Homosexuality is in the bible.

Some of you are so damn stupid you can't even tell the difference between the acts of hateful evil people and the works of God.

Then why don't you tell us O Great One of God and ruler of the message board kingdom. Tell us in your best mystical and parabolic way the difference between the acts of evil people and those that a Sky Daddy did. Tell us how Sky Daddy ignores the starving, let's the cancer stricken die, picks and chooses who he likes, loves some but let's others die. Tell us how Sky Daddy is going to turn things around the next election. Yes tell us all the wonderful things this sight unseen, non speaking deity performs his BS!
Tell us who made stupid people.

Long list, but your parents undoubtedly are on it, and likely very near the top.

Who do you think is responsible for all the starving people in the world?

All of us. Some for having civil wars, etc. Some for having poor governments, who will sell off the bulk of their nation's growing lands to Chinese and other richer (comparitively) nation's food industries. Some for not wanting to help, or ignoring the real effects on individual humans that starvation has.
Some of you are so damn stupid you can't even tell the difference between the acts of hateful evil people and the works of God.

Ooh, ooh, ooh; I can!!!

One is real and friggin' awful, while the other is imagined by folks with religious beliefs.

What do I win???
Some of you are so damn stupid you can't even tell the difference between the acts of hateful evil people and the works of God.

Then why don't you tell us O Great One of God and ruler of the message board kingdom. Tell us in your best mystical and parabolic way the difference between the acts of evil people and those that a Sky Daddy did. Tell us how Sky Daddy ignores the starving, let's the cancer stricken die, picks and chooses who he likes, loves some but let's others die. Tell us how Sky Daddy is going to turn things around the next election. Yes tell us all the wonderful things this sight unseen, non speaking deity performs his BS!

First, can you see if you can manage to be just a LITTLE more childish? I want to see if you can actually be more immature than my 4-year-old, or if you've hit rock-bottom at age five.
Some of you are so damn stupid you can't even tell the difference between the acts of hateful evil people and the works of God.

Then why don't you tell us O Great One of God and ruler of the message board kingdom. Tell us in your best mystical and parabolic way the difference between the acts of evil people and those that a Sky Daddy did. Tell us how Sky Daddy ignores the starving, let's the cancer stricken die, picks and chooses who he likes, loves some but let's others die. Tell us how Sky Daddy is going to turn things around the next election. Yes tell us all the wonderful things this sight unseen, non speaking deity performs his BS!

First, can you see if you can manage to be just a LITTLE more childish? I want to see if you can actually be more immature than my 4-year-old, or if you've hit rock-bottom at age five.

Shoe fits wear it Jack....extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Childish is believing in talking jackasses and snakes. As a general rule anyone that believes that garbage is usually put in a straight jacket. So before the pot calls the kettle black and vice versa let's leave the shrink diagnosis to a certified head doctor.
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Some of you are so damn stupid you can't even tell the difference between the acts of hateful evil people and the works of God.

Then why don't you tell us O Great One of God and ruler of the message board kingdom. Tell us in your best mystical and parabolic way the difference between the acts of evil people and those that a Sky Daddy did. Tell us how Sky Daddy ignores the starving, let's the cancer stricken die, picks and chooses who he likes, loves some but let's others die. Tell us how Sky Daddy is going to turn things around the next election. Yes tell us all the wonderful things this sight unseen, non speaking deity performs his BS!

I can't until you tell me why I'm a racist as you claimed. Coward.
Long list, but your parents undoubtedly are on it, and likely very near the top.

Who do you think is responsible for all the starving people in the world?

All of us. Some for having civil wars, etc. Some for having poor governments, who will sell off the bulk of their nation's growing lands to Chinese and other richer (comparitively) nation's food industries. Some for not wanting to help, or ignoring the real effects on individual humans that starvation has.


Sin isn't so much the product of Adam and Eve (although many will tell you that), but rather sin is the product of free will (which God gave to us). We can choose to follow Him or go our own way, depending on what we CHOOSE to do. God gave us 10 simple rules to follow in the form of the 10 Commandments, and if we follow them, we are considered good, but if we don't, we care considered "sinful".

Incidentally, the original sin of Adam and Eve wasn't about them eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, it was actually them lying and not taking responsibility for their actions. When God asked Adam why he ate, he stated that Eve (who God had made for Adam) gave him the apple and he ate it. When God asked Eve why she ate it, she ducked responsibility by blaming it on the serpent.

The first sin was more about people not taking responsibility for their own actions, and trying to shift the blame onto someone else.
Long list, but your parents undoubtedly are on it, and likely very near the top.

Who do you think is responsible for all the starving people in the world?

All of us. Some for having civil wars, etc. Some for having poor governments, who will sell off the bulk of their nation's growing lands to Chinese and other richer (comparitively) nation's food industries. Some for not wanting to help, or ignoring the real effects on individual humans that starvation has.

I agree. God has nothing to do with it.
“ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”(Obama’s inauguration speech)
Is not an excuse for gays to marry. Obama do not have the right to change GOD’s laws. Does not mean gays were created. Gays have a choice because gave all humans the freedom of choice. If gays were to be created equal as others, GOD would not have said this about them. GOD created the human being but he did not create these traits in humans. All of the below make the choice to be what is described. No one is born a thief or a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
(Were, meaning they changed just like changing from being an adulterer)
“ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”(Obama’s inauguration speech)
Is not an excuse for gays to marry. Obama do not have the right to change GOD’s laws. Does not mean gays were created. Gays have a choice because gave all humans the freedom of choice. If gays were to be created equal as others, GOD would not have said this about them. GOD created the human being but he did not create these traits in humans. All of the below make the choice to be what is described. No one is born a thief or a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
(Were, meaning they changed just like changing from being an adulterer)

