How are we going to stop the liberal war on free speech and conservative voices?

Aren’t you a foreigner ? Stop interfering in our elections.

I’m not interfering in Russian elections.

You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Thank God the collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia to take down Donald Trump failed.

As Nikki Haley said at the UN today “The Russian deflection campaign is out in full force today”.

Trump is going down. Mueller has his fat ass in a sling. Nobody is fooled by your lies.
Victim is a very poor choice of a word. If I am being attacked it is because I am feared or someone wishes to decrease my influence or power.

NPR and PBS are prime examples of the corrupt Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. They shouldn't be receiving Tax Dollars. So yes, Conservatives have been the victims for the most part. You can't be a victim if you're in complete control of the apparatus. And that's the case with Communists/Democrats. It is what it is.

Coming from a poster who lives in a country where his boss has murdered 200 journalists who posted the truth.

Putin hates the free press. So does Trump. Neither of these authoritarians want people to have access to facts or to know what they’re really doing.

Russian trolls calling the US media “biased” would be laughable if the intent wasn’t so serious.

None of your business what's going on in Russia..

LOL- says the Russian troll commenting on what is happening in the United States.

I'm not Russian. But it is none of your business what goes on in Russia.

There are threads and threads here at USMB talking about what is happening in country after country around the world- Mexico- Venezuela- Syria- Saudi Arabia- Germany- Sweden- Ukraine.

Here in the United States we can express our opinions about what is happening here- and we can express our opinions about what is happening anywhere in the world.

That asshole Putin and his band of thugs running Russia are no exception.
Aren’t you a foreigner ? Stop interfering in our elections.

I’m not interfering in Russian elections.

You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Thank God the collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia to take down Donald Trump failed.

LOL- you Trumpsters and how you believe anything your Dear leader tells you.
I've never called for Limbaugh or Fox News to be censored or outright banned- even though we all know that they are the biggest manufacturers of Fake News after Donald Trump. However Fascists/Republicans frequently call for CNN and ABC to be censored or outright banned. Hell Donald Trump has even called for the Washington Post to have to register with the government.

For years, Communists/Democrats have been calling for Conservative Talk Radio especially, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to Fox News. I haven't seen Conservatives calling for Democrat Fake News to be censored or taken off the air..

For years, Fascists/Republicans- have been calling for Liberal Talk shows and MSNBC, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to CNN and Washington Post and virtually any 'media' that dares say anything critical of Donald Trump. I haven't seen Liberals calling for Trump's Fake News to be censored or taken off the air.

The American MSM is dominated by Communist/Democrat assholes.

The American conservative Media- Fox- Sinclair- WND- Breitbart- Infowars is dominated by Fascist/Republican assholes.

There's only a few Non-Communist/Democrat Media Outlets in the US. They're very much a minority in the American MSM.

There are virtually no communist media outlets in the United States.

You seem to be confusing us with Russia.
Coming from a poster who lives in a country where his boss has murdered 200 journalists who posted the truth.

Putin hates the free press. So does Trump. Neither of these authoritarians want people to have access to facts or to know what they’re really doing.

Russian trolls calling the US media “biased” would be laughable if the intent wasn’t so serious.

Aren’t you a foreigner ? Stop interfering in our elections.

I’m not interfering in Russian elections.

You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

That is certainly the Fake News that your Dear Leader Trump is promoting.
Dragonlady predictions:

Hillary will be president
The Democrats will take the House
The Democrats will take the Senate

And now another prediction ...President Trump will be impeached.

I expect her accuracy score to remain zero.
NPR and PBS are prime examples of the corrupt Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. They shouldn't be receiving Tax Dollars. So yes, Conservatives have been the victims for the most part. You can't be a victim if you're in complete control of the apparatus. And that's the case with Communists/Democrats. It is what it is.

Coming from a poster who lives in a country where his boss has murdered 200 journalists who posted the truth.

Putin hates the free press. So does Trump. Neither of these authoritarians want people to have access to facts or to know what they’re really doing.

Russian trolls calling the US media “biased” would be laughable if the intent wasn’t so serious.

None of your business what's going on in Russia..

LOL- says the Russian troll commenting on what is happening in the United States.

I'm not Russian. But it is none of your business what goes on in Russia.

