Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

How amazing to have a doctor in your family and as a father, that’s great for you. What does your dad recommend in regards to getting vaxed and wearing masks in crowds?
He, and my family, do both, indoors. Not much need to wear masks outside. My wife and I are rather ticked that we got the vaccine and now have to wear masks again. I cite Dad as a prime example of a doctor who doesn't quibble over HOW a patient got where they are but worries only about WHAT to do to fix the problem. Now, he would inform, direct, try to convince, whatever, the patient to make healthier lifestyle choices to avoid future problems, but he would NEVER refuse to help a patient just because they got themselves into a bad situation.
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I know a gentleman who needed a kidney transplant. He was on the list for a long time when an impromptu conversation with his neighbor's sister led to the revelation that she might be a match and a viable donor. They did the required testing and, yeah: perfect match. The surgery took place, and both the gentleman and the donor enjoyed full recoveries, and both are leading wonderful lives to this day, some 15 years after the fact.

I can't imagine a doctor looking at this guy and saying he couldn't have the transplant. It would just be wrong...
Live donor transplants are not covered by the normal rules because the source of the donor organ is still alive.
He, and my family, do both, indoors. Not much need to wear masks outside. My wife and I are rather ticked that we got the vaccine and now have to wear masks again. I cite Dad as a prime example of a doctor who doesn't quibble over HOW a patient got where they are but worries only about WHAT to do to fix the problem.
Thats fine I guess, you all are conservative and private and mind your own business. But your dad as a doctor has more knowledge than most. And in a pandemic with so much misinformation being tossed out there don’t you think it important to combat the falsehoods with facts. He obviously recommends the vaccine and masking because they are safer and more effective than nothing. So why aren’t you on here promoting that messaging? Why do you jump on the other side of the debate in threads like this?
Thats fine I guess, you all are conservative and private and mind your own business. But your dad as a doctor has more knowledge than most. And in a pandemic with so much misinformation being tossed out there don’t you think it important to combat the falsehoods with facts. He obviously recommends the vaccine and masking because they are safer and more effective than nothing. So why aren’t you on here promoting that messaging? Why do you jump on the other side of the debate in threads like this?

Why are you assuming that he would do what his dad does?
Well I'm life and health underwriting qualified.

Did you work for a boss your whole life slaving your life away???..If I did I'd blow my MF brains all over the wall if I was such a failure you dust breathing shop rat

Et shit and die you jizz licking gender confused working slave...lololololol
I've worked for myself my entire life except for a few restaurant jobs just out of school. Don't see why that matters. I'll take your evasion as a NO, you have not spoken to any doctors about what their medial advise is about COVID. Can't say im surprised.
Thats fine I guess, you all are conservative and private and mind your own business. But your dad as a doctor has more knowledge than most. And in a pandemic with so much misinformation being tossed out there don’t you think it important to combat the falsehoods with facts. He obviously recommends the vaccine and masking because they are safer and more effective than nothing. So why aren’t you on here promoting that messaging? Why do you jump on the other side of the debate in threads like this?
Because there's a big difference between urging people to get a vaccine and advocating that medical professionals refuse to treat someone because of a politically driven life choice they made. I mean, would you support a doctor refusing to treat an infection from a badly done tattoo because he doesn't like tattoos? How about a doctor refusing to do an abortion because it's the third one for a woman in the last 5 years? How about refusing to treat an STD for a prostitute? Doctors are deliberately trained to treat whoever needs treatment without consideration for anything other than the best way to heal the patient, and we don't want to go the other way. Advocating that doctors deliberately refuse life saving treatments makes them violate everything it means to be a doctor.
Eat shit and die you mother fucking slave. You know shit. You are just a boy. Not a man whatsoever you cock sucking fool.

Who the hell do you think you are giving medical advice you GD gender confused boy shop rat. You're just a boy
Why do you need to use so much profanity? Do you have that little control over your emotions? Makes you sound like a low IQ child.
You should go fuck yourself.

Others have figured out how to respond, and have done so. You are seemingly the only one with an issue. Your lack of basic cognition isn't my problem.
OK. asshole. As I stated, I am awaiting my getting on the list for a liver transplant. I think I know this topic better than any other asshole on this message board. I have no cognition problems. You apparently do!
OK. asshole. As I stated, I am awaiting my getting on the list for a liver transplant. I think I know this topic better than any other asshole on this message board. I have no cognition problems. You apparently do!

And that has what to do with your inability to read, shit-for-brains?

"I've got a bad liver, I'm smarter than everyone else, except for the fact that I can't fucking read"

LOL. Get fucked, moron. I've avoided you since the last time I kicked your face in. You should have done the same.
Yes I understand, I haven't had a flu shot either. What do you think happened to John Rahm the golfer that tested positive twice and couldn't play in the olympics?

Was he ill? No, he wasn't. Did he get ill? Apparently not. You tell me.
OK. asshole. As I stated, I am awaiting my getting on the list for a liver transplant. I think I know this topic better than any other asshole on this message board. I have no cognition problems. You apparently do!
Hey Admiral. I wish you the best. Most of this is nonsense here, but when it comes to reality it isn't.
I don't believe you... you're here aren't you? Most of these discussions are based on what's spreading throughout the media

Yes, by uninformed people whose only "science" knowledge is what they are spoon fed by the media. I educate those who care to learn.
Because there's a big difference between urging people to get a vaccine and advocating that medical professionals refuse to treat someone because of a politically driven life choice they made. I mean, would you support a doctor refusing to treat an infection from a badly done tattoo because he doesn't like tattoos? How about a doctor refusing to do an abortion because it's the third one for a woman in the last 5 years? How about refusing to treat an STD for a prostitute? Doctors are deliberately trained to treat whoever needs treatment without consideration for anything other than the best way to heal the patient, and we don't want to go the other way. Advocating that doctors deliberately refuse life saving treatments makes them violate everything it means to be a doctor.
You are correct, doctors should view it that way. But in situations where there is overcrowding choices need to be made. If there is a wait list or lack of resources then doctors and administrators need to find a way to prioritize care. This seems to be the situation here.

Outside of the transplant situation... Do you find yourself urging vaccines and masking on this board or pushing back against it? I haven't studied your posts close enough to know. Where do you fall?

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