Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

And that has what to do with your inability to read, shit-for-brains?

"I've got a bad liver, I'm smarter than everyone else, except for the fact that I can't fucking read"

LOL. Get fucked, moron. I've avoided you since the last time I kicked your face in. You should have done the same.

Your post contained no content and did not quote the OP. You are a pretty dumb mother-fucker! I have two years waiting to even get on the list for a transplant, and I still have not because the requirements are very stringent. They checked every aspect of my health, from lung capacity to whether I need a tooth pulled. They checked bone density and for drug and alcohol abuse. They found some cardiac issues which cost me 6 months recovery time. I have vaccinations against diseases I have never even heard about before being diagnosed. All of this was required to even get on the list because they cannot waste a liver on a drunk, drug addict, or anyone who would not survive the surgery or the recovery.

You don't know anything about the topic.
Mild symptoms both times... His friend who he may have caught it from died from it.

Mild symptoms. You sure about that? His statements seem to be the opposite of what you claim.

JERSEY CITY, N.J.—Jon Rahm isn’t sure what happened, or how. He only knows he wasn’t sick.
Rahm, you may remember, very publicly tested positive for COVID-19 during the Memorial after mounting a six-shot lead through 54 holes. Tough of a swallow as the incident was, it had a happy ending, Rahm returning two weeks later to capture his first major championship at the U.S. Open. Moreover, Rahm revealed early in the week at Torrey Pines that he was now fully vaccinated against the virus.

Unfortunately, just a month later Rahm again tested positive for the virus prior to the Tokyo Olympics, knocking the Spaniard out of the Summer Games.

It was clear Rahm had not been given an answer about what happened. But in a follow-up about his Olympic positive test, Rahm was unequivocal that he didn’t have the virus again.
“I wasn't ill. I can guarantee you I didn't have COVID this time, not at all,” Rahm said. “I had five tests done, four of them were negative, one was positive. That first time I did have COVID, barely any symptoms, but I had it. This time I had nothing.”
Your post contained no content and did not quote the OP. You are a pretty dumb mother-fucker! I have two years waiting to even get on the list for a transplant, and I still have not because the requirements are very stringent. They checked every aspect of my health, from lung capacity to whether I need a tooth pulled. They checked bone density and for drug and alcohol abuse. They found some cardiac issues which cost me 6 months recovery time. I have vaccinations against diseases I have never even heard about before being diagnosed. All of this was required to even get on the list because they cannot waste a liver on a drunk, drug addict, or anyone who would not survive the surgery or the recovery.

You don't know anything about the topic.

Listen up dummy.

I am in no way obligated to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for every ingorant dumbfuck who may forget the content of the thread they are reading.

That was your issue here.

You may regale the others here with your incredible knowledge on this thread, I honestly couldn't give a fuck.

I know you to be an ingorant, intractible dumbass and honestly want nothing to do with you, so get fucked or get back to the thread, but I am under no obligation to post the way you'd like me to post you fucking idiot.
Mild symptoms. You sure about that? His statements seem to be the opposite of what you claim.

JERSEY CITY, N.J.—Jon Rahm isn’t sure what happened, or how. He only knows he wasn’t sick.
Rahm, you may remember, very publicly tested positive for COVID-19 during the Memorial after mounting a six-shot lead through 54 holes. Tough of a swallow as the incident was, it had a happy ending, Rahm returning two weeks later to capture his first major championship at the U.S. Open. Moreover, Rahm revealed early in the week at Torrey Pines that he was now fully vaccinated against the virus.

Unfortunately, just a month later Rahm again tested positive for the virus prior to the Tokyo Olympics, knocking the Spaniard out of the Summer Games.

