How do the non-spiritual explain it?

As for you knowing things because you feel them... this is not how science works, this is how FAITH works. Just so you know.

And there are many planets where life doesn't exist because they arent in the goldilocks zone.

Let's set the record straight... There has never been any life discovered elsewhere in our universe. Until we discover it elsewhere, we can't say that it exists elsewhere. You are merely speculating based on a feeling... that's FAITH, not Science.

So you need to see life on other planets before you will believe it? What if I told you you'd go to hell if you don't believe will that help? Lol
But the "cosmological constant" is not off by 1 to 10^120.

How interesting (and predictable) that you sidestepped addressing the fact of a profoundly violent and chaotic universe that refutes your silly "perfectly tuned" meme.

I know the cosmological constant is not off, thanks for admitting the universe is finely tuned. I didn't claim it was "perfectly tuned." That's YOU changing the words around so you can try and defeat a fact that you just admitted was true.

Math, physics and chemistry are not chaotic, they are very ordered and structured. There are about a dozen or more variables which are constant and must be constant for the universe to exist. It's finely tuned, whether you like that or not, whether it fits your personal faith or not, whether you deny it and try to refute it.
So you need to see life on other planets before you will believe it? What if I told you you'd go to hell if you don't believe will that help? Lol

Doesn't matter what you tell me to support your faith-based beliefs. Until we can observe it, science can't evaluate it.
But the "cosmological constant" is not off by 1 to 10^120.

How interesting (and predictable) that you sidestepped addressing the fact of a profoundly violent and chaotic universe that refutes your silly "perfectly tuned" meme.

I know the cosmological constant is not off, thanks for admitting the universe is finely tuned. I didn't claim it was "perfectly tuned." That's YOU changing the words around so you can try and defeat a fact that you just admitted was true.

Math, physics and chemistry are not chaotic, they are very ordered and structured. There are about a dozen or more variables which are constant and must be constant for the universe to exist. It's finely tuned, whether you like that or not, whether it fits your personal faith or not, whether you deny it and try to refute it.

Physicist victor stenger explains why you are wrong.
But the "cosmological constant" is not off by 1 to 10^120.

How interesting (and predictable) that you sidestepped addressing the fact of a profoundly violent and chaotic universe that refutes your silly "perfectly tuned" meme.

I know the cosmological constant is not off, thanks for admitting the universe is finely tuned. I didn't claim it was "perfectly tuned." That's YOU changing the words around so you can try and defeat a fact that you just admitted was true.

Math, physics and chemistry are not chaotic, they are very ordered and structured. There are about a dozen or more variables which are constant and must be constant for the universe to exist. It's finely tuned, whether you like that or not, whether it fits your personal faith or not, whether you deny it and try to refute it.
You have made no case for a "finely tuned" universe overseen by your gawds.

The violent and chaotic nature of the universe refutes your "finely tuned", nonsense. What is "finely tuned" about asteroid impact, black holes gobbling up stars, planetary collision?

Tell your pals at the Institute for Creation Research to actually open a book on cosmology.
So you need to see life on other planets before you will believe it? What if I told you you'd go to hell if you don't believe will that help? Lol

Doesn't matter what you tell me to support your faith-based beliefs. Until we can observe it, science can't evaluate it.
Just saying more chance life exists elsewhere than your god existing. Based on the history of man and religion its obvious we made it up when we were primitive and superstitious and ignorant. Were at a point where the idea of god is becoming an old superstition. Like we look at the people who worshipped the Greek gods I look at you the same way.
So you need to see life on other planets before you will believe it? What if I told you you'd go to hell if you don't believe will that help? Lol

Doesn't matter what you tell me to support your faith-based beliefs. Until we can observe it, science can't evaluate it.
Wrong, as usual. Science evaluates many phenomenon which are not observable.

You're reading a script from the Institute for Creation Research.

Stop. You're an accomplice to ignorance and lies.
Creation is not a science.

