How AMERICAN CAPITALISM can help us address at least two major issues

Nothing about that is Capitalist. Just wasting more of the fruits of my labor on shithole countries, is all i see. IDK when people will see building other countries economies doesnt work. Especially corrupt countries with the govts being controlled by international criminal cartels.
I appreciate the attempt to fuck China over, though.
Mac's apolitical and capitalist approach to two separate large problems:

THE PROBLEM: China's increasing wealth and influence, financed largely by our insatiable appetite for cheap stuff, presents a profound global, geopolitical threat not only to America, but to the rest of the free world. And by all appearances, they're just getting started, confident that we'll continue to not only continue buying their goods, but also that we'll continue to sell them Treasury Bonds because of the unwillingness of both of our parties to keep our budget balanced.

THE ISSUE: The Southern Border
THE PROBLEM: Desperate for jobs and family security in countries that have been largely destroyed by the money and corruption of the drug cartels we support because of our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, thousands of Central and South Americans are taking huge risks to find a way into America.

THE CAPITALIST APPROACH: Expand and re-focus American capitalism to the safer Central and South American countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Peru (for starters), creating a low-end manufacturing and trade behemoth that would not only allow us to tell China to go fuck themselves, but would also create enormous job and wealth growth in Central and South America, allowing families there to thrive and remain in the countries they love, taking significant pressure off of our border. Make "The Americas" the world's most powerful and flexible trade juggernaut.

The steps:
  1. Create a GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to oversee the plan, primarily to (a) create a safety/security buffer for American companies/employers in that region, making it clear to anyone (such as cartels) that an attack on this plan is an attack on America, and (b) to provide seed funding if needed.
  2. Forge agreements with willing Central and South American countries in which they are provided partial ownership (via stock equity) in these enterprises, with the obvious return being not only the growth in equity, but the huge increase in both domestic income tax receipts and social stability.
  3. Assist (if needed) American companies in building low-end manufacturing facilities in partner countries to replace the Chinese cheap manufactured products we crave without damaging or disrupting operations or profits in the USA. Any assistance would be in the form of bonds, which would provide a small long-term profit for the US government and pay for the GSE's.
Three to five years for this to come together, max.

And, in the thread title, I used the term "at least two major issues". Seems to me that, if we got a little lucky, the prosperity this plan would create might spread in Central and South America, giving those people (and more importantly, governments) inspiration to help us in going after the cartels, creating a momentum for them, and us. The "War on Drugs" has been a farce. This would be a new approach.

Maybe American Capitalism can do something like this. If we keep the fucking politics out of it.

Perfect? Of course not. Do you prefer the status quo?
No single idea fits every problem

Encouraging US companies to disinvest in china and relocate to south America has some merit

As does BrokeLoser demand that we secure the border with mexico to deny entry to illegals

Foreign companies are already pulling out of china and relocating to friendlier countries in asia

And thats a good thing too

It weakens china

And gives us more influence in places that china covets for take over
Evidently in the alternate universe, offering original ideas that leverage American capitalism to address multiple serious problems is a sign of a "stupid fucking hack".

I’m pretty sure you’re lost on what capitalism actually is.
It doesn’t surprise me that you believe free shit for brown people = CAPITALISM

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor.
I’m pretty sure you’re lost on what capitalism actually is.
It doesn’t surprise me that you believe free shit for brown people = CAPITALISM

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor.
So in your mind, you think the plan is about "free shit for brown people".

How astonishingly, spectacularly ignorant. I think you've now reached an all-new level of blank.

And again, why I don't bother.
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So in your mind, you think the plan is about "free shit for brown people".

How astonishingly, spectacularly ignorant. I think you've now reached an all-new level of blank.

