House GOP: mandate Ultrasounds before abortions

"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?

One simple question: is an ultrasound procedure good medical practice?

Is an ultrasound a MEDICAL requirement in order to undergo an abortion?

If not, isn't the ultrasound just politics?

Why are politics in a medical clinic making calls that have NOTHING to do with medical practice?

Is this what Conservatives mean when they rail against a government that intrudes on personal lives?

Good questions.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


The gop has always been the party of big nanny government.

They can pass all the anti choice bills they want. None of them will never become law and they know that. I would be surprised if any of them actually got out of the senate. There's absolutely no way that bill would get around a democratic filibuster.

They're just wasting time and our money. As they always do.

The last thing the republicans are going to do is something that benefits all the people in our nation and actually work for their astronomical wages we the taxpayer pays.
Why didn't the democrats fix it? They only had six years.
Yes. They have been doing it for years without it.

Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.

Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

I don't need a medical degree to understand the motive behind this bill, and it has nothing to do with providing a valuable medical tool that can prevent further complications, and everything to do with making the cost prohibitive and trying to influence the mother into NOT having the abortion. Again, the baby is going to be aborted. It doesn't need an ultrasound.
No reason for women to have the most up to date information before the make a life altering decision, is there? Without it can there really be informed consent?

Yes. They have been doing it for years without it.

Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.
Perhaps, but do Republicans want to mandate MRI before brain surgery? Do they have any other medical procedures they want to mandate?

Exactly. It is not up to Congress to tell doctors what procedures they need to perform on their patients. Congress does not have a license to perform medicine. But leave it to the "smaller government" republicans" to be hypocrites. It is what they do best.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


The gop has always been the party of big nanny government.

They can pass all the anti choice bills they want. None of them will never become law and they know that. I would be surprised if any of them actually got out of the senate. There's absolutely no way that bill would get around a democratic filibuster.

They're just wasting time and our money. As they always do.

The last thing the republicans are going to do is something that benefits all the people in our nation and actually work for their astronomical wages we the taxpayer pays.
Why didn't the democrats fix it? They only had six years.
What is there to fix about abortion? The status quo is OK with liberals. It is the conservatives who want to "fix" it. Even that is mostly rhetoric. It is just a wedge issue that the republicans can trot out every election cycle to rile the base.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


The gop has always been the party of big nanny government.

They can pass all the anti choice bills they want. None of them will never become law and they know that. I would be surprised if any of them actually got out of the senate. There's absolutely no way that bill would get around a democratic filibuster.

They're just wasting time and our money. As they always do.

The last thing the republicans are going to do is something that benefits all the people in our nation and actually work for their astronomical wages we the taxpayer pays.
Why didn't the democrats fix it? They only had six years.
What is there to fix about abortion? The status quo is OK with liberals. It is the conservatives who want to "fix" it. Even that is mostly rhetoric. It is just a wedge issue that the republicans can trot out every election cycle to rile the base.
Yeah thousands of abortions a day. I know that's okay with liberals.
Yes. They have been doing it for years without it.

Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.

Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

Where did you get your medical degree?
Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.

Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

I don't need a medical degree to understand the motive behind this bill, and it has nothing to do with providing a valuable medical tool that can prevent further complications, and everything to do with making the cost prohibitive and trying to influence the mother into NOT having the abortion. Again, the baby is going to be aborted. It doesn't need an ultrasound.

All gynecologist have ultrasound machines, it's not cost prohibitive, they use them all the time for diagnostic reasons. You just don't want mothers to see a reason not to kill their child.
Yes. They have been doing it for years without it.

Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.
Perhaps, but do Republicans want to mandate MRI before brain surgery? Do they have any other medical procedures they want to mandate?

Exactly. It is not up to Congress to tell doctors what procedures they need to perform on their patients. Congress does not have a license to perform medicine. But leave it to the "smaller government" republicans" to be hypocrites. It is what they do best.

That argument went out the window with the ACA and government mandates for electronic medical records. The dem have inserted government between the patient and the doctor all the way down to dictating how doctors can be compensated. So cry me a freaking river.
You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.

Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

I don't need a medical degree to understand the motive behind this bill, and it has nothing to do with providing a valuable medical tool that can prevent further complications, and everything to do with making the cost prohibitive and trying to influence the mother into NOT having the abortion. Again, the baby is going to be aborted. It doesn't need an ultrasound.

All gynecologist have ultrasound machines, it's not cost prohibitive, they use them all the time for diagnostic reasons. You just don't want mothers to see a reason not to kill their child.

It adds an unnecessary cost to an already expensive procedure. But hey, at least you are now being honest as to exactly why you think they should have this test. You want them to have it not for any medically valid reason, since there is no medically valid reason for performing this procedure on a fetus that is going to be aborted. You want to force them to have the procedure to try to make them change their minds on whether or not to have the abortion. Even if it worked, it is not your place to do that. All decisions with regard to a woman's health is the woman's decision (and hers alone) in consultation with her doctor.
Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.

You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.
Perhaps, but do Republicans want to mandate MRI before brain surgery? Do they have any other medical procedures they want to mandate?

Exactly. It is not up to Congress to tell doctors what procedures they need to perform on their patients. Congress does not have a license to perform medicine. But leave it to the "smaller government" republicans" to be hypocrites. It is what they do best.

