How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

As far back as gays and women and every other oppressed or wronged minority has been allowed to go who have AT LEAST as much if not more to complain about. Blacks won't find true liberation and equality by continually looking into the past, they will only find it by coming into the present and looking forward as a viable and valuable part of society rather than persisting in staying isolated, apart and playing the eternal victim.
I'm a woman and I bitch quite a bit about women's issues, but I don't feel as though I've got anywhere NEAR as much to complain about as the African Americans in this country.
Which initiatives or policy changes do you think would be the most needed/impactful?
Dunno. I'd ask Marc.
You usually bring good insight to discussions on this board. I respect your opinion. Acknowledging the past and recognizing hardships, injustice and inequailties is good and important but it can also be divisive and damaging if it isn’t coupled with a proactive approach or plan to move forward with
I agree with that. I believe the OP is addressing those that do NOT acknowledge or recognize those hardships, injustice and inequalities. I've even heard people say that the blacks here should be THANKFUL that we "rescued" them from their shithole African countries.
Nothing wrong with talking about history. Its when you use events from long ago as justification for your victim mentality, well, that is different.

The OP is disingenuous. What MarcATL is really saying is white people don’t get to tell us black folk we can’t whine all day long about about the past. In a way he’s right. Anyone can whine about whatever they want, but I don’t have to pay it deference. I’ve never done anything wrong to a black person, so I don’t need to be lectured. Furthermore it’s the people that whine all day that are mostly doing a disservice to themselves
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

Smart and successful blacks don't live in the past and cling to hatred. They have better things to do running businesses, buying mansions and flying their private jets.
of course, Marc.....there are those blacks who'd rather be left behind and be miserable.
I don't understand why y'all are so down on Marc. He's smart, he's usually civil, and he's got a point, if anyone actually wanted to address it.

He is a blatantly hypocritical racist who does nothing but whine about imaginary things.

What's not to love?

If it makes you feel any better, though, Oldlady -- I hereby award you 5 -- that's FIVE virtue points for outstanding signaling
I don't understand why y'all are so down on Marc. He's smart, he's usually civil, and he's got a point, if anyone actually wanted to address it.

I mostly ignore him, because the first few things I saw him post were bigoted and asinine. I'm not going to address points made by someone who will ignore every counterpoint anyway.

If he only wants to focus on the negative of black history in the US, that's his problem. The fact remains that blacks in the US are the most prosperous, most educated, and most liberated black people on earth. Few of them could survive in africa in modern times. Rather than embrace the opportunities he has, he wants to convict white americans for all of the slavery on earth, and I'm just sick of hearing about it.

As far back as gays and women and every other oppressed or wronged minority has been allowed to go who have AT LEAST as much if not more to complain about. Blacks won't find true liberation and equality by continually looking into the past, they will only find it by coming into the present and looking forward as a viable and valuable part of society rather than persisting in staying isolated, apart and playing the eternal victim.
What year sir?

I'm waiting.

You obviously ain't too bright. Nor can you apparently read. Maybe that is your REAL problem you need addressing? That and your continual overestimation of yourself.
As far back as gays and women and every other oppressed or wronged minority has been allowed to go who have AT LEAST as much if not more to complain about. Blacks won't find true liberation and equality by continually looking into the past, they will only find it by coming into the present and looking forward as a viable and valuable part of society rather than persisting in staying isolated, apart and playing the eternal victim.
I'm a woman and I bitch quite a bit about women's issues, but I don't feel as though I've got anywhere NEAR as much to complain about as the African Americans in this country.
Which initiatives or policy changes do you think would be the most needed/impactful?
Dunno. I'd ask Marc.
You usually bring good insight to discussions on this board. I respect your opinion. Acknowledging the past and recognizing hardships, injustice and inequailties is good and important but it can also be divisive and damaging if it isn’t coupled with a proactive approach or plan to move forward with
I agree with that. I believe the OP is addressing those that do NOT acknowledge or recognize those hardships, injustice and inequalities. I've even heard people say that the blacks here should be THANKFUL that we "rescued" them from their shithole African countries.
Yeah I’ve heard a lot of ugly stuff and unfortunately haters aren’t going to change. It is a waste of energy trying to change them. Plus their numbers are fading out thank God. Best to focus on the next generations. Teach empathy, equality, acceptance, and understanding. Be careful not to solely focus on grievance as that can sow division and anger. Beyond that I’m curious if there are any policy proposals out there that any feel would make a positive difference?
I don't care how far back you go. You can go back to Adam and Eve, for all I care.

