How can there ever be peace here?

I can't believe I missed this. We all have the right to form our own opinions ... not our own facts. Obviously Ariux is a poor put-upon skinhead.

Quote: Originally Posted by Ariux [3/30/2012]
American textbooks teach students to hate whites.
Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?
No, they're the ones blowing up hospitals and entire villages; shooting at first responders; trying to ethnically cleanse the area of Palestinian's; committing slow genocide in the big, open air prison known as Gaza; building settlements, checkpoints and apartheid walls on land that isn't theirs; and finally, they're the ones, because of their actions in the OPT, have now caused all the victims of the Holocaust to have now died in vain.

The world was so sickened by what they saw in those death camps, that they created the UN, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and wrote the Nuremburg Principles, in an effort to make sure something like Germany's aggression and treatment of the jews would never happen again. But now, a half-century later, with Israel annexing land that isn't theirs, thumbing their nose at IHL for the last 45 years and scapegoating the Palestinian's much like the way the jews were scapegoated by the nazis, it looks like history is determined to repeat itself again.
OUTSTANDING POINT. You have a very fine brain. Yes, these concentration camps in Gaza are the result of Israel's slow but steady genocide to starve & kill the Palestinians.

Gaza Photos. Gaza Strip Photos by Palestinian Photographers

Gaza Photos. Gaza Strip Photos by Palestinian Photographers - Similarto Gaza Photos. Gaza Strip Photos by Palestinian Photographers

Gaza Strip photos & images photographed in unique style by Jerusalem Palestinian Photographer Steve Sabella. Gaza photos of everyday life.

Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?
No, they're the ones blowing up hospitals and entire villages; shooting at first responders; trying to ethnically cleanse the area of Palestinian's; committing slow genocide in the big, open air prison known as Gaza; building settlements, checkpoints and apartheid walls on land that isn't theirs; and finally, they're the ones, because of their actions in the OPT, have now caused all the victims of the Holocaust to have now died in vain.

The world was so sickened by what they saw in those death camps, that they created the UN, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and wrote the Nuremburg Principles, in an effort to make sure something like Germany's aggression and treatment of the jews would never happen again. But now, a half-century later, with Israel annexing land that isn't theirs, thumbing their nose at IHL for the last 45 years and scapegoating the Palestinian's much like the way the jews were scapegoated by the nazis, it looks like history is determined to repeat itself again.
OUTSTANDING POINT. You have a very fine brain. Yes, these concentration camps in Gaza are the result of Israel's slow but steady genocide to starve & kill the Palestinians.
Nice try.

According to Physician's for Human Rights, the reality in Gaza is not as those pics have indicated...

Currently 61% of the population in the Gaza Strip, or 973,600 people, suffer from a lack of food security, defined by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) as “the absence of access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” Among this population, 94% of the households report a decline in the quality of food purchased over the past year, while 59% report a decline in the amount of food consumed. Dependence on humanitarian aid from the international organizations is also constantly on the rise; Currently, 71 percent of Gaza households rely in some capacity on international humanitarian aid.

The report attributes high rates of food insecurity to an increase in unemployment and poverty rates, which have gone up by more than 40% in the past three years, as a result of the precarious situation facing Gaza's economy, which is paralyzed by Israeli controls.
40% increase in un-employment. I guess that gives them more time to go to the beach?

17 percent of the agricultural lands and 200,000 dunams of grazing land (more than 49,420 acres) were entirely destroyed in Operation Cast lead. Since the operation the Israeli army has expanded the area forbidden to movement by Palestinians from 500 meters to 2 kilometers from the fence. The result is that 50% of the households located in these areas have lost their source of income.
Yeah, things are just rosey in Gaza?
Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?

Seriously now, how does ANYONE or ANY NATION even begin to negotiate peace with an enemy who praises death over life?

What are you talking about? Jim Jones? Solar Temple?

Zionists are using the tricks that they learned in the death camps during WWII on the Pallies.
Surely you jest. No one can be as stupid as you pretend to be. Those photos were taken by a Palestinian who owns his own photo gallery in Gaza.

Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?

What are you talking about? Jim Jones? Solar Temple?

Zionists are using the tricks that they learned in the death camps during WWII on the Pallies.
The poppies must be good this year, eh Ima? Heh Heh. :D

You talking about the Chinese again?