There are threads and threads here at USMB talking about what is happening in country after country around the world- Mexico- Venezuela- Syria- Saudi Arabia- Germany- Sweden- Ukraine.

Here in the United States we can express our opinions about what is happening here- and we can express our opinions about what is happening anywhere in the world.

That asshole Putin and his band of thugs running Russia are no exception.

You're merely regurgitating Western Government/Media propaganda. But regardless, it's none of your business. That's the big problem in the US today. Most Americans have become too arrogant. They truly believe they have the right to tell all nations who their leaders will be. It's an arrogant Imperialist mentality. It's Empire.

Our Founding Fathers warned against Empire-Building. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create this country. It's time for revolutionary change in our foreign policy. Time to end all the meddling and war. Time to end Empire-Building.
Aren’t you a foreigner ? Stop interfering in our elections.

I’m not interfering in Russian elections.

You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

That is certainly the Fake News that your Dear Leader Trump is promoting.

Look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Obama's Deputy Attorney General. His wife just happened to work for the same Fusion GPS Christopher Steele worked for. There was Collusion. It was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Will they be held accountable? We'll see i guess.
What is a "conservative voice", exactly? Someone telling you what not to do in your own private life? Maybe someone who talks about fiscal responsibility and small government, but then supports huge deficit spending bills and border walls?
I’m not interfering in Russian elections.

You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

That is certainly the Fake News that your Dear Leader Trump is promoting.

Look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Obama's Deputy Attorney General. His wife just happened to work for the same Fusion GPS Christopher Steele worked for. There was Collusion. It was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Will they be held accountable? We'll see i guess.

LOL- you Konspiracy Kooks Krack me up!

Bruce Ohr- Deputy Attorney General- worked at Fusion GPS- and so did Christopher Steele!

So there must be collusion!

You know- as opposed to Donnie Jr. agreeing to meet with a woman he understood to be a Russian government official with dirt on Clinton.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.

What do you propose? In the case of FB, it's a private company. In the case of Colleges - some are private, some are public.

Do you propose interfering in private companies? If so - what about the conservative dominated media?
You wouldn’t harm Russian elections. You still hope their candidate Hillary comes back.
No I am talking about your constant fake news in an American context. As a foreigner you are trying to delegitimize our election and influence events. Weakly...ineptly....but in your on addled way it is what you are trying two do.
It is a measure of your otherness that you predicted not only a Hillary win but a Democrat sweep of the house and senate. You just don’t grasp Americans
Neither did Hillary come to think of it.

You Russians are still trying to promote the lie that Hillary was working with the Russians. Get a clue. Nobody believes that bullshit no matter how hard you trolls try to sell it. That fact that you are even promoting this idea proves you’re a troll farmer.

I didn’t do say or do any of those things. I never expected Democrats to take the House given that so many Districts are so heavily gerrymandered. The Senate was always up for grabs. I did expect Hillary would win but

I have never pretended to be an American, posted fake news, or funnelled money to American candidates.

But that’s SOP for you Russians - to accuse others of the very thing you’re doing. Trump picked that up from his mentor, Putin and used it to great effect during the campaign.

You won’t find Americans to be so easily fooled next time.

I'm not Russian, but it is clear Clinton colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our election. And Obama was involved with the collusion too. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

That is certainly the Fake News that your Dear Leader Trump is promoting.

Look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Obama's Deputy Attorney General. His wife just happened to work for the same Fusion GPS Christopher Steele worked for. There was Collusion. It was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Will they be held accountable? We'll see i guess.

LOL- you Konspiracy Kooks Krack me up!

Bruce Ohr- Deputy Attorney General- worked at Fusion GPS- and so did Christopher Steele!

So there must be collusion!

You know- as opposed to Donnie Jr. agreeing to meet with a woman he understood to be a Russian government official with dirt on Clinton.

Ohr's wife did. You really don't find anything at all suspect about that? Steele was feeding his bogus Trump dirt to Obama's FBI. The Ohr's were the go-between. So there was Collusion in the last Election. It was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians.

There was once a time when American liberals said that, while I don't agree with your view, I'll fight till the death for your right to express it. Liberals no longer have this attitude.

Was that back when American conservatives understood what freedom of speech meant?

