How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

The Alt Right and the far right are "making assumptions and casting blame" based on their partisan ideology.

Hint. Get on board with the movement, cons.
I've been on board since before this shooting. Where have you been? I've been calling for securing our schools since Columbine.

Why left is refusing to secure schools? What's the problem with that?
Because they know school shootings will decline, if not stop altogether. They need mass shootings to fuel their gungrabbing agenda. Its as simple as that.

It seems they have no problem with securing the airports.

But schools? Noooooo, you can't have that.
The left want kids to die.
They always have. They're just ramping it up and making it more obvious. That is the only explanation for the "gun free zones" at schools. They want kids to be shot at school. I figured that out a decade ago.
Why would Google forge their own log data?
You're supposed to answer that, not me. These are the questions YOUR conspiracy nonsense raises. Don't expect other to answer the questions that your nonsense raises.

Now, go on, answer your own question., you sissy.

I am asking question, and looking for answers.

What conspiracy, dunce?
I gave you an answer last night you moron. You still doubled down on your "Spiracy theory" Its a known software bug.

Google Groups

Is that your final answer?

Because that "software bug" was two years ago.

Bugs can be fixes, pretty quickly, but you can't fix stupid.
Show us where the bug fix is.
Easy... one or both of the times are not correct.

Google XML site map logs times automatically, all times are GMT.
Their clock is apparently off.

Something is definitely off, and it ain't the clock.
Except you already know its a known software bug because I showed you the proof last night.

Publication Date is wrong; Google News shows dates before article was even written

by Matthew Monahan

Right, and nobody fixed it for over two years.

Are you sure that is not Y2K bug?
Ive seen longer for something as non critical as your conspiracy. Is this recent enough idiot?

Date wrong with google sitemap

XML sitemap
Bug report
Issue tags:
date format
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC
In your opinion, what exactly is the cause?

Gun control. There, I said it.

It really is a source of frustration to you that the United States doesn't govern by melodrama, victimhood, and media fawning, isn't it?

And why not? What's wrong with having a soul? Maybe we can't go back to the idealistic days of our youth, but we can still stand for common sense. Looking back at the "liberal and youth-oriented days" of the '60's and Vietnam, isn't it obvious now that 58,000 soldiers died for nothing? If the AR-15 was used in all of the recent mass shootings, what is SO wrong about banning it? There will still be soo many guns and rifles around for protection, hunting and target practice. If you can't relate to a teen losing his best friend because it is too "melodramatic", can you at least relate to a father who lost his daughter?

Who said anything about souls, dumbass? We're talking about glands. Pure, mindless, chemical emotion, which anyone who can remember being a teenager (and has actually outgrown it) can tell you makes for an unstable, unreliable person.

I do love how you go straight from praise for hormonal reactions to "stand for common sense", as though the two are related, rather than mutually exclusive. People who actually CAN look back at the Vietnam era, rather than looking at the misty-eyed fantasies the faded flower children have painted of it, know that the only reason those deaths were "for nothing" is because of the sympathizers and useful idiots in this country who sabotaged any chance of the war being conducted effectively, PRECISELY because they were too caught up in their belief in the superior "brilliance" of their emotions substituted for thought.

If you have to actually ask "What is so wrong with infringing on rights and restricting law-abiding people's freedoms for no real gains, simply because it 'feelz' like doing something", then we're really not speaking the same language here at all.

If you can't relate to NOT allowing someone who is grieving to make huge, life-changing (and in this case, nation-changing) decisions in the heat of the moment, because it's a frigging STUPID and irresponsible thing to do, is there any aspect of rational, mature, adult behavior you CAN relate to?

You're the one who's dumb. I'll go with what the GROWN-UP fathers of those killed had to say, over your comments anyday!

Oh, bullshit. You'll go with whoever says what you want to hear, regardless of what kind of rationalizing gymnastics you have to perform to pretend it's correct.

