How Do Bill's Peccadillos Relate to Hillary's Presidential Qualifications In Any Way?

How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

She defended the serial rapist and vilified his victims, that's how. Now the question is, how can you ignore such behavior?
Pure right wing garbage and talking points. If you repeat a lie enough times, you will begin to think its true

You have been presented with the facts of Hillary defense of Bill at the expense of those who accuse him. You know of her saying that such women need to be heard and need to be believed. If that doesn't tell you something they you truly are hopeless. Hillary if nothing else is a hypocrite beyond believe. Your insulting me without reason isn't a whole lot of defense.

He is not insulting you. He is insulting your alleged argument. And, in passing, I'm not sure you would want Broderick to be heard.
She claims he will be instrumental in policy making decisions in her administration.

He was impeached and disbarred for lying to a grand jury while POTUS.

That's enough for me, and should be enough for anyone.
Yeah, he really was a terrible president, wasn't he?

Impeached and disbarred for lying to a grand jury while POTUS.

Maybe he could have been a great President if he wasn't so preoccupied with chasing strange.
You appear blind to his many accomplishments while in office.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

Well, it's more about Hillary's treatment of the scores of his accusers. You know, the nominee who said, and I quote...

"You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Well, unless you accuse Bubba.
She claims he will be instrumental in policy making decisions in her administration.

He was impeached and disbarred for lying to a grand jury while POTUS.

That's enough for me, and should be enough for anyone.
Yeah, he really was a terrible president, wasn't he?

Impeached and disbarred for lying to a grand jury while POTUS.

Maybe he could have been a great President if he wasn't so preoccupied with chasing strange.
You appear blind to his many accomplishments while in office.
...often kicking and screaming but drug by the short hairs by the GOP congress. Welfare reform for one, he finally signed it third time around. He reduced spending by taking it from the military, like lefties are apt to do.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

Well, it's more about Hillary's treatment of the scores of his accusers. You know, the nominee who said, and I quote...

"You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Well, unless you accuse Bubba.
SCORES of his accusers? You done exaggerate do you
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

Well, it's more about Hillary's treatment of the scores of his accusers. You know, the nominee who said, and I quote...

"You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Well, unless you accuse Bubba.
SCORES of his accusers? You done exaggerate do you
having the largest most up to date military is not good enough for you?
She claims he will be instrumental in policy making decisions in her administration.
Then why isn't this the main talking point?

It questions her judgment and character. But it doesn't make the insane step of saying a wife, who hears of women who fucked her husband consensually, should be compassionate to those women who disrespected her, and disrespected the sanctity of marriage.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.
They relate to her qualifications in the same manner that lewd comments between friends in a dressing room relates to Trump's qualifications - IOW not one iota. That is not what the people want though - they are not interested in qualifications or policy positions. They are interested in tabloid bullshit.
FA_Q2 - long time no see. I decided to get back into it as the election nears.
Welcome back. Always nice to have some level headed people here even if we rarely agree :D
Don't you think there is a difference between words actually uttered by a candidate that clearly reflect an attitude that is, or should be (at least to voting women) highly relevant to his qualifications to be president, and actions by one spouse over which the candidate spouse had no control and which she obviously disagreed with?
No, I honestly do not.

The problem I have is that everyone comes out with this holier than thou BS about how horrified they are with these statements and it is BS. I hear worse on a daily bases at my workplace and on the street let alone what you hear in locker rooms between celebrities. I could care less about his locker room banter - it is meaningless and a distraction. What matter is actual policy. I didn't care about Bill and his exploits either and we are deluding ourselves if we are going to pretend that past presidents were somehow above such things. They are rich and they are powerful and they behave like it. I guarantee that there is far worse that both candidates have said (and done) behind closed doors and I could not care less.

What I want to know is what are they going to do with their position that will benefit the nation. Looking at the candidates for what they stand for I can honestly say that they are both absolutely unqualified for the position without question.
I will agree with you to an extent on the locker room comment thing. I think there is a pretty good amount of faux outrage circulating over Trump's 2005 comments but, the thing is, faux outrage is oftentimes a force to be reckoned with - especially when comments like this are about women, who comprise more than half of the electorate. Truth known, his comments didn't bother me that much either although I must admit, I have never heard anyone talking about just walking up to a strange woman and grabbing her by the crotch.
I have honestly heard a lot worse but then again I am in the military and we can be a raunchy bunch. Some very honorable people that I would trust my life with have said things that make what Trump said seem paltry and I do not fault them for idle banter.

I never said that it was not a force to be reckoned with - I am aware of the political ramifications. My general point is that it is not only very sad but also very pathetic that our political system is reduced to that kind of garbage. The electorate continually complains that the candidates running are sub-par and do not represent the people but then reduce political campaigns to this type of back and fourth drama show.

