How can we prepare for the future?

You don't focus on what might focus on your NEEDS.

- Shelter
- Water
- Fire
- Food

In that order.

As long as you have can survive.
Wrong order.




I know. I hear you and wish I could leave the US for Belize.

Belize is a very good place (from what I've read)...I've thunked about it myself...But I've decided to make a stand with the USA!

It's either my home (Minnesota) or fall back to south dakota.
My store was pathetic today! It must be they havent restocked yet after the Blitzkrieg that comes every 1st of the month.

I swear I heard the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" twice going down some aisles.

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Food, water...a safe place to stay, kind of a bunker but if not ....well something safe.... and the most important know what that is! ;)

I am preparing for the future by digging my grave while I am still alive to save money.
Smart man. A grave-diggin' is $1400.

Unless you're one of those "Do it Yourself" types.

And then they won't let you do it anyway, so yeah. That's how it is.
My thoughts:

Move south if you can to where you can survive the winter. You might not have power.

Relocate near your job and a supermarket close enough to walk to. Get one of those 3-wheel bikes with baskets, cuz you might not be able to get gasoline.

Take good care of your body. If you don't, the older you get the sorrier you'll be. This is true even if the shit doesn't hit the fan.

I think you should invest in a rifle like an AR-15. You can hunt with it and protect yourself and your family if need be.

Maybe things won't get that bad and all this won't be necessary. Maybe. Your call, do as you will.
I know. I hear you and wish I could leave the US for Belize. Was just talking with my hubs about it all today. I am checking out the possibilities.

Check out Panama as well, has better infrastructure, lower cost of living and more diverse places to choose to live.

We plan to move there within 6 years when we feel comfortable retiring

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