% of robberies result in some violence. Also in the study, only 20 homes out of 1,000 were burglarized from 2000 to 2007. So you have a 2% chance within 7 years of getting robbed and the numbers are even less than that where the robbery would turn into something violent.

2. However, 100 children die each year from unintentional gun incidents.

3. Having a gun in the house makes people unsafe. Women are three times more likely to be killed with a gun in the household, even when domestic abuse is not a factor. (Entire study here). When there is a gun in the house, there is a higher rate of suicide and homicide in those homes.

I know the phrase:

"Well its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."

True if people weren't actually people. When you have a gun, it wields so much power. That's why men with serious issues of control love it, it makes them feel in control and they can make people do what they want. POWER!!!

However, that zeal for power leads people to do stupid things with the gun that get people killed. I don't think guns should be banned but there needs to be regulations in place to regulate the idiots who buy guns.
There is a .00004 percent chance being murdered with a firearm yet you would use that as an excuse to ban all firearms. There is a .00024 percent chance of getting injured by a firearm. yet you would deny anyone the right to own firearms.
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.

Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'

Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.

I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?

Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.

Yes defending yourself and your family from getting beat to death is a piss poor excuse to arm yourself.

Are you actually that fucking stupid?

Answer the question or STFU. Do you personally sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand in bed in anticipation of a home invasion? (Or do you hang upside down from the rafters until dark?)

Here, let me help you, idiot. Home invasion in 6 seconds:

The 6 Second Garage Door Break-In You Can Prevent

If a person breaks into my home, I'll have more than 30 seconds to react.
Don't forget, in a Progressive Utopia, the police come and shoot everyone
Except the blacks -- a police officer can never have a legitimate need to shoot a black person.

Yet they do it all the time and with impunity, unless you hadn't noticed. Let me know when the police officers who shot Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice go to jail....dumbass.
Eric Garner was shot! Who knew. Eric Garner died when his fat ass had a coronary. Mike Brown was a thug. Tamir Rice was a 12 year old as big as a 20 year old waving around a toy gun like it was real.
Don't forget, in a Progressive Utopia, the police come and shoot everyone
Except the blacks -- a police officer can never have a legitimate need to shoot a black person.

Yet they do it all the time and with impunity, unless you hadn't noticed. Let me know when the police officers who shot Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice go to jail....dumbass.
Eric Garner was shot! Who knew. Eric Garner died when his fat ass had a coronary. Mike Brown was a thug. Tamir Rice was a 12 year old as big as a 20 year old waving around a toy gun like it was real.
You forget, blacks are peaceful and cops are rabid racists waiting to shoot innocent blacks.
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.

Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'

Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.

I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?

Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.

Dear NoTeaPartyPleez
I know a very well respected GENTLE gentleman
who happened to be affiliated with real estate financing company
that happened to be indirectly affiliated to a foreclosure that upset the wrong person.

that person is suspected of hiring a hitman, who was a family man and worked as
a personal trainer, but happened to be hired to go "scare" this man who is not into violence or gun rights or any
type of political activism. Just a regular business man, who happened to be at home with his wife and young child upstairs,
and HAPPENED to have bought a gun and learned to use it weeks before the home break-in.

This big man, assumed to be hired to do a scare job or rough up job (no one knows if he was really hired to kill
and will likely never trace the person who hired him), scouted out "David" in his nice urban family neighborhood by
pretending to be driving around looking for a lost dog. The same man came back later to David's house, and
used a bat to bust in the front door. "David" came down the stairs with a gun, confronted him and ordered him to stop or he'd be forced to shoot. The man who was much bigger and heavier than "David" lunged at him, and David shot him on the spot.

It was really a shame because the guy was assumed to be hired or set up by someone else who may never be found out.

He appeared to be high on PCP or some drugs to attack David and his house like a madman.

David just "happened" to follow his intuition that told him to go by a gun and go through the proper training.
And within weeks, he found out why he needed it.

He was very shook up, traumatized from having to kill a strange man in his home to protect his family.
They sold the house and moved to get away from that horrible memory and trauma.

The last I heard, someone actually paid a good price for the house,
as a gun rights advocate who felt it made a statement. So "David" lucked out again, because usually the value drops.

Nobody wants to have to kill anyone.
This is not a happy ending for anyone, it is tragic all around.

But still, if people use weapons to kill, then it take weapons to defend and deter attackers.
Until that changes, then guns are still used for defense.

Get rid of murder and mental illness, and then any problems with guns will also be reduced or eliminated.
Because it takes the same education and commitment to uphold laws and follow them
as needed to defend the laws properly as it takes to prevent crime and abuses by those same laws.
99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet. And that's a STILL paper target, not an attacker moving 30 feet in 3 seconds. I come from a family of certified sharp-shooters. So this is not just my humble opinion.

It's pure fantasy that simply owning a gun will insure your safety. The chances are great of misfiring or not getting to your gun at all and also shooting someone by accident, sort of like Dick Cheney did a few years ago when he shot his friend in the face. Remember that? No? Oh gee......

That is why Joe Biden said it's best to own a sawed-off shotgun. No pointing necessary. No skills necessary. He's not as nutty as you think.

Where is your evidence that 99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet"?

You have to do better than just spout off nonsense.

Misfiring is rare, if you come from a family of sharpshooters like you claim, though I doubt, ask them.