On qualifications, it seems to me that Hillary is extremely well qualified while Trump is just the opposite. First off, I don't buy most of the criticism of Hillary that is coming from the right. Secondly, Trump's lack of qualifications seem to me to be self-evident and reinforced on a daily basis, right out in front of God and everybody.
I don't really care what the right has to say either but I do care about her performance and I do have serious issues with her need to lie (and her lies are extremely well documented), her attachment to secrecy (the private server being just one single example of this) and her utterly abysmal failure as secretary of state in the ME and Russia while in the Obama administration.

It is sad that I actually thought one good thing would come from the Obama administration with his FP (I am diametrically opposed to his underlying domestic policy philosophy) as I thought the days of constant, unending warfare across the globe were going to go in the correct direction. Instead we have done nothing but expand our efforts to blow things up in foreign lands and destabilize governments and have mishandled Russia in epic proportions. That alone makes here utterly unqualified to be president.
But who is qualified and who is not is entirely a matter of opinion and that's why we have elections, hey?
No, it is not 'entirely' a matter of opinion. There can be differing opinions but it is also a matter of facts and history. I think that the history speaks for itself. The only reason that I think Hillary is going to attain the office is because Trump is just so damn bad himself and that really is pathetic.

One of the problems with modern politics is that facts are utterly ignored and replaced with empty opinion.
Guys in the military are not running for President of the United States. They are guys in the military. Certainly nothing wrong with that, but the standards are decidedly different when it comes to language used about women.

I don't buy into the "Hillary's lies" business nor that she was a failed secy of state because of Bangladesh or for any other reason. Obviously, that's where we part company on Hillary. I listen to what she is saying and I compare it to what Trump says. There is no comparison. Do you want Trump in there? I don't think so. Well, it's either him or Hillary. I have no problem with the choice. I submit that "Hillary haters" should do the right thing, even if they have a problem with it. The alternative appears unthinkable.

I just heard Pres. Obama give a lengthy speech. He rattled off the domestic accomplishments of his administration during the past 8 years. Significant improvement in ALL important areas. Unemployment is down. Income is up. Poverty level is down. I will give you that our foreign situation needs a little work. I, for one, sure do not intend to have Trump doing that work. I see Hillary as having the potential to make significant improvement in the area of foreign policy.
"Peccadilloes": a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin.

You really think that term applies to BILL CLINTON?

Yet the left wants to crucify Donald Trump for WORDS!
The difference between Bill Clinton and Trump is similar to the difference between the high school principal and the school yard bully.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

Well, it's more about Hillary's treatment of the scores of his accusers. You know, the nominee who said, and I quote...

"You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Well, unless you accuse Bubba.
SCORES of his accusers? You done exaggerate do you

OK, 9 have officially accused him. That's 9 more than have accused anyone I know.
"Peccadilloes": a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin.

You really think that term applies to BILL CLINTON?

Yet the left wants to crucify Donald Trump for WORDS!
The difference between Bill Clinton and Trump is similar to the difference between the high school principal and the school yard bully.

No, the difference is talk vs. action.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.
I think one has to find his/her own answer to "why does she stick with him." That matters.

Imo, she stuck it out both because they are a political team, and a very odd one at that, and I really do think they emotionally care about one another, despite the weirdness.

That said, I'd much prefer to see Kasich, Portman, Jeff Flake or somebody.
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.

Well, it's more about Hillary's treatment of the scores of his accusers. You know, the nominee who said, and I quote...

"You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Well, unless you accuse Bubba.
SCORES of his accusers? You done exaggerate do you

OK, 9 have officially accused him. That's 9 more than have accused anyone I know.
Does it really matter, with all the sexual allegations against Trump you won't say a word. Thats called hypocrisy
Shes bills wife.... she has no other "qualifications".....
US Senator and SOS are not qualifications? Now what are Trumps qualifications........

The carpetbagging mindless hag was shitty at both positions..... yet historic in some alternate universe
Are we supposed to believe that you have even the smallest clue to what you are talking about? Now fill us in on Trumps qualifications
Trump is not a parasitic, life long, civil "servant" that panders to foreigners, deviants, and welfare dependents...for starters. Lol
She claims he will be instrumental in policy making decisions in her administration.

If your inane allegation is that Bill is not "morally" fit to be "instrumental in policy making decisions." what makes you think that the oval office is charged with making morality based decisions?

.....and before you go off in stating that Trump is undergoing his own "morality" headaches, bear in mind that the issue of Trump's low morality is NOT the only reason why the clown will lose.
Trump is not a parasitic

.....and we have his 2 decades of NOT paying federal income taxes to prove the above???

When Trump lands his private jet at an airport, do you know that he did NOT pay a cent to build and maintain that airport???
But, believe it or not, YOU did....

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