How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

If you're going to give reparations to blacks then I assume you will also be giving them to American Indians? To the Japanese interred during WWII? To Chinese that were mistreated during the building of the West? To the Irish that were treated as second class citizens? You tell me, Marc...where does it end?
I normally don't engage your dumb ass, but I'll say this...

Well, first of all, the Native Indians already got their reparations.

As for the rest, were any of them promised reparations by the American government like ADOS was?

I mean, you people really gotta read up on history folks.

You're really clueless.
How are we going to determine who is the descendant of slaves since even genealogists have a hell of time with it. Slaves had no last names and for the most part, can't be traced.
Or should all blacks in America be given reparations? I suppose regardless of your ancestral heritage, if you're black in America, you've probably faced discrimination. Will $$ fix that or infuriate these racists even more?
This is actually the easiest part, or one of the more easier parts.

You got to think of it the other way around.

If your family can't be traced as ever entering the country at any point in time, you're definitely ADOS.

If, however, government can prove that you and/or your ancestors entered as an immigrant, POST slavery of course, then this does not apply to you.
How is all of this traced. Would we need to make a new government agency to do heritage research/verification and also manage collection and distribution of funds? Does a mixed race individual get the same money as a person with two slave descendants? Rich people get the same as poor?
Nothing wrong with talking about history. Its when you use events from long ago as justification for your victim mentality, well, that is different.

The OP is disingenuous. What MarcATL is really saying is white people don’t get to tell us black folk we can’t whine all day long about about the past. In a way he’s right. Anyone can whine about whatever they want, but I don’t have to pay it deference. I’ve never done anything wrong to a black person, so I don’t need to be lectured. Furthermore it’s the people that whine all day that are mostly doing a disservice to themselves
I actually kind of agree with your underlying point, but I don’t understand why you need to characterize people and their families who legitimately are victims of generational oppression as whiners. There is no doubt that there are still some very ugly forces out there acting against them so why are you not choosing to stand up and defend them, acknowledge their struggles and grievances, allow them to feel heard?

These are your countrymen and you don’t seem to be a racist so why not stand with them?

When you take the opposite position and dismiss/insult them you only pour fuel on the fire.

Well as far as generational oppression is concerned, what has actually occurred in this country is generational ADVANTAGE.

We are now into our third generation of affirmative action, which gives any black person the opportunity to get ahead by giving them first dibs on jobs and schooling.

Maybe if more in the black community took advantage of these opportunities through hard work and study (you know, like Asians, Jews and other minorities do) and less time thumbing their noses at the very notion while whining about matters that have never affected them, they might get ahead, too.

It is all the fucking ATTITUDE in the black community that is keeping them down. If a Vietnamese can come to this country with just the shirt on their back while not knowing English and end up THRIVING, why can't blacks? The opportunity is there. It is the will that is lacking and one reason it is lacking is because of the crutch provided by the victimization industry.

Why do people continue to feed into all these dysfunctional attitudes that marc and other black racists are promoting?
What affirmative action law is active today that you think is unfair? Please be specific
Affirmative action is a fact of American life over many decades now.

Because of it, any black person who wants to get ahead can get ahead. They receive preferential treatment over other all other matters being equal.

Are you trying to argue that facts are not facts?
How are we going to determine who is the descendant of slaves since even genealogists have a hell of time with it. Slaves had no last names and for the most part, can't be traced.
Or should all blacks in America be given reparations? I suppose regardless of your ancestral heritage, if you're black in America, you've probably faced discrimination. Will $$ fix that or infuriate these racists even more?
This is actually the easiest part, or one of the more easier parts.

You got to think of it the other way around.

If your family can't be traced as ever entering the country at any point in time, you're definitely ADOS.

If, however, government can prove that you and/or your ancestors entered as an immigrant, POST slavery of course, then this does not apply to you.
How is all of this traced. Would we need to make a new government agency to do heritage research/verification and also manage collection and distribution of funds? Does a mixed race individual get the same money as a person with two slave descendants? Rich people get the same as poor?

