How did the GOP controlled Senate do this?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

Well, actually it was the Democrats who were the first to do this? Your memory going?
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
Why don't they just do what they are good at and give in? The more globalism and ignorance they produce, the more loose the left gets about obamacare..
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

Why not just start calling it what it should be called, SCOTUSCARE. They wrote the important provisions of the law.

Single payer solves nothing.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

Why not just start calling it what it should be called, SCOTUSCARE. They wrote the important provisions of the law.

Single payer solves nothing.
My British friends and I disagree. Right now we have 100 administrators, salespeople, hr, vp's, ceo's, etc. taking a bite out of your monthly healthcare premiums. Its called the profit motive. We don't need these people. We need one government agency managing it.

The GOP will cry that this will hurt an industry. But did they care about the manufacturing industry when they sent those valuable jobs overseas?

We are seeing growing evidence that manufacturing supports far more jobs in other sectors than previously thought.

The Magic Job Multiplier of Manufacturing
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

Why not just start calling it what it should be called, SCOTUSCARE. They wrote the important provisions of the law.

Single payer solves nothing.
My British friends and I disagree. Right now we have 100 administrators, salespeople, hr, vp's, ceo's, etc. taking a bite out of your monthly healthcare premiums. Its called the profit motive. We don't need these people. We need one government agency managing it.
The profit motive is not what is costing us so much. Do you think the government should sell cars since they are currently sold by salespeople, HR, CEOs, etc and have a profit motive? The USSR thought so. How'd that work out?

Now let me ask you something. Take a look at auto, home, and life insurance. All have the profit motive, too. All have HRs and CEOs and sales people, and yet they are not out of control. So what is the key difference between those insurance industries and the health insurance industry?

I'll tell you. Unlike the other insurance industries, the biggest player in the health insurance industry is the government. And the government gets to write all the rules for its competitors. Just like the USSR and automobiles.

So the problem is not a lack of single payer. The problem is precisely the opposite. The problem is we have too much government in the insurance market. We should be buying health insurance the same way we buy auto, home, and life insurance. We should be able to buy insurance from any company we wish, not held hostage to whatever plan our employer offers. That's how we get leverage. By being able to take our business anywhere, just like we do with home, auto, and life insurance.

Instead, we are held hostage by our employer. We have ZERO leverage. And a small employer has very, very little leverage with an insurance company. If one person in a small company racks up big medical bills, the insurance costs of everyone in that company skyrockets.

In turn, the insurance company is geographically limited by the US government (its main competitor), which limits its leverage and makes it hostage to the healthcare provider in that region.

So you are quite wrong, and the healthcare system in the UK is nothing to brag about. If your single payer system was so great, you wouldn't have people buying supplemental private insurance.

Fast forward to 3:30 in this clip:

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The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

That's what Democrats did to get ObamaCare passed in the first place.
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

That's what Democrats did to get ObamaCare passed in the first place.
Got a link proving that? It may be true but are you just talking out of your ass like you usually do?
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

That's what Democrats did to get ObamaCare passed in the first place.
Got a link proving that? It may be true but are you just talking out of your ass like you usually do?
I guess you were asleep during that whole reconciliation mess, eh?
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

that is how obamacare was passed in the first place

Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Libs are the party of slavery and segregation and their gullible voters eat this up. Why are libs so divisive and why do they hate america and its citizens so much? You haven't answered the question yet, bobo. You're just spitting out vile hate.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

Why not just start calling it what it should be called, SCOTUSCARE. They wrote the important provisions of the law.

Single payer solves nothing.
My British friends and I disagree. Right now we have 100 administrators, salespeople, hr, vp's, ceo's, etc. taking a bite out of your monthly healthcare premiums. Its called the profit motive. We don't need these people. We need one government agency managing it.

The GOP will cry that this will hurt an industry. But did they care about the manufacturing industry when they sent those valuable jobs overseas?

We are seeing growing evidence that manufacturing supports far more jobs in other sectors than previously thought.

The Magic Job Multiplier of Manufacturing

No, you're not taking any bite out of the industry. You're screwing us all with your gimmicks.

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