How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump?

No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid. They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

Palestina was a term INVENTED by Herodotus for a body of land. It was not a COUNTRY
or a "province" What were countries at the time of Herodotus were the Kingdom of Israel
and the Kingdom of Judea. AMERICA was a body of land 500 years ago-----it was not a
country either. CUSH was a body of land too. ----not a country. You are playing silly
islamo nazi sophistry. THE LEVANT is also an area of land. Some civilizations are called
LEVANTINE----and then some are called AEGEAN-----sometimes the people thereof are

Israel was for most of its history controlled by other countries like Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greeks, Romans, Turks and Britiish.

But, even in antiquity Jewish people were NOT the sole inhabitants of Judah or Israel. Samaria had four Arab tribes settled by Sargon 2.. There were Jebucites, Edomites, the Decapolis cities and Scythiopolis.
try again. There is no question that Israel was under incessant attack----it was CENTRALLY
located between the POWERS of the day ------your concept that JEBUCITES, EDOMITES etc
etc etc were all "ARABS" is something you seem to have picked up from some BAATHIST
FASCISTS. Edomites SPOKE ARABIC 4000 years ago?. Migration by humans has
been VERY brisk for scores of Millennia Arabs were not the SOLE INHABITANTS OF
MECCA either-----but it is true that BAATHISTS claim that all people in arabia were
ARABS --------it is their FASCIST notion. How about Egypt? Were all of the
people living in Egypt ---lets say 3000 years ago-----READERS AND WRITERS OF HIEROGLYPHICS and------eager to be MUMMIFIED and somehow ARABS? . Are the PYRAMIDS "muslim" or "arab" architecture? Pakistanis I have known have INSISTED that the TAJ MAHAL is -----"muslim architecture" Getting back to PITA------yes----a Baathist I once met---LONG
AGO insisted it is ARRRRAAABBBB I have also been told that SHISH KEBOB is----
"muslim" as is the entire indian subcontinent------MUGHAL ---to wit "muslim land"

Why would you think the Pyramids were Arab?

Taj Mahal - Wikipedia
The Taj Mahal was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 for being "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage". It is regarded by

do you think that EGYPTIANS ARE ARABS? Nasser did. As to the TAJ MAHAL---regardless of what UNESCO recorded------it is neither muslim art or architecture. The stuff and style precedes the birth of AL NABI. Long ago---I visited an Exposition of "MUSLIM ART" created by the
Saudi Arabian embassy in New York City. Most of the stuff was highly decorated scimitars----
and daggers with FILAGREE SILVER handles. Hubby was able to tell me which jewish community in Yemen created this and that item. I am convinced that AMERICAN CHEESE----
is not entirely an american INNOVATION but CIGARETTES are. Poor Pocahantas died
young------maybe someone fed her "AMERICAN CHEESE" She probably did not smoke
tobacco habitually-----even though the recreational use of tobacco is an american
You mean Jews aren't Arabs?

She seems to be schooling you, rosie.
no---jews are not arabs. If you crawl out from under your rock and IF YOU LIVE IN THE USA---
you might encounter jews with family background in arabic speaking countries who actually
do speak arabic. You may find one or two EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE who term themselves
"arabs" MAYBE but the overwhelming majority do not. The majority will kinda get a look
of disgust on their faces. Interestingly ----if you talk to an EGYPTIAN and mention "PALESTINIAN" you will see a similar look of disgust on his face. NEXT comes Iranian---
the Iranian MIGHT VOMIT. I learned it all----right here in the USA FROM Iranians, Egyptians,
Jews from arab countries etc etc On a lighter note----there seems to be another
interaction between SAUDI ARABIA (sunni) and HOUTHIS (shiites ---the iranian shills in
Yemen) -------you like scriptural writings-----in the mishnah and talmud that JESUS read----
the people of arabia are called "ISHMAELITES" Watdahell are "ISHMAELITES"? you ask?
Ok I asked hubby who did read the mishnah and talmud in childhood------WHAT IS AN ISHMAELITE as mentioned in the Mishnah?. ----answer-----unlettered, unwashed people
who are dangerous and who have no permanent homes (ie nomads) ------guess who
I was messing with you.

But you guys all do look the same.