It was clear Rahm had not been given an answer about what happened. But in a follow-up about his Olympic positive test, Rahm was unequivocal that he didn’t have the virus again.
“I wasn't ill. I can guarantee you I didn't have COVID this time, not at all,” Rahm said. “I had five tests done, four of them were negative, one was positive. That first time I did have COVID, barely any symptoms, but I had it. This time I had nothing.”
Yes, correct, the first time he had symptoms. The second time was pretty crazy, at first I thought it has to be a testing error but how does a country (Spain) let the number 1 player in the world get booted from the Olympics without being absolutely sure about the results??
Well his father was a doctor and sounds like somebody who he trusts so why wouldn't he take his medical advise?
I try to never make assumptions about things like that. For all you know, the guy has a terrible relationship with his father and doesn't listen to a word he says....
I try to never make assumptions about things like that. For all you know, the guy has a terrible relationship with his father and doesn't listen to a word he says....
You haven't been reading his posts then

Here was his response when I asked where he got his medical advise from...

hadit said:
I get mine from a man who was an actual doctor his entire adult life, both in a hospital and in his own private practice. He is my Dad. Where do you get yours from? Dad decided to forego 30% of his patient base the last 5 years of so his practice because he refused to join an HMO as dictated by his state if he wanted to get medicare reimbursement, so he knows about a doctor having priorities dictated to him. Yes, a doctor in his own private practice does things the way he wants to do them, but I can guarantee he's not doing organ transplants in his office. If he is, he's going to jail because those still get done in hospitals. The organ transplant industry has a heavy bureaucracy overseeing every aspect, so there are a lot of opportunities for abuse and heavy handed interference between doctor and patient. The company that does the matching isn't allowed to even know if the same patient registered in more than one OPO region, so there's opportunity for someone to game the system to increase their chances. That actually happened when a very well known billionaire needed an organ. He registered in literally every OPO in the country, then when he got notice of a positive match, flew to the hospital, got the transplant and bought a house to spend his recovery time in.
Yes, correct, the first time he had symptoms. The second time was pretty crazy, at first I thought it has to be a testing error but how does a country (Spain) let the number 1 player in the world get booted from the Olympics without being absolutely sure about the results??

The second time he had no symptoms either. Read the full text of what I posted. He, like me, had had covid prior to the reason starting. He had mild symptoms, just like me, and that was it. So, did you miss all of that, or did you intentionally lie?
You are correct, doctors should view it that way. But in situations where there is overcrowding choices need to be made. If there is a wait list or lack of resources then doctors and administrators need to find a way to prioritize care. This seems to be the situation here.

Outside of the transplant situation... Do you find yourself urging vaccines and masking on this board or pushing back against it? I haven't studied your posts close enough to know. Where do you fall?
I come down on the side of personal liberty, because it is important to preserve. There is little more horrifying to me than to see that so many Americans are willing to allow the government to silence misinformation, very little. The same government that can deny you healthcare because you refuse a vaccine can and will use that same power in other areas of life to force you to comply. It is that important. That being said, I've argued with anti-vaxxers because they aren't arguing science, they're arguing beliefs. They claim, for example, that polio wasn't wiped out because of vaccines, it was just re-diagnosed into other diseases, and they refuse to acknowledge the thousands of deaths caused by measles and mumps before vaccines.

In this case, we have no idea how the vaccines will work in the long term, nor do we know what kind of side effects might pop up years down the road. That leaves a lot of room for people to prefer taking their chances on a disease that still has a very low mortality rate. It's not like TB that is highly contagious and very deadly.
The second time he had no symptoms either. Read the full text of what I posted. He, like me, had had covid prior to the reason starting. He had mild symptoms, just like me, and that was it. So, did you miss all of that, or did you intentionally lie?
When I said he had mild symptoms I was speaking to his first exposure... I clarified that in my last post. You just contradicted yourself. You said "The second time he had no symptoms either" and then you said "He had mild symptoms, just like me, and that was it." So did he have No Symptoms or mild symptoms? I won't play your games and call you a liar, I'll just say you misspoke.
When I said he had mild symptoms I was speaking to his first exposure... I clarified that in my last post. You just contradicted yourself. You said "The second time he had no symptoms either" and then you said "He had mild symptoms, just like me, and that was it." So did he have No Symptoms or mild symptoms? I won't play your games and call you a liar, I'll just say you misspoke.

