How does Trump win?

So, you're hope is that some outside force "brings Hillary down". Is that a concession that Trump cannot craft his message in any way to beat Hillary?
Yeah. I don't think Trump has much of a message except to use fear tactics to scare racist people into voting for him
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Freedom looks like what I have right now in the Great Nation of the United States of America. If you don't like it here, send a request to Putin to immigrate to Russia.
No...I'm voting Trump....your fascist days are numbered...:lol:
You got five more batches of emails to be released by WikiLeaks over the next 2.5 months. You've got Guccifer 2.0 releasing his material on a regular basis. You've got an investigation starting up into the Clinton Foundation. You have the FBI turning over its notes on Hillary's interview. You've got an avalanche of bad news about ready to dump on Hillary and I predict her poll numbers will plummet in coming weeks and toward the end, she will be forced to step down which will set up a path for Mr. Sanders to come in and.....
So, you're hope is that some outside force "brings Hillary down". Is that a concession that Trump cannot craft his message in any way to beat Hillary?
Yeah. I don't think Trump has much of a message except to use fear tactics to scare racist people into voting for him
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Okay...we seem to be going in the wrong direction here. I didn't start this discussion to discuss the policies, or positions of either candidate. My question was meant to be purely about strategy. What strategy does Trump use to turn this catastrophic electoral college deficit around?
So, you're hope is that some outside force "brings Hillary down". Is that a concession that Trump cannot craft his message in any way to beat Hillary?
Yeah. I don't think Trump has much of a message except to use fear tactics to scare racist people into voting for him
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Okay...we seem to be going in the wrong direction here. I didn't start this discussion to discuss the policies, or positions of either candidate. My question was meant to be purely about strategy. What strategy does Trump use to turn this catastrophic electoral college deficit around?
Your surrender is accepted...

And post #26....
He needs to be able to appeal to normal people. There arent enough fuckwits to elect him.
It looks like a lot of democrats will vote Trump....
And your evidence of that in the current polls is...?
Oh no child....I form my opinion on K Street NW......
Well, youngster, you seem to be all alone on that opinion...
It's OK snowflake...we understand....
I don't think you do, snowflake. You are pinning your hopes on a fairy tale. But, that's okay, cupcake. I'm sure you'll find someone to hold your hand when reality comes crashing in.
Yeah. I don't think Trump has much of a message except to use fear tactics to scare racist people into voting for him
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Okay...we seem to be going in the wrong direction here. I didn't start this discussion to discuss the policies, or positions of either candidate. My question was meant to be purely about strategy. What strategy does Trump use to turn this catastrophic electoral college deficit around?
Your surrender is accepted...

And post #26....
Hey, dumbass. I wasn't fighting. I am asking about strategy, and you just keep spewing rhetoric. We get it. You love Trump. You are voting for Trump. You think Trump is the greatest thing since the hoola hoop. Now. The reality is very few others seem to be sharing your view, as evidenced by Trump getting his dick stomped in the dirt in the polls.

What strategy, in your, clearly limited, opinion, does Trump need to begin employing to turn that around?
So, you're hope is that some outside force "brings Hillary down". Is that a concession that Trump cannot craft his message in any way to beat Hillary?
Yeah. I don't think Trump has much of a message except to use fear tactics to scare racist people into voting for him
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Okay...we seem to be going in the wrong direction here. I didn't start this discussion to discuss the policies, or positions of either candidate. My question was meant to be purely about strategy. What strategy does Trump use to turn this catastrophic electoral college deficit around?

If you were a campaign manager and had a candidate that shot himself in the foot nearly every time he opened his mouth what "strategy" would you propose? I can only see three viable alternatives:
a. The "let's lock him in a sound proof cage until after the election" strategy
b. The "let's make him do all his speeches in a language nobody else understands" strategy
c. The "Aww fuck it , we're screwed, let's go to the bar and get hammered" strategy
Well, what you liberals are doing to America is pretty scary....
Trump wants to set up a police state. That's pretty scary also. It goes both ways
I can see how freedom looks funny to you people....
Okay...we seem to be going in the wrong direction here. I didn't start this discussion to discuss the policies, or positions of either candidate. My question was meant to be purely about strategy. What strategy does Trump use to turn this catastrophic electoral college deficit around?
Your surrender is accepted...

And post #26....
Hey, dumbass. I wasn't fighting. I am asking about strategy, and you just keep spewing rhetoric. We get it. You love Trump. You are voting for Trump. You think Trump is the greatest thing since the hoola hoop. Now. The reality is very few others seem to be sharing your view, as evidenced by Trump getting his dick stomped in the dirt in the polls.

What strategy, in your, clearly limited, opinion, does Trump need to begin employing to turn that around?
Not worth it my friend. You're arguing with a barely functional retard.
Its only August and we haven't had a single debate yet, its laughable to declare Hillary the winner.
On the other hand, did you see Hillary in the 2008 debates? Just what do you see happening during the debates that cause the tectonic shift in the EC that Trump would need to win? Clearly Hillary isn't going to have a meltdown - it's not what she does. So, what do you see Trump doing, that he hasn't already been doing, that suddenly changes the playing field?
There is no reasonable strategy that Trump can have. He needs to just keep pushing his fear of dark people on his supporters. They are a scared little people and they eat it up.

