Homosexuality is in the bible.

Says those who believe it. Live and let live.

Gladly, you do the same and stop trying to black access to marriage rights for gays based only on your religion.

Also, believing it doesn't mean it's reality. Lots of people believe they've been abducted and experimented on by aliens.

I have never blocked anyone from getting married. The laws were passed long before I arrived on the scene.

Also, lots of queers believe they are victims when all they are is confused and mentally ill.
And these were just the ones directed at me you spent the entire thread hurling verbal abuses at posters.

Those are words on a page and I stand by every one of them. If you are going to try to create a false narrative and erect straw men, then you're going to get called on it. You have a wild imagination and it might be too much for you to handle. Do you sleep with the lights on?

How can it be a false narrative? These are entirely your words with barely any commentary, so any "false" narrative entirely your own doing. You are beyond the point where you can reasonably claim ignorance you are being flagrantly dishonest.

Give the entire post I was responding to. When you complain about my words and then display your blatant dishonesty, you don't have much to stand on. Dishonest pissant.
I have never blocked anyone from getting married. The laws were passed long before I arrived on the scene.

Also, lots of queers believe they are victims when all they are is confused and mentally ill.

If you really think I meant you personally, you're dumber than I thought.

And I'm not even gonna address your second sentence. That line of bullshit has been debunked by anyone with decent educations. They are no different from straights except for liking the same sex instead of the opposite.

Lots of Christian believe they are victims when they are really just a bunch of crybabies throwing a tantrum because they can't push their religion on people through force of law.
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Give the entire post I was responding to. When you complain about my words and then display your blatant dishonesty, you don't have much to stand on. Dishonest pissant.

Ironic coming from the guy who ignored an entire post and instead just posted an insult. Then when called out on that, you ignored the response.
Amazing how an entity that can create an entire universe of stars, planets, birds, mammals, fishes and reptiles, somehow can't get rid of homosexuality without puny man to act on its behalf.
Amazing how an entity that can create an entire universe of stars, planets, birds, mammals, fishes and reptiles, somehow can't get rid of homosexuality without puny man to act on its behalf.

This. If God has a problem with gays, why did he make them? Most Christians I know say everything comes from God. Well, right up until you ask them about things like that. Then it's the devil or incoherent rambling trying to avoid giving a straight answer.
Amazing how an entity that can create an entire universe of stars, planets, birds, mammals, fishes and reptiles, somehow can't get rid of homosexuality without puny man to act on its behalf.

This. If God has a problem with gays, why did he make them? Most Christians I know say everything comes from God. Well, right up until you ask them about things like that. Then it's the devil or incoherent rambling trying to avoid giving a straight answer.

Why did God make murderers? Why did God make liers? Why did God make diseases? God predestined to allow this sinful world to come into being, so that those He knew would accept God's saving grace might be saved to eternal life. The fact is, if Adam had not sinned we would never have been born, because we were born in a sinful world under sinful circumstances... However, this also means that many will choose to live for themselves and die to eternal separation from God.
So why is Jesus always depicted as dying on the cross in a diaper? What's the symbolism to that? :dunno:

No symbolism, dumb twat. He actually died on a cross. That's called "reality".

As for the loincloth, that would be an artistic courtesy added by whomever painted the picture or created the sculpture, since He was actually crucified naked. If you have a problem with that . . . well, I'm not surprised to find out you're as stupid about art as you are about history, religion, and virtually every other subject your open your dribbling piehole on.

He actually died on a cross.

So says who?

History, you numbfuck religious bigot. Irregardless of whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God or a wackjob, He was a historical figure, and He died by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. The fact that you're too busy being blinded by your hatred of all things Christianity to know the most fundamental facts as widely accepted by historians is not my problem, and I'll thank you not to interrupt me with your ignorance again.
Amazing how an entity that can create an entire universe of stars, planets, birds, mammals, fishes and reptiles, somehow can't get rid of homosexuality without puny man to act on its behalf.

This. If God has a problem with gays, why did he make them? Most Christians I know say everything comes from God. Well, right up until you ask them about things like that. Then it's the devil or incoherent rambling trying to avoid giving a straight answer.