Representative Steve Scalise was shot by a gunman at a Congressional baseball practice, and declares that he is as strong in favor of 2nd Amendment rights as he ever was. Are you going to listen to HIM? No, of course not, because he's not "young and idealistic and passionate", or because he's a politician, or because whatever-rationalization you're going to use that just means he's not agreeing with you.

Or how about me? Unlike you (probably), I HAVE been the victim of a violent crime. And it was when I was 18, so I was young and emotional and all those things you value so highly. Problem is, I came away with the conviction that I'd have been a lot safer, and made other young females safer, if I'd owned a gun, so I'm sure you'll come up with some reason or another why I can't be listened to, as well.
The Alt Right and the far right are "making assumptions and casting blame" based on their partisan ideology.

Hint. Get on board with the movement, cons.
I've been on board since before this shooting. Where have you been? I've been calling for securing our schools since Columbine.

Why left is refusing to secure schools? What's the problem with that?
Because they know school shootings will decline, if not stop altogether. They need mass shootings to fuel their gungrabbing agenda. Its as simple as that.

It seems they have no problem with securing the airports.

But schools? Noooooo, you can't have that.
The left want kids to die.
They always have. They're just ramping it up and making it more obvious. That is the only explanation for the "gun free zones" at schools. They want kids to be shot at school. I figured that out a decade ago.

Whenever government gives us some new law, they also provide the mechanism or institution to enforce that law. For example, Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 gave us TSA and all that they do to make airports safe. We got TSA screeners, X-ray machines, patting check points, trained dogs etc.

Gun free zones are product of Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995. What's the mechanism or institution that enforces that law? Do we have metal detectors in schools? How about armed security? If airports have it, courts have it, why schools doesn't?
Why would Google forge their own log data?
You're supposed to answer that, not me. These are the questions YOUR conspiracy nonsense raises. Don't expect other to answer the questions that your nonsense raises.

Now, go on, answer your own question., you sissy.

I am asking question, and looking for answers.

What conspiracy, dunce?
I gave you an answer last night you moron. You still doubled down on your "Spiracy theory" Its a known software bug.

Google Groups

Is that your final answer?

Because that "software bug" was two years ago.

Bugs can be fixes, pretty quickly, but you can't fix stupid.
Show us where the bug fix is.

Show the complaints about the bug since that article.
You're supposed to answer that, not me. These are the questions YOUR conspiracy nonsense raises. Don't expect other to answer the questions that your nonsense raises.

Now, go on, answer your own question., you sissy.

I am asking question, and looking for answers.

What conspiracy, dunce?
I gave you an answer last night you moron. You still doubled down on your "Spiracy theory" Its a known software bug.

Google Groups

Is that your final answer?

Because that "software bug" was two years ago.

Bugs can be fixes, pretty quickly, but you can't fix stupid.
Show us where the bug fix is.

Show the complaints about the bug since that article.
I just did idiot.

Date wrong with google sitemap
Google XML site map logs times automatically, all times are GMT.
Their clock is apparently off.

Something is definitely off, and it ain't the clock.
Except you already know its a known software bug because I showed you the proof last night.

Publication Date is wrong; Google News shows dates before article was even written

by Matthew Monahan

Right, and nobody fixed it for over two years.

Are you sure that is not Y2K bug?
Ive seen longer for something as non critical as your conspiracy. Is this recent enough idiot?

Date wrong with google sitemap

XML sitemap
Bug report
Issue tags:
date format
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC

You've seen longer... where do you live, under rock? Oh sorry, the hut...

Let's see about THAT bug:

"The date format is wrong with sitemap google exactly on time zone Colombia".

Date format.


Date format.
Their clock is apparently off.

Something is definitely off, and it ain't the clock.
Except you already know its a known software bug because I showed you the proof last night.

Publication Date is wrong; Google News shows dates before article was even written

by Matthew Monahan

Right, and nobody fixed it for over two years.

Are you sure that is not Y2K bug?
Ive seen longer for something as non critical as your conspiracy. Is this recent enough idiot?

Date wrong with google sitemap

XML sitemap
Bug report
Issue tags:
date format
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC

You've seen longer... where do you live, under rock? Oh sorry, the hut...

