Homosexuality is in the bible.

There is no such thing as "gay equal rights". Human rights are for everyone. Gays never cared about "marriage equality" until recently. If gays were being denied human rights, then certainly we would have heard about this centuries ago.

That's because until recently they were afraid to ask for marriage rights. People like our parents and grandparents and before made them scared to come out.

As long as they don't break any laws in not accepting it, then I don't see a problem with them not accepting it.

How do you get "tricked" into homosexual behavior?

That's unfortunate. I sincerely hope you never have children.

So you're are saying that the reason homosexuals hate the Bible thumpers is because the homosexuals (and those who appreciate sexual deviation as totally rewarding) are afraid that they are headed for Hell unless they can discredit the Bible thumpers? Is that the fear?

No, they are afraid that the bible thumpers are going to hurt them somehow, as history has taught them.

I feel Christians have been much more forgiving of sinful behavior than sinful people have been understanding of the righteous (do gooders as some might jest). And I understand that as women will have sexual relationships before they are married to try to keep boyfriends, the very same holds true for young guys trying to fit in with the gang/crowd. This is why homosexuality was once frowned upon in the service. The lower ranks might get used by those in authority. And if you really believe such never happens just remember, most kids today have no clue that performing various forms of sexual behavior is immoral or wrong... They are taught that it's just about feelings & feelings can be changed. So, if it feels wrong maybe something is wrong with the person who feels that way... At least this can be said to someone who has "reservations" regarding doing something. Most kids went to Sunday school when I was growing up or knew someone who did. They also heard Bible readings from the Psalms & Proverbs in school. Morality was not just a matter of "feelings." And even back then, the old lines, "What are you chicken or something?" and "If it feels good, it can't be wrong," come back to haunt with regards to past mistakes.
And actually, I pray that sexual perverts do not have children, but they seem to find a way around that even with their so called "homosexual" lifestyle. Sex is always about THEM. Sex is about producing a family and living for God. It isn't about one's own agenda. And I see both gays and straights with agendas that are far from holy. But making homosexuality "normal" only adds another layer of stupity to the problems we all face simply living in this world...
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Homosexuality is abnormal behaviour and not always but often homosexuals exaggerate their preferences into perversions. I dont need the Bible to see that, but the one who wrote the Bible was a wise man 5000 years ago.

Im also afraid we might head towards a society where homosexuality is not viewn as abnormal sexual behaviour anymore and doable on occassion also for heterosexuals like in ancient greece.

Homophobic Attitude is also wrong, we need to see it with sober-mind

Could anyone force you into homosexual behavior?
Same with gays as they do not choose who to be attracted to.
No one could make me gay, or you and that is the same with no one can make gays be straight.
Homosexuals fall in love with other homosexuals. Abnormal to me and you but love is love.

To force me to sexual behaviour would be rape or sexual abuse. But it could trick me into homosexual behaviour if no one told me it is abnormal and despisable and i grew up in a society where it is completely normal to occassionally do it with guys like in ancient greece

No way dude. Whole lot of BS there.
If you can be tricked into sucking a cock and are straight I have some beach front property for sale in Hahira, Ga.
Give you a good deal. Market is low and time to buy is now. Owner financing. Low down payment.
That's because until recently they were afraid to ask for marriage rights. People like our parents and grandparents and before made them scared to come out.

As long as they don't break any laws in not accepting it, then I don't see a problem with them not accepting it.

How do you get "tricked" into homosexual behavior?

That's unfortunate. I sincerely hope you never have children.

No, they are afraid that the bible thumpers are going to hurt them somehow, as history has taught them.

I feel Christians have been much more forgiving of sinful behavior than sinful people have been understanding of the righteous (do gooders as some might jest). And I understand that as women will have sexual relationships before they are married to try to keep boyfriends, the very same holds trye for young guys trying to fit in with the gang/crowd. This is why homosexuality was once frowned upon in the service. The lower ranks might get used by those in authority. And if you really believe such never happens just remember, most kids today have no clue that performing various forms of sexual behavior is immoral or wrong... They are taught that it's just about feelings & feelings can be changed. So, if it feels wrong maybe something is wrong with the person who feels that way... At least this can be said to someone who has "reservations" regarding doing something. Most kids want to Sunday school when I was growing up. They also heard Bible readings from the Psalms & Proverbs in school. Morality was not just a matter of "feelings." And even back then, the old lines, "What are you chicken or something?" and "If it feels good, it can't be wrong," come back to haunt with regard to past mistakes.

