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Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??

I call shenanigans. The question in the thread title is not at all Honest.
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz

View attachment 223304
Usually something a person would say when they are too much of a DIVA to know when to shut the fuck up....

If you can't refute any FACT I bring up -- just hop off the post and go comment on "Why Hillary Killed The Saudi Journalist" or something that doesn't take truth or thought...

You're not providing facts. You are providing Prog Religious Dogma.

Deny right to vote.jpeg
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Now if the belief among those conservatives from days gone by is that it is against their interests for minorities to be able to vote -- then all of these voter suppression games make sense.

However, I am told that conservatives are no longer racists -- and the party that considers themselves the party of conservatives (the republican party) -- are against racial discrimination -- if this is true, why do conservatives collectively try to disenfranchise minority voters??? No, it is not for the purpose of "voter integrity" -- that is a joke.

To claim that suppressing minority voters is done for the sake of voter integrity is claiming that minorities are the cause of rampant voter fraud -- which is easily proven false. For example, in the 2016 election -- despite all of the propaganda from republicans about wide spread voter fraud -- there were only 4 cases of voter fraud. The first case is that of Terri Lynn Rot --- she attempted to commit voter fraud -- and yes, she voted republican -- in fact, what she got caught for was voting for Trump twice -- because she bought into the "the elections are rigged" BS coming from Trump.

How about another case of voter fraud from the last elections -- the elections that supposedly had millions of illegal votes -- We have Phillip Cook -- he was also arrested for voting twice in which he claimed to be working for the Trump campaign, he wasn't.

Again, he doesn't seem to fit the conservative stereotype of the sneaky minority, invading our country and illegally voting. So I will ask again, what is it about minorities registering to vote in high numbers LEGALLY -- and voting in elections in high numbers -- LEGALLY that makes you panic and resort to trying to make it harder for them to vote??

If your answer is something along the lines of minorities tend to vote for the Democrats more because they are slaves on a plantation or something stupid like that -- where does that give anyone the right to try to suppress their vote? And did you ever stop to think that if ONLY one party is trying to suppress minority voters -- a great number of those minorities may support the party that doesn't try to suppress their vote??

Stupid question, we want minorities and majorities to vote

You need to vote ONLY ONCE
You need to prove who you are and where you live by ID
And you have to be eligible to vote (no illegals)

that's it.....really simple

republicans passed the 19th amendment as well.....

you just got owned in your own thread with a really really stupid question....

Now if the belief among those conservatives from days gone by is that it is against their interests for minorities to be able to vote -- then all of these voter suppression games make sense.

However, I am told that conservatives are no longer racists -- and the party that considers themselves the party of conservatives (the republican party) -- are against racial discrimination -- if this is true, why do conservatives collectively try to disenfranchise minority voters??? No, it is not for the purpose of "voter integrity" -- that is a joke.

To claim that suppressing minority voters is done for the sake of voter integrity is claiming that minorities are the cause of rampant voter fraud -- which is easily proven false. For example, in the 2016 election -- despite all of the propaganda from republicans about wide spread voter fraud -- there were only 4 cases of voter fraud. The first case is that of Terri Lynn Rot --- she attempted to commit voter fraud -- and yes, she voted republican -- in fact, what she got caught for was voting for Trump twice -- because she bought into the "the elections are rigged" BS coming from Trump.

How about another case of voter fraud from the last elections -- the elections that supposedly had millions of illegal votes -- We have Phillip Cook -- he was also arrested for voting twice in which he claimed to be working for the Trump campaign, he wasn't.

Again, he doesn't seem to fit the conservative stereotype of the sneaky minority, invading our country and illegally voting. So I will ask again, what is it about minorities registering to vote in high numbers LEGALLY -- and voting in elections in high numbers -- LEGALLY that makes you panic and resort to trying to make it harder for them to vote??

If your answer is something along the lines of minorities tend to vote for the Democrats more because they are slaves on a plantation or something stupid like that -- where does that give anyone the right to try to suppress their vote? And did you ever stop to think that if ONLY one party is trying to suppress minority voters -- a great number of those minorities may support the party that doesn't try to suppress their vote??

