Homosexuality is in the bible.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

Do you think anal sex is "normal"?

Normalcy is fucking stupid concept and an even worse position to argue from.

When the bible say "Men who lie with men the same as with a women" it is correctly describing homosexuality. This is not "anti-gay rhetoric," it is coming straight from the mouth of GOD.

Levitcus 30;13.

"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Lawrence O'Donnell, you are fool. It is not an acceptabe life style. Tell GOD it is a hateful thing to say. He believe we can be selective in believing the bible. The entire word of god is the bible.

GOD do not condemn slavery but he do tells us how slaves must be treated.

Obamas use of the bible in his swearing in is hypocritical and blasphemy. Because he does not belive the bible to be the word of GOD.

All religions are predicated on hypocrisy; all religious persons are inconsistent with their faith and how they practice it.

And the hate and ignorance expressed in the bible would indicate the inappropriateness of including it in a president’s inauguration, where he must take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, as the Constitution and bible are clearly in conflict.
that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Indeed. The norm would seem to be bisexuality, and neither strict hetero, nor strict homosexuality, which I suspect are the exceptions in nature, yet still highly common.

And all acts of consentual sex (age commensurate with consent) are normal human activities, since it's obvious that they are highly common among our species.

If you don't like it, don't do it. But you seem more concerned about it; and thus I tend to think you have bisexual desires that are a) normal, and; b) being suppressed by you. So perhaps you fear you might be gay, and loathe that, when in fact, you might merely be the epitome of the human norm: bisexual.

I merely speculate.

According to a scientist, i forgot his Name most People are a bit bi-sexual in their nature why would I be a exception? I never felt attracted sexually to a Guy but it is because it is inherited in my Psyche since thousand of years that it is abnormal, I dont want to Change that. I dont want to see my Grandchildren growing up in a Society where same sex relationships are common norm. Homosexuals want exactly that, that Heterosexuality is not the norm anymore because only then they will feel "completely free of discrimination for their Lifestyle". It is us or them. Either we stop existing as heterosexual Society or we put a end to their demands.

Alfred Kinsey is the person I believe you are referring to, he turned the perception of sexuality into more of a grey scale. (I suspect it is a bit more complicated than that.)

I think you are overestimating the power of societal influence, they are huge but not enough to override biology. A predominantly homosexual environment isn't going to "gayify" your grandchildren.

The "norm" is a silly concept and really only has statistical implications... It is not something to be appealed to in an argument. The prevalence of a behaviour doesn't tell us how to feel about it. Furthermore is you ever think homosexual relationships are ever going to be more common you need to learn a bit more about biology.
Do you think anal sex is "normal"?

Yes; and even a nice variation when my female sex partner is thus inclined. French, too, is normal, and highly effective in getting your partner to a point at which orgasms are easier and thus can happen multiple times, for her.

There is nothing wrong with that, today, in America. Gay is no longer immoral; it's now a misplaced "morality." Fact not opinon. Today, in America, overwhelmingly, moral thinking = being accepting of all people, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Did you know that the anus is anatomically designed only to expel and not accept.

The brain, too, in your case, obviously.
Yes; and even a nice variation when my female sex partner is thus inclined. French, too, is normal, and highly effective in getting your partner to a point at which orgasms are easier and thus can happen multiple times, for her.

There is nothing wrong with that, today, in America. Gay is no longer immoral; it's now a misplaced "morality." Fact not opinon. Today, in America, overwhelmingly, moral thinking = being accepting of all people, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Did you know that the anus is anatomically designed only to expel and not accept.

The brain, too, in your case, obviously.

Why do you wish such a cruel and evil Thing upon me? Children are a Gift of God, they enrich your Life. A homosexual like you wouldnt understand. Im sincerely very offended by your words. Im almost lashing out to call you names, but i will Refrain.

I regret to inform you that I have a wife and 2 children.

That said, what I said to you was harsh and I apologize.

You're so full of shit, I can smell you from here. If you sissies are so "afraid", then come back when you grow some balls and can stand up to those abuse you like our founding fathers did. If you didn't claim your rights when you had the chance over 200 years ago, then it's your own damn fault.

It took African Americans 90 years after being freed to finally stand up and call for equal rights. There's a parallel.

Also, I'm not gay, see above.

When the bible say "Men who lie with men the same as with a women" it is correctly describing homosexuality. This is not "anti-gay rhetoric," it is coming straight from the mouth of GOD.

Levitcus 30;13.

"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Lawrence O'Donnell, you are fool. It is not an acceptabe life style. Tell GOD it is a hateful thing to say. He believe we can be selective in believing the bible. The entire word of god is the bible.

GOD do not condemn slavery but he do tells us how slaves must be treated.

Obamas use of the bible in his swearing in is hypocritical and blasphemy. Because he does not belive the bible to be the word of GOD.

Actually, Leviticus is a manual for the Jewish priesthood, and it lays out the rules for being a priest.

If you're not a member of the Jewish priesthood, then Leviticus isn't really the book you should be using, especially if you're a Christian.

When the bible say "Men who lie with men the same as with a women" it is correctly describing homosexuality. This is not "anti-gay rhetoric," it is coming straight from the mouth of GOD.

Levitcus 30;13.

"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Lawrence O'Donnell, you are fool. It is not an acceptabe life style. Tell GOD it is a hateful thing to say. He believe we can be selective in believing the bible. The entire word of god is the bible.

GOD do not condemn slavery but he do tells us how slaves must be treated.

Obamas use of the bible in his swearing in is hypocritical and blasphemy. Because he does not belive the bible to be the word of GOD.

