How Do You Feel About Mandatory Voting?

Not voting is a vote. Kinda like all the times Obama voted present. I want the morons to stay home, I'll do the voting for them.
Is CNN kidding or are they just disappointed by the poll results for the pending election? They suggest putting people in jail for not voting? No country in the freaking world orders people to vote. Left leaning media outlets are big on federal control over everything and CNN is showing it's ignorance. No wonder they are at the bottom of the media world.
Australia does exactly that. Its mandatory to vote.

Today, compulsory voting exists in roughly a quarter of all democracies in the world, ranging from Western Europe and Australia to Latin America and Asia. Yet few believe that it stands any chance of being adopted in the United States. Why?

So does China. They can suck my left nut with this anti American idea.
Not voting is a vote. Kinda like all the times Obama voted present. I want the morons to stay home, I'll do the voting for them.
See! Every citizen voting is a better more informed citizen. Then the government starts working for us not the $. It would take the government back.

But not just every 4 years every 2.

Give people $100 tax break when you come your taxes if you show you voted. Don't want the $100 don't vote.
I'm opposed to mandatory voting. Of there's a law mandating citizens to vote, there could just as easily be a law mandating who they vote for.
I'm opposed to mandatory voting. Of there's a law mandating citizens to vote, there could just as easily be a law mandating who they vote for.
You don't have to you just don't get the voter bonus $100 on your taxes every other year when you file your taxes.
Not voting is a vote. Kinda like all the times Obama voted present. I want the morons to stay home, I'll do the voting for them.
See! Every citizen voting is a better more informed citizen. Then the government starts working for us not the $. It would take the government back.

But not just every 4 years every 2.

Give people $100 tax break when you come your taxes if you show you voted. Don't want the $100 don't vote.

How much more debt do you wish to throw onto America? Say only 100 million are eligible to vote and take up your offer, that is 10 BILLION dollars. I guess if it were 10 trillion dollars we would be talking real money.

NO, gang mentality is not normally better then reasoned people.

What good would it be for more people who just go in a vote without thinking, either just pulling the lever for one party or just guessing?

Forcing people to vote, or bribing them will not change how and where the money comes from or what it would buy, might even make things worse.
Not voting is a vote. Kinda like all the times Obama voted present. I want the morons to stay home, I'll do the voting for them.
See! Every citizen voting is a better more informed citizen. Then the government starts working for us not the $. It would take the government back.

But not just every 4 years every 2.

Give people $100 tax break when you come your taxes if you show you voted. Don't want the $100 don't vote.

How much more debt do you wish to throw onto America? Say only 100 million are eligible to vote and take up your offer, that is 10 BILLION dollars. I guess if it were 10 trillion dollars we would be talking real money.

NO, gang mentality is not normally better then reasoned people.

What good would it be for more people who just go in a vote without thinking, either just pulling the lever for one party or just guessing?

Forcing people to vote, or bribing them will not change how and where the money comes from or what it would buy, might even make things worse.
But if we all voted Wed have close to zero unemployment and plenty of money.

You want the poor masses to stay home so you can continue to "take care of them".

How about instead of mexico you sent those companies to Detroit.

No, you moved those jobs out of Detroit and flint and to Mexico. You forget you hated those high paying jobs.
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.

For one how do you expect to enforce it. Something Inherently wrong with giving politicians power to force people to vote for them.

Then there is the practical matter. You going to force people with diminished capacity to vote?

Seems like it's just a way to manufacture votes easily
Opposed first making it mandatory to vote will not make people anymore informed and we have enough uninformed people voting as it is without making it mandatory they vote. Second it many cases the choice in candidates sucks greatly and people don't like either one and I hardly think it's fair to force someone to vote for a candidate they don't like or support.
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.
It works in Australia. Much better than here. Their politicians have to worry about appealing to moderate voters in australia. Americans politicians have to appeal to the extreme left (bernie) and right (Cruz)

For one how do you expect to enforce it. Something Inherently wrong with giving politicians power to force people to vote for them.

Then there is the practical matter. You going to force people with diminished capacity to vote?

Seems like it's just a way to manufacture votes easily
Let me guess you vote Republican?

There's no such thing as a wrong vote. Do you understand that? It's pick one or the other. You can't pick wrong.

Politicians should be accountable to all of us and all of us should matter. Everyone has an opinion. That's all a vote is is your opinion.
This is the hypocrisy of the Republican Christian. They say all life matters but we all know if you don't vote you don't matter and here we seeing Republicans are here telling us all the people who don't vote shouldn't because they'll just vote wrong.

I think people who don't vote should be rounded up and shot. Lol. Jk
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.
It works in Australia. Much better than here. Their politicians have to worry about appealing to moderate voters in australia. Americans politicians have to appeal to the extreme left (bernie) and right (Cruz)
This isn't Australia. The same people who don't pay attention now won't pay attention if it's mandatory. Most of them will run in and write in their own names. Why ever would you think that mandatory voting means anyone would pay attention? It is the silliest thing I ever heard.
It's like saying make going to school mandatory and everyone will study hard and get good grades.
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.
It works in Australia. Much better than here. Their politicians have to worry about appealing to moderate voters in australia. Americans politicians have to appeal to the extreme left (bernie) and right (Cruz)
This isn't Australia. The same people who don't pay attention now won't pay attention if it's mandatory. Most of them will run in and write in their own names. Why ever would you think that mandatory voting means anyone would pay attention? It is the silliest thing I ever heard.
Many of my friends who don't vote all have opinions they've just been convinced that their vote doesn't matter.

Congratulations. Mission accomplished.
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.
It works in Australia. Much better than here. Their politicians have to worry about appealing to moderate voters in australia. Americans politicians have to appeal to the extreme left (bernie) and right (Cruz)
This isn't Australia. The same people who don't pay attention now won't pay attention if it's mandatory. Most of them will run in and write in their own names. Why ever would you think that mandatory voting means anyone would pay attention? It is the silliest thing I ever heard.
Many of my friends who don't vote all have opinions they've just been convinced that their vote doesn't matter.

Congratulations. Mission accomplished.
How would forcing them to vote convince them that their vote matters?

Force people to vote and there will be fewer realistic votes. I have looked into mandatory voting in Australia. Many of the ballots are scribbled on. Mackey Mouse gets a substantial number of votes. See, even in Australia you can be forced to vote. You can't be forced to cast a serious or even meaningfull ballot. You cannot be forced to vote for a candidate. It's a very foolish exercise. Tell me I have to vote and there would never again be a vote from me.
If people are too lazy to go to the polls once a year, I don't WANT them voting.
Youre only one person. If forced to vote then they would also be forced to actually take a look at what they are voting on. The idea has some merit.
That's the theory. In reality, force people to vote and they would insult the process. I know I would. Force me to vote and the Cookie monster would be a write in. I always vote. I educate myself as to issues. Force me to vote and fuck you would be scribbled across the ballot. Yes. I am opposed to mandatory jury duty. I have always outwitted them and gotten out of it. Had I been chosen despite my efforts I would subvert the trial.
After a couple of attempts at silliness hopefully you would be intelligent enough to start voting seriously. Most intelligent people realize that if they are going to have to do something they may as well give it their best effort.

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