Let's see about THAT bug:

"The date format is wrong with sitemap google exactly on time zone Colombia".

Date format.


Date format.
You just replied to my post showing the bug idiot.
Gun control. There, I said it.

It really is a source of frustration to you that the United States doesn't govern by melodrama, victimhood, and media fawning, isn't it?

And why not? What's wrong with having a soul? Maybe we can't go back to the idealistic days of our youth, but we can still stand for common sense. Looking back at the "liberal and youth-oriented days" of the '60's and Vietnam, isn't it obvious now that 58,000 soldiers died for nothing? If the AR-15 was used in all of the recent mass shootings, what is SO wrong about banning it? There will still be soo many guns and rifles around for protection, hunting and target practice. If you can't relate to a teen losing his best friend because it is too "melodramatic", can you at least relate to a father who lost his daughter?

Who said anything about souls, dumbass? We're talking about glands. Pure, mindless, chemical emotion, which anyone who can remember being a teenager (and has actually outgrown it) can tell you makes for an unstable, unreliable person.

I do love how you go straight from praise for hormonal reactions to "stand for common sense", as though the two are related, rather than mutually exclusive. People who actually CAN look back at the Vietnam era, rather than looking at the misty-eyed fantasies the faded flower children have painted of it, know that the only reason those deaths were "for nothing" is because of the sympathizers and useful idiots in this country who sabotaged any chance of the war being conducted effectively, PRECISELY because they were too caught up in their belief in the superior "brilliance" of their emotions substituted for thought.

If you have to actually ask "What is so wrong with infringing on rights and restricting law-abiding people's freedoms for no real gains, simply because it 'feelz' like doing something", then we're really not speaking the same language here at all.

If you can't relate to NOT allowing someone who is grieving to make huge, life-changing (and in this case, nation-changing) decisions in the heat of the moment, because it's a frigging STUPID and irresponsible thing to do, is there any aspect of rational, mature, adult behavior you CAN relate to?

You're the one who's dumb. I'll go with what the GROWN-UP fathers of those killed had to say, over your comments anyday!

Oh, bullshit. You'll go with whoever says what you want to hear, regardless of what kind of rationalizing gymnastics you have to perform to pretend it's correct.

Representative Steve Scalise was shot by a gunman at a Congressional baseball practice, and declares that he is as strong in favor of 2nd Amendment rights as he ever was. Are you going to listen to HIM? No, of course not, because he's not "young and idealistic and passionate", or because he's a politician, or because whatever-rationalization you're going to use that just means he's not agreeing with you.

Or how about me? Unlike you (probably), I HAVE been the victim of a violent crime. And it was when I was 18, so I was young and emotional and all those things you value so highly. Problem is, I came away with the conviction that I'd have been a lot safer, and made other young females safer, if I'd owned a gun, so I'm sure you'll come up with some reason or another why I can't be listened to, as well.

When Loesch cited a rape victim who says to this day she wishes she'd been armed, the CNN mob booed her. They WANT people to be victimized. They WANT children to die, and they hate women. I mean, it couldn't be any clearer.
It really is a source of frustration to you that the United States doesn't govern by melodrama, victimhood, and media fawning, isn't it?

And why not? What's wrong with having a soul? Maybe we can't go back to the idealistic days of our youth, but we can still stand for common sense. Looking back at the "liberal and youth-oriented days" of the '60's and Vietnam, isn't it obvious now that 58,000 soldiers died for nothing? If the AR-15 was used in all of the recent mass shootings, what is SO wrong about banning it? There will still be soo many guns and rifles around for protection, hunting and target practice. If you can't relate to a teen losing his best friend because it is too "melodramatic", can you at least relate to a father who lost his daughter?

Who said anything about souls, dumbass? We're talking about glands. Pure, mindless, chemical emotion, which anyone who can remember being a teenager (and has actually outgrown it) can tell you makes for an unstable, unreliable person.