Do they have schools over there?
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

Jews, Arabs, Armenians and Druze were called "Palestinians" while the Brits were there. I know the word "Palestinian" in the sense in which we use this word today since 1972, when "the Palestinians" suddenly appeared here in Germany and broke the Olympic peace by murdering sportsmen from Israel.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid.

10,000 years ago existed no human beings whose "character" you are able to explain with the words, which we use today. 70,000-80,000 years ago existed by the way in the southern part of Africa only 1000-10,000 members of the species homo-sapiens any longer - no one knows why - who are ancestors of all human beings, who live today worldwide.

They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

And I thought "all Muslims" (¿biological genetically 'the Arabs'?) think one of the sons of Abraham with the name Ismael had been their ancestor.

No.. There are ancient towns in Arabia named after the sons of Keturah and Abraham.
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

Jews, Arabs, Armenians and Druze were called "Palestinians" while the Brits were there. I know the word "Palestinian" in the sense in which we use this word today since 1972, when "the Palestinians" suddenly appeared here in Germany and broke the Olympic peace by murdering sportsmen from Israel.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid.

10,000 years ago existed no human beings whose "character" you are able to explain with the words, which we use today. 70,000-80,000 years ago existed by the way in the southern part of Africa only 1000-10,000 members of the species homo-sapiens any longer - no one knows why - who are ancestors of all human beings, who live today worldwide.

They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

And I thought "all Muslims" (¿biological genetically 'the Arabs'?) think one of the sons of Abraham with the name Ismael had been their ancestor.
wrong again------the BRITISH MANDATE did not term arabs
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid. They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

Palestina was a term INVENTED by Herodotus for a body of land. It was not a COUNTRY
or a "province" What were countries at the time of Herodotus were the Kingdom of Israel
and the Kingdom of Judea. AMERICA was a body of land 500 years ago-----it was not a
country either. CUSH was a body of land too. ----not a country. You are playing silly
islamo nazi sophistry. THE LEVANT is also an area of land. Some civilizations are called
LEVANTINE----and then some are called AEGEAN-----sometimes the people thereof are

Israel was for most of its history controlled by other countries like Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greeks, Romans, Turks and Britiish.

But, even in antiquity Jewish people were NOT the sole inhabitants of Judah or Israel. Samaria had four Arab tribes settled by Sargon 2.. There were Jebucites, Edomites, the Decapolis cities and Scythiopolis.
try again. There is no question that Israel was under incessant attack----it was CENTRALLY
located between the POWERS of the day ------your concept that JEBUCITES, EDOMITES etc
etc etc were all "ARABS" is something you seem to have picked up from some BAATHIST
FASCISTS. Edomites SPOKE ARABIC 4000 years ago?. Migration by humans has
been VERY brisk for scores of Millennia Arabs were not the SOLE INHABITANTS OF
MECCA either-----but it is true that BAATHISTS claim that all people in arabia were
ARABS --------it is their FASCIST notion. How about Egypt? Were all of the
people living in Egypt ---lets say 3000 years ago-----READERS AND WRITERS OF HIEROGLYPHICS and------eager to be MUMMIFIED and somehow ARABS? . Are the PYRAMIDS "muslim" or "arab" architecture? Pakistanis I have known have INSISTED that the TAJ MAHAL is -----"muslim architecture" Getting back to PITA------yes----a Baathist I once met---LONG
AGO insisted it is ARRRRAAABBBB I have also been told that SHISH KEBOB is----
"muslim" as is the entire indian subcontinent------MUGHAL ---to wit "muslim land"

Why would you think the Pyramids were Arab?

Taj Mahal - Wikipedia
The Taj Mahal was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 for being "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage". It is regarded by

do you think that EGYPTIANS ARE ARABS? Nasser did. As to the TAJ MAHAL---regardless of what UNESCO recorded------it is neither muslim art or architecture. The stuff and style precedes the birth of AL NABI. Long ago---I visited an Exposition of "MUSLIM ART" created by the
Saudi Arabian embassy in New York City. Most of the stuff was highly decorated scimitars----
and daggers with FILAGREE SILVER handles. Hubby was able to tell me which jewish community in Yemen created this and that item. I am convinced that AMERICAN CHEESE----
is not entirely an american INNOVATION but CIGARETTES are. Poor Pocahantas died
young------maybe someone fed her "AMERICAN CHEESE" She probably did not smoke
tobacco habitually-----even though the recreational use of tobacco is an american
You mean Jews aren't Arabs?

