How did a civilized nation ever allow someone like Jim Jordan to ever even be considered for Speaker of the House?

They are loyal Democrat Members.
The one thing that Democrats do an outstanding job of is sticking together.
What an ironic post.

Not only is that not really true, it was famously true of the useless party of "no" -- the GOP -- until the Trump cult fractured the party, fairly recently.
What an ironic post.

Not only is that not really true, it was famously true of the useless party of "no" -- the GOP -- until the Trump cult fractured the party, fairly recently.

There is one now.
He will say anything to further the cause, no matter how nonfactul or nonsensical it is.
You obviously misunderstood what I said. My point was that TRUMPSTERS THINK that all this is perpetrated by evil. And I see that here ALL THE TIME.

I don't call anyone evil. Period.

If this is too complicated for you, don't read my posts.

Stuff it kid. Trump isn't "evil" but most of the Lefty's here say he is nearly everyday. "Trump" is a Nazi, Trump is a bigot and on and on and on. Jordan will make a good Speaker IF he doesn't cave to DEms and the RINO's. I detest Pelosi but she was able to Run her party the way she wanted. What terrifies you and those like you is that some Conservative will come along be able to do that.
They are Leftest scumbags that stick together. Nothing to brag about.

But it is.
They understand politics.
They understand Government.
They bide their time.
They are a minority that knows how to govern like a majority.
Stuff it kid. Trump isn't "evil" but most of the Lefty's here say he is nearly everyday. "Trump" is a Nazi, Trump is a bigot and on and on and on. Jordan will make a good Speaker IF he doesn't cave to DEms and the RINO's. I detest Pelosi but she was able to Run her party the way she wanted. What terrifies you and those like you is that some Conservative will come along be able to do that.
I don't call people "evil", and you clearly don't know my politics. I'm used to that with Trumpsters.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit. You're boring me.
But it is.
They understand politics.
They understand Government.
They bide their time.
They are a minority that knows how to govern like a majority.
There are other possible explanations than what you posted, drone. You have obviously never considered the fact that they are a collection of brainless obedient drones.
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
Gee another useless dripping from the looney left. And with the likes of the so called squad you are really asking that? LOL
The crazies are those idiot asshole Democrats that voted 212 for that dumbass low IQ hate filled Leftest shithead Negro Jefferies.
Really don't need to answer that post....

Apart from chucking in the old racism

You really only showed that you haven't a fucking clue how politics works... Thanks for playing..
I don't call people "evil", and you clearly don't know my politics. I'm used to that with Trumpsters.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit. You're boring me.

Too funny. I didn't vote for him, you're showing your ass again.
Stuff it kid. Trump isn't "evil" but most of the Lefty's here say he is nearly everyday. "Trump" is a Nazi, Trump is a bigot and on and on and on. Jordan will make a good Speaker IF he doesn't cave to DEms and the RINO's. I detest Pelosi but she was able to Run her party the way she wanted. What terrifies you and those like you is that some Conservative will come along be able to do that.
So Jordan would be a good leader if we ignore the whole Democracy thing...

Jordan failed to beat Steve Scalise in his own party... These are the people that know him best... They have known for years, they even know to not rely on him to tell the cops that some guys under his care are getting raped...

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