Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

Get fucked you pedantic twat.

You are seemingly the only person that could not understand a simple post.

What's next, a report for errant posting? Just stupid.
Wow, I just went back through your entire ridiculous conversation to find out what the hell you two are arguing about and didn’t find one substantive point. Must be exhausting. Do better
Wow, I just went back through your entire ridiculous conversation to find out what the hell you two are arguing about and didn’t find one substantive point. Must be exhausting. Do better

You are correct. Shit for brains pointed out that I apparently didn't follow some supposed rule and decided to be a complete dick about it. There was no actual point.

Take it up with him. I didn't spark that shit..
Those people who are deciding to take their chances are responsible for the spread of it and the filling of hospitals which effects medical care for entire communities so this thing is more than just a personal choice. It effects our entire nations ability to move past it. These hospitalizations are preventable and many more people would be preventing it if honest and accurate information was being pushed instead of all the misinformation. Your own doctor, your own father recommends the safety measures that community leaders are trying to implement... Yet you fall on the side that is pushing back... Whats up with that? You know the push back only leads to more regulations, more infections, more hospitalization, more deaths and prolonging this nightmare. You may think you are fighting the good fight, but you aren't... not in this case. If you want to be free and rely on personal responsibility then promote the responsible way of handling this thing.

No they aren't. The hundreds of thousands of covid positive illegal aliens being trucked all over the country are the source.

But who cares. Covid isn't dangerous. The response to it is purely political. Only morons haven't figured that out yet.
If they use the organs to transplant in other people in are in need are they really Killing people?
In order to get on the transplant waiting list, you have to be very sick and really need the organ. Being removed from the list is a death sentence for most people. So yeah, taking people off the list because they don't have a vaccine but may not be carrying the bug is killing them.
Regeneron is a treatment in the form of a shot ??? Is that what Trump was given when he got sick, and it was in the vehicle transport of a shot ???
You got Botox and filler for the ladies' lips hips and breasts? Face lift or a little nip and tuck here or there. That sort of medicine. Sacrifice health for beauty.
No they aren't. The hundreds of thousands of covid positive illegal aliens being trucked all over the country are the source.

But who cares. Covid isn't dangerous. The response to it is purely political. Only morons haven't figured that out yet.
Sure buddy, whatever you say! At least you recognize the catch22
In order to get on the transplant waiting list, you have to be very sick and really need the organ. Being removed from the list is a death sentence for most people. So yeah, taking people off the list because they don't have a vaccine but may not be carrying the bug is killing them.
Is giving it to them killing the person waiting behind them?
I expect any day now that I will be told that we have to move because I am unvaxxed in HUD housing. If that happens, I will go...MrG can stay. I'll check on him from time to time, I guess.

And...when I go to an appt at the Dr's office, I am told I cannot see him any more due to being unvaxxed. Yes...pretty sure that will happen. Soon.
I consider it the beginning of preparation for that day when I can neither "buy nor sell" because I have not taken his mark or the number of his name. At least we here in the U.S. now understand that it WILL happen here, as well.
I expect any day now that I will be told that we have to move because I am unvaxxed in HUD housing. If that happens, I will go...MrG can stay. I'll check on him from time to time, I guess.

And...when I go to an appt at the Dr's office, I am told I cannot see him any more due to being unvaxxed. Yes...pretty sure that will happen. Soon.

Probably. You are free to make your own decisions. You are also equally free to suffer the consequences of those decisions.

Just so you know, only the government has to recognize your religious freedom. Nobody else does. Including your landlord and doctor. Requiring vaccination is not discrimination, so you won’t have any legal recourse either.
Probably. You are free to make your own decisions. You are also equally free to suffer the consequences of those decisions.

Just so you know, only the government has to recognize your religious freedom. Nobody else does. Including your landlord and doctor. Requiring vaccination is not discrimination, so you won’t have any legal recourse either.

It is however a violation of HIPA to even ask a persons vaccination status.
I'm just waiting for the "parade" to come down my street any day now......


And their "after party".........

So I'm asking you with this situation why don't you want to get the vax?
6 Irrefutable facts about COVID vaccines:
  1. NONE are FDA approved
  2. All are scientifically classified as Experimental
  3. None have completed initial research tests
  4. All were allowed to completely bypass animal trials
  5. None will complete an actual research trial for at least another 2-3 years
  6. All vaccine manufacturers are free from all liability for any illness or death their vaccines cause.
6 Irrefutable facts about COVID vaccines:
  1. NONE are FDA approved
  2. All are scientifically classified as Experimental
  3. None have completed initial research tests
  4. All were allowed to completely bypass animal trials
  5. None will complete an actual research trial for at least another 2-3 years
  6. All vaccine manufacturers are free from all liability for any illness or death their vaccines cause.
Ok, so??
You asked for a reason, I gave you six. Try to keep up, kid.
Those reasons pail in comparison to the reasons to take it. Public good, recommended by CDC, who, your personal doctor, and every major medical institution around the world… results show huge reduction in hospitalizations and death, lessen the strain on the medical system. Etc etc etc
In order to get on the transplant waiting list, you have to be very sick and really need the organ. Being removed from the list is a death sentence for most people. So yeah, taking people off the list because they don't have a vaccine but may not be carrying the bug is killing them.
So which is worse? Taking a person off the list for not meeting the requirements and having them die, or leaving them on the list, then because they are immuno-suppressed to prevent rejection after the transplant, they get COVID and die, wasting a perfectly good liver on someone who did not do what was required to get it in the first place, possibly killing a second person who could have used that organ?

What do you think happens to a person who destroys their liver with alcohol or drugs and then relapses while waiting for the transplant? They get removed from the list and likely will die very quickly! Why? They are not healthy enough to possibly waste a liver on!

I have some lymph nodes near my liver that are enlarged, indicating possible lymphoma. Do you have any idea how any tests and procedures I have undergone to ensure I don't have cancer? I have had countless blood tests, an MRI every 6 months for 2 years, 2 PET scans, and 2 endoscopic biopsies, and they still are not convinced. They don't give livers to cancer patients.

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