She seems to be schooling you, rosie.
no---jews are not arabs. If you crawl out from under your rock and IF YOU LIVE IN THE USA---
you might encounter jews with family background in arabic speaking countries who actually
do speak arabic. You may find one or two EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE who term themselves
"arabs" MAYBE but the overwhelming majority do not. The majority will kinda get a look
of disgust on their faces. Interestingly ----if you talk to an EGYPTIAN and mention "PALESTINIAN" you will see a similar look of disgust on his face. NEXT comes Iranian---
the Iranian MIGHT VOMIT. I learned it all----right here in the USA FROM Iranians, Egyptians,
Jews from arab countries etc etc On a lighter note----there seems to be another
interaction between SAUDI ARABIA (sunni) and HOUTHIS (shiites ---the iranian shills in
Yemen) -------you like scriptural writings-----in the mishnah and talmud that JESUS read----
the people of arabia are called "ISHMAELITES" Watdahell are "ISHMAELITES"? you ask?
Ok I asked hubby who did read the mishnah and talmud in childhood------WHAT IS AN ISHMAELITE as mentioned in the Mishnah?. ----answer-----unlettered, unwashed people
who are dangerous and who have no permanent homes (ie nomads) ------guess who

Ishmael's mother was Hagar the Egyptian.. Abraham had more sons by his Arab wife Keturah.

King James Bible
Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan.

1 Chronicles 1:32

Its nothing new for Hebrews to slander the neighbors.
OH is that why jesus is a piece of shit?

Read the document.

The Avalon Project : The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916
The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916. It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments: That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on …
roflmao another sophist BS re THE WORD IS SIMILAR

Sykes-Picot predates the Mandate.
so? lawrence of arabia was a FAG

What on earth did Lawrence's sexuality have to do with the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

Jews, Arabs, Armenians and Druze were called "Palestinians" while the Brits were there. I know the word "Palestinian" in the sense in which we use this word today since 1972, when "the Palestinians" suddenly appeared here in Germany and broke the Olympic peace by murdering sportsmen from Israel.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid.

10,000 years ago existed no human beings whose "character" you are able to explain with the words, which we use today. 70,000-80,000 years ago existed by the way in the southern part of Africa only 1000-10,000 members of the species homo-sapiens any longer - no one knows why - who are ancestors of all human beings, who live today worldwide.

They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

And I thought "all Muslims" (¿biological genetically 'the Arabs'?) think one of the sons of Abraham with the name Ismael had been their ancestor.

No.. There are ancient towns in Arabia named after the sons of Keturah and Abraham.
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

Jews, Arabs, Armenians and Druze were called "Palestinians" while the Brits were there. I know the word "Palestinian" in the sense in which we use this word today since 1972, when "the Palestinians" suddenly appeared here in Germany and broke the Olympic peace by murdering sportsmen from Israel.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid.

10,000 years ago existed no human beings whose "character" you are able to explain with the words, which we use today. 70,000-80,000 years ago existed by the way in the southern part of Africa only 1000-10,000 members of the species homo-sapiens any longer - no one knows why - who are ancestors of all human beings, who live today worldwide.

They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

And I thought "all Muslims" (¿biological genetically 'the Arabs'?) think one of the sons of Abraham with the name Ismael had been their ancestor.
wrong again------the BRITISH MANDATE did not term arabs
No he wasn't a big success in business. Look at his track record.
He had failures. He had success. I have had success in my own life. I've also had failures.

Unlike many, Mr. Trump wasn't my choice from the get-go. In that beginning field of Republicans he was precisely my middle choice. In my State, he was already the nominee before I had a chance to vote. Being solidly blue State, my State voted for Clinton, so my vote and my choice counted as nothing.

However, as President, I liked many of the things that he did; lower taxes, fewer regulations, independence of US gas. Army daughter was in Korea at that time, and under President Trump, the rumble over there calmed a bit. I also liked that he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He did not let the Russian Hoax stop him. I was once a journalist and have felt despair over the media long before President Trump--or for that matter, many other people. No one could get me to shut up about corporations buying up small town news media and how we would all live to regret it. President Trump called out the media. He was against abortion, he supported freedom of religion.