The problem is when you use some long gone past, to justify or excuse your pathetic behavior today.

And that isn't a problem for us. You are not causing us any problems at all. I'm still going to be just fine, whether you choose to stay in mental slave chains of the past, or not.

The only one you are hurting, by keeping your mind enslaved to a long closed cotton plantation, is you. And equally the by letting go of the past, and all these invisible injustices, the only one you are helping is you. You letting go of the past, is not going to make my life any better or worse.

The person who will be helped, is you.

My ancestors were called Krauts. They escape persecution in Germany, only to face discrimination in the US, and hard ship.

The reason we're not like you, is not because of the magic of skin color. It's because we let go of the past.
It is precisely because of your color that you Krauts were able to gain whatever you gained.

Did the American government ever consider you 3/5ths of a human?

Did the American government ever created policies to keep you oppressed?

I mean, you people are not even honest of the actual history.

This is madness...!!!


During the time you're referring to, when you were only 3/5 of a person, you were little more than pack animals and laborers. And a couple months before that you were hunter-gatherers. White people call that our Prehistoric period.

So what? Let's say you are right. What does that matter? A person is a person, whether they labor, or hunt, or what. Don't justify your ignorant views, with some idiot logic.

You are just making yourself no better than he is.

He asked about when his history began as a black in America. When blacks were first brought to America they were not considered persons. They were about as consequential to history as a horse or a mule.

Sure, that insults our modern sensibilities. But it is the truth.
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As far back as gays and women and every other oppressed or wronged minority has been allowed to go who have AT LEAST as much if not more to complain about. Blacks won't find true liberation and equality by continually looking into the past, they will only find it by coming into the present and looking forward as a viable and valuable part of society rather than persisting in staying isolated, apart and playing the eternal victim.
What year sir?

I'm waiting.

You obviously ain't too bright. Nor can you apparently read. Maybe that is your REAL problem you need addressing? That and your continual overestimation of yourself.

Then you need to maybe study the continued persecution and slavery of women in the world and the terrorization of gays for generations, hunted, chased by police, hunted, reviled as animals, beat, arrested, imprisoned, medical experiments, drugs, lobotomies. You see everything by your hate-filled racist eyes and never stop to think that women and gays come in ALL colors, idiot.

You have the arrogance to think that blacks are the only ones that were wronged or that somehow others don't matter. Worse, your refusal to believe that had America been founded by a Black majority, you would have done ALL OF THE EXACT SAME THINGS to your minorities here, whites or otherwise. You live the lie that somehow whites are different or worse than anyone else when in fact, all of the GOOD things in this world, were ALSO done by whites.

If not for Whites, there WOULD BE NO AMERICA, and you'd be living in Sudan with a bone in your nose on a dirt floor.
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I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

You might have answered your own question. Do you or the collective black hive mind you believe in need to be "told" what you can or cannot do? I'm certain I'm one of those to whom you refer. Good thing skin color is not visible on-the-line; saves you much face. Verily, this question is your self-oppression.
Nothing wrong with talking about history. Its when you use events from long ago as justification for your victim mentality, well, that is different.

The OP is disingenuous. What MarcATL is really saying is white people don’t get to tell us black folk we can’t whine all day long about about the past. In a way he’s right. Anyone can whine about whatever they want, but I don’t have to pay it deference. I’ve never done anything wrong to a black person, so I don’t need to be lectured. Furthermore it’s the people that whine all day that are mostly doing a disservice to themselves
I actually kind of agree with your underlying point, but I don’t understand why you need to characterize people and their families who legitimately are victims of generational oppression as whiners. There is no doubt that there are still some very ugly forces out there acting against them so why are you not choosing to stand up and defend them, acknowledge their struggles and grievances, allow them to feel heard?

These are your countrymen and you don’t seem to be a racist so why not stand with them?

When you take the opposite position and dismiss/insult them you only pour fuel on the fire.
I don't understand why y'all are so down on Marc. He's smart, he's usually civil, and he's got a point, if anyone actually wanted to address it.

I mostly ignore him, because the first few things I saw him post were bigoted and asinine. I'm not going to address points made by someone who will ignore every counterpoint anyway.

If he only wants to focus on the negative of black history in the US, that's his problem. The fact remains that blacks in the US are the most prosperous, most educated, and most liberated black people on earth. Few of them could survive in africa in modern times. Rather than embrace the opportunities he has, he wants to convict white americans for all of the slavery on earth, and I'm just sick of hearing about it.