When I discuss Proportional Representation, which is a FAIR electoral system, they come up with really shit excuses for why it's bad.

It's clear they know they get a massive advantage out of gerrymandering, and going into presidential elections with a 3 million vote head start already. And they like it.

So, they're trying their hardest even with the advantages they've got, to get a little more, they want MORE POWER, they want to get everything they want.

Democracy? Fuck they don't want democracy.

It's clear they know they get a massive advantage out of gerrymandering, and going into presidential elections with a 3 million vote head start already. And they like it.

And if we ever stop including illegal aliens for purposes of apportionment, Dems will never recapture the House.
I call shenanigans. The question in the thread title is not at all Honest.
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?
They don't. Democrats have been the one for voter suppression. I mean republicans passed the 15th amendment.
Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??

Straw meet Man, try not to get into an argument.

Show me which party besides the Republican party that is currently engaging in voter suppression...show me which party besides the republican party that has recently been taken to court and lost due to voter suppression?

Before moving forward let’s define your twisted notion of “voter suppression”?
Is requiring identification “suppression”?
You may want to pretend you didn’t see this post.
Bottom line is Reps don't want illegal voting b/c they know all the illegal voted go to DEMs. Latinos have been inculcated in the home countries to vote for Socialism b/c they believe that's the way to get 'free shit'. Like every fucking Socialist politician has promised them for decades.
Problem is it always somehow turn out the Socialist politicians end up becoming multi millionaires and the poor stay poor and the country always ends up pleading with the rest of the right wing governments/the Makers to once again bail them out. You can set your watch by it.
The DEM party has now been taken over by Soros paid for radical Socialists who once again are offering the poor 'free shit' if they get into power. Who is going to pay for all the 'free shit'? That's right the 'Makers' NOT the Takers.
Welcome to Venezuela 2.0.
I just showed you evidence that in the last election -- 75% of the illegal votes came from white republicans -- should they now be targeted for voter suppression? No....

So for closet racists like yourself -- it is always OK to blame it on the minorities....when blacks got the right to vote -- people just like you were claiming how all of those blacks would vote illegally, it will ruin America, blah blah blah....

When women got the right to vote -- people like you were against that too...in fact, most emancipation efforts by any minority group are usually met with opposition from people like you.....

I just showed you evidence that in the last election -- 75% of the illegal votes came from white republicans --

Well, that certainly explains why Dems fear voter ID...….LOL!
I don't think all the conservatives/republicans on this board are among those who want to prevent minorities to vote ....

I agree with you, I don't believe all or even the majority of conservatives/republicans want to prevent minorities from voting -- especially if you ask them face to face, they would obviously say no..and mean it too...

Everyone knows this. It crystal clear.

...and here is the problem....although it is crystal clear, although if you ask most people personally if they are against suppressing votes, they will all say no...

But once they put on their party uniforms -- they support everything their party does -- even when it flies in the face of what they personally believe -- however, suppressing a person's vote flies in the face of what this country is founded on -- so until they show me otherwise, they are supporting the party of racists...period...

I understand why you believe that. I want to be optimistic and don't want to believe that everyone in the republican party is a racist or supports racists. Or at least knowing they support racists. I agree, the Republican Party has a lot of racists.

But the problem is the republicans/conservatives don't care if they support racists. They justify it to themselves so they can keep voting for republicans.

While some don't have racism as their motivation, their motivation is hate for anything liberal or democratic. They believe that the ends justifes the means. Their only goal is to have republicans/conservatives controlling and running this nation. They want a one party, one opinion government and nation. They don't want anyone who doesn't share their opinion to have any power or any say in how this nation is run.

The only reason why they target minorities is that's where they can prevent a lot of democratic votes.
I don't think all the conservatives/republicans on this board are among those who want to prevent minorities to vote ....

I agree with you, I don't believe all or even the majority of conservatives/republicans want to prevent minorities from voting -- especially if you ask them face to face, they would obviously say no..and mean it too...

Everyone knows this. It crystal clear.

...and here is the problem....although it is crystal clear, although if you ask most people personally if they are against suppressing votes, they will all say no...

