How do you feel about guns

Guns are tools. They are no better than the person using them. Which is why I own them, because governments have shown themselves over and over to be corrupt and in the end to have the control of the citizen as its end goal.

The Bill of Rights is nine limitations on what government can do to the individual,..... and one final option.

yes the doomsday provision

It's the worst possible option. Sadly, some governments are even worse.

How do you feel about guns?
Are you a supporter of them?
Are you indifferent?
Are you against them?

Would you support overturning the second amendment or back ground checks. Of course if you're against them.

Me, I don't trust the government and want the best piece of steal within arms reach!

You can have one-hundred pieces of steel and they won't stop the government from getting you if they really want you. Of course, it's unlikely they'll come after you unless you have done something illegal. I know you are so worried about the Communists coming to get you, but it's not going to happen. Besides, no matter how powerful a government can become, it can't hold power if enough people are against it, with or without guns.

For me, I have no issue with people who want to own a gun or two for personal protection or for hunting. The ones who worry me are the ones who feel a strong need to own an arsenal of guns because they're preparing for some future war on the government.

As for me personally, I don't currently own a gun, mostly because my two teenage sons are hotheads, and I don't want to take a chance having a gun in my home. Once they are gone, I will most likely buy one for myself. My stepson owns a few.
Guns are objects.

Given that I am not a fetishist it's hard to have any feelings about these or any other inanimate objects.
Contrary to the opinion of the NRA, which in most cases has proven to be a lie, I support gun ownership. But I support it with resaonable and rational limitations. For instance, I would want a law that prevents Abdula to dress up like Bubba and walk into and out of a gun show with weapons. Obviously, the NRA feels Abdula has that right...
How do you feel about guns?
Are you a supporter of them?
Are you indifferent?
Are you against them?

Would you support overturning the second amendment or back ground checks. Of course if you're against them.

Me, I don't trust the government and want the best piece of steal within arms reach!

You can have one-hundred pieces of steel and they won't stop the government from getting you if they really want you. Of course, it's unlikely they'll come after you unless you have done something illegal. I know you are so worried about the Communists coming to get you, but it's not going to happen. Besides, no matter how powerful a government can become, it can't hold power if enough people are against it, with or without guns.

For me, I have no issue with people who want to own a gun or two for personal protection or for hunting. The ones who worry me are the ones who feel a strong need to own an arsenal of guns because they're preparing for some future war on the government.

As for me personally, I don't currently own a gun, mostly because my two teenage sons are hotheads, and I don't want to take a chance having a gun in my home. Once they are gone, I will most likely buy one for myself. My stepson owns a few.

How many are too many? What constitutes an arsenal? About half of my guns were my late father's. Should I have to choose which I keep, or would you prefer I pay a tax on every gun over some arbitrary limit?
Contrary to the opinion of the NRA, which in most cases has proven to be a lie, I support gun ownership. But I support it with resaonable and rational limitations. For instance, I would want a law that prevents Abdula to dress up like Bubba and walk into and out of a gun show with weapons. Obviously, the NRA feels Abdula has that right...

Has Abdula broken some law that would make him ineligible to own a gun, or is it his swarthy complexion you object to?

See, there's the rub with Libs. Rights are just for their favored people. Me, I'll sell a gun to Abdula, Jose, Li, John or Jamal, as long as they are people of good character.
They are essential tools for protection, or survival. Every American should know how to properly operate and own a firearm they are comfortable with.
You mean the criminals? i think that's because the govt. forced the confiscation of law abiding citizens firearms. Crime went up after that.
How do you feel about guns?
Are you a supporter of them?
Are you indifferent?
Are you against them?

Would you support overturning the second amendment or back ground checks. Of course if you're against them.

Me, I don't trust the government and want the best piece of steal within arms reach!

Guns are inanimate objects, I don't feel any emotions about them at all. My right to use those objects is protected by the Constitution, and my only feeling is that guns are not open to emotional debate by irrational idiots who do have freakishly strange feelings about those Constitutionally protected inanimate objects.
How do you feel about guns?
Are you a supporter of them?
Are you indifferent?
Are you against them?

Would you support overturning the second amendment or back ground checks. Of course if you're against them.

Me, I don't trust the government and want the best piece of steal within arms reach!

Well your question is appropriate for the majority of hysterical, hyperbolic, gross exaggeration of a problem people when you use the term "feel"!

I like a minority of people THINK based on these FACTS:
a) Less the 8 people killed per year over the past 30 years from mass shootings where 4 or more were shot by guns.
b) the myths that we need more gun laws when in spite of "EXISTING" gun laws 40% decline in Federal gun law violation prosecutions from 2008!

So regardless of the reasons to be able to retain the 2nd Amendment, logic, rational, thinking people are under assault by hysterical MSM and the
people that FEEL and we the few that think first then feel, continually need to educate these irrational, hysterical people to the FACTS!
They are essential tools for protection, or survival. Every American should know how to properly operate and own a firearm they are comfortable with.
not in australia. only the complete knobs have guns.

Which is terrible for the law abiding. Now your violent crime rate has skyrocketed and the good folk have no means of protecting themselves. I have friends in law enforcement in NSW and there are now places that they won't go do to the danger.

Yep gun confiscation worked real well in Oz....

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