He’s a drive by poster. And, yes, there’s no place on earth that treats minorities as well as America.
I can’t wait to see whom will reach the podium in the Summer Vicitm Olympics. I think gay darkies will take gold, but they have a serious challenge from honky conservatives. As always, it will come down to who trained more the in woe gym and the number of shed tears. Stay tuned!
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I can’t wait to see whom will reach the podium in the Summer Vicitm Olympics. I think gay darkies will take gold, but they have a serious challenge from honky conservatives. As always, it will come down to who trained more in woe gym and the number of shed tears. Stay tuned!

is that objectivity or middle of the road altruism? Either way, it's hard to argue with. Allow me to woe to the gym.
I don't understand why y'all are so down on Marc. He's smart, he's usually civil, and he's got a point, if anyone actually wanted to address it.

I mostly ignore him, because the first few things I saw him post were bigoted and asinine. I'm not going to address points made by someone who will ignore every counterpoint anyway.

If he only wants to focus on the negative of black history in the US, that's his problem. The fact remains that blacks in the US are the most prosperous, most educated, and most liberated black people on earth. Few of them could survive in africa in modern times. Rather than embrace the opportunities he has, he wants to convict white americans for all of the slavery on earth, and I'm just sick of hearing about it.


He’s a drive by poster. And, yes, there’s no place on earth that treats minorities as well as America.
You don’t stand with his grievances because he is a drive by poster? That’s your answer? What exactly does that mean
Nothing wrong with talking about history. Its when you use events from long ago as justification for your victim mentality, well, that is different.

The OP is disingenuous. What MarcATL is really saying is white people don’t get to tell us black folk we can’t whine all day long about about the past. In a way he’s right. Anyone can whine about whatever they want, but I don’t have to pay it deference. I’ve never done anything wrong to a black person, so I don’t need to be lectured. Furthermore it’s the people that whine all day that are mostly doing a disservice to themselves
I actually kind of agree with your underlying point, but I don’t understand why you need to characterize people and their families who legitimately are victims of generational oppression as whiners. There is no doubt that there are still some very ugly forces out there acting against them so why are you not choosing to stand up and defend them, acknowledge their struggles and grievances, allow them to feel heard?

These are your countrymen and you don’t seem to be a racist so why not stand with them?

When you take the opposite position and dismiss/insult them you only pour fuel on the fire.

Well as far as generational oppression is concerned, what has actually occurred in this country is generational ADVANTAGE.

We are now into our third generation of affirmative action, which gives any black person the opportunity to get ahead by giving them first dibs on jobs and schooling.

Maybe if more in the black community took advantage of these opportunities through hard work and study (you know, like Asians, Jews and other minorities do) and less time thumbing their noses at the very notion while whining about matters that have never affected them, they might get ahead, too.

It is all the fucking ATTITUDE in the black community that is keeping them down. If a Vietnamese can come to this country with just the shirt on their back while not knowing English and end up THRIVING, why can't blacks? The opportunity is there. It is the will that is lacking and one reason it is lacking is because of the crutch provided by the victimization industry.

Why do people continue to feed into all these dysfunctional attitudes that marc and other black racists are promoting?
How do you think we rectify this?
Whites need to actively take part in fighting AGAINST racism in all it's forms, especially structural racism.

American descendants of slaves need to be given reparations to repair the harm that has been inflicted upon them over these last 400 years or so to decrease the racial wealth gap.

If these two things happen, America will finally be great.
What's that mean? What signaling?
"Virtue signalling" you dried up prune of a prig.
All she know is that he is black, and since he is black, she is required to support him.

There is really no more to it than that.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

Smart and successful blacks don't live in the past and cling to hatred. They have better things to do running businesses, buying mansions and flying their private jets.
of course, Marc.....there are those blacks who'd rather be left behind and be miserable.
Where in OP's post do you see anyone living in the past and clinging to hatred?
A better question, Marc...might be how long should blacks dwell on the past rather than addressing the present? Racism isn't the biggest problem facing blacks in this country and quite frankly hasn't been for quite some time. You've got systemic issues in most of the cities and States that are heavily populated with blacks and those problems are getting worse not better.

You elect people who make you promises and then simply line their own pockets without doing a thing to make your lives better. You think people like Charlie Rangel really give a shit about the plight of blacks in America? He's become filthy rich "representing" you.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
You can look back as far as you'd like, but until you understand why it doesn't matter, you'll continue to look the fool.


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