Take your Bible and go home.
Other folks getting married is none of your damn business.
If you are a Christian you never have to tell anyone.
They will know it by your actions: love thy neighbor and do not judge, BE CHRISTLIKE.
Govern yourself accordingly.
“ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”(Obama’s inauguration speech)
Is not an excuse for gays to marry. Obama do not have the right to change GOD’s laws. Does not mean gays were created. Gays have a choice because gave all humans the freedom of choice. If gays were to be created equal as others, GOD would not have said this about them. GOD created the human being but he did not create these traits in humans. All of the below make the choice to be what is described. No one is born a thief or a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
(Were, meaning they changed just like changing from being an adulterer)

Take your Bible and go home.
Other folks getting married is none of your damn business.
If you are a Christian you never have to tell anyone.
They will know it by your actions: love thy neighbor and do not judge, BE CHRISTLIKE.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman because of their creation. Do you believe Jesus is a bigot?
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“ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”(Obama’s inauguration speech)
Is not an excuse for gays to marry. Obama do not have the right to change GOD’s laws. Does not mean gays were created. Gays have a choice because gave all humans the freedom of choice. If gays were to be created equal as others, GOD would not have said this about them. GOD created the human being but he did not create these traits in humans. All of the below make the choice to be what is described. No one is born a thief or a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
(Were, meaning they changed just like changing from being an adulterer)

Take your Bible and go home.
Other folks getting married is none of your damn business.
If you are a Christian you never have to tell anyone.
They will know it by your actions: love thy neighbor and do not judge, BE CHRISTLIKE.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman because of their creation. Do you believe Jesus is a bigot?

That is a marriage, man and a woman.
Where does he state he is opposed to gays getting married?
And if he did that is RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
They have NO PLACE in government or the law.
How come you support mass murderers to get married?
Marriage is none of your mother hen business. Are you that bored with your life that you care about gay folk getting married?
Focus on your own life and us straights getting divorced 55% of the time, what damn authority are we on marriage?
Mind your own business and if you do not have something positive to say about the love and joy of other folks then keep your mouth shut.
Take your Bible and go home.
Other folks getting married is none of your damn business.
If you are a Christian you never have to tell anyone.
They will know it by your actions: love thy neighbor and do not judge, BE CHRISTLIKE.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman because of their creation. Do you believe Jesus is a bigot?

That is a marriage, man and a woman.
Where does he state he is opposed to gays getting married?
And if he did that is RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
They have NO PLACE in government or the law.
How come you support mass murderers to get married?
Marriage is none of your mother hen business. Are you that bored with your life that you care about gay folk getting married?
Focus on your own life and us straights getting divorced 55% of the time, what damn authority are we on marriage?
Mind your own business and if you do not have something positive to say about the love and joy of other folks then keep your mouth shut.

You're the one out of line here. Marriage has always been a man and a woman until you freaks began screaming about your "rights". Go sell that shit to naive college kids. Why don't you shut my mouth. Do you want my address?
Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman because of their creation. Do you believe Jesus is a bigot?

That is a marriage, man and a woman.
Where does he state he is opposed to gays getting married?
And if he did that is RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
They have NO PLACE in government or the law.
How come you support mass murderers to get married?
Marriage is none of your mother hen business. Are you that bored with your life that you care about gay folk getting married?
Focus on your own life and us straights getting divorced 55% of the time, what damn authority are we on marriage?
Mind your own business and if you do not have something positive to say about the love and joy of other folks then keep your mouth shut.

You're the one out of line here. Marriage has always been a man and a woman until you freaks began screaming about your "rights". Go sell that shit to naive college kids. Why don't you shut my mouth. Do you want my address?

I am straight, married for 37 years with 3 grown kids. Grew up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s.
All you can do is call names. I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. Crossed the line many a day, played 4 quarters years ago against some of the best.
I was making my bones while you were still sucking on your mams's tit.
You are a milk weak rank amateur.
That is a marriage, man and a woman.
Where does he state he is opposed to gays getting married?
And if he did that is RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.
They have NO PLACE in government or the law.
How come you support mass murderers to get married?
Marriage is none of your mother hen business. Are you that bored with your life that you care about gay folk getting married?
Focus on your own life and us straights getting divorced 55% of the time, what damn authority are we on marriage?
Mind your own business and if you do not have something positive to say about the love and joy of other folks then keep your mouth shut.

You're the one out of line here. Marriage has always been a man and a woman until you freaks began screaming about your "rights". Go sell that shit to naive college kids. Why don't you shut my mouth. Do you want my address?

I am straight, married for 37 years with 3 grown kids. Grew up in the deep south in the late 50s and 60s.
All you can do is call names. I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. Crossed the line many a day, played 4 quarters years ago against some of the best.
I was making my bones while you were still sucking on your mams's tit.
You are a milk weak rank amateur.

LOL. I wouldn't brag about being beat up and left for dead and then call an anonymous poster weak. You just admitted you can't defend yourself. Loser.
“ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”(Obama’s inauguration speech)
Is not an excuse for gays to marry. Obama do not have the right to change GOD’s laws. Does not mean gays were created. Gays have a choice because gave all humans the freedom of choice. If gays were to be created equal as others, GOD would not have said this about them. GOD created the human being but he did not create these traits in humans. All of the below make the choice to be what is described. No one is born a thief or a drunkard.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were.
(Were, meaning they changed just like changing from being an adulterer)

Take your Bible and go home.
Other folks getting married is none of your damn business.
If you are a Christian you never have to tell anyone.
They will know it by your actions: love thy neighbor and do not judge, BE CHRISTLIKE.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman because of their creation. Do you believe Jesus is a bigot?

What a Palestinian Jew thought 2k yrs ago has absolutely no bearing on the modern governing of our secular state.

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