But once they put on their party uniforms -- they support everything their party does -- even when it flies in the face of what they personally believe -- however, suppressing a person's vote flies in the face of what this country is founded on -- so until they show me otherwise, they are supporting the party of racists...period...

I understand why you believe that. I want to be optimistic and don't want to believe that everyone in the republican party is a racist or supports racists. Or at least knowing they support racists. I agree, the Republican Party has a lot of racists.

But the problem is the republicans/conservatives don't care if they support racists. They justify it to themselves so they can keep voting for republicans.

While some don't have racism as their motivation, their motivation is hate for anything liberal or democratic. They believe that the ends justifes the means. Their only goal is to have republicans/conservatives controlling and running this nation. They want a one party, one opinion government and nation. They don't want anyone who doesn't share their opinion to have any power or any say in how this nation is run.

The only reason why they target minorities is that's where they can prevent a lot of democratic votes.

I agree, the Republican Party has a lot of racists.

Dems hate white people. Damn Dem racists.
Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??

Straw meet Man, try not to get into an argument.

Show me which party besides the Republican party that is currently engaging in voter suppression...show me which party besides the republican party that has recently been taken to court and lost due to voter suppression?

Before moving forward let’s define your twisted notion of “voter suppression”?
Is requiring identification “suppression”?
You may want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

Voter Suppression = A Standard Excuse When The Progs Lose

Now if the belief among those conservatives from days gone by is that it is against their interests for minorities to be able to vote -- then all of these voter suppression games make sense.

However, I am told that conservatives are no longer racists -- and the party that considers themselves the party of conservatives (the republican party) -- are against racial discrimination -- if this is true, why do conservatives collectively try to disenfranchise minority voters??? No, it is not for the purpose of "voter integrity" -- that is a joke.

To claim that suppressing minority voters is done for the sake of voter integrity is claiming that minorities are the cause of rampant voter fraud -- which is easily proven false. For example, in the 2016 election -- despite all of the propaganda from republicans about wide spread voter fraud -- there were only 4 cases of voter fraud. The first case is that of Terri Lynn Rot --- she attempted to commit voter fraud -- and yes, she voted republican -- in fact, what she got caught for was voting for Trump twice -- because she bought into the "the elections are rigged" BS coming from Trump.

How about another case of voter fraud from the last elections -- the elections that supposedly had millions of illegal votes -- We have Phillip Cook -- he was also arrested for voting twice in which he claimed to be working for the Trump campaign, he wasn't.

Again, he doesn't seem to fit the conservative stereotype of the sneaky minority, invading our country and illegally voting. So I will ask again, what is it about minorities registering to vote in high numbers LEGALLY -- and voting in elections in high numbers -- LEGALLY that makes you panic and resort to trying to make it harder for them to vote??

If your answer is something along the lines of minorities tend to vote for the Democrats more because they are slaves on a plantation or something stupid like that -- where does that give anyone the right to try to suppress their vote? And did you ever stop to think that if ONLY one party is trying to suppress minority voters -- a great number of those minorities may support the party that doesn't try to suppress their vote??

Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??
(Watch me force the filth to their straight jackets and padded rooms)
THE DATA PROVES that minorities have a very HIGH propensity to be low iQ, needy, immoral, indecent, tax payer dependent and criminal minded so they vote for the Party that will promise to force good Americans to spoon feed them, offer the most free shit, decriminalize their criminal activities, celebrate their abortions and pretend they are winners. For the aforementioned reasons they vote Democrat.

So tell us...why do Mexicrats hope that good quality, moral, decent, productive, wealthy, white, Christians don’t make it to the polls?
There you go...now piss yourselves filth.

Windparadox would this post be considered PC since it derives from real, factual data?
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?
Not ONE of these rancid self-proclaimed conservatives/Republicans that responded to this thread has addressed the issue of the OP.

The reason being is they KNOW that their party of choice is corrupt from the core and actively engages in voter suppression.

Another way to put it is that they're a racist party.

Plain. And. Simple.

That's stupid.
Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??

Straw meet Man, try not to get into an argument.

