How do the non-spiritual explain it?

We went over entropy in another thread and you know less about entropy than you do about energy, and you know absolutely nothing about energy.

I'm sure Entropy has been discussed numerous times on USMB, but in the context of an "eternal universe" it poses a serious rational problem. As does the accelerating expansion of the universe which we've confirmed. These things do not denote a physically eternal and infinite universe. You've not presented any formula for the calculation of infinity or eternity, they are unknown variables not supported by math or physics. All you posted was some guy who calls himself a scientist, claiming he thinks the universe might be eternal and infinite. I classify this as 'anecdotal opinion' until you can post some valid physics to prove it.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years.

Still... Doesn't matter how accurate your measurement is, you cannot measure infinity.
Listen Dumb ass, they measure expansion and flatness and from those measurements derive infinite expansion.
You are easily the stupidest know-it-all in the entire infinitely expanding universe.

Listen Dumb ass, how can they derive a value that is infinite?
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years.

Still... Doesn't matter how accurate your measurement is, you cannot measure infinity.
Listen Dumb ass, they measure expansion and flatness and from those measurements derive infinite expansion.
You are easily the stupidest know-it-all in the entire infinitely expanding universe.

Listen Dumb ass, how can they derive a value that is infinite?

I can't really tell much about your ping image, can you explain the purpose of this formula and how it applies to anything? Anyone can devise a mathematical problem which results in an infinite calculation. In base 10 math, 1 divided by 3 produces an 'infinite' remainder. Does the infinity hold a value? No, it can't or math doesn't work and infinite is not infinite.

The claim that someone has measured the universe and calculated the size precisely to "infinite," doesn't really impress me. It makes me think that person might not comprehend things well.
The claim that someone has measured the universe and calculated the size precisely to "infinite," doesn't really impress me. It makes me think that person might not comprehend things well.
Yeah, that must be it. Your obvious complete failure to accurately paraphrase the article I linked to couldn't possibly indicate a lack of comprehension on YOUR part, after all you are a know-it-all, so it must be everyone else who lacks comprehension. :cuckoo:
The claim that someone has measured the universe and calculated the size precisely to "infinite," doesn't really impress me. It makes me think that person might not comprehend things well.
Yeah, that must be it. Your obvious complete failure to accurately paraphrase the article I linked to couldn't possibly indicate a lack of comprehension on YOUR part, after all you are a know-it-all, so it must be everyone else who lacks comprehension. :cuckoo:

I saw nothing in your article supported by math. physics or science regarding this supposed "infinite and eternal" universe. I see the guy making the comment that "we believe" something, but that is his speculation and it's not based on science. What "we believe" is fundamentally rooted in faith.

I pointed out, the guy contradicts his own statement when he says they measured the universe and he know it's size as well as his own bedroom. If the universe has been measured and he knows the size, then it simply is not infinite.
I saw nothing in your article supported by math. physics or science regarding this supposed "infinite and eternal" universe. I see the guy making the comment that "we believe" something, but that is his speculation and it's not based on science. What "we believe" is fundamentally rooted in faith.
Of course you "see" and "don't see" only what you want. He never said "we believe." That is just another one of your endless lies.
Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!

Well, yes, they've been measuring the expansion for the past 40 years or more. Your article says they measured the universe and found it was flat. Guy says he knows the size of the universe as well as he knows the size of his own bedroom. So if there is a known size value, then it's not infinite.... by definition. Also, if it started 13.9 billion years ago, it's not eternal... by definition.

So you can bow up and call me stupid all you like, until you present a mathematical formula for calculating infinity, you have no scientific support for such concepts.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years. You expose the weakness of your argument by your dishonest deceptions.
Thank you.
By definition you are a dishonest idiot!