Why did God make murderers? Why did God make liers? Why did God make diseases? God predestined to allow this sinful world to come into being, so that those He knew would accept God's saving grace might be saved to eternal life. The fact is, if Adam had not sinned we would never have been born, because we were born in a sinful world under sinful circumstances... However, this also means that many will choose to live for themselves and die to eternal separation from God.

So if I understand this correctly, you sound like you're saying that God planned all of this. And you worship this being?
This. If God has a problem with gays, why did he make them? Most Christians I know say everything comes from God. Well, right up until you ask them about things like that. Then it's the devil or incoherent rambling trying to avoid giving a straight answer.

Why did God make murderers? Why did God make liers? Why did God make diseases? God predestined to allow this sinful world to come into being, so that those He knew would accept God's saving grace might be saved to eternal life. The fact is, if Adam had not sinned we would never have been born, because we were born in a sinful world under sinful circumstances... However, this also means that many will choose to live for themselves and die to eternal separation from God.

So if I understand this correctly, you sound like you're saying that God planned all of this. And you worship this being?

God went to the cross to save whosoever will believe on Him. What else would you want God to do. He is Lord of all and took on the sins of man so that man might be saved. Why should I throw rocks at the Creator who did nothing but want to Love me?
This. If God has a problem with gays, why did he make them? Most Christians I know say everything comes from God. Well, right up until you ask them about things like that. Then it's the devil or incoherent rambling trying to avoid giving a straight answer.

Why did God make murderers? Why did God make liers? Why did God make diseases? God predestined to allow this sinful world to come into being, so that those He knew would accept God's saving grace might be saved to eternal life. The fact is, if Adam had not sinned we would never have been born, because we were born in a sinful world under sinful circumstances... However, this also means that many will choose to live for themselves and die to eternal separation from God.

So if I understand this correctly, you sound like you're saying that God planned all of this. And you worship this being?

God went to the cross to save whosoever will believe on Him. What else would you want God to do. He is Lord of all and took on the sins of man so that man might be saved. Why should I throw rocks at the Creator who did nothing but want to Love me?

Romans 8:29 King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Why did God make murderers? Why did God make liers? Why did God make diseases? God predestined to allow this sinful world to come into being, so that those He knew would accept God's saving grace might be saved to eternal life. The fact is, if Adam had not sinned we would never have been born, because we were born in a sinful world under sinful circumstances... However, this also means that many will choose to live for themselves and die to eternal separation from God.

So if I understand this correctly, you sound like you're saying that God planned all of this. And you worship this being?

God went to the cross to save whosoever will believe on Him. What else would you want God to do. He is Lord of all and took on the sins of man so that man might be saved. Why should I throw rocks at the Creator who did nothing but want to Love me?

Why create sin in the first place? The only reason I can think of is to stroke his ego.
So why is Jesus always depicted as dying on the cross in a diaper? What's the symbolism to that? :dunno:

No symbolism, dumb twat. He actually died on a cross. That's called "reality".

As for the loincloth, that would be an artistic courtesy added by whomever painted the picture or created the sculpture, since He was actually crucified naked. If you have a problem with that . . . well, I'm not surprised to find out you're as stupid about art as you are about history, religion, and virtually every other subject your open your dribbling piehole on.

So they covered him up because he had a small cock or what? And there's as much proof of Jesus being turned in by Judas for being gay, and because he wouldn't give Judas a rim job, as there is for what you claim.

Doubt Jesus knew what a rim job was.
You need to check your historical facts on that one sista. Betcha 5 to 1 you are far off that one. Try playing between the hash marks.
So if I understand this correctly, you sound like you're saying that God planned all of this. And you worship this being?

God went to the cross to save whosoever will believe on Him. What else would you want God to do. He is Lord of all and took on the sins of man so that man might be saved. Why should I throw rocks at the Creator who did nothing but want to Love me?

Why create sin in the first place? The only reason I can think of is to stroke his ego.

Lucifer created sin when he decided to become God. God didn't create sin. God foreknew how/when/where it would come about.
Those are words on a page and I stand by every one of them. If you are going to try to create a false narrative and erect straw men, then you're going to get called on it. You have a wild imagination and it might be too much for you to handle. Do you sleep with the lights on?

How can it be a false narrative? These are entirely your words with barely any commentary, so any "false" narrative entirely your own doing. You are beyond the point where you can reasonably claim ignorance you are being flagrantly dishonest.