The Washington Swamp did not give him a fair shake, did not lend a hand to help the new kid on the block. You might even say there were very few in that Swamp who were what is being called here, as "true Christians" when it came to welcoming the stranger.

Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and didn't geta thing in return.

Washington DC is full of Embassies-----aren't they supposed to be in Country Capitals?
What was he supposed to GET in return. As to business------take a good look at
VERY WEALTHY BIDEN who owns the real estate of Delaware-----the DUMP state

Trump crapped on the Palestinians and the Arab world, but he got his headline.

how did he "crap" on "palestinians" by placing an embassy in the capital
of a country. The main crapper on the people who were silly enough to
start calling themselves "palestinians" circa 1960 was ARAFART. About
that time-----there were kids in my school who started calling themselves
"MODS" and "ROCKERS" with similar FERVOR ----sorta in honor of the BEATLES

They were always Palestinians,, That was another Zionist lie.. just like a land without people for a people without land.
What does "there were always Palestinians" mean? The word "PALESTINA" was coined
by a GREEK HISTORIAN --Herodotus circa 500 BC to describe a BODY OF LAND. Historically
the ONLY people called "PALESTINIANS" in spoken and written language from circa--
200 AD to circa 1960's AD have been jews living in the area called PALESTINA by Herodotus
and later by THE ROMAN EMPIRE and later by the world. Why do you LIE?. Was ARAFART
termed a PALESTINIAN on his government papers when an infant? My hubby was. He still
has those papers. -----HE IS A REAL PALESTINIAN. He considers Jerusalem the capital of
his country----which the romans, when they first invaded, called JUDEA----and later PALESTINA. . You play fraud with semantics. A personal anecdote-----as a kid of about
10 -----I was surprised to learn that the word PALESTINE---is not hebrew. Later on
I learned that it is CERTAINLY NOT ARABIC. "ARABS" I encountered could not even
PRONOUNCE IT. Another interesting factoid-----There are arabic speaking jews (obviously) ---
who somehow can pronounce PALESTINE. Did you know that the original name of
NABLUS ----is NEOPOLIS? The romans changed it from SHECHEM----then the scum
from arabia came GALLOPING in ----in a frenzy of pillage and rape. You want to claim that
"there was ALWAYS A NABLUS" how about----'There were always Bostonians'

Palestine was a province of Syria and the people who live there were Palestinians. Like you would say Southerners live in the South.

The Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian peninsula in waves 10,000 BC as Arabia became more arid. They were therein Mesopotamia, Palestine and the Levant long before Abraham left Urfa near Haran.. and for the most part brought the Canaanite pantheon with them.

Palestina was a term INVENTED by Herodotus for a body of land. It was not a COUNTRY
or a "province" What were countries at the time of Herodotus were the Kingdom of Israel
and the Kingdom of Judea. AMERICA was a body of land 500 years ago-----it was not a
country either. CUSH was a body of land too. ----not a country. You are playing silly
islamo nazi sophistry. THE LEVANT is also an area of land. Some civilizations are called
LEVANTINE----and then some are called AEGEAN-----sometimes the people thereof are

Israel was for most of its history controlled by other countries like Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greeks, Romans, Turks and Britiish.

But, even in antiquity Jewish people were NOT the sole inhabitants of Judah or Israel. Samaria had four Arab tribes settled by Sargon 2.. There were Jebucites, Edomites, the Decapolis cities and Scythiopolis.
try again. There is no question that Israel was under incessant attack----it was CENTRALLY
located between the POWERS of the day ------your concept that JEBUCITES, EDOMITES etc
etc etc were all "ARABS" is something you seem to have picked up from some BAATHIST
FASCISTS. Edomites SPOKE ARABIC 4000 years ago?. Migration by humans has
been VERY brisk for scores of Millennia Arabs were not the SOLE INHABITANTS OF
MECCA either-----but it is true that BAATHISTS claim that all people in arabia were
ARABS --------it is their FASCIST notion. How about Egypt? Were all of the
people living in Egypt ---lets say 3000 years ago-----READERS AND WRITERS OF HIEROGLYPHICS and------eager to be MUMMIFIED and somehow ARABS? . Are the PYRAMIDS "muslim" or "arab" architecture? Pakistanis I have known have INSISTED that the TAJ MAHAL is -----"muslim architecture" Getting back to PITA------yes----a Baathist I once met---LONG
AGO insisted it is ARRRRAAABBBB I have also been told that SHISH KEBOB is----
"muslim" as is the entire indian subcontinent------MUGHAL ---to wit "muslim land"

Why would you think the Pyramids were Arab?