So, no strategy and no path for Trump to win unless his rotten and corrupt opponent (Hillary) gets busted.
Its only August and we haven't had a single debate yet, its laughable to declare Hillary the winner.
On the other hand, did you see Hillary in the 2008 debates? Just what do you see happening during the debates that cause the tectonic shift in the EC that Trump would need to win? Clearly Hillary isn't going to have a meltdown - it's not what she does. So, what do you see Trump doing, that he hasn't already been doing, that suddenly changes the playing field?

Trump is going to rip Hillary to shreds on national tv the old harpy will probably have a breakdown.
Its only August and we haven't had a single debate yet, its laughable to declare Hillary the winner.
On the other hand, did you see Hillary in the 2008 debates? Just what do you see happening during the debates that cause the tectonic shift in the EC that Trump would need to win? Clearly Hillary isn't going to have a meltdown - it's not what she does. So, what do you see Trump doing, that he hasn't already been doing, that suddenly changes the playing field?

Trump is going to rip Hillary to shreds on national tv the old harpy will probably have a breakdown.

How will that happen? Trump has little understanding of the issues, and he's on the wrong side of most issues.
Its only August and we haven't had a single debate yet, its laughable to declare Hillary the winner.
On the other hand, did you see Hillary in the 2008 debates? Just what do you see happening during the debates that cause the tectonic shift in the EC that Trump would need to win? Clearly Hillary isn't going to have a meltdown - it's not what she does. So, what do you see Trump doing, that he hasn't already been doing, that suddenly changes the playing field?

Trump is going to rip Hillary to shreds on national tv the old harpy will probably have a breakdown.
That seems awfully optimistic. We'll see.
Okay. I have been waiting until we were closer to the election to offer up this question. However, currently 9 different electoral calculations are currently indicating that Clinton has a commanding lead over Trump, and 7 of them already have her over the threshold needed to win.

So, at this point, what does Trump do to win? Certainly he can't be hoping for some meltdown in the debates? HIllary has demonstrated that, when it comes to debates, she is prepared, composed, and ready. Even the promised "October Surprise" would require Assange to release something that is unequivocally, unambiguously a crime. it can't be the e-mail server all over again - with conservatives insisting she committed a crime, with everyone else just going, "Meh,"

So, what is Trump's path forward? Does he have a path forward, or does he now have to hope that some outside force causes Clinton to collapse, rather than he, himself, turning his negatives around?

1) He has to take medication for his foot in mouth disease

2) He has to target Red States and the Midwest where all the blue collar Reagan Democrat workers are

3) He has to level Hillary in the debates

As for "HIllary has demonstrated that, when it comes to debates, she is prepared, composed, and ready," :lmao:

The woman is an unpleasant, arrogant liar who can't think on her feet. Her only hope is that Trump rolls over and doesn't push her, which obviously he's not going to do
Its only August and we haven't had a single debate yet, its laughable to declare Hillary the winner.
On the other hand, did you see Hillary in the 2008 debates? Just what do you see happening during the debates that cause the tectonic shift in the EC that Trump would need to win? Clearly Hillary isn't going to have a meltdown - it's not what she does. So, what do you see Trump doing, that he hasn't already been doing, that suddenly changes the playing field?

Trump is going to rip Hillary to shreds on national tv the old harpy will probably have a breakdown.
That seems awfully optimistic. We'll see.
You're too nice, IMHO it doesn't seem "awfully optimistic" it's seems DELUSIONAL at this point.

At the end of the day, doesn't really matter, EVIL versus EVIL, in either case "We the Ignorant Sheeple" are getting the leaders we deserve.
Okay. I have been waiting until we were closer to the election to offer up this question. However, currently 9 different electoral calculations are currently indicating that Clinton has a commanding lead over Trump, and 7 of them already have her over the threshold needed to win.

So, at this point, what does Trump do to win? Certainly he can't be hoping for some meltdown in the debates? HIllary has demonstrated that, when it comes to debates, she is prepared, composed, and ready. Even the promised "October Surprise" would require Assange to release something that is unequivocally, unambiguously a crime. it can't be the e-mail server all over again - with conservatives insisting she committed a crime, with everyone else just going, "Meh,"

So, what is Trump's path forward? Does he have a path forward, or does he now have to hope that some outside force causes Clinton to collapse, rather than he, himself, turning his negatives around?

Imo, he could still win if he had a credible economic plan, and if he could stay on message about it, rather than going off on tests for immigrants, keeping Iraq's oil, forgetting terrorist attacks that happened and imagining ones that did not ...... who the hell am I kidding ... LOL

Ok, he can't win absent Putin taking out Hillary.

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