So it appears you ARE intentionally lying. Read what I said again. I specifically stated he had covid prior to the season beginning. He had mild symptoms THEN. And since then he has NOT BEEN SICK. So, are you incapable of reading for comprehension, or lying?
I come down on the side of personal liberty, because it is important to preserve. There is little more horrifying to me than to see that so many Americans are willing to allow the government to silence misinformation, very little. The same government that can deny you healthcare because you refuse a vaccine can and will use that same power in other areas of life to force you to comply. It is that important. That being said, I've argued with anti-vaxxers because they aren't arguing science, they're arguing beliefs. They claim, for example, that polio wasn't wiped out because of vaccines, it was just re-diagnosed into other diseases, and they refuse to acknowledge the thousands of deaths caused by measles and mumps before vaccines.

In this case, we have no idea how the vaccines will work in the long term, nor do we know what kind of side effects might pop up years down the road. That leaves a lot of room for people to prefer taking their chances on a disease that still has a very low mortality rate. It's not like TB that is highly contagious and very deadly.
Those people who are deciding to take their chances are responsible for the spread of it and the filling of hospitals which effects medical care for entire communities so this thing is more than just a personal choice. It effects our entire nations ability to move past it. These hospitalizations are preventable and many more people would be preventing it if honest and accurate information was being pushed instead of all the misinformation. Your own doctor, your own father recommends the safety measures that community leaders are trying to implement... Yet you fall on the side that is pushing back... Whats up with that? You know the push back only leads to more regulations, more infections, more hospitalization, more deaths and prolonging this nightmare. You may think you are fighting the good fight, but you aren't... not in this case. If you want to be free and rely on personal responsibility then promote the responsible way of handling this thing.

The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.

FREEKING INSANE. So they are willing to KILL PEOPLE denying them necessary life saving procedures to force a vaccine when they haven't even proven any danger? Why don't they simply test these people and confirm they are not infected?

Come to think of it, not even the vaccine promises to keep you from getting infected. So basically, what the hospital is saying is that they are SWAMPED with the Delta bug and to stay away unless you have your shots.
Listen up dummy.

I am in no way obligated to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for every ingorant dumbfuck who may forget the content of the thread they are reading.

That was your issue here.

You may regale the others here with your incredible knowledge on this thread, I honestly couldn't give a fuck.

I know you to be an ingorant, intractible dumbass and honestly want nothing to do with you, so get fucked or get back to the thread, but I am under no obligation to post the way you'd like me to post you fucking idiot.
If you can't post correctly, (and those are not my rules), then get off the thread, dumbass!

You call me ignorant and intractable while spelling both incorrectly. That's priceless!
So it appears you ARE intentionally lying. Read what I said again. I specifically stated he had covid prior to the season beginning. He had mild symptoms THEN. And since then he has NOT BEEN SICK. So, are you incapable of reading for comprehension, or lying?
Yup, and thats exactly what I said as well. But you said, and I'll quote again, "The second time he had no symptoms either" When you say the second time he had no symptoms either that is saying that he had no symptoms the first time. I guess in your book that is lying. You are obviously more interested in playing semantic games to try and call me a liar. Thats weak and childish and not a game I want to play right now. So lets just call me a liar and give you a cookie or award for owning a lib or whatever it is your looking for and be done with this now very annoying conversation.
FREEKING INSANE. So they are willing to KILL PEOPLE denying them necessary life saving procedures to force a vaccine when they haven't even proven any danger? Why don't they simply test these people and confirm they are not infected?

Come to think of it, not even the vaccine promises to keep you from getting infected. So basically, what the hospital is saying is that they are SWAMPED with the Delta bug and to stay away unless you have your shots.
If they use the organs to transplant in other people in are in need are they really Killing people?
If you can't post correctly, (and those are not my rules), then get off the thread, dumbass!

You call me ignorant and intractable while spelling both incorrectly. That's priceless!

Get fucked you pedantic twat.

You are seemingly the only person that could not understand a simple post.

What's next, a report for errant posting? Just stupid.

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