Same as men.
Sure. We agree on all desires that exploit or hurt other human beings.
But no sexual act between consenting adults is thus, if it's what both want.

And that's a fact in our country and gas been for many decades.

i dont want a society where homosexuality is seen as normal act between two adults. i doubt anyone wants. we just tolerate a few gays, but we dont want a gay society.

No one is preventing you from getting a gay vaccine every year.
Encourage your friends and family also. That way society will be protected from going gay.

why in ancient greece it was Standard to practice homophile acts?
Nobody get tricked into sucking another guys cock, you're nuts and fat, but funny. :D

Young Girls get tricked to suck a guys cock (or loose their virginity), so why not other Guys?

How did you trick young girls to suck your cock?

Is that from personal experience? :D

What you're talking about is sexual abuse and even rape, those are already criminal acts. But you can't "trick" a straight guy to suck a cock, he knows what he's doing, it's not a "trick". What do you think he says to himself "hey, how did this hard cock get it my mouth?". You a funny guy though. :D
i dont want a society where homosexuality is seen as normal act between two adults. i doubt anyone wants. we just tolerate a few gays, but we dont want a gay society.

No one is preventing you from getting a gay vaccine every year.
Encourage your friends and family also. That way society will be protected from going gay.

why in ancient greece it was Standard to practice homophile acts?

Because bisexuality was not shunned.
No one is preventing you from getting a gay vaccine every year.
Encourage your friends and family also. That way society will be protected from going gay.

why in ancient greece it was Standard to practice homophile acts?

Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.
why in ancient greece it was Standard to practice homophile acts?

Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Indeed. The norm would seem to be bisexuality, and neither strict hetero, nor strict homosexuality, which I suspect are the exceptions in nature, yet still highly common.

And all acts of consentual sex (age commensurate with consent) are normal human activities, since it's obvious that they are highly common among our species.

If you don't like it, don't do it. But you seem more concerned about it; and thus I tend to think you have bisexual desires that are a) normal, and; b) being suppressed by you. So perhaps you fear you might be gay, and loathe that, when in fact, you might merely be the epitome of the human norm: bisexual.

I merely speculate.
why in ancient greece it was Standard to practice homophile acts?

Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.
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Young Girls get tricked to suck a guys cock (or loose their virginity), so why not other Guys?

How did you trick young girls to suck your cock?

Is that from personal experience? :D

What you're talking about is sexual abuse and even rape, those are already criminal acts. But you can't "trick" a straight guy to suck a cock, he knows what he's doing, it's not a "trick". What do you think he says to himself "hey, how did this hard cock get it my mouth?". You a funny guy though. :D

She could be retarded. They're easier to trick. Many retarded girls have been tricked into stuff like that. Maybe homos are all retarded.
Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

Do you think anal sex is "normal"?
Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Indeed. The norm would seem to be bisexuality, and neither strict hetero, nor strict homosexuality, which I suspect are the exceptions in nature, yet still highly common.

And all acts of consentual sex (age commensurate with consent) are normal human activities, since it's obvious that they are highly common among our species.

If you don't like it, don't do it. But you seem more concerned about it; and thus I tend to think you have bisexual desires that are a) normal, and; b) being suppressed by you. So perhaps you fear you might be gay, and loathe that, when in fact, you might merely be the epitome of the human norm: bisexual.

I merely speculate.

According to a scientist, i forgot his Name most People are a bit bi-sexual in their nature why would I be a exception? I never felt attracted sexually to a Guy but it is because it is inherited in my Psyche since thousand of years that it is abnormal, I dont want to Change that. I dont want to see my Grandchildren growing up in a Society where same sex relationships are common norm. Homosexuals want exactly that, that Heterosexuality is not the norm anymore because only then they will feel "completely free of discrimination for their Lifestyle". It is us or them. Either we stop existing as heterosexual Society or we put a end to their demands.
Because bisexuality was not shunned.

that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

because you already choose to practice homosexual acts, maybe you live bi or homo sexual. but majority is like me, disgusted by homosexuality we just tolerate it. But try to hit on a average straight guy as homosexual and you will see how he will respond.
that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

Do you think anal sex is "normal"?