From my link that you dishonestly and deceptively left out:

"They did it using a high-powered telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, which, for almost five years, has been hunting deep space for galaxies. Some of them are more than 6 billion light-years away and, therefore, at least as many years old (FYI, a light-year is a distance, equal to about 5.9 trillion miles). They say it may be the largest collection of redshift galaxies (galaxies moving away from us) ever compiled. By comparison, the new Hubble photo of deep space, said to capture the farthest reaches yet, only shows galaxies 3.5 billion light-years from earth."
I think your error might become clear to you if you realize you are not talking about measuring the universe, but instead are talking about measuring the visible matter which is within our universe......the universe includes that infinite space which that measurable matter is expanding into......
Still playing dumb so you can continue your bullshit.
They MEASURE the EXPANSION, you stupid moron!

Well, yes, they've been measuring the expansion for the past 40 years or more. Your article says they measured the universe and found it was flat. Guy says he knows the size of the universe as well as he knows the size of his own bedroom. So if there is a known size value, then it's not infinite.... by definition. Also, if it started 13.9 billion years ago, it's not eternal... by definition.

So you can bow up and call me stupid all you like, until you present a mathematical formula for calculating infinity, you have no scientific support for such concepts.
You admit they measured the expansion, and you admit they measured the flatness, what you dishonestly misdirect by your stating that they have been measuring the expansion for 40 years is that they found a MUCH MORE ACCURATE way of measuring it from the way it had been measured over those 40 years. You expose the weakness of your argument by your dishonest deceptions.
Thank you.
By definition you are a dishonest idiot!

From my link that you dishonestly and deceptively left out:

"They did it using a high-powered telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, which, for almost five years, has been hunting deep space for galaxies. Some of them are more than 6 billion light-years away and, therefore, at least as many years old (FYI, a light-year is a distance, equal to about 5.9 trillion miles). They say it may be the largest collection of redshift galaxies (galaxies moving away from us) ever compiled. By comparison, the new Hubble photo of deep space, said to capture the farthest reaches yet, only shows galaxies 3.5 billion light-years from earth."
I think your error might become clear to you if you realize you are not talking about measuring the universe, but instead are talking about measuring the visible matter which is within our universe......the universe includes that infinite space which that measurable matter is expanding into......
It is Bossy who keeps claiming he measured the universe. He actually measured the expansion and flatness of the universe creating the most accurate map of the universe to date, that is consistent with an infinite and eternal universe.
It is Bossy who keeps claiming he measured the universe. He actually measured the expansion and flatness of the universe creating the most accurate map of the universe to date, that is consistent with an infinite and eternal universe.
I am sorry, but having read both your posts it is obvious that you are the one saying the universe can be measured and he is saying you are wrong, that it cannot be....given that I can read both your comments for myself it is rather foolish for you to pretend you are not saying what anyone who can read can see you saying........
It is Bossy who keeps claiming he measured the universe. He actually measured the expansion and flatness of the universe creating the most accurate map of the universe to date, that is consistent with an infinite and eternal universe.

The quote I posted earlier was "I now know the size of the universe as well as my own house." That is from your source, his words, not mine. After all the explanations of what they observed and sub-explanations to explain the explanations, he declares this is consistent with an infinite universe.

So basically, he is saying he has measured the universe and it's size is infinite. My question... and I don't know if the universe is infinite or not... is how did he mathematically or physically measure the value of infinity?

600 million light years... is that infinity? ...Does 1 Infinity = 1 Universe?

We've not touched on "eternal" universe because he really didn't say that. You and Silly Boob have been arguing that. Again, I don't know if the universe is eternal or not. I am a curious bystander trying to learn from science. That's why I am very intrigued with this curious "eternity" and "infinity" you've introduced into science as if we can define it. There is no science theory on this, only religious theories when it comes to everlasting and immortal things that have no end.
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I saw nothing in your article supported by math. physics or science regarding this supposed "infinite and eternal" universe. I see the guy making the comment that "we believe" something, but that is his speculation and it's not based on science. What "we believe" is fundamentally rooted in faith.
Of course you "see" and "don't see" only what you want. He never said "we believe." That is just another one of your endless lies.

Let's clarify exactly what he said:

As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

"That means — while we can't say with certainty that it will never come to an end — it's likely (we believe)the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe."