Scuze moi, but none of that matters. Anyone can self-identify as anything these days.
If you're going to give reparations to blacks then I assume you will also be giving them to American Indians? To the Japanese interred during WWII? To Chinese that were mistreated during the building of the West? To the Irish that were treated as second class citizens? You tell me, Marc...where does it end?
American Indians do have reparations in the form of tax free reservations. Right?
How do you think we rectify this?
Whites need to actively take part in fighting AGAINST racism in all it's forms, especially structural racism.

American descendants of slaves need to be given reparations to repair the harm that has been inflicted upon them over these last 400 years or so to decrease the racial wealth gap.

If these two things happen, America will finally be great.
How are we going to determine who is the ancestor of slaves since even genealogists have a hell of time with it. Slaves had no last names and for the most part, can't be traced.
Or should all blacks in America be given reparations? I suppose regardless of your ancestral heritage, if you're black in America, you've probably faced discrimination. Will $$ fix that or infuriate these racists even more?
Furthermore, who owes money. All whites? What about people who are mix raced? What about recent immigrants? How much money? How’s it managed. I’d love to see a proposal of how exactly this would work
We shouldn't think of it as "payback" for slavery, exactly, or it will get mired in these kind of questions and no one will ever consider it fair.
If some of my taxes were to go to assist the 25% of black Americans who are still struggling, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just wonder if the money would be better spent getting pumped into the black community to support positive change.
How do you think we rectify this?
Whites need to actively take part in fighting AGAINST racism in all it's forms, especially structural racism.

American descendants of slaves need to be given reparations to repair the harm that has been inflicted upon them over these last 400 years or so to decrease the racial wealth gap.

If these two things happen, America will finally be great.
In other words, Marc wants lots of free stuff!!!!!

And only wants whites to fight against racism while he continues to be as racist as he chooses.
Furthermore, who owes money. All whites? What about people who are mix raced? What about recent immigrants? How much money? How’s it managed. I’d love to see a proposal of how exactly this would work
Individuals aren't being punished.

That's where you're going wrong.

The GOVERNMENT is rectifying a past sin and making good on an owed promise.

How come rightwing types are always saying that government is not people, until it comes time to give blacks stuff? Then the government suddenly becomes all people.

Ever stopped to think about that?
I understand that the government is paying for it but the government operates off tax revenue that is paid by Americans, so I guess my question is where do the funds come from?
How do they actively fight and what are they fighting for? New policy? Harsher punishment? What specifically
I want you to read the book: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America

Then let's have a good discussion about it.

You can get the audio book if you like, I used, it's really great. You pay 15 bucks a month, and every month you get a credit which you can use to buy, and keep, any book you want.

And I'm being serious.
If you're going to give reparations to blacks then I assume you will also be giving them to American Indians? To the Japanese interred during WWII? To Chinese that were mistreated during the building of the West? To the Irish that were treated as second class citizens? You tell me, Marc...where does it end?
I normally don't engage your dumb ass, but I'll say this...

Well, first of all, the Native Indians already got their reparations.

As for the rest, were any of them promised reparations by the American government like ADOS was?

I mean, you people really gotta read up on history folks.

You're really clueless.

You dummies have been getting reparations since the 60's when Johnson came up with his "Great Society". Reparations in the $$$Trillions.

And with a few exceptions all it's done is turn you into a race of sniveling, whining, govt dependent babies.
Furthermore, who owes money. All whites? What about people who are mix raced? What about recent immigrants? How much money? How’s it managed. I’d love to see a proposal of how exactly this would work
Individuals aren't being punished.

That's where you're going wrong.

The GOVERNMENT is rectifying a past sin and making good on an owed promise.

How come rightwing types are always saying that government is not people, until it comes time to give blacks stuff? Then the government suddenly becomes all people.

Ever stopped to think about that?