You're not offering up anything to offset my point, now are you?

Have you ever been to a shooting range? I have. And it's nice because for handguns you get to put the ear protectors on, lean forward, place both hands on the muzzle, place your feet apart, lean forward, balance, aim and shoot.....at a non-moving target. And even then most people never hit the bullseye because of kick-back.

Go back to your crib, child.
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.
Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'
Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.
I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?
Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?
I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.
That does not answer my question.
Please try again.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?
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Poor 2a. Self-condemned to relentlessly beating his little fearmonger comic book drum in hopes of making the world into the comic book.

What a sad, pathetic existence...

Not quite as bad as pretending it could never happen

Just ask Dr Petit of CT whose wife and girls were raped beaten and burned alive by home invaders
Don't forget, in a Progressive Utopia, the police come and shoot everyone
Except the blacks -- a police officer can never have a legitimate need to shoot a black person.
Yet they do it all the time and with impunity, unless you hadn't noticed. Let me know when the police officers who shot Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice go to jail....dumbass.
Thank you for proving my point.
99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet. And that's a STILL paper target, not an attacker moving 30 feet in 3 seconds. I come from a family of certified sharp-shooters. So this is not just my humble opinion.

It's pure fantasy that simply owning a gun will insure your safety. The chances are great of misfiring or not getting to your gun at all and also shooting someone by accident, sort of like Dick Cheney did a few years ago when he shot his friend in the face. Remember that? No? Oh gee......

That is why Joe Biden said it's best to own a sawed-off shotgun. No pointing necessary. No skills necessary. He's not as nutty as you think.

Where is your evidence that 99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet"?

You have to do better than just spout off nonsense.

Misfiring is rare, if you come from a family of sharpshooters like you claim, though I doubt, ask them.

You're not offering up anything to offset my point, now are you?

Have you ever been to a shooting range? I have. And it's nice because for handguns you get to put the ear protectors on, lean forward, place both hands on the muzzle, place your feet apart, lean forward, balance, aim and shoot.....at a non-moving target. And even then most people never hit the bullseye because of kick-back.

Go back to your crib, child.
Provide evidence that MOST people can not hit a target. Besides your ignorant claim it is true.
99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet. And that's a STILL paper target, not an attacker moving 30 feet in 3 seconds. I come from a family of certified sharp-shooters. So this is not just my humble opinion.

It's pure fantasy that simply owning a gun will insure your safety. The chances are great of misfiring or not getting to your gun at all and also shooting someone by accident, sort of like Dick Cheney did a few years ago when he shot his friend in the face. Remember that? No? Oh gee......

That is why Joe Biden said it's best to own a sawed-off shotgun. No pointing necessary. No skills necessary. He's not as nutty as you think.

Where is your evidence that 99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet"?

You have to do better than just spout off nonsense.

Misfiring is rare, if you come from a family of sharpshooters like you claim, though I doubt, ask them.

You're not offering up anything to offset my point, now are you?

Have you ever been to a shooting range? I have. And it's nice because for handguns you get to put the ear protectors on, lean forward, place both hands on the muzzle, place your feet apart, lean forward, balance, aim and shoot.....at a non-moving target. And even then most people never hit the bullseye because of kick-back.

Go back to your crib, child.

You aren't offering anything but unsubstantiated claims.

I co-own a gun shop that has an indoor gun range. I target shoot several times a week and you are full of shit.
99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet. And that's a STILL paper target, not an attacker moving 30 feet in 3 seconds. I come from a family of certified sharp-shooters. So this is not just my humble opinion.

It's pure fantasy that simply owning a gun will insure your safety. The chances are great of misfiring or not getting to your gun at all and also shooting someone by accident, sort of like Dick Cheney did a few years ago when he shot his friend in the face. Remember that? No? Oh gee......

That is why Joe Biden said it's best to own a sawed-off shotgun. No pointing necessary. No skills necessary. He's not as nutty as you think.

Where is your evidence that 99% of the gun owners in this country can barely shoot a paper target at 30 feet"?

You have to do better than just spout off nonsense.

Misfiring is rare, if you come from a family of sharpshooters like you claim, though I doubt, ask them.

You're not offering up anything to offset my point, now are you?
The point that you made up?
He doesn't have to - you have to support it.
Deputies say they don't know if anything was taken from the home, and it's not clear yet who called 9-1-1.
Investigators have been on scene about twelve hours."'
Sounds to me like the attackers knew their victims since there was no robbery.
I don't know if you understand how long it takes for someone to break into a home and attack someone. Try less than 30 seconds because a door can be broken down in about 5-10 seconds. So we are all supposed to sleep with one eye open and a gun in our hand? Do you know how many accidental killings happen that way?
Sorry, this is a sorry-assed argument for owning a gun.
If defense against a home invasion that results in murder and assault is not a legitimate argument for owning a gun, what is?

I don't think it was a random home invasion. Most crimes committed involve people that know each other.

And even then, like I said, you have to sleep with one eye open and a gun in your hand? Better to reinforce your home than accidentally shoot a family member if things in your personal life are that bad.

Or even better, have a gun in your nightstand and be able to grab it before the bad guys take 5-10 seconds to kick in your door, then find their way to your bedroom in the dark. Mine is in a lockbox that opens in less than a second.

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