How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

If you want to run your business in our society, you have to follow our rules

It applies to building codes, labor regulations, hours you are allowed to operate and who you are required to serve

Yes, the proclivity for authoritarians to use violence to enforce their rules on their fellow man is well established.

To an authoritarian, violence is always the answer.
No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down until you can follow the rules
If you want to run your business in our society, you have to follow our rules

It applies to building codes, labor regulations, hours you are allowed to operate and who you are required to serve

Yes, the proclivity for authoritarians to use violence to enforce their rules on their fellow man is well established.

To an authoritarian, violence is always the answer.
No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down until you can follow the rules

Another example of the right-wing authoritarian proclivity to "lay down the law" and enforce it with violence.

To the libertarian, violence is only justified if/when someone trespasses against someone's person or property. Otherwise, violence is considered thuggish and criminal.

Authoritarians just love to employ violence to run other people's lives. It's disgusting.
My point was about income, money, which is property.

So, the variable here would be taxation of that property.

So when you say that property rights are not absolute, it seems that you're saying that the government has the right to tax. Okay, are there any other ways in which property rights are not absolute, or is taxation the only acceptable violation, in you opinion?
I might be fairly libertarian outside of that. Eminent domain, no, for example.

What other examples do you have in mind?

I don't have any examples in mind. I just wanted to know what you meant when you said that property rights are not absolute, and now I know that you meant that property rights can be violated by the state solely for the purposes of taxation.

Although, come to think of it, do you think a person has the right to deny access to his property for whatever reason he chooses?
Goddamn it, making me think late on a Friday afternoon isn't terribly nice of you.

Okay. I can think of two exceptions to that - law enforcement and emergency services. Someone may not be in their right mind and law would have to take precedence (although the property owner still has rights regarding what happens).

That would mean that laws would have to be OBJECTIVE.

Law Enforcement would have NO authority to enter the premises because they believe that someone is cultivating cocaine, heroin or marihuana. Nor because they suspect that ADULTS are engaging in consensual sexual activities.

If you want to run your business in our society, you have to follow our rules

It applies to building codes, labor regulations, hours you are allowed to operate and who you are required to serve

Yes, the proclivity for authoritarians to use violence to enforce their rules on their fellow man is well established.

To an authoritarian, violence is always the answer.
No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down until you can follow the rules

The term "dangerous" would have to be OBJECTIVELY defined. Otherwise the gendarmes would simply allege that they thought that there was a "dangerous" situation.

I have long been acquainted with Libertarians and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesnt the GOP have more Libertarians in it?

Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

Libertarianism did not start with Objectivism.

Classical liberalism began in the 1700s.

It is probably the least evil ideology.
I have long been acquainted with Libertarians and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesnt the GOP have more Libertarians in it?

Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

But fast forward to today's corporate America and we find Rand rehabilitated and flourishing under the guise of conservatism again, a.k.a. 'Conservatarians' and it is rotting Conservatism from the inside, like a cancer.

The take over of the Conservative movement by 'Conservatarians' or Rand Objectivists is a real disaster for the Conservative movement as we enter a new Digital Age in which jobs will be scarce and the party that offers to help other Americans through their adjustment to it will be the majority party for the distant future. Conservatarians cant even put the words together about how to care for other Americans, because deep in their hearts they truly just dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe a few friends.

Which means that either Conservatism will shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on Conservatism's ass or the Conservative movement will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies.
The funny thing is - the U.S.S.R. that Ayn Rand escaped from collapsed under the exact same stupidity that you support and desire to bring to the U.S. That is a special kind of stupid.
The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street
That's a pretty good line.
If you want to run your business in our society, you have to follow our rules

It applies to building codes, labor regulations, hours you are allowed to operate and who you are required to serve

Yes, the proclivity for authoritarians to use violence to enforce their rules on their fellow man is well established.

To an authoritarian, violence is always the answer.
No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down until you can follow the rules

Another example of the right-wing authoritarian proclivity to "lay down the law" and enforce it with violence.

To the libertarian, violence is only justified if/when someone trespasses against someone's person or property. Otherwise, violence is considered thuggish and criminal.

Authoritarians just love to employ violence to run other people's lives. It's disgusting.
What the fuck are you whimpering about?

What violence has been directed at business owners?
I have long been acquainted with Libertarians and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesnt the GOP have more Libertarians in it?

Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

But fast forward to today's corporate America and we find Rand rehabilitated and flourishing under the guise of conservatism again, a.k.a. 'Conservatarians' and it is rotting Conservatism from the inside, like a cancer.

The take over of the Conservative movement by 'Conservatarians' or Rand Objectivists is a real disaster for the Conservative movement as we enter a new Digital Age in which jobs will be scarce and the party that offers to help other Americans through their adjustment to it will be the majority party for the distant future. Conservatarians cant even put the words together about how to care for other Americans, because deep in their hearts they truly just dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe a few friends.

Which means that either Conservatism will shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on Conservatism's ass or the Conservative movement will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies.
The funny thing is - the U.S.S.R. that Ayn Rand escaped from collapsed under the exact same stupidity that you support and desire to bring to the U.S. That is a special kind of stupid.
What specific liberal policies do you fear?
What the fuck are you whimpering about?

What violence has been directed at business owners?

The violence you advocate:

"No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down [with violence, presumably?] until you can follow the rules"
What the fuck are you whimpering about?

What violence has been directed at business owners?

The violence you advocate:

"No violence unless you create a dangerous scene

Otherwise, your business is just shut down [with violence, presumably?] until you can follow the rules"
Show me the violence directed at business owners
Show me the violence directed at business owners
The violence you described:

"No violence unless you create a dangerous scene"

"Otherwise, your business is just shut down until you can follow the rules"
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And if the government is in charge of where our charity goes, then it 'depends on government'.
Since government is 'the people', then people as a society would decide.
So you're saying that I can get a government license plate? I can walk into the White House just like any other government employee?

That the government is the people is a LIE.

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