And again, why I don't bother.
Not in it’s entirety…but think about what you’re proposing…it’s anti American as fuck.
”Hey everybody, the brown people to our south are shitting in our face and fucking us blind…I have a great idea…lets reward them for fucking us over and inadvertently help ourselves in the process.”
Bare in mind, countries all over the globe already have the means and infrastructure to fulfill our importation needs.
Not in it’s entirety…but think about what you’re proposing…it’s anti American as fuck.
”Hey everybody, the brown people to our south are shitting in our face and fucking us blind…I have a great idea…lets reward them for fucking us over and inadvertently help ourselves in the process.”
Bare in mind, countries all over the globe already have the means and infrastructure to fulfill our importation needs.

Your only problem with his ideas is your racism.
Your only problem with his ideas is your racism.
You fail again Race Guy.
You honestly think it makes sense to reward nations that have fucked Americans over for decades?
You think thats the American way?
George Gascon…is that you?
Energy independence is the most important aspect of American capitalism. Like it or not fossil fuel drives the international global network. That's why democrats created the fake man made global warming extortion scam. The problem for American capitalism isn't China, it's the socialist network that calls itself the democrat party.
Your only problem with his ideas is your racism.
A true, literal obsession. A paranoia. The point of the plan and the benefits of the plan mean nothing. It's just those scary brown people. Let's give all this money to China.

Ironically, half the point of the plan is that it would keep most of those scary brown people in their countries, where they would rather be anyway. But no, those scary brown people!

What a fuckin' miserable way to go through life.
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A true, literal obsession. A paranoia. The point of the plan and the benefits of the plan mean nothing. It's just those scary brown people. Let's give all this money to China.

Ironically, half the point of the plan is that it would keep most of those scary brown people in their countries, where they would rather be anyway. But no, those scary brown people!

What a fuckin' miserable way to go through life.

Stop voting for authoritarian leftists who give all of our money to China!
There's probably no stopping the fact that China is going to pass us economically at this point. We just have to prepare for a future where China will have the most economic influence over the world. I don't think it will be Armageddon. I think the Chinese might actually do an okay job at the helm. Some of their methods are questionable for sure, but overall they're really not that bad.
Mac's apolitical and capitalist approach to two separate large problems:

THE PROBLEM: China's increasing wealth and influence, financed largely by our insatiable appetite for cheap stuff, presents a profound global, geopolitical threat not only to America, but to the rest of the free world. And by all appearances, they're just getting started, confident that we'll continue to not only continue buying their goods, but also that we'll continue to sell them Treasury Bonds because of the unwillingness of both of our parties to keep our budget balanced.

THE ISSUE: The Southern Border
THE PROBLEM: Desperate for jobs and family security in countries that have been largely destroyed by the money and corruption of the drug cartels we support because of our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, thousands of Central and South Americans are taking huge risks to find a way into America.

THE CAPITALIST APPROACH: Expand and re-focus American capitalism to the safer Central and South American countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Peru (for starters), creating a low-end manufacturing and trade behemoth that would not only allow us to tell China to go fuck themselves, but would also create enormous job and wealth growth in Central and South America, allowing families there to thrive and remain in the countries they love, taking significant pressure off of our border. Make "The Americas" the world's most powerful and flexible trade juggernaut.

The steps:
  1. Create a GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to oversee the plan, primarily to (a) create a safety/security buffer for American companies/employers in that region, making it clear to anyone (such as cartels) that an attack on this plan is an attack on America, and (b) to provide seed funding if needed.
  2. Forge agreements with willing Central and South American countries in which they are provided partial ownership (via stock equity) in these enterprises, with the obvious return being not only the growth in equity, but the huge increase in both domestic income tax receipts and social stability.
  3. Assist (if needed) American companies in building low-end manufacturing facilities in partner countries to replace the Chinese cheap manufactured products we crave without damaging or disrupting operations or profits in the USA. Any assistance would be in the form of bonds, which would provide a small long-term profit for the US government and pay for the GSE's.
Three to five years for this to come together, max.