I’ve never stopped to think about that, because it’s quite frankly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Where do you think the government gets its money from, Einstein?
I understand that the government is paying for it but the government operates off tax revenue that is paid by Americans, so I guess my question is where do the funds come from?
The same place the funds comes from anything regarding the government.
Do the families of men killed fighting in the Civil War to free slaves take part in those reparations? Do ALL the men fighting on the Union side qualify? Their descendants? If you're ancestors were abolitionists do you get a pass on paying for reparations? On the other side of the coin...what is your time line for which blacks qualify for your reparations? Before the Civil War? Fifty years ago? Does a black person in America NOW qualify simply because racism still exists?
Why would Civil War soliders get reparations? Their families received whachacallits--pensions? You know what I mean. My family lost a young soldier and they received $$.
They did indeed. You should note that those pensions constituted about 40% of total Federal revenues back then forcing the Government to increase tariffs on goods to pay for them. You should also note that black soldiers who fought in the Civil War received pensions as well. Should THEY not be eligible for reparations because of that?
Nothing wrong with talking about history. Its when you use events from long ago as justification for your victim mentality, well, that is different.

The OP is disingenuous. What MarcATL is really saying is white people don’t get to tell us black folk we can’t whine all day long about about the past. In a way he’s right. Anyone can whine about whatever they want, but I don’t have to pay it deference. I’ve never done anything wrong to a black person, so I don’t need to be lectured. Furthermore it’s the people that whine all day that are mostly doing a disservice to themselves
I actually kind of agree with your underlying point, but I don’t understand why you need to characterize people and their families who legitimately are victims of generational oppression as whiners. There is no doubt that there are still some very ugly forces out there acting against them so why are you not choosing to stand up and defend them, acknowledge their struggles and grievances, allow them to feel heard?

These are your countrymen and you don’t seem to be a racist so why not stand with them?

When you take the opposite position and dismiss/insult them you only pour fuel on the fire.

Well as far as generational oppression is concerned, what has actually occurred in this country is generational ADVANTAGE.

We are now into our third generation of affirmative action, which gives any black person the opportunity to get ahead by giving them first dibs on jobs and schooling.

Maybe if more in the black community took advantage of these opportunities through hard work and study (you know, like Asians, Jews and other minorities do) and less time thumbing their noses at the very notion while whining about matters that have never affected them, they might get ahead, too.

It is all the fucking ATTITUDE in the black community that is keeping them down. If a Vietnamese can come to this country with just the shirt on their back while not knowing English and end up THRIVING, why can't blacks? The opportunity is there. It is the will that is lacking and one reason it is lacking is because of the crutch provided by the victimization industry.

Why do people continue to feed into all these dysfunctional attitudes that marc and other black racists are promoting?
What affirmative action law is active today that you think is unfair? Please be specific
Affirmative action is a fact of American life over many decades now.

Because of it, any black person who wants to get ahead can get ahead. They receive preferential treatment over other all other matters being equal.

Are you trying to argue that facts are not facts?
I asked for a specific law that you object to. Do you not have one?
I understand that the government is paying for it but the government operates off tax revenue that is paid by Americans, so I guess my question is where do the funds come from?
The same place the funds comes from anything regarding the government.

Ah, yes...can't bring yourself to say it...can you, Marc! Tax increases? HUGE tax increases?
I don't understand why y'all are so down on Marc. He's smart, he's usually civil, and he's got a point, if anyone actually wanted to address it.

I mostly ignore him, because the first few things I saw him post were bigoted and asinine. I'm not going to address points made by someone who will ignore every counterpoint anyway.

If he only wants to focus on the negative of black history in the US, that's his problem. The fact remains that blacks in the US are the most prosperous, most educated, and most liberated black people on earth. Few of them could survive in africa in modern times. Rather than embrace the opportunities he has, he wants to convict white americans for all of the slavery on earth, and I'm just sick of hearing about it.


He’s a drive by poster. And, yes, there’s no place on earth that treats minorities as well as America.
You don’t stand with his grievances because he is a drive by poster? That’s your answer? What exactly does that mean

He has nothing to complain about. I reject the notion that he’s being held down because of his skin color.
How is all of this traced. Would we need to make a new government agency to do heritage research/verification and also manage collection and distribution of funds? Does a mixed race individual get the same money as a person with two slave descendants? Rich people get the same as poor?
I don't have the answers.

Experts will have to determine these things.

However,I get the impression that you really don't want NONE of this happening, do you?

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