Heroin is bad. I'll leave my share for the Israelis, I hear they're heavy consumers of the Taliban's stuff. :D

The Chinese? Are you always this dim-witted or do you reserve it for this board?
According to the US National Library of Medicine there are an estimated 25,000 heroin addicts - out of a population of about 7mil - in Israel. That's about 1/3 of 1%. Also, about one fourth of the addict population immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union (mostly from Russia and the Ukraine) since 1989.
BTW, China is estimated to have 20 million addicts of which 14 million are heroin junkies or about 1.3% of their population.
Surely you jest. No one can be as stupid as you pretend to be. Those photos were taken by a Palestinian who owns his own photo gallery in Gaza.

Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?

Zionists are using the tricks that they learned in the death camps during WWII on the Pallies.

I'm not convinced Ima is pretending.
Is it Zionists who blow themselves up along with their own children while killing all their neighbors they can with them to honor God?

What are you talking about? Jim Jones? Solar Temple?

Zionists are using the tricks that they learned in the death camps during WWII on the Pallies.

Your page says you "suck off goats" No love for the camel?
Surely you jest. No one can be as stupid as you pretend to be. Those photos were taken by a Palestinian who owns his own photo gallery in Gaza.

Zionists are using the tricks that they learned in the death camps during WWII on the Pallies.

I'm not convinced Ima is pretending.

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.
Love the animals. People, not so much :clap2:

[ame=]Sex with Animals in Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Yes isn't it just awful Ima? Wouldn't it bre wonderful if Israel learned to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do?

Surely you jest. No one can be as stupid as you pretend to be. Those photos were taken by a Palestinian who owns his own photo gallery in Gaza.

I'm not convinced Ima is pretending.

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.
Yes isn't it just awful Ima? Wouldn't it bre wonderful if Israel learned to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do?

I'm not convinced Ima is pretending.

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.

Wall Street Journal: "The Arab World's Dirty Secret".
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare to visit Washington next week to begin direct peace talks, it's worth recalling what refugees the Palestinians are—in Arab countries.
Last week, Lebanon's parliament amended a clause in a 1946 law that had been used to bar the 400,000 Palestinians living in the country from taking any but the most menial jobs. "I was born in Lebanon and I have never known Palestine," the AP quoted one 45-year-old Palestinian who works as a cab driver. "We want to live like Lebanese. We are human beings and we need civil rights."

The dirty little secret of the Arab world is that it has consistently treated Palestinians living in its midst with contempt and often violence. In 1970, Jordan expelled thousands of Palestinian militants after Yasser Arafat attempted a coup against King Hussein. In 1991, Kuwait expelled some 400,000 Palestinians working in the country as punishment for Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War.

For six decades, Palestinians have been forced by Arab governments to live in often squalid conditions so that they could serve as propaganda tools against Israel, even as millions of refugees elsewhere have been repatriated and absorbed by their host countries. This month's vote still falls short of giving Palestinian Lebanese the rights they deserve, including citizenship. But it's a reminder of the cynicism of so much Arab pro-Palestinian propaganda, and the credulity of those who fall for it.
Yes isn't it just awful Ima? Wouldn't it bre wonderful if Israel learned to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do?

I'm not convinced Ima is pretending.

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.

Just saying.

One question: if israel has already let something like 1 million arabs live in Israel without problem? So why don't they just let the rest of them in as well?
First of all why should Israel let any Arabs live in Israel when no Arab country wants Jews living in their countries?

And as to "1 million Arabs living in Israel without problems", what are you referring to? Fact is there are now just under 6 million Palestinians living in Israel & all kinds of problems because unlike the Arab countries, Israel allows them to stay & provides for them. You want Israel to take on even more Palestinian charity cases?

Yes isn't it just awful Ima? Wouldn't it bre wonderful if Israel learned to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do?

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.

Just saying.

One question: if israel has already let something like 1 million arabs live in Israel without problem? So why don't they just let the rest of them in as well?
First of all why should Israel let any Arabs live in Israel when no Arab country wants Jews living in their countries?
Because that's where their families lived for generations before they were driven out by zionists using jewish terrorism.

And as to "1 million Arabs living in Israel without problems", what are you referring to? Fact is there are now just under 6 million Palestinians living in Israel & all kinds of problems because unlike the Arab countries, Israel allows them to stay & provides for them. You want Israel to take on even more Palestinian charity cases?
Israel doesn't provide for them. They treat them like second class citizens. They bulldoze down their homes on a half-hours notice. They shut-off their water supplies. Build Berlin Walls across their properties. Torture their children. Arrest their parents. Hand out the death penalty for throwing rocks. The reason the Palestinian's have problems, is because of the treatment they receive from the Israeli's.