And, in the thread title, I used the term "at least two major issues". Seems to me that, if we got a little lucky, the prosperity this plan would create might spread in Central and South America, giving those people (and more importantly, governments) inspiration to help us in going after the cartels, creating a momentum for them, and us. The "War on Drugs" has been a farce. This would be a new approach.

Maybe American Capitalism can do something like this. If we keep the fucking politics out of it.

Perfect? Of course not. Do you prefer the status quo?
You don't "focus" capitalism," moron. Either a people support capitalism or they don't, but you can't force American business to move their operations to a foreign country where the environment is distinctly anti capitalist.

Your plan is hysterical.
Evidently in the alternate universe, offering original ideas that leverage American capitalism to address multiple serious problems is a sign of a "stupid fucking hack".

Yeah, we saw your plan, and we're still laughing. You think just like a bureaucrat. Just because the titles are similar, that doesn't actually make someone a CIO
Further, how is giving central and south America free cash to build a manufacturing infrastructure “capitalism”?
It isn't. Mac wants to create the Department of Capitalism. The notion is absurd.
Sure. This will definitely be too complicated for some, even though those two issues aren't going away. China's not going to stop, but these folks would rather bitch.
The solution is simply for the government to step out of the way. That is what Trump was doing, and it was working marvelously. Of course, leaving businesses alone is exactly what bureaucrats and progs don't want to do.
Evidently in the alternate universe, offering original ideas that leverage American capitalism to address multiple serious problems is a sign of a "stupid fucking hack".

What could be more hilarious than a bunch of socialists believing they can "leverage" American capitalism?
Mac's apolitical and capitalist approach to two separate large problems:

THE PROBLEM: China's increasing wealth and influence, financed largely by our insatiable appetite for cheap stuff, presents a profound global, geopolitical threat not only to America, but to the rest of the free world. And by all appearances, they're just getting started, confident that we'll continue to not only continue buying their goods, but also that we'll continue to sell them Treasury Bonds because of the unwillingness of both of our parties to keep our budget balanced.

THE ISSUE: The Southern Border
THE PROBLEM: Desperate for jobs and family security in countries that have been largely destroyed by the money and corruption of the drug cartels we support because of our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, thousands of Central and South Americans are taking huge risks to find a way into America.

THE CAPITALIST APPROACH: Expand and re-focus American capitalism to the safer Central and South American countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Peru (for starters), creating a low-end manufacturing and trade behemoth that would not only allow us to tell China to go fuck themselves, but would also create enormous job and wealth growth in Central and South America, allowing families there to thrive and remain in the countries they love, taking significant pressure off of our border. Make "The Americas" the world's most powerful and flexible trade juggernaut.

The steps:
  1. Create a GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to oversee the plan, primarily to (a) create a safety/security buffer for American companies/employers in that region, making it clear to anyone (such as cartels) that an attack on this plan is an attack on America, and (b) to provide seed funding if needed.
  2. Forge agreements with willing Central and South American countries in which they are provided partial ownership (via stock equity) in these enterprises, with the obvious return being not only the growth in equity, but the huge increase in both domestic income tax receipts and social stability.
  3. Assist (if needed) American companies in building low-end manufacturing facilities in partner countries to replace the Chinese cheap manufactured products we crave without damaging or disrupting operations or profits in the USA. Any assistance would be in the form of bonds, which would provide a small long-term profit for the US government and pay for the GSE's.
Three to five years for this to come together, max.

And, in the thread title, I used the term "at least two major issues". Seems to me that, if we got a little lucky, the prosperity this plan would create might spread in Central and South America, giving those people (and more importantly, governments) inspiration to help us in going after the cartels, creating a momentum for them, and us. The "War on Drugs" has been a farce. This would be a new approach.

Maybe American Capitalism can do something like this. If we keep the fucking politics out of it.

Perfect? Of course not. Do you prefer the status quo?
You are using the fascist economic model

GSE’s are privately owned businesses controlled by the government

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