Yes; and even a nice variation when my female sex partner is thus inclined. French, too, is normal, and highly effective in getting your partner to a point at which orgasms are easier and thus can happen multiple times, for her.

There is nothing wrong with that, today, in America. Gay is no longer immoral; it's now a misplaced "morality." Fact not opinon. Today, in America, overwhelmingly, moral thinking = being accepting of all people, irrespective of sexual orientation.
that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

because you already choose to practice homosexual acts, maybe you live bi or homo sexual. but majority is like me, disgusted by homosexuality we just tolerate it. But try to hit on a average straight guy as homosexual and you will see how he will respond.

Perhaps, so out of intellectual curiosity, I tried it, in case I was missing out on something. (suppressed a bisexual orientation) Turns out, for me, it was not enjoyable, and in fact, the female form, in my opinion, is the most beautiful thing on earth, or as I say to friends, "The day God created woman, He was one horny mutherfucker."
How did you trick young girls to suck your cock?

Is that from personal experience? :D

What you're talking about is sexual abuse and even rape, those are already criminal acts. But you can't "trick" a straight guy to suck a cock, he knows what he's doing, it's not a "trick". What do you think he says to himself "hey, how did this hard cock get it my mouth?". You a funny guy though. :D

She could be retarded. They're easier to trick. Many retarded girls have been tricked into stuff like that. Maybe homos are all retarded.

Jesus was likely gay: he only hung around with guys, only fucked a woman once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he looks effeminate in all his paintings, wore a dress, and rode the gay pride symbol, the donkey.
that is my Point we cannot view homosexual acts as "normal" just as exception, because we will become ancient greece if there is no distinction between "right" and "abnormal" sexuality anymore.

Indeed. The norm would seem to be bisexuality, and neither strict hetero, nor strict homosexuality, which I suspect are the exceptions in nature, yet still highly common.

And all acts of consentual sex (age commensurate with consent) are normal human activities, since it's obvious that they are highly common among our species.

If you don't like it, don't do it. But you seem more concerned about it; and thus I tend to think you have bisexual desires that are a) normal, and; b) being suppressed by you. So perhaps you fear you might be gay, and loathe that, when in fact, you might merely be the epitome of the human norm: bisexual.

I merely speculate.

According to a scientist, i forgot his Name most People are a bit bi-sexual in their nature why would I be a exception? I never felt attracted sexually to a Guy but it is because it is inherited in my Psyche since thousand of years that it is abnormal, I dont want to Change that. I dont want to see my Grandchildren growing up in a Society where same sex relationships are common norm. Homosexuals want exactly that, that Heterosexuality is not the norm anymore because only then they will feel "completely free of discrimination for their Lifestyle". It is us or them. Either we stop existing as heterosexual Society or we put a end to their demands.

Because exceptions are highly common, and thus you may or may not be one. Seems simple to grasp.
Postscript: indeed we can, albeit it seems you cannot. So try not to project your thoughts onto me, since clearly we're of different minds.

Do you think anal sex is "normal"?

Yes; and even a nice variation when my female sex partner is thus inclined. French, too, is normal, and highly effective in getting your partner to a point at which orgasms are easier and thus can happen multiple times, for her.

There is nothing wrong with that, today, in America. Gay is no longer immoral; it's now a misplaced "morality." Fact not opinon. Today, in America, overwhelmingly, moral thinking = being accepting of all people, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Did you know that the anus is anatomically designed only to expel and not accept.
Is that from personal experience? :D

What you're talking about is sexual abuse and even rape, those are already criminal acts. But you can't "trick" a straight guy to suck a cock, he knows what he's doing, it's not a "trick". What do you think he says to himself "hey, how did this hard cock get it my mouth?". You a funny guy though. :D

She could be retarded. They're easier to trick. Many retarded girls have been tricked into stuff like that. Maybe homos are all retarded.

Jesus was likely gay: he only hung around with guys, only fucked a woman once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he looks effeminate in all his paintings, wore a dress, and rode the gay pride symbol, the donkey.

Oh sure. Yup.
She could be retarded. They're easier to trick. Many retarded girls have been tricked into stuff like that. Maybe homos are all retarded.

Jesus was likely gay: he only hung around with guys, only fucked a woman once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he looks effeminate in all his paintings, wore a dress, and rode the gay pride symbol, the donkey.

Oh sure. Yup.

But you can't say for 100% sure that he wasn't. :D

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