Actually, Leviticus is a manual for the Jewish priesthood, and it lays out the rules for being a priest.

If you're not a member of the Jewish priesthood, then Leviticus isn't really the book you should be using, especially if you're a Christian.

Im going to assume you are not aware of the error you made here, because I hope the alternative is not true. Among the Jews the book of Leviticus is known as Torat Kohamin which does in fact mean "instructions for priests". However it's instructions were not about how to be a priest it was about how the priest should run Israel as a "holy" nation. The priest were the real political rulers.

Whether the laws would apply to modern christians is a more complicated matter. There are three types of law in the OT. Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral. The Ceremonial laws do not apply to christians, some of the civil laws may still be observed but they tend not to be, the moral laws are still observed. (Most consider its laws pertaining to homosexuality as moral doctrine.)

So just to clarify the misunderstandings and possibly prevent some of the more lazy criticisms from atheists.
I love it when looney miscreant lefties try to tell me 1+1=3.

I love it when fundamentalists ask "WWJD?" and think the answer is a profanity laced tirade that is briefly interrupted by misrepresenting facts and personal attacks.

I learned from the left after being presented with misrepresented facts and personal attacks. Is this the part when you act all innocent and pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about?"

When the bible say "Men who lie with men the same as with a women" it is correctly describing homosexuality. This is not "anti-gay rhetoric," it is coming straight from the mouth of GOD.

Levitcus 30;13.

"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Lawrence O'Donnell, you are fool. It is not an acceptabe life style. Tell GOD it is a hateful thing to say. He believe we can be selective in believing the bible. The entire word of god is the bible.

GOD do not condemn slavery but he do tells us how slaves must be treated.

Obamas use of the bible in his swearing in is hypocritical and blasphemy. Because he does not belive the bible to be the word of GOD.

Actually, Leviticus is a manual for the Jewish priesthood, and it lays out the rules for being a priest.

If you're not a member of the Jewish priesthood, then Leviticus isn't really the book you should be using, especially if you're a Christian.

Im going to assume you are not aware of the error you made here, because I hope the alternative is not true. Among the Jews the book of Leviticus is known as Torat Kohamin which does in fact mean "instructions for priests". However it's instructions were not about how to be a priest it was about how the priest should run Israel as a "holy" nation. The priest were the real political rulers.

Whether the laws would apply to modern christians is a more complicated matter. There are three types of law in the OT. Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral. The Ceremonial laws do not apply to christians, some of the civil laws may still be observed but they tend not to be, the moral laws are still observed. (Most consider its laws pertaining to homosexuality as moral doctrine.)

So just to clarify the misunderstandings and possibly prevent some of the more lazy criticisms from atheists.

Homosexuality is also condemned in the New Testament. Jesus also said marriage was a man and a woman.
Actually, Leviticus is a manual for the Jewish priesthood, and it lays out the rules for being a priest.

If you're not a member of the Jewish priesthood, then Leviticus isn't really the book you should be using, especially if you're a Christian.

Im going to assume you are not aware of the error you made here, because I hope the alternative is not true. Among the Jews the book of Leviticus is known as Torat Kohamin which does in fact mean "instructions for priests". However it's instructions were not about how to be a priest it was about how the priest should run Israel as a "holy" nation. The priest were the real political rulers.

Whether the laws would apply to modern christians is a more complicated matter. There are three types of law in the OT. Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral. The Ceremonial laws do not apply to christians, some of the civil laws may still be observed but they tend not to be, the moral laws are still observed. (Most consider its laws pertaining to homosexuality as moral doctrine.)

So just to clarify the misunderstandings and possibly prevent some of the more lazy criticisms from atheists.

Homosexuality is also condemned in the New Testament. Jesus also said marriage was a man and a woman.

Book Chapter Verse?
I love it when looney miscreant lefties try to tell me 1+1=3.

I love it when fundamentalists ask "WWJD?" and think the answer is a profanity laced tirade that is briefly interrupted by misrepresenting facts and personal attacks.

I learned from the left after being presented with misrepresented facts and personal attacks. Is this the part when you act all innocent and pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about?"

Example? More to the point an example of me doing that? If you are going to lash out at least direct your tantrums properly.
Im going to assume you are not aware of the error you made here, because I hope the alternative is not true. Among the Jews the book of Leviticus is known as Torat Kohamin which does in fact mean "instructions for priests". However it's instructions were not about how to be a priest it was about how the priest should run Israel as a "holy" nation. The priest were the real political rulers.

Whether the laws would apply to modern christians is a more complicated matter. There are three types of law in the OT. Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral. The Ceremonial laws do not apply to christians, some of the civil laws may still be observed but they tend not to be, the moral laws are still observed. (Most consider its laws pertaining to homosexuality as moral doctrine.)

So just to clarify the misunderstandings and possibly prevent some of the more lazy criticisms from atheists.

Homosexuality is also condemned in the New Testament. Jesus also said marriage was a man and a woman.

Book Chapter Verse?

New Testament Scriptures dealing with homosexuality
I love it when fundamentalists ask "WWJD?" and think the answer is a profanity laced tirade that is briefly interrupted by misrepresenting facts and personal attacks.

I learned from the left after being presented with misrepresented facts and personal attacks. Is this the part when you act all innocent and pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about?"

Example? More to the point an example of me doing that? If you are going to lash out at least direct your tantrums properly.

Can you provide an example of my "lashing out" and "tantrums"? Perhaps you're just another drama queen who erects strawmen and provides false rhetoric to establish a false premise.
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Matthew 19:4-6
"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

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