Is it your view that the American left SUPPORTS the concept of conservatives being able to express themselves?

It's my view both sides are utterly full of shit. On the one hand, we've got a bunch of conservatives whining about discrimination and their free speech being violated by private companies. And on the other, we have liberals gloating over companies censoring their content - something that would have them howling if the tables were turned.

Bunch of shallow, unprincipled idiots near as I can tell.

I know that some conservative speakers have required armies of security to protect them and event attendees from mobs of violent liberals bent on preventing or disrupting a speaking event. I haven't seen the same happening to liberal speakers.

Twitter, Facebook, etc. are indeed private companies and are entitled to censor whatever they like. We're also free to note that the aforementioned companies are not "tolerant" nor "inclusive" nor supportive of free speech.

And even then it's a rare occurance. You also kind of overlook something. Are they censored because they are conservative or because they are agitators? For example Milo Y. Would conservative George Will be barred from speaking?

It's complicated, but I do agree Universities need to do a better job in protecting diversity in viewpoints and dumping the snowflake regulations.
The crazy Left Wingers can't survive in a free society.
That is why they are afraid of Freedom of Speech.
That is why they are afraid of a Free Press.
That is why Obama weaponized the DOJ and the FBI.

Freedom of the press? Is that something you pretend to support?

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ‘Disgusting’

Trump just issued a direct threat to the media - CNNPolitics

Analysis | The implied threats in Trump’s tweets about CNN and Sinclair
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.

What do you propose? In the case of FB, it's a private company. In the case of Colleges - some are private, some are public.

Do you propose interfering in private companies? If so - what about the conservative dominated media?
If colleges get ANY public funding it should be stripped of they persist with the nonsense. And Facebook needs to burn in hell but people are too stupid to give it up. Gotta tell ma & pa what I had for dinner yo. Beyond stupid. Social media is a poison even without the political bullshit. As for Hollywood I pirate every single movie they make, fuckem. Act like a douche I'll just steal your licensed material.
The crazy Left Wingers can't survive in a free society.
That is why they are afraid of Freedom of Speech.
That is why they are afraid of a Free Press.
That is why Obama weaponized the DOJ and the FBI.

Freedom of the press? Is that something you pretend to support?

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ‘Disgusting’

Trump just issued a direct threat to the media - CNNPolitics

Analysis | The implied threats in Trump’s tweets about CNN and Sinclair
Trump was a buffoon for saying that shit. Hell, hes part of the problem with the asinine tweeting
The crazy Left Wingers can't survive in a free society.
That is why they are afraid of Freedom of Speech.
That is why they are afraid of a Free Press.
That is why Obama weaponized the DOJ and the FBI.

Freedom of the press? Is that something you pretend to support?

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ‘Disgusting’

Trump just issued a direct threat to the media - CNNPolitics

Analysis | The implied threats in Trump’s tweets about CNN and Sinclair
Trump was a buffoon for saying that shit. Hell, hes part of the problem with the asinine tweeting

We have such an assortment of media to choose from - from bad to good to biased to whatever - that is a good thing. It may not be perfect, it may not always be honest or right or whatever (but often that is in the eye of the beholder) - but it is there and they are free to report and we are free to read. The laws surrounding media have a very high bar to meet - libel, slander.

We should be greatful we can complain about it and we should not be wanting the state to become involved.
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.

What do you propose? In the case of FB, it's a private company. In the case of Colleges - some are private, some are public.

Do you propose interfering in private companies? If so - what about the conservative dominated media?
If colleges get ANY public funding it should be stripped of they persist with the nonsense. And Facebook needs to burn in hell but people are too stupid to give it up. Gotta tell ma & pa what I had for dinner yo. Beyond stupid. Social media is a poison even without the political bullshit. As for Hollywood I pirate every single movie they make, fuckem. Act like a douche I'll just steal your licensed material.

I disagree.

They should provide a fair assortment of diverse views. They don't HAVE to provide a platform for EVERY speaker. They shouldn't, for example, have to provide a platform for Neo-Nazi's. At this point though - I question whether they are providing enough diverse views - that is the purpose of college, regardless of whether public money is involved or not. And - keep in mind, protests are also free speech, as long as they are peaceful.

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