How do you expand the middle class

Well, considering that the middle class was virtually non-existent before the progressive era, they may be on to something there.
How do those jobs get government or by entrepreneurs?

Entreprenuers, corporations, small businesses, etc. Not government. Government doesn't create jobs, they buy them with our money.

Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a GOPer's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.
Government doesn't "create" anything. Government destroys. You want to "build the middle class"?

Turn the capitalists loose.

And stop teaching our children that somehow the "government" is the answer.
How do those jobs get government or by entrepreneurs?

Entreprenuers, corporations, small businesses, etc. Not government. Government doesn't create jobs, they buy them with our money.

Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a GOPer's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.


Literacy problems have you?
Entreprenuers, corporations, small businesses, etc. Not government. Government doesn't create jobs, they buy them with our money.

Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a GOPer's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.


Literacy problems have you?

It's relevant. There are loads of unneeded jobs created by the bloated defense and homeland security depts. We should slash them to the bone, and use that money on health care in the cites, and better schools for blacks and hispanics.
To expand the middle class, we have to support middle class values such as responsibility, frugality, strong work ethic, etc.
Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a GOPer's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.


Literacy problems have you?

It's relevant. There are loads of unneeded jobs created by the bloated defense and homeland security depts. We should slash them to the bone, and use that money on health care in the cites, and better schools for blacks and hispanics.

Didnt know we still had segregated schools to fool the year is 2013 not 1930.
How do those jobs get government or by entrepreneurs?

Entreprenuers, corporations, small businesses, etc. Not government. Government doesn't create jobs, they buy them with our money.

Try cutting from the budget any Dept of Defense supplier that has a presence in a GOPer's congressional district. The government-created jobs will be defended at all costs.

you do know a lot of those are Union jobs?
1. Raise minimum wages to what it would be if indexed to inflation. Then make future min income increases automatic to inflation, in order to take the power away from any greed-based GOP dominated government to undo it or stop it.

2. Limit imports, weaken "free trade" agreements, use anti-dumping laws as an end-around on the trade agreements that sadly do exist. If it's worth selling here, it's worth making here, end of debate.

3. Increase union power. Mandate union membership for all companies with 50 employees or above.

4. Increase income taxes. We need more rates and higher rates, up to 50% of income on anything over 3 million/year. And scrap the needless "capital gains" rate too. The people who "earn" capital gains spend it the same way they spend income, so it should be taxed the same way too. The new government revenue from this positive change should be spent on shoring up social spending programs, especially in poor, black neighborhoods. This will also help bring down the crime rates that white conservatives are supposedly so worried about.

Literacy problems have you?

It's relevant. There are loads of unneeded jobs created by the bloated defense and homeland security depts. We should slash them to the bone, and use that money on health care in the cites, and better schools for blacks and hispanics.

Didnt know we still had segregated schools to fool the year is 2013 not 1930.

We do have segregated schools. Not by law, fortunately, but sadly by the racism of whites whose racist "white flight" attitude has caused so much environmental and societal damage.
What is a black or Hispanic going to do with a "better school" ...sell better drugs???

You are the Right's racism on full throttle. No wonder minorities vote for Democrats overwhelmingly. They have felt the brunt brutality of the American Right's hostility to their presence in the United States, and even their cities, towns and neighborhoods.

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