How do the non-spiritual explain it?

As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

Too funny... Do you idiots even listen to yourselves?

How can you fucking know the size... but it's infinite? Then I read toward the end where it says... (paraphrasing) We almost certainly think that we nearly believe it might just be possible that the universe could be something like infinite man! Oh yes! Science has now fucking spoken on this so we can put away the speculations and chisel this into the stone cold book of facts.

People who adopt Science as their Theology are dangerous.
As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

Too funny... Do you idiots even listen to yourselves?

How can you fucking know the size... but it's infinite? Then I read toward the end where it says... (paraphrasing) We almost certainly think that we nearly believe it might just be possible that the universe could be something like infinite man! Oh yes! Science has now fucking spoken on this so we can put away the speculations and chisel this into the stone cold book of facts.

People who adopt Science as their Theology are dangerous.
Why am I not surprised you had to change what was said, which you dishonestly try to pass off as "paraphrasing," to ignore how the accurate measurements were taken.
As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

Too funny... Do you idiots even listen to yourselves?

How can you fucking know the size... but it's infinite? Then I read toward the end where it says... (paraphrasing) We almost certainly think that we nearly believe it might just be possible that the universe could be something like infinite man! Oh yes! Science has now fucking spoken on this so we can put away the speculations and chisel this into the stone cold book of facts.

People who adopt Science as their Theology are dangerous.
Why am I not surprised you had to change what was said, which you dishonestly try to pass off as "paraphrasing," to ignore how the accurate measurements were taken.

Tell me something, Einstein... What is the calculation for measuring infinity?
As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

Too funny... Do you idiots even listen to yourselves?

How can you fucking know the size... but it's infinite?
It figures that an idiot too stupid to understand anything thinks others are idiots.
The universe is infinite because MEASUREMENTS show it will EXPAND from its present SIZE for eternity.
You are the stupidest "know-it-all" I've ever encountered!!!
As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

Too funny... Do you idiots even listen to yourselves?

How can you fucking know the size... but it's infinite? Then I read toward the end where it says... (paraphrasing) We almost certainly think that we nearly believe it might just be possible that the universe could be something like infinite man! Oh yes! Science has now fucking spoken on this so we can put away the speculations and chisel this into the stone cold book of facts.

People who adopt Science as their Theology are dangerous.
Why am I not surprised you had to change what was said, which you dishonestly try to pass off as "paraphrasing," to ignore how the accurate measurements were taken.

Tell me something, Einstein... What is the calculation for measuring infinity?
Your infinite stupidity, of course! :asshole:
It figures that an idiot too stupid to understand anything thinks others are idiots.
The universe is infinite because MEASUREMENTS show it will EXPAND from its present SIZE for eternity.

Huh? How do the measurements show that?

I'm really very interested in the mathematical formula for measuring infinity. I have a theory that you are infinitely stupid and I'd like to be able to confirm that.
It figures that an idiot too stupid to understand anything thinks others are idiots.
The universe is infinite because MEASUREMENTS show it will EXPAND from its present SIZE for eternity.

Huh? How do the measurements show that?

I'm really very interested in the mathematical formula for measuring infinity. I have a theory that you are infinitely stupid and I'd like to be able to confirm that.
Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!
Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!

Well, yes, they've been measuring the expansion for the past 40 years or more. Your article says they measured the universe and found it was flat. Guy says he knows the size of the universe as well as he knows the size of his own bedroom. So if there is a known size value, then it's not infinite.... by definition. Also, if it started 13.9 billion years ago, it's not eternal... by definition.

So you can bow up and call me stupid all you like, until you present a mathematical formula for calculating infinity, you have no scientific support for such concepts.
"That means — while we can't say with certainty that it will never come to an end — it's likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe."

Any tax dollars going to fund this person's research should have ceased the moment he made this boneheaded statement. There is no math or physics to support it whatsoever. It is a speculation based on faith and nothing more. ZERO Science!
Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!

Well, yes, they've been measuring the expansion for the past 40 years or more. Your article says they measured the universe and found it was flat. Guy says he knows the size of the universe as well as he knows the size of his own bedroom. So if there is a known size value, then it's not infinite.... by definition. Also, if it started 13.9 billion years ago, it's not eternal... by definition.

So you can bow up and call me stupid all you like, until you present a mathematical formula for calculating infinity, you have no scientific support for such concepts.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years. You expose the weakness of your argument by your dishonest deceptions.
Thank you.
By definition you are a dishonest idiot!