Give the entire post I was responding to. When you complain about my words and then display your blatant dishonesty, you don't have much to stand on. Dishonest pissant.

I gave you the opportunity to justify these posts, and Ill ill give you another shot. The post numbers are right there... or you can continue with the tantrum.
How can it be a false narrative? These are entirely your words with barely any commentary, so any "false" narrative entirely your own doing. You are beyond the point where you can reasonably claim ignorance you are being flagrantly dishonest.

Give the entire post I was responding to. When you complain about my words and then display your blatant dishonesty, you don't have much to stand on. Dishonest pissant.

I gave you the opportunity to justify these posts, and Ill ill give you another shot. The post numbers are right there... or you can continue with the tantrum.

I'm predicting he tries to dodge again. He did the same to me.
God went to the cross to save whosoever will believe on Him. What else would you want God to do. He is Lord of all and took on the sins of man so that man might be saved. Why should I throw rocks at the Creator who did nothing but want to Love me?

Why create sin in the first place? The only reason I can think of is to stroke his ego.

Lucifer created sin when he decided to become God. God didn't create sin. God foreknew how/when/where it would come about.

Lucifer created sin when he decided to become God. God didn't create sin. God foreknew how/when/where it would come about.

Who created Lucifer? No, this is just another excuse to blame the troubles on another mythological figure. When it's good a god did it. When it's bad a devil did it. Who do you blame the millions of starving children on? Who do you blame cancer on? Talking the talk is one thing, walking it is another.
No symbolism, dumb twat. He actually died on a cross. That's called "reality".

As for the loincloth, that would be an artistic courtesy added by whomever painted the picture or created the sculpture, since He was actually crucified naked. If you have a problem with that . . . well, I'm not surprised to find out you're as stupid about art as you are about history, religion, and virtually every other subject your open your dribbling piehole on.

He actually died on a cross.

So says who?

History, you numbfuck religious bigot. Irregardless of whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God or a wackjob, He was a historical figure, and He died by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. The fact that you're too busy being blinded by your hatred of all things Christianity to know the most fundamental facts as widely accepted by historians is not my problem, and I'll thank you not to interrupt me with your ignorance again.

He was a historical figure, and He died by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans.

You will have a hard time proving this. He was a concocted figure created by the church. He's no more historical than Mickey Mouse. Only thing you have to confirm his existence is a bible built on 2nd and 3rd hand hearsay. Which jesus you speaking of? There were about 20 well known jesus at the time and none fit the christian concoction:

Josephus, the first century Jewish historian mentions no fewer than nineteen different Yeshuas/Jesii, about half of them contemporaries of the supposed Christ! In his Antiquities, of the twenty-eight high priests who held office from the reign of Herod the Great to the fall of the Temple, no fewer than four bore the name Jesus: Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus and Jesus ben Gamaliel. Even Saint Paul makes reference to a rival magician, preaching ‘another Jesus’ (2 Corinthians 11,4). The surfeit of early Jesuses includes:

A Surfeit of Jesuses! But No "Jesus of Nazareth"

And no. Josephus was not an eyewitness to any christian jesus. Born 3 to 4 years after the supposed death of this Jewish god man. His Antiquities 18:3:3 was forged by Eusebius a 4th Century church father who wrote the history of the church.
No symbolism, dumb twat. He actually died on a cross. That's called "reality".

As for the loincloth, that would be an artistic courtesy added by whomever painted the picture or created the sculpture, since He was actually crucified naked. If you have a problem with that . . . well, I'm not surprised to find out you're as stupid about art as you are about history, religion, and virtually every other subject your open your dribbling piehole on.

So they covered him up because he had a small cock or what? And there's as much proof of Jesus being turned in by Judas for being gay, and because he wouldn't give Judas a rim job, as there is for what you claim.

Doubt Jesus knew what a rim job was.
You need to check your historical facts on that one sista. Betcha 5 to 1 you are far off that one. Try playing between the hash marks.
A Surfeit of Jesuses! But No "Jesus of Nazareth"

CS covers this nicely in the post above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
As soon as folks go by the love and joy that gay folk can bring into the lives of others and go with that instead of what a 2000 year old book says they will get over the gay boogeyman phobia.

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