Taj Mahal - Wikipedia
The Taj Mahal was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 for being "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage". It is regarded by

do you think that EGYPTIANS ARE ARABS? Nasser did. As to the TAJ MAHAL---regardless of what UNESCO recorded------it is neither muslim art or architecture. The stuff and style precedes the birth of AL NABI. Long ago---I visited an Exposition of "MUSLIM ART" created by the
Saudi Arabian embassy in New York City. Most of the stuff was highly decorated scimitars----
and daggers with FILAGREE SILVER handles. Hubby was able to tell me which jewish community in Yemen created this and that item. I am convinced that AMERICAN CHEESE----
is not entirely an american INNOVATION but CIGARETTES are. Poor Pocahantas died
young------maybe someone fed her "AMERICAN CHEESE" She probably did not smoke
tobacco habitually-----even though the recreational use of tobacco is an american
You mean Jews aren't Arabs?

She seems to be schooling you, rosie.
no---jews are not arabs. If you crawl out from under your rock and IF YOU LIVE IN THE USA---
you might encounter jews with family background in arabic speaking countries who actually
do speak arabic. You may find one or two EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE who term themselves
"arabs" MAYBE but the overwhelming majority do not. The majority will kinda get a look
of disgust on their faces. Interestingly ----if you talk to an EGYPTIAN and mention "PALESTINIAN" you will see a similar look of disgust on his face. NEXT comes Iranian---
the Iranian MIGHT VOMIT. I learned it all----right here in the USA FROM Iranians, Egyptians,
Jews from arab countries etc etc On a lighter note----there seems to be another
interaction between SAUDI ARABIA (sunni) and HOUTHIS (shiites ---the iranian shills in
Yemen) -------you like scriptural writings-----in the mishnah and talmud that JESUS read----
the people of arabia are called "ISHMAELITES" Watdahell are "ISHMAELITES"? you ask?
Ok I asked hubby who did read the mishnah and talmud in childhood------WHAT IS AN ISHMAELITE as mentioned in the Mishnah?. ----answer-----unlettered, unwashed people
who are dangerous and who have no permanent homes (ie nomads) ------guess who

Ishmael's mother was Hagar the Egyptian.. Abraham had more sons by his Arab wife Keturah.

King James Bible
Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan.

1 Chronicles 1:32

Its nothing new for Hebrews to slander the neighbors.
OH is that why jesus is a piece of shit?

Read the document.

The Avalon Project : The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916
The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916. It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments: That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on …
roflmao another sophist BS re THE WORD IS SIMILAR

Sykes-Picot predates the Mandate.
so? lawrence of arabia was a FAG

What on earth did Lawrence's sexuality have to do with the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
as much as the sykes-picot agreement has to do with REALITY
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.

He's on record mocking Christians, veterans, Gold Star families and American POWs. You need to man up and face that truth.

Why would anyone attend Ernest Angley's funeral?

Graham and Falwell preached Scofield. Trump just likes to make the scene.. He's been that way since he was 20.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.

Erest Ansley's sometimes-outrageous faith-healing claims drew sharp criticism from many, including officials in Munich, Germany, who arrested him in 1984 on charges of fraud and practicing medicine without a license, and officials in Guyana, who in 2006 blasted him for claiming he could cure AIDS.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Yo mean, if some individual Christian attacks him, he attacks them back?

That is acceptable.

And does not contradict anything in my post.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.

Libs just say shit.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.

He's on record mocking Christians, veterans, Gold Star families and American POWs. You need to man up and face that truth.

Why would anyone attend Ernest Angley's funeral?

Graham and Falwell preached Scofield. Trump just likes to make the scene.. He's been that way since he was 20.

No, he's not.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Yo mean, if some individual Christian attacks him, he attacks them back?

That is acceptable.

