How About this for a Border Wall Compromise?

What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?
The fact that the repubs never believed in Drumpfs bullshit wall either while they had the majority. :rolleyes:
You haven’t answered the question. What is the dems’ categoric objection?
The wall wont work, repubs dont even support the dingbats wall, the american people dont want the wall. That specific enough for you? :rolleyes:

Except for all the American people chanting ”build the wall” in this video and Schumer and trump, right? But everybody else is against the Wall.
Fuck those people. They are nobodies and they number less than half a million. :rolleyes:
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?

Trump wants it. They hate Trump.

I have asked the same question directly to some of the resident democrats. They never answer the question (directly). Instead they spout typical democrat talking points and express their hatred of Trump.
That’s about right. I’m still waiting for a categoric answer.
You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. Lets be honest here. :rolleyes:
No I just want to hear a specific reason. That would then likely be easily refuted.
I gave 3 specific reasons. So far you havent made a dent. :rolleyes:
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?

Trump wants it. They hate Trump.

I have asked the same question directly to some of the resident democrats. They never answer the question (directly). Instead they spout typical democrat talking points and express their hatred of Trump.
That’s about right. I’m still waiting for a categoric answer.
You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. Lets be honest here. :rolleyes:
No I just want to hear a specific reason. That would then likely be easily refuted.
I gave 3 specific reasons. So far you havent made a dent. :rolleyes:
No you didn’t. You only said some nonsense about speculating on effectiveness. No actual reason for an objection.
Trump wants it. They hate Trump.

I have asked the same question directly to some of the resident democrats. They never answer the question (directly). Instead they spout typical democrat talking points and express their hatred of Trump.
That’s about right. I’m still waiting for a categoric answer.
You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. Lets be honest here. :rolleyes:
No I just want to hear a specific reason. That would then likely be easily refuted.
I gave 3 specific reasons. So far you havent made a dent. :rolleyes:
No you didn’t. You only said some nonsense about speculating on effectiveness. No actual reason for an objection.
Yes I did.
That’s about right. I’m still waiting for a categoric answer.
You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. Lets be honest here. :rolleyes:
No I just want to hear a specific reason. That would then likely be easily refuted.
I gave 3 specific reasons. So far you havent made a dent. :rolleyes:
No you didn’t. You only said some nonsense about speculating on effectiveness. No actual reason for an objection.
Yes I did.
No you didn’t.
You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. Lets be honest here. :rolleyes:
No I just want to hear a specific reason. That would then likely be easily refuted.
I gave 3 specific reasons. So far you havent made a dent. :rolleyes:
No you didn’t. You only said some nonsense about speculating on effectiveness. No actual reason for an objection.
Yes I did.
No you didn’t.
Like I said...You mean youre waiting for an answer you agree with. :rolleyes:
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?

No its stupid and a waste of money. :rolleyes:

We've wasted money on an abundance of things that are far dumber than a border wall.
So you want us to waste more money? No. Its not happening. This one most americans can agree on. :rolleyes:

I honestly don't give a shit one way or the other. I'd rather see the border militarized, as it would be a far more effective deterrent.
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?

No its stupid and a waste of money. :rolleyes:

We've wasted money on an abundance of things that are far dumber than a border wall.
So you want us to waste more money? No. Its not happening. This one most americans can agree on. :rolleyes:

I honestly don't give a shit one way or the other. I'd rather see the border militarized, as it would be a far more effective deterrent.
You better get educated on that before you start hoping for something that wont happen. :rolleyes:

Posse Comitatus Act
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?

No its stupid and a waste of money. :rolleyes:
So costing the gov more money through a gov shutdown is more cost-effective than a less expensive wall?
Tell that to the orange gibbon having a tantrum because no one is going to fund his man baby ego-wall. He owns this. He even proudly said so. :rolleyes:
What exactly is the dems’ opposition to the wall?
It stops the growth of their new base.
I know that. But what is their ostensible objection?
It is aesthetically unattractive.
But wind turbines littering hundreds of miles of landscape is OK?
Wind turbines provide energy. Whats a stupid wall going to do?

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