How Do Colleges That Shut Down Conservative Speech Maintain their Accreditation?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

It will be funny when parents start pulling their kids out of these lunatic colleges I hope their profits tanks.
segregation universities.....against non lefty

Do republicans need their own "movement" to be treated as equals?
Related in that we might actually be at the point that the college education being dished out right now, is more damaging to kids future than going without a diploma

There's some good stuff in their videos. A bit religious in some, but also some really solid advice for young folks on jobs, careers, min wage, government, why PC is a bad thing for /you/, why capitalism is good/socialism is bad (from folks in all walks of life.) I think there's one on communism/socialism/capitalist defining that was good too, but that might have been a related video.
A Frenchman walked into a McDonalds and asked the Berkeley Liberal Arts graduate working behind the counter for a glass of wine. The Berkeley Diversified Studies graduate moping the floor said, “we don't serve wine here you racist.” To which the Frenchman replied in a shocked voice, “you mean people come here for the food?”
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).

They have a right to be heard. They are popular speakers but the radical universities won't let the other side express their views and perceptions.

People should know and understand both to make an informed decision

Why are radicals ready to violence because of a speaker? What are they afraid of?
segregation universities.....against non lefty

Do republicans need their own "movement" to be treated as equals?
I thought that 'Conservatism" was a movement.

Can't speak, can't go to school, get beaten up by liberals, refused service as places.........

water fountains and back doors next?

So, you are a hate spewing dumbass who couldn't get into a college.

Back when I went each group had a voice
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).
As though Liberal authors are anymore honest than Conservative authors.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).

They have a right to be heard. They are popular speakers but the radical universities won't let the other side express their views and perceptions.

People should know and understand both to make an informed decision

Why are radicals ready to violence because of a speaker? What are they afraid of?

Milo was a person making money from spewing hate.

Invite him to speak in your living room if you like that shit.

Universities have the right to choose who speaks at their campuses./

Start your own college & you can invite Rush, Milo, Ann Coulter & Alex Jones -all worthless hate spewers who have nothing to add to any real conversation.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).

They have a right to be heard. They are popular speakers but the radical universities won't let the other side express their views and perceptions.

People should know and understand both to make an informed decision

Why are radicals ready to violence because of a speaker? What are they afraid of?

Milo was a person making money from spewing hate.

Invite him to speak in your living room if you like that shit.

Universities have the right to choose who speaks at their campuses./

Start your own college & you can invite Rush, Milo, Ann Coulter & Alex Jones -all worthless hate spewers who have nothing to add to any real conversation.

Communists and jihadist can speak at universities but not conservatives?

Half the country voted republican but they are all hater? You are afraid to listen or let others listen to ideas so many have?
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

Conservative speak has no truth.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

Conservative speak has no truth.

for half the country it does
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

So a hate spewing Milo & a lying Ann Coulter have nothing of value to offer. People that make up bad things to say in order to make money are not worthy of being anything beyond your heroes. Throw in your other buddies like Limbaugh & Becxk & Alex Jones ( Trump's source for information).

They have a right to be heard. They are popular speakers but the radical universities won't let the other side express their views and perceptions.

People should know and understand both to make an informed decision

Why are radicals ready to violence because of a speaker? What are they afraid of?

Milo was a person making money from spewing hate.

Invite him to speak in your living room if you like that shit.

Universities have the right to choose who speaks at their campuses./

Start your own college & you can invite Rush, Milo, Ann Coulter & Alex Jones -all worthless hate spewers who have nothing to add to any real conversation.

They have no problem with speakers spewing hate towards Jews. They usually put those hateful speakers on the payroll.
Communists and jihadist can speak at universities but not conservatives?
Half the country voted republican but they are all hater? You are afraid to listen or let others listen to ideas so many have?
RealDave has the cowardice of his insecurities.

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