You're right, creation isn't a science. Physical science has no explanation for creation. Origin of life contradicts physical science.
Actually, no. Your claims to magic and supernaturalism contradicts physical science.

How does "the gawds did it... by magic", answer anything?

We're never going to convince him because when it comes down to it he believes he has experienced this god. Yup. Seen him with his own two eyes. Wasn't dreaming either.

So no matter what facts you present just remember he says he's seen it! How you gonna respond to that?
Every astrophysicist on the planet agrees the universe is finely tuned. ~Boss

Find one who disputes it.
Victor Strenger and Fred C Adams don't. In fact they argue against it. They are both astrophysics.

They argue against a finely tuned universe by claiming our finely tuned universe is but one of many universes and it coincidentally happens to be fine tuned.

bossy: ... and it coincidentally happens to be fine tuned.


which part, the Garden or the 99.9% universe admired by the sudo-spiritualist ?

Just saying more chance life exists elsewhere than your god existing.

When did someone die an make you cosmic prognosticator? Until you FIND life elsewhere, it's a faith-based belief it exists elsewhere. Sorry... fact of reality.
You have made no case for a "finely tuned" universe overseen by your gawds.

The violent and chaotic nature of the universe refutes your "finely tuned", nonsense. What is "finely tuned" about asteroid impact, black holes gobbling up stars, planetary collision?

Who it's overseen by and whether it's a God, is a philosophical question. The finely tuned universe is a scientific fact. This has absolutely nothing to do with chaotic events, impacts, black holes or asteroids. You're deliberately taking "finely tuned" out of context to mean "stable and orderly" and that's not what it means.
Every astrophysicist on the planet agrees the universe is finely tuned. ~Boss

Find one who disputes it.
Victor Strenger and Fred C Adams don't. In fact they argue against it. They are both astrophysics.

They argue against a finely tuned universe by claiming our finely tuned universe is but one of many universes and it coincidentally happens to be fine tuned.

bossy: ... and it coincidentally happens to be fine tuned.


which part, the Garden or the 99.9% universe admired by the sudo-spiritualist ?


Why are you quoting Stenger and Adams and attributing it to me?
Just saying more chance life exists elsewhere than your god existing.

When did someone die an make you cosmic prognosticator? Until you FIND life elsewhere, it's a faith-based belief it exists elsewhere. Sorry... fact of reality.
At least I never claimed an alien talked to me or has special powers and can make me live forever and never get sick or get old.
Based on the history of man and religion its obvious we made it up when we were primitive and superstitious and ignorant.

No it's certainly not obvious. In fact, it's impossible that this is what happened. It's what you like to CLAIM happened, based on your feelings and emotions... a faith-based, non-scientific rationale. When the theory is examined and scrutinized it completely falls apart. It defies rational logic, it defies factual realities, it defies physical nature itself.
You have made no case for a "finely tuned" universe overseen by your gawds.

The violent and chaotic nature of the universe refutes your "finely tuned", nonsense. What is "finely tuned" about asteroid impact, black holes gobbling up stars, planetary collision?

Who it's overseen by and whether it's a God, is a philosophical question. The finely tuned universe is a scientific fact. This has absolutely nothing to do with chaotic events, impacts, black holes or asteroids. You're deliberately taking "finely tuned" out of context to mean "stable and orderly" and that's not what it means.
Earth for now is fine tuned for life.

A puddle of water says "what a perfect puddle. Fits me perfect. Must have been made for me. Then the sun heats up and the puddle disappears
Based on the history of man and religion its obvious we made it up when we were primitive and superstitious and ignorant.

No it's certainly not obvious. In fact, it's impossible that this is what happened. It's what you like to CLAIM happened, based on your feelings and emotions... a faith-based, non-scientific rationale. When the theory is examined and scrutinized it completely falls apart. It defies rational logic, it defies factual realities, it defies physical nature itself.
At least its a theory with evidence. All god is is a hypothesis. No actual logical scientific reasoning behind it.

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