Zone1 How do you think they should promote diversity in collage?

How should diversity be promoted at collage?

  • By favoring people based on race.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • By changing the behavior of colored people, so they will more likely be accepted to collage.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
Why is someone's skin color or their genitalia "diversity"? If everyone around you thinks, talks and believes the same way who cares what race they are or what's between their legs?
Why is someone's skin color or their genitalia "diversity"? If everyone around you thinks, talks and believes the same way who cares what race they are or what's between their legs?
I brought that up earlier: we need to have diversity of opinion and political viewpoints so that students at Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, etc., will not spend four years in a liberal echo chamber.
Slavery still exists due to a clause in the 13th Amendment---it's why prisoners can be forced to work for 35 cents an hour.
Slavery does NOT exist in America. If a person commits a crime and becomes a ward of the state, they are being punished for unlawful acts. The public owe these criminals NOTHING.
Segregation is illegal and DOES NOT exist.
Why are blacks unable to compete based on merit?

If they don't have the intelligence to compete based on educational requirements, then why are they being directed toward college. It hurts everyone to continually lower standards because blacks can't meet requirements.

Maybe they would do better in a trade program. Not everyone is suited to college.
Why have whites been unable to compete based on merit for now 246 years?
We have equal opportunity in this country. Affirmative Action does not afford equal opportunity--the opportunity for Affirmative Action is skewed to favor on demographic over another.
Laws written on paper that are not followed do not count. So we don't have equal opportunity and since whites hve benefitted the most from AA, whites continue being the favored demographic.

How do you think they should promote diversity in collage?


Learn to spell the word COLLEGE, then understand that you're an example of an unqualified white who thinks they are entitled to be given everything because of your race.

How do you think they should promote diversity in collage?


Learn to spell the word COLLEGE, then understand that you're an example of an unqualified white who thinks they are entitled to be given everything because of your race.
They benefit from White privledge. They know it's White privledge, but don't want to admit it.
They benefit from White privledge. They know it's White privledge, but don't want to admit it.
Learn to spell privilege.

And in the college admissions system, it’s BLACK privilege. That will end once the SCOTUS issues its ruling against racist practices.
No such thing--just as there is no such thing as black victimhood. Join the human race and quit looking for excuses.
I have a White friend who was married to a Black man. She has 3 biracial adult children. She knows first hand how ugly White privledge attitudes can be.
As a White person she recognizes it even more than a Black person would.
Slavery, too, was punishment.
Wrong again, moron. Slavery was an economic policy of the African tribes that sold their own into slavery and it was welcomed by business people who wanted to make a buck. Punishment had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Slaves committed no crimes -- unlike their progeny AND many others who populate our prison system--and those convicts are not all one demographic. Like I told your sock, quit being a whining disingenuous victim and join the human race.

How do you think they should promote diversity in collage?


Learn to spell the word COLLEGE, then understand that you're an example of an unqualified white who thinks they are entitled to be given everything because of your race.
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Learn that a singular antecedent ("an unqualified white") cannot have a plural pronoun ("they") referring to it. The purpose of the influencers who successfully pushed this retarded contradiction into common speech was to create collectivist thinking, yet none of these phony anti-collectivists points this out. We individualists are not being defended by intelligent people, just feel-good ones.
Why is diversity looked upon as varying degrees of melanin content?

In the college environment, where young, inquisitive adults are - or should be - learning to analyze various circumstances and think independently, the last thing we need is a monolithic political viewpoint pushed upon them by far-leftists who predominate in these environments.

We need diversity of thought and opinions.

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