And does not contradict anything in my post.

No. That's not what I meant. He's on record saying thing like "can you believethey believe that shit".. Trump's a user. Everything with him is transactional.
Christ delivered a kingdom in which all citizens are equal - the humbled exalted and the exalted humbled. All are priests adorned in royalty. The Christians' kingdom has no hierarchy save for Christ alone.

This is not the vision of the Democrat Party, the Communist Party or any other ruling organization. It's kind of a republican vision, though. Very much a colonial American order.

Trump is much closer to this school than any leftwinger ever was.
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
Christ delivered a kingdom in which all citizens are equal - the humbled exalted and the exalted humbled. All are priests adorned in royalty. The Christians' kingdom has no hierarchy save for Christ alone.

This is not the vision of the Democrat Party, the Communist Party or any other ruling organization. It's kind of a republican vision, though. Very much a colonial American order.

Trump is much closer to this school than any leftwinger ever was.

You believe that Trump thinks low income or blue collar workers are his equals?
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.
I can see that trump and falwell would have much to talk about.
Christ delivered a kingdom in which all citizens are equal - the humbled exalted and the exalted humbled. All are priests adorned in royalty. The Christians' kingdom has no hierarchy save for Christ alone.

This is not the vision of the Democrat Party, the Communist Party or any other ruling organization. It's kind of a republican vision, though. Very much a colonial American order.

Trump is much closer to this school than any leftwinger ever was.
It really isnt a "colonial American order". How can a slave owning society not have a hierarchy?
  • Thanks
Reactions: cnm
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.
You would be the very last person who could determine what a 'True Christian' should or should not support.

One thing is for sure Donald John Trump has no Christian qualities, so how can any Christian support that former Democrat donor?
"We are the ones we've been waiting for."
~ Barak Obama

Yep, talk about elitism, a hierarchy of dunces who never fail to jump at the chance to squash an economy and the little guy.
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Yo mean, if some individual Christian attacks him, he attacks them back?

That is acceptable.

And does not contradict anything in my post.

No. That's not what I meant. He's on record saying thing like "can you believethey believe that shit".. Trump's a user. Everything with him is transactional.

If that is not what you meant, then you need to be more careful about what you say.

Trump is happy to politically ally with the religious right.

THe religious right, which is mostly composed of working class whites, which part of the group Trump crafted his campaign issues to appeal to, was drawn to support him politically.

Trump gets their support and has returned that support, with conservative judges and possibly other actions. I have not followed that closely, but religious conservatives seemed pretty happy with his administation.

That Trump is personally not one of them, is fine. The phrase, "politics makes strange bedfellows" is a cliche for a reason.

This is all normal shit. If you have trouble with it, that is probably an issue you have.

How do you feel personally, about Christian Evangelicals?
How can a true Christian, a true believer in God, support Donald Trump? Donald Trump breaks the covenants of the Christian religion and almost every legitimate religion in the world.

1. He is not that bad, saver your hysteria for someone who cares.

2. And he does not hate Christians the way you libs do.

Trump mocks Christians the way he mocks veterans.

Actually, Trump doesn't mock either.

His jabs at McCain were retaliation for McCain's accusations that Trump's people were "crazy"

And Trump has shown nothing but love for top Christian theologians including the Grahams and the Falwells.

When Trump was President , he attended Billy Graham's funeral. Sleepy Joe was a no-show to the requiems held for highly rated Ohio theologian Ernest Angley who died this month.
I can see that trump and falwell would have much to talk about.

Trump does ALL the talking.

Why would anyone attend Ernest Angley's funeral?
He does seem to have all the attributes of a conservative Christian evangelical...

Angley, who has spoken out against homosexuality as a sin,[20] has been accused of sexual abuse by former Grace Cathedral pastor Rev. Brock Miller. The abuse included genital touching and naked massage.[21] Miller filed a lawsuit against Angley and claims that he was abused for nine years. A settlement was reached between Angley and Miller in February 2020, the terms of which included a non-disparagement clause.[22] A 1996 tape recording of Angley admitting to sexual relations with a different man was subsequently leaked by an anonymous source.[23] Allegations of further sexual abuses, including forced vasectomies and abortions, have been reported by the Akron Beacon Journal and Forbes.[24]

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