Show me which party besides the Republican party that is currently engaging in voter suppression...show me which party besides the republican party that has recently been taken to court and lost due to voter suppression?

What does that have to do with the fact that you started out by defining the position of your opposition so you could knock it down? That's called a straw man.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with how logical fallacies work either that or your argument is so weak that you cannot make it without using them.

Try using reason and evidence to formulate your argument instead of fallacies and while you're at it, why not clarify what your argument is, like for example when you say "Republicans" do you mean all Republicans? Or just some of them? If it's the latter which ones?
Now, you KNEW you were going to get trolled responses to that post!

As a conservative, I cannot speak for every variant of my values, but I can say this: conservatives by and large are sick of the 24-hour news cycle. Every 5 minutes some new liberal group gets triggered by a perceived nuance in a 30-year-old comment and the. We have six weeks of headlines about looting, burning and rioting as a result. Then the complaints begin that the electoral process has failed the majority of Americans because California and New York cannot dominate the voting rolls and they are importing immigrants to vote illegally to make up for this grave injustice.

That being said, conservatives just want a fair vote- to know that my vote won’t be offset by someone who died three years ago, or by someone who is not legally entitled to a vote perhaps because of their citizenship status. Recently a roving interviewer went to an area known to be home to many whose cases are pointed to by people who are against voter ID laws. That group of people were shocked and mildly offended that others would think they lacked internet access or the knowledge to use it. Indeed voter id laws protect the rights of all citizens, and the only people who are against them appear to be underinformed or simply apathetic as to why people who shouldn’t vote... shouldn’t.

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Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??

Straw meet Man, try not to get into an argument.

Show me which party besides the Republican party that is currently engaging in voter suppression...show me which party besides the republican party that has recently been taken to court and lost due to voter suppression?

What does that have to do with the fact that you started out by defining the position of your opposition so you could knock it down? That's called a straw man.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with how logical fallacies work either that or your argument is so weak that you cannot make it without using them.

Try using reason and evidence to formulate your argument instead of fallacies and while you're at it, why not clarify what your argument is, like for example when you say "Republicans" do you mean all Republicans? Or just some of them? If it's the latter which ones?
Again, you sycophants will defend any voter suppression of minorities under the guise -- "well they didn't officially say they were trying to stop minorities from voting" -- of course they didn't dumb ass - it is illegal -- so they try to find ways around it...

there use to be a voting rights act that came equipped with pre-clearance laws because of the long history of republicans trying to find inventive ways to get around overt racial discrimination -- and many times those suppression methods were stuck down by the courts...then after the Supreme Court got a conservative majority, the voting rights act was gutted and republicans cheered...do you know why they cheered? because they like to suppress minority voters....
I call shenanigans. The question in the thread title is not at all Honest.
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz

View attachment 223304
Usually something a person would say when they are too much of a DIVA to know when to shut the fuck up....

If you can't refute any FACT I bring up -- just hop off the post and go comment on "Why Hillary Killed The Saudi Journalist" or something that doesn't take truth or thought...

You're not providing facts. You are providing Prog Religious Dogma.

View attachment 223308
Who committed voter fraud in the past election ?? you keep dodging the fact that the people who were arrested and convicted were NOT black voters -- they were NOT liberals -- they were white republicans....however you still feel it is the minorities who are to blame?
Now, you KNEW you were going to get trolled responses to that post!

As a conservative, I cannot speak for every variant of my values, but I can say this: conservatives by and large are sick of the 24-hour news cycle. Every 5 minutes some new liberal group gets triggered by a perceived nuance in a 30-year-old comment and the. We have six weeks of headlines about looting, burning and rioting as a result. Then the complaints begin that the electoral process has failed the majority of Americans because California and New York cannot dominate the voting rolls and they are importing immigrants to vote illegally to make up for this grave injustice.

That being said, conservatives just want a fair vote- to know that my vote won’t be offset by someone who died three years ago, or by someone who is not legally entitled to a vote perhaps because of their citizenship status. Recently a roving interviewer went to an area known to be home to many whose cases are pointed to by people who are against voter ID laws. That group of people were shocked and mildly offended that others would think they lacked internet access or the knowledge to use it. Indeed voter id laws protect the rights of all citizens, and the only people who are against them appear to be underinformed or simply apathetic as to why people who shouldn’t vote... shouldn’t.

