Horror In Tel Aviv. Now We Have All Seen A Preview Of A Hillary Clinton Presidency.Just Let Them In!

:boohoo: :dev2: :disbelief: What has occured in Tel Aviv earlier today is a preview of what happens with open borders. Trump and the GOP now have more red meat to throw at Hillary. Hillary is for open borders for anyone who can get here, and whether or not they are the worst of the worst criminals.
So now we just wait and see if Hillary makes a public statement of the terror attack in Tel Aviv. Then again, she probably wont. But Donald Trump Will !!!!!! :hellno:

you brain dead loon. there have been palestinian terrosists killing people in israel for decades and through every presidency.

now shut up and go back to the hole you crawled out of.

and please don't pretend that you give a damn about israel.
You know that I care greatly for Israel and he has a point of how dangerous open borders and unchecked illegal immigration is to America!
:boohoo: :dev2: :disbelief: What has occured in Tel Aviv earlier today is a preview of what happens with open borders. Trump and the GOP now have more red meat to throw at Hillary. Hillary is for open borders for anyone who can get here, and whether or not they are the worst of the worst criminals.
So now we just wait and see if Hillary makes a public statement of the terror attack in Tel Aviv. Then again, she probably wont. But Donald Trump Will !!!!!! :hellno:

donald trump is a bigoted insane loon.

but thanks again for pretending that you give a damn about israel. :cuckoo:

nut bar.
It's easy for the left to say you are racist or sexist rather than engage in conversation with to opposition.

Trump is not racist.
You righties always brag about the wall in Israel like it's The best thing
Only a 98% reduction in terrorist attacks.

How many terrorists have come from Mexico ?
Irrelivent. Walls work, Israel proved it.

40 % of illegals enter the U.S. legally .
What you mean is that 40% enter as LEGAL Immigrants as opposed to...?

Meaning that 40% of the illegals in the us now , entered wh legal status (ex. Tourist visa ). A big wall does nothing about that.
You righties always brag about the wall in Israel like it's The best thing
Only a 98% reduction in terrorist attacks.

How many terrorists have come from Mexico ?
Irrelivent. Walls work, Israel proved it.

Did you miss the op of this tread ?

You idiots consider our relationship wh Mexico to be the same as the Israeli / Palestine mess???

Not only that , Israel is the size of a postage stamp. The border wh Mexico is like 1200 miles . Oh, and 40 % of illegals enter the U.S. legally . But you want a fancy wall wh drones and guards watching the whole thing 24/7 . Have you ever even considerd the costs ???
Fences keep people out.
Secret Service Plans to Raise White House Fence by 5 Feet

Great. An example of a fense fail. And that's outside one of the most secure spots in the country .

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