I do love how you go straight from praise for hormonal reactions to "stand for common sense", as though the two are related, rather than mutually exclusive. People who actually CAN look back at the Vietnam era, rather than looking at the misty-eyed fantasies the faded flower children have painted of it, know that the only reason those deaths were "for nothing" is because of the sympathizers and useful idiots in this country who sabotaged any chance of the war being conducted effectively, PRECISELY because they were too caught up in their belief in the superior "brilliance" of their emotions substituted for thought.

If you have to actually ask "What is so wrong with infringing on rights and restricting law-abiding people's freedoms for no real gains, simply because it 'feelz' like doing something", then we're really not speaking the same language here at all.

If you can't relate to NOT allowing someone who is grieving to make huge, life-changing (and in this case, nation-changing) decisions in the heat of the moment, because it's a frigging STUPID and irresponsible thing to do, is there any aspect of rational, mature, adult behavior you CAN relate to?

You're the one who's dumb. I'll go with what the GROWN-UP fathers of those killed had to say, over your comments anyday!

Oh, bullshit. You'll go with whoever says what you want to hear, regardless of what kind of rationalizing gymnastics you have to perform to pretend it's correct.

Representative Steve Scalise was shot by a gunman at a Congressional baseball practice, and declares that he is as strong in favor of 2nd Amendment rights as he ever was. Are you going to listen to HIM? No, of course not, because he's not "young and idealistic and passionate", or because he's a politician, or because whatever-rationalization you're going to use that just means he's not agreeing with you.

Or how about me? Unlike you (probably), I HAVE been the victim of a violent crime. And it was when I was 18, so I was young and emotional and all those things you value so highly. Problem is, I came away with the conviction that I'd have been a lot safer, and made other young females safer, if I'd owned a gun, so I'm sure you'll come up with some reason or another why I can't be listened to, as well.

When Loesch cited a rape victim who says to this day she wishes she'd been armed, the CNN mob booed her. They WANT people to be victimized. They WANT children to die, and they hate women. I mean, it couldn't be any clearer.
Their entire agenda is built on a foundation of victimhood.
That is the nonsensical war hawk crap we have had to listen to for fifty yeas: "the only reason those deaths were "for nothing" is because of the sympathizers and useful idiots in this country who sabotaged any chance of the war being conducted effectively".

The useful idiots of the war hawk right simply refused to understand the geo-political realities coupled with a SV regime that had no intention of reforming made it impossible to "win" the war.

The levers of victory had changed.
Their clock is apparently off.

Something is definitely off, and it ain't the clock.
Except you already know its a known software bug because I showed you the proof last night.

Publication Date is wrong; Google News shows dates before article was even written

by Matthew Monahan

Right, and nobody fixed it for over two years.

Are you sure that is not Y2K bug?
Ive seen longer for something as non critical as your conspiracy. Is this recent enough idiot?

Date wrong with google sitemap

XML sitemap
Bug report
Issue tags:
date format
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC
21 Dec 2017 at 16:16 UTC

You've seen longer... where do you live, under rock? Oh sorry, the hut...

Let's see about THAT bug:

"The date format is wrong with sitemap google exactly on time zone Colombia".

Date format.


Date format.
I should have known you were too stupid to think this up on your own.

FACT CHECK: Were News Stories About the Florida Mass Shooting Posted Days Before It Happened?
The alt right and far right are on the wrong side of this discussion.

They refuse to get on board, and will find out they have lost the cause and then the elections because of it.

According to you lefties, we are on the wrong side of every discussion.

You are against Constitution, Bill of Rights, you hate cops, you hate military, you prefer illegal immigration, and we are on the wrong side of discussion. Really?

Lay off the drugs, s0n.
You are no more an American patriot than I am a lefty, kiddo. :)

I am none of those things you list, but you do hate American values and liberty because you alt right and far right cons can't stand that the American people stand in your way to power.

This movement is massively moving, as the Action and General Strike of March 24 will prove to the world.
You're supposed to answer that, not me. These are the questions YOUR conspiracy nonsense raises. Don't expect other to answer the questions that your nonsense raises.

