How come Obama cant take the blame for anything !

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder are characterized by unwarranted feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior. They have a strong need for admiration, but lack feelings of empathy. These qualities are usually defenses against a deep feeling of inferiority and of being unloved.[6]

Thats why
Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder are characterized by unwarranted feelings of self-importance. They have a sense of entitlement and demonstrate grandiosity in their beliefs and behavior. They have a strong need for admiration, but lack feelings of empathy. These qualities are usually defenses against a deep feeling of inferiority and of being unloved.[6]

Thats why

HE defiantly has that LOL
The far left is not capable of taking responsibility for themselves that is why they are vote Democrat.

They want laws made to force others to follow what they themselves are incapable of doing.
I recall that in the first four years of his presidency he often took the blame for others. When people attacked Rice he said its my responsibility. Don't attack her. He did the same thing with Hillary Clinton and a few others.

I think he's tired of paying the political cost for the failures of his administration. Pelosi and Reid should at least own up for their involvement in passing this law.
Because it's always someone elses fault. The Buck doesn't stop here.
I recall that in the first four years of his presidency he often took the blame for others. When people attacked Rice he said its my responsibility. Don't attack her. He did the same thing with Hillary Clinton and a few others.

I think he's tired of paying the political cost for the failures of his administration. Pelosi and Reid should at least own up for their involvement in passing this law.

Good luck with that. Pelosi's brain has been botoxed to death and Reid never had one.
Obama wants all the credit when things work out (he killed Bin Laden!!) , and none of the blame when they don't. Next we'll be told Obamacare is Bush's fault!.

The federal web site is a disaster. Unequivocally. Obama has no excuse for its poor launch. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

But much of the demand for its services is coming from red states which refused to implement their own portals to Obamacare.

The federal web site is a disaster. Unequivocally. Obama has no excuse for its poor launch. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

But much of the demand for its services is coming from red states which refused to implement their own portals to Obamacare.


With a federal site, what is the need for state sites? With the amount spent, you could have load balancing proc power and bandwidth out the ying yang... This is not a state or red state failure.. This is Obamalama's signature program of big bullshit government failing all on its own
Bush's fault
Republicans' fault
Global warming's fault
Whitey's fault
Fox News' fault

It's anyone's fault but his. The bastard never wants to take the blame for anything he or his administration fucks up.
In lots of states a person with this personality disorder wouldn't be allowed to own a gun, let alone have a finger on the nuclear trigger.

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