That argument went out the window with the ACA and government mandates for electronic medical records. The dem have inserted government between the patient and the doctor all the way down to dictating how doctors can be compensated. So cry me a freaking river.

Erm, the government has been doing this for decades. It is called medicare. But that is neither here nor there wrt to what this bill is attempting to do.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


The gop has always been the party of big nanny government.

They can pass all the anti choice bills they want. None of them will never become law and they know that. I would be surprised if any of them actually got out of the senate. There's absolutely no way that bill would get around a democratic filibuster.

They're just wasting time and our money. As they always do.

The last thing the republicans are going to do is something that benefits all the people in our nation and actually work for their astronomical wages we the taxpayer pays.
Why didn't the democrats fix it? They only had six years.
What is there to fix about abortion? The status quo is OK with liberals. It is the conservatives who want to "fix" it. Even that is mostly rhetoric. It is just a wedge issue that the republicans can trot out every election cycle to rile the base.
Yeah thousands of abortions a day. I know that's okay with liberals.
So? There are thousands of other medical procedures occurring every day too. You want to get the government to poke its nose in every appendectomy and mandate some unnecessary step? For folks supposedly advocating smaller, limited government, you sure seem to want in all up in your business.
You don't need an MRI to perform brain surgery either, but they give doctors and patients a better understanding of the situation and can predict possible complications.

Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

I don't need a medical degree to understand the motive behind this bill, and it has nothing to do with providing a valuable medical tool that can prevent further complications, and everything to do with making the cost prohibitive and trying to influence the mother into NOT having the abortion. Again, the baby is going to be aborted. It doesn't need an ultrasound.

All gynecologist have ultrasound machines, it's not cost prohibitive, they use them all the time for diagnostic reasons. You just don't want mothers to see a reason not to kill their child.

It adds an unnecessary cost to an already expensive procedure. But hey, at least you are now being honest as to exactly why you think they should have this test. You want them to have it not for any medically valid reason, since there is no medically valid reason for performing this procedure on a fetus that is going to be aborted. You want to force them to have the procedure to try to make them change their minds on whether or not to have the abortion. Even if it worked, it is not your place to do that. All decisions with regard to a woman's health is the woman's decision (and hers alone) in consultation with her doctor.

The decision is the womans, I just want her to have all the information available to make an informed decision, not just have the abortionist propaganda ringing in he ears. After all isn't information the basis for informed consent?
Lets see. The sick , infirm ,old and unborn should be killed because it wastes money that cam be spend defending cop killers, terrorists, and baby rapists. This is how twisted the mind of a liberal is.
Non-sequitur. The baby is being aborted, dude. There is no scientific or medical reason for it to have an ultrasound.

Really, where did you get your medical degree? Like I said, up to date imaging can give the patient and doctor information that is not otherwise available and can prevent unexpected complications. You can deny it all day but that won't make it true.

I don't need a medical degree to understand the motive behind this bill, and it has nothing to do with providing a valuable medical tool that can prevent further complications, and everything to do with making the cost prohibitive and trying to influence the mother into NOT having the abortion. Again, the baby is going to be aborted. It doesn't need an ultrasound.

All gynecologist have ultrasound machines, it's not cost prohibitive, they use them all the time for diagnostic reasons. You just don't want mothers to see a reason not to kill their child.

It adds an unnecessary cost to an already expensive procedure. But hey, at least you are now being honest as to exactly why you think they should have this test. You want them to have it not for any medically valid reason, since there is no medically valid reason for performing this procedure on a fetus that is going to be aborted. You want to force them to have the procedure to try to make them change their minds on whether or not to have the abortion. Even if it worked, it is not your place to do that. All decisions with regard to a woman's health is the woman's decision (and hers alone) in consultation with her doctor.

The decision is the womans, I just want her to have all the information available to make an informed decision, not just have the abortionist propaganda ringing in he ears. After all isn't information the basis for informed consent?

Again, there is no medical reason to perform an ultrasound on a fetus that is going to be aborted. Requiring an unnecessary procedure interferes with the doctor/patient relationship (which is what you republicans want, in this case), and adds nothing of medical value. The fetus doesn't need it. The mother doesn't need it. It is unethical to require an unnecessary procedure.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


The gop has always been the party of big nanny government.

They can pass all the anti choice bills they want. None of them will never become law and they know that. I would be surprised if any of them actually got out of the senate. There's absolutely no way that bill would get around a democratic filibuster.

They're just wasting time and our money. As they always do.

The last thing the republicans are going to do is something that benefits all the people in our nation and actually work for their astronomical wages we the taxpayer pays.
Why didn't the democrats fix it? They only had six years.
What is there to fix about abortion? The status quo is OK with liberals. It is the conservatives who want to "fix" it. Even that is mostly rhetoric. It is just a wedge issue that the republicans can trot out every election cycle to rile the base.
Yeah thousands of abortions a day. I know that's okay with liberals.
So? There are thousands of other medical procedures occurring every day too. You want to get the government to poke its nose in every appendectomy and mandate some unnecessary step? For folks supposedly advocating smaller, limited government, you sure seem to want in all up in your business.
I take one out of the liberal gun guide. If it saves one child's life. Isn't it worth it?
The Right is back to abortions. Quelle surprise
Why do you guys hate the defenless and innocent? Is it the black hearts all you liberals must have?

Why do the Republicans defend 'life' right up until the day the fetus is born? And then after that, fuck 'em.


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