Now, go on, answer your own question., you sissy.

I am asking question, and looking for answers.

What conspiracy, dunce?
I gave you an answer last night you moron. You still doubled down on your "Spiracy theory" Its a known software bug.

Google Groups

Is that your final answer?

Because that "software bug" was two years ago.

Bugs can be fixes, pretty quickly, but you can't fix stupid.
Show us where the bug fix is.

Show the complaints about the bug since that article.
You've been shown it's a bug, so why do you persist with this trivial nonsense?

And since you don't accept that it was a bug, why can't you offer any explanations for what you think caused that?
And why not? What's wrong with having a soul? Maybe we can't go back to the idealistic days of our youth, but we can still stand for common sense. Looking back at the "liberal and youth-oriented days" of the '60's and Vietnam, isn't it obvious now that 58,000 soldiers died for nothing? If the AR-15 was used in all of the recent mass shootings, what is SO wrong about banning it? There will still be soo many guns and rifles around for protection, hunting and target practice. If you can't relate to a teen losing his best friend because it is too "melodramatic", can you at least relate to a father who lost his daughter?

Who said anything about souls, dumbass? We're talking about glands. Pure, mindless, chemical emotion, which anyone who can remember being a teenager (and has actually outgrown it) can tell you makes for an unstable, unreliable person.

I do love how you go straight from praise for hormonal reactions to "stand for common sense", as though the two are related, rather than mutually exclusive. People who actually CAN look back at the Vietnam era, rather than looking at the misty-eyed fantasies the faded flower children have painted of it, know that the only reason those deaths were "for nothing" is because of the sympathizers and useful idiots in this country who sabotaged any chance of the war being conducted effectively, PRECISELY because they were too caught up in their belief in the superior "brilliance" of their emotions substituted for thought.

If you have to actually ask "What is so wrong with infringing on rights and restricting law-abiding people's freedoms for no real gains, simply because it 'feelz' like doing something", then we're really not speaking the same language here at all.

If you can't relate to NOT allowing someone who is grieving to make huge, life-changing (and in this case, nation-changing) decisions in the heat of the moment, because it's a frigging STUPID and irresponsible thing to do, is there any aspect of rational, mature, adult behavior you CAN relate to?

You're the one who's dumb. I'll go with what the GROWN-UP fathers of those killed had to say, over your comments anyday!

Oh, bullshit. You'll go with whoever says what you want to hear, regardless of what kind of rationalizing gymnastics you have to perform to pretend it's correct.

Representative Steve Scalise was shot by a gunman at a Congressional baseball practice, and declares that he is as strong in favor of 2nd Amendment rights as he ever was. Are you going to listen to HIM? No, of course not, because he's not "young and idealistic and passionate", or because he's a politician, or because whatever-rationalization you're going to use that just means he's not agreeing with you.

Or how about me? Unlike you (probably), I HAVE been the victim of a violent crime. And it was when I was 18, so I was young and emotional and all those things you value so highly. Problem is, I came away with the conviction that I'd have been a lot safer, and made other young females safer, if I'd owned a gun, so I'm sure you'll come up with some reason or another why I can't be listened to, as well.

When Loesch cited a rape victim who says to this day she wishes she'd been armed, the CNN mob booed her. They WANT people to be victimized. They WANT children to die, and they hate women. I mean, it couldn't be any clearer.
Their entire agenda is built on a foundation of victimhood.
Yup. And they create the victims.
I am asking question, and looking for answers.

What conspiracy, dunce?
I gave you an answer last night you moron. You still doubled down on your "Spiracy theory" Its a known software bug.

Google Groups

Is that your final answer?

Because that "software bug" was two years ago.

Bugs can be fixes, pretty quickly, but you can't fix stupid.
Show us where the bug fix is.

Show the complaints about the bug since that article.
You've been shown it's a bug, so why do you persist with this trivial nonsense?

And since you don't accept that it was a bug, why can't you offer any explanations for what you think caused that?
He cant because he wasnt smart enough to come up with the conspiracy by himself in the first place. :laugh:

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