How can Trump be charged federally in a state court?

Dude, YOUR OWN LINK says he violated campaign finance regulations!
Read past the length of a tweet, man!
Dude. If it was a crime the FEC/DOJ would have prosecuted Trump.
Cohen had to take the plea deal they put in front of him, like in communist countries.
No shit Sherlock!!!

He's claiming that he can use New York State election statutes to leave the felony charge out of the indictment.
And the felony charge he's talking about is the super secret crime he's claiming Trump is trying to hide with all of these document errors.
It's total BS.
Once this fat fuck is forced to show his particulars to the judge and the Defense Trump's lawyers are gonna rip him a new asshole.
There is no sooper sekrit crime. Cohen went to jail for it. So if that is a secret, it is only so because your propagandists have been keeping you credulous rubes in the dark.
Dude. If it was a crime the FEC/DOJ would have prosecuted Trump.
Cohen had to take the plea deal they put in front of him, like in communist countries.
Cohen committed the campaign finance crime, not Trump.

Trump committed a coverup of the crime.

All caught up now?

And your concern for criminals taking pleas is very touching. How come I have never heard you whining about this before it touched someone you worship?
From the above link (provided by you)
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations
Cohen had to take the plea deal they put in front of him. The FEC said paying the bimbos is NOT a campaign violation.
That's like saying robbing banks 34 times is no worse than robbing 1 bank.

No....because each of those 34 counts is a misdemeanor.
The shear number of misdemeanors doesn't raise it to a felony.
All the 34 counts matters is how big the fine would be if found guilty.

BTW, Hillary was found guilty of the same thing this year when she tried writing off the Steel Dossier as a campaign expense.
Cohen committed the campaign finance crime, not Trump.
Trump committed a coverup of the crime.
All caught up now?
And your concern for criminals taking pleas is very touching. How come I have never heard you whining about this before it touched someone you worship?
OMG. What part of "the FEC said paying the bimbos with his own money is NOT a campaign crime" don't you understand?
Bragg's charges are total bullshit. You all caught up now?
No shit Sherlock!!!

He's claiming that he can use New York State election statutes to leave the felony charge out of the indictment.
And the felony charge he's talking about is the super secret crime he's claiming Trump is trying to hide with all of these document errors.
It's total BS.
Once this fat fuck is forced to show his particulars to the judge and the Defense Trump's lawyers are gonna rip him a new asshole.
You don't seem to have a clue here.

He's using NY State laws concerning illegally reporting payments in furtherance of a Federal election crime committed by someone else (Cohen).
No....because each of those 34 counts is a misdemeanor.
The shear number of misdemeanors doesn't raise it to a felony.
All the 34 counts matters is how big the fine would be if found guilty.

BTW, Hillary was found guilty of the same thing this year when she tried writing off the Steel Dossier as a campaign expense.
If Trump had written off the Stormy Daniels payment as a campaign expense instead of falsifying it as a retainer, then you might have a point.

In fact, if Trump had not fucked around on his wife he would not be in trouble today.
There is no sooper sekrit crime. Cohen went to jail for it. So if that is a secret, it is only so because your propagandists have been keeping you credulous rubes in the dark.
It doesn't matter what deal Cohen went to jail (or house arrest) for...because they have to prove their case with Trump.
Trump has a signed statement from Cohen that states Cohen pulled that stunt without Trump's knowledge.

Open and shut case.

Cohen plead guilty in Manhattan Federal court to tax fraud, perjury, and campaign finance violations. He barely served any time in jail and has been under house arrest till he was released. A total of eight counts. The tax fraud had nothing to do with Trump. It was failing to report capital gains on the sale of a Hermis Berkin Bag.

What Bragg is claiming is the actions with Trump were to pay a couple of sluts off who were extorting money from him over accusations they were making. Trump claims both never happened, but elected to have them sign disclosure agreements instead of paying lawyers millions to sue those bitches in court. This came to light because Democrats bribed Stormy Daniels to go public with her false story anyway. Her lawyer ended up going to jail for fraud and she ended up losing in court over comments Trump made about her after she went public.
It doesn't matter what deal Cohen went to jail (or house arrest) for...because they have to prove their case with Trump.
Nope. Trump's illegal alterations of those financial records aided that Federal crime.

That makes them state felony charges

How many times do you need to be told this?
Wrong. 34 felonies. Read the indictments doesn't matter what he wants to call them in his indictment because he's lying. They aren't felonies. They're misdemeanors. He can say anything he wants, but once he goes in front of the judge with the particulars he'll tell him to reduce them to misdemeanors or throw it out. doesn't matter what he wants to call them in his indictment because he's lying. They aren't felonies. They're misdemeanors. He can say anything he wants, but once he goes in front of the judge with the particulars he'll tell him to reduce them to misdemeanors or throw it out.
He WENT in front of the judge ya dope
Nope. Trump's illegal alterations of those financial records aided that Federal crime.

That makes them state felony charges

How many times do you need to be told this?
That's what he's claiming....but it doesn't mean it's a fact. It's simply an opinion.
He has zero precedence to prove he's correct.
He's afraid to mention the crime in the indictment because he knows it's a load of horse shit, as well as not in his purview.

The first thing the judge is going ask is why didn't he charge Trump sooner before the limitations ran out.
His only honest answer will be that nobody paid him to do it back then. But he's being paid by the Biden Adm to prevent Trump from running because Bragg asked for a trial in the middle of the primary season....which exposes his malicious intent.
He isn't. He is being charged under NY State law of falsifying business records with the intent of concealing a crime. That crime need not be a NT State crime. It can be Federal, or in any other jurisdiction. It does not even need to have been committed by Trump. He falsified the records to conceal a crime.
What crime did he commit?
He WENT in front of the judge ya dope
Not with the particulars. This is a detail claim of the evidence and the charges.


The details of a claim, or the separate items of an account.

When these are detailed in an orderly form for the purpose of informing a defendant, the statement is called a bill of particulars.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


details of an allegation of fact made in pleadings.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
PARTICULARS, practice. The items of which the accounts of one of the parties is composed, and which are frequently furnished to the opposite party in a bill of particulars. (q.v.)
Alteration of financial records in the furtherance of a Federal felony
What's the felony?

If he's charging a federal felony then this isn't a case he has jurisdiction of.
He has to turn it over to a US District attorney....and they wouldn't touch is with a 10 meter cattle-prod.

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