Now... YOU introduced this on USMB in response to my comment about the universe being "eternal and infinite" from Silly Boob. I am not arguing that the universe is infinite or eternal, or whether it can be accurately measured. I don't know the answer but I can give you my opinions. However, my opinions are based on my spiritual beliefs as well, so they probably will conflict with yours. The only argument from Science I have presented is the Entropy problem and the Laws of Motion problem, which seem to physically indicate a universe that isn't infinite or eternal.

Make no mistake, if you and Silly Boob believe in an eternal and immortal, infinite and everlasting universe, I think that is a HUGE step up for the both of you from a Spiritual perspective. You simply need to learn the three-letter word for Universe!
Let's clarify exactly what he said:

As team leader David Schlegel put it, "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."

"That means — while we can't say with certainty that it will never come to an end — it's likely (we believe) the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe."
This is a perfect example of your complete and total dishonesty. After lying about him saying "we believe" rather than admit he never said those words, you take a snippet completely out of context and then insert YOUR words which have nothing to do with the context of the article and then falsely claim it is EXACTLY what he said. You are absolutely despicable, or should I say the spiritual entity that made you the way you are is despicable.

If you wanted to insert honest words related to what he actually said in the article, you could have used words like "we measured," or "we mapped," or "we calculated" because everything he said in the article was based on the measurements and mapping his team did.

Here are some snippets that give the real context of his words none of which can be interpreted as "we believe":

BBC News - Universe measured to 1 accuracy

Astronomers have measured the distances between galaxies in the universe to an accuracy of just 1%.

This staggeringly precise survey - across six billion light-years - is key to mapping the cosmos and determining the nature of dark energy.

The new gold standard was set by BOSS (the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey) using the Sloan Foundation Telescope in New Mexico, US.

"There are not many things in our daily lives that we know to 1% accuracy," said Prof David Schlegel, a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the principal investigator of BOSS.

"I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house.

"Twenty years ago astronomers were arguing about estimates that differed by up to 50%. Five years ago, we'd refined that uncertainty to 5%; a year ago it was 2%.

The BOSS team used baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) as a "standard ruler" to measure intergalactic distances.

"Nature has given us a beautiful ruler," said Ashley Ross, an astronomer from the University of Portsmouth.

"The ruler happens to be half a billion light years long, so we can use it to measure distances precisely, even from very far away."

Determining distance is a fundamental challenge of astronomy: "Once you know how far away it is, learning everything else about it is suddenly much easier," said Daniel Eisenstein, director of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III.

The BOSS distances will help calibrate fundamental cosmological properties - such as how "dark energy" accelerates the expansion of the universe.

The latest results indicate dark energy is a cosmological constant whose strength does not vary in space or time.

They also provide an excellent estimate of the curvature of space.

"The answer is, it's not curved much. The universe is extraordinarily flat," said Prof Schlegel.

"While we can't say with certainty, it's likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe," he said.
My question... and I don't know if the universe is infinite or not... is how did he mathematically or physically measure the value of infinity?

600 million light years... is that infinity? ...Does 1 Infinity = 1 Universe?

We've not touched on "eternal" universe because he really didn't say that. You and Silly Boob have been arguing that. Again, I don't know if the universe is eternal or not. I am a curious bystander trying to learn from science. That's why I am very intrigued with this curious "eternity" and "infinity" you've introduced into science as if we can define it. There is no science theory on this, only religious theories when it comes to everlasting and immortal things that have no end.
Liars gotta lie, keep lying, liar.
I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial.
An appeal to the number of suckers. Well that argument will quash any objections, no worries.

So you are on record... Absolutely 0% of all the billions of associated events mentioned in the OP are legitimate? There can absolutely be no other power outside the realm of human imagination... that's what you're saying, correct? I just want to make sure I understand this correctly.

Suckers are those who aren't interested in seeking the truth, regardless of where it leads.

There have been quite a few Bigfoot sightings, and at least 30% (I'm guessing) of our population thinks Fox News is a credible source of news. I rest my case.

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