From my link that you dishonestly and deceptively left out:

"They did it using a high-powered telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, which, for almost five years, has been hunting deep space for galaxies. Some of them are more than 6 billion light-years away and, therefore, at least as many years old (FYI, a light-year is a distance, equal to about 5.9 trillion miles). They say it may be the largest collection of redshift galaxies (galaxies moving away from us) ever compiled. By comparison, the new Hubble photo of deep space, said to capture the farthest reaches yet, only shows galaxies 3.5 billion light-years from earth."
"That means — while we can't say with certainty that it will never come to an end — it's likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe."

Any tax dollars going to fund this person's research should have ceased the moment he made this boneheaded statement. There is no math or physics to support it whatsoever. It is a speculation based on faith and nothing more. ZERO Science!
And we have the word of a dishonest liar on that.
Thank you.
"Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Is every single bit of it a bunch of hooey caused by our fears and imagination?"

Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!

Well, yes, they've been measuring the expansion for the past 40 years or more. Your article says they measured the universe and found it was flat. Guy says he knows the size of the universe as well as he knows the size of his own bedroom. So if there is a known size value, then it's not infinite.... by definition. Also, if it started 13.9 billion years ago, it's not eternal... by definition.

So you can bow up and call me stupid all you like, until you present a mathematical formula for calculating infinity, you have no scientific support for such concepts.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years. You expose the weakness of your argument by your dishonest deceptions.
Thank you.
By definition you are a dishonest idiot!

From my link that you dishonestly and deceptively left out:

"They did it using a high-powered telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, which, for almost five years, has been hunting deep space for galaxies. Some of them are more than 6 billion light-years away and, therefore, at least as many years old (FYI, a light-year is a distance, equal to about 5.9 trillion miles). They say it may be the largest collection of redshift galaxies (galaxies moving away from us) ever compiled. By comparison, the new Hubble photo of deep space, said to capture the farthest reaches yet, only shows galaxies 3.5 billion light-years from earth."

Look... 6 billion light years and 3.5 billion light years are still finite distances. Neither of these are "infinite" by any common usage of the word. So what the fuck are you talking about here? I am certain that mathematicians worldwide would LOVE to know about this magical formula to calculate and measure infinity.
Is every single bit of it a bunch of hooey caused by our fears and imagination?"


Then it contradicts every scientific law of probability. Not to mention, natural selection, Darwinian evolution or any other behavioral observation in nature. There is no other unexplained behavioral phenomenon that happens to the level and degree of human spiritualism. I've presented a long list of categories and you are saying that in 100% of the accounts, in all the cases, for all the years and across all the categories, there is nothing to it at all.... it's simple fear and imagination.

I say the chances of a fundamental species behavior exemplified in so many different ways, existing for all of the species history, is very highly unlikely to be absolutely 100% meaningless. In fact, it's the smallest infinitesimal increment from being impossible that it's meaningless or that you are 100% correct.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years.

Still... Doesn't matter how accurate your measurement is, you cannot measure infinity.

This somehow reminds me of the now-debunked "Singularity" theory... which some of you are still floating around. You try to explain how Something came from Nothing, but in every instance you must define "Nothing" as some tiniest bit of "Something."

Perhaps this is why Hawking so boldly rejected Singularity theory?
The universe is infinite because MEASUREMENTS show it will EXPAND from its present SIZE for eternity.

Essentially, what this is saying is: The universe IS God. So if you believe in an infinite and eternal universe, you believe in God. You simply define it in another way.

Infinity and Eternity are not physical concepts in science because we can't evaluate or measure them. One of the biggest problems posed to such a concept applied to the universe is Entropy. This is a major physical principle in the Laws of Thermodynamics, and it poses a devastating problem for an "eternal" universe. The next biggest problem I see is Newton's Laws of Motion. If the universe is in motion, something acted to set it into motion. Now... you can pipe up and explain that it was "energy!" But... that means it has a starting point which means it can't be eternal.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years.

Still... Doesn't matter how accurate your measurement is, you cannot measure infinity.
Listen Dumb ass, they measure expansion and flatness and from those measurements derive infinite expansion.
You are easily the stupidest know-it-all in the entire infinitely expanding universe.
One of the biggest problems posed to such a concept applied to the universe is Entropy. This is a major physical principle in the Laws of Thermodynamics, and it poses a devastating problem for an "eternal" universe.
We went over entropy in another thread and you know less about entropy than you do about energy, and you know absolutely nothing about energy.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years.

Still... Doesn't matter how accurate your measurement is, you cannot measure infinity.
Listen Dumb ass, they measure expansion and flatness and from those measurements derive infinite expansion.
You are easily the stupidest know-it-all in the entire infinitely expanding universe.

Listen Dumb ass, how can they derive a value that is infinite?

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