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Again, what does trying to prevent black college students in Waller County from voting -- what does that have to do with insuring a fair vote?

Not one republican apologist has been able to answer that question yet...
Now, you KNEW you were going to get trolled responses to that post!

As a conservative, I cannot speak for every variant of my values, but I can say this: conservatives by and large are sick of the 24-hour news cycle. Every 5 minutes some new liberal group gets triggered by a perceived nuance in a 30-year-old comment and the. We have six weeks of headlines about looting, burning and rioting as a result. Then the complaints begin that the electoral process has failed the majority of Americans because California and New York cannot dominate the voting rolls and they are importing immigrants to vote illegally to make up for this grave injustice.

That being said, conservatives just want a fair vote- to know that my vote won’t be offset by someone who died three years ago, or by someone who is not legally entitled to a vote perhaps because of their citizenship status. Recently a roving interviewer went to an area known to be home to many whose cases are pointed to by people who are against voter ID laws. That group of people were shocked and mildly offended that others would think they lacked internet access or the knowledge to use it. Indeed voter id laws protect the rights of all citizens, and the only people who are against them appear to be underinformed or simply apathetic as to why people who shouldn’t vote... shouldn’t.

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What does trying to suddenly demand that Native Americans in North Dakota have to change up their whole up ID format from using PO Boxes to street addresses just weeks before an election -- how does that insure a fair vote? Especially if their ID's worked just fine in the primaries?

You folks are the same people who had a freak out over the IRS scrutinizing conservative groups -- even tho those groups still received their tax exempt status -- but when people are actually being made to jump thru hoops to vote, that is always ok to a republican...
Now, you KNEW you were going to get trolled responses to that post!

As a conservative, I cannot speak for every variant of my values, but I can say this: conservatives by and large are sick of the 24-hour news cycle. Every 5 minutes some new liberal group gets triggered by a perceived nuance in a 30-year-old comment and the. We have six weeks of headlines about looting, burning and rioting as a result. Then the complaints begin that the electoral process has failed the majority of Americans because California and New York cannot dominate the voting rolls and they are importing immigrants to vote illegally to make up for this grave injustice.

That being said, conservatives just want a fair vote- to know that my vote won’t be offset by someone who died three years ago, or by someone who is not legally entitled to a vote perhaps because of their citizenship status. Recently a roving interviewer went to an area known to be home to many whose cases are pointed to by people who are against voter ID laws. That group of people were shocked and mildly offended that others would think they lacked internet access or the knowledge to use it. Indeed voter id laws protect the rights of all citizens, and the only people who are against them appear to be underinformed or simply apathetic as to why people who shouldn’t vote... shouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, what does trying to prevent black college students in Waller County from voting -- what does that have to do with insuring a fair vote?

Not one republican apologist has been able to answer that question yet...

Are they legal residents of Waller County?
OP, 'Yes' Or 'No' Answer ONLY:

Have You Stopped BEATING Your Significant Other?

Bullshit question? Yeah, so is yours.

Conservatives don't mind minorities voting as long as they are legal citizens.

The fact that you a$$hole snowflakes continue to accuse others of doing what you do and of being who you are is getting old.

You accuse others of wanting to fix elections and cheat...when in 2016 Hillary and the DNC admittedly got busted rigging primaries, cheating in debates, stacking the deck against Bernie, violating Election and Campaign Finance laws, and even colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the Presidential election.

There are four things I believe every voter should be:

Identifiable: A US Citizen, who can prove their citizenship and current address.

Educated: A high school grad (or GED holder) who has had sufficient education to get a 80% grade on a basic civics exam.

Involved: Knowledgeable enough about the candidates and issues on the ballot to pass a multiple choice exam on those things with a 75% grade.

Invested: At least two of the following items - A tax payer. A holder of a minimally 25 hour a week job. An owner of taxable property (home or motor vehicle). A business owner.

The vast majority of minorities do not meet these qualifications, and therefore should not be allowed to vote.

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