The only reason they are charity cases, is because the Israeli's won't stop fucking with them.
Well hey, no one wants to free the Palestinians from Israel more than me. Thanks for agreeing with me. Israel needs our help to find a way to send the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. We can call it a --- one state solution.

First of all why should Israel let any Arabs live in Israel when no Arab country wants Jews living in their countries?
Because that's where their families lived for generations before they were driven out by zionists using jewish terrorism.

And as to "1 million Arabs living in Israel without problems", what are you referring to? Fact is there are now just under 6 million Palestinians living in Israel & all kinds of problems because unlike the Arab countries, Israel allows them to stay & provides for them. You want Israel to take on even more Palestinian charity cases?
Israel doesn't provide for them. They treat them like second class citizens. They bulldoze down their homes on a half-hours notice. They shut-off their water supplies. Build Berlin Walls across their properties. Torture their children. Arrest their parents. Hand out the death penalty for throwing rocks. The reason the Palestinian's have problems, is because of the treatment they receive from the Israeli's.

The only reason they are charity cases, is because the Israeli's won't stop fucking with them.
Yes isn't it just awful Ima? Wouldn't it bre wonderful if Israel learned to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do?

Concentrated camps, no food or job security, walls, guards, killing kids or putting them in jail... Maybe I was wrong about them having learned all this from the death camps because I'm sure they picked up a few things from the Warsaw ghetto.

Wall Street Journal: "The Arab World's Dirty Secret".
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare to visit Washington next week to begin direct peace talks, it's worth recalling what refugees the Palestinians are—in Arab countries.
Last week, Lebanon's parliament amended a clause in a 1946 law that had been used to bar the 400,000 Palestinians living in the country from taking any but the most menial jobs. "I was born in Lebanon and I have never known Palestine," the AP quoted one 45-year-old Palestinian who works as a cab driver. "We want to live like Lebanese. We are human beings and we need civil rights."

The dirty little secret of the Arab world is that it has consistently treated Palestinians living in its midst with contempt and often violence. In 1970, Jordan expelled thousands of Palestinian militants after Yasser Arafat attempted a coup against King Hussein. In 1991, Kuwait expelled some 400,000 Palestinians working in the country as punishment for Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War.

For six decades, Palestinians have been forced by Arab governments to live in often squalid conditions so that they could serve as propaganda tools against Israel, even as millions of refugees elsewhere have been repatriated and absorbed by their host countries. This month's vote still falls short of giving Palestinian Lebanese the rights they deserve, including citizenship. But it's a reminder of the cynicism of so much Arab pro-Palestinian propaganda, and the credulity of those who fall for it.

If you can see the parralels between the Jews of WWll and the Palestinians then you may realize that they have nowhere to go as a people...The world's nations are ready to defacto recognize a Palestinian State to the 67 borders as Iceland has...America will force a peace via the UN.
First of all why should Israel let any Arabs live in Israel when no Arab country wants Jews living in their countries?
Because that's where their families lived for generations before they were driven out by zionists using jewish terrorism.

And as to "1 million Arabs living in Israel without problems", what are you referring to? Fact is there are now just under 6 million Palestinians living in Israel & all kinds of problems because unlike the Arab countries, Israel allows them to stay & provides for them. You want Israel to take on even more Palestinian charity cases?
Israel doesn't provide for them. They treat them like second class citizens. They bulldoze down their homes on a half-hours notice. They shut-off their water supplies. Build Berlin Walls across their properties. Torture their children. Arrest their parents. Hand out the death penalty for throwing rocks. The reason the Palestinian's have problems, is because of the treatment they receive from the Israeli's.

The only reason they are charity cases, is because the Israeli's won't stop fucking with them.

Berlin Walls? The one in Berlin was built to prevent East Germans from reaching freedom.
The one in Israel was built to prevent "Palestinians" from bombing Israelis.
If the "Palestinians" want to reach freedom in another Arab country, I'm sure Israel will let them leave.
Berlin Walls? The one in Berlin was built to prevent East Germans from reaching freedom.
The one in Israel was built to prevent "Palestinians" from bombing Israelis.
If the "Palestinians" want to reach freedom in another Arab country, I'm sure Israel will let them leave.
Those walls are being built in an area, the Israeli's have no legal right to be in. It would be like your neighbor building a fence on your front lawn that prevents you from getting to your driveway.

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