How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Trump cult.
There is no cult. People do not want Leftist DemNazi Fascism, do not want The Alphabet Agenda turning our children in to their sex toys, and we want to preserve The Republic, Democracy and protect The Integrity of The Vote.

Whether it is Trump or someone else, we will give an ear to those supporting America and things that are virtuous. Whomever wants to keep our families together, keep Americans working, and rejects the destructive forces of Globalism, Americans will support them.

Why are you against God?
Why are you against Israel?
Why are you against America?
If Biden hadn't folded in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings - Ginni Thomas would never have gained the political power and influence she achieved.

Clarence Thomas was a sexual predator who should never have been confirmed. I partially blame Biden for that because he never called the remaining women who were waiting to testify against Thomas after Anita Hill. Thomas' "high-tech lynching" comment scared the hell out of Biden. Biden choked. He folded. To this day I consider that one of the worst things Biden has ever done. I watched it all on live TV.
If Biden hadn't folded in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings - Ginni Thomas would never have gained the political power and influence she achieved.

Clarence Thomas was a sexual predator who should never have been confirmed.

No Justice Thomas isn't a "sexual predator". There was only one alleged victim who had no proof and lied in front of Congress.

Further, since being confirmed, Clarence Thomas has voted correctly more times than any other Supreme Court Justice in history.

And that fact is undisputed.
I'd trust Marjorie Taylor Green or Ginny Thomas to babysit my kids before I'd ever leave them with Joe or Hunter Biden.

"In one of 29 messages seen by the news outlets, Thomas wrote to Mark Meadows on 10 November: “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! … You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.” “This is a fight of good versus evil,” Meadows wrote in a 24 November message. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. The text messages – 21 of which are from Thomas and eight from Meadows – contain references to conspiracy theories. Thomas, for instance, highlighted a claim popular among QAnon followers that the president had watermarked certain ballots as a means of identifying fraud.

She also suggested the Bidens were behind supposed fraud. “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators … are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,” she wrote. When the supreme court rejected Trump challenges over the election in February 2021, Clarence Thomas dissented, calling the decision “baffling”, the Post notes."

Ginny Thomas essentially proves why Jackson can't be trusted to sit on the highest court in the land. Everyone knows that Ginny is a staunch political activist and a crusader against evil forces..... but she knows not to ever involve her husband in her activism or try to encourage him to do something that would give off appearances of impropriety...and Clarence being the man of the house, would never allow a woman to have influence over him....He knows his wife is a bit nutty and he knows how to put her in her place if she acts up....

However, Jackson is not the leader of her household...her husband is....and we know about her husband's strong ties to Antifa and other racist anti-American we honestly think she won't use her power as a Supreme Court justice to do what her husband tells her to do?? What will happen when Biden loses in 2024?? You know he will order Kamala to do what Pence should have you think for a minute that Jackson's husband won't tell her to support Biden's effort to overturn the election?? She must be stopped....anyone who will assist a president in nullifying a legitimate Republican victory; should be arrested for treason.

You are the treasonous traitor. Thomas failed to properly recuse himself from the decision to allow the Jan 6 committee to obtain Trump's records. It was 8-1. That means the liberals and conservatives except for Thomas agreed on this. It also begs the question whether he should have recused himself from all election related cases.,
Democracy thrives in sunshine, but the way Brown was trying so hard not to answer questions or flat out refusing to answer them indicates that Brown will not serve our constitution or the American people in the least. She'll do whatever SHE wants. That's not the kind of person who belongs on the SC.

We already have 6 of those on the Supreme Court. They were all appointed by Republicans.
I see that you anti-Christ fascist are out in full force against someone else's right to have their own faith and beliefs. Even the spouses of SCOTUS members have rights too.
Thing is her husband should have recused himself from the Trump executive privilege case... His wife was directly involved... It was her texts that were revealed when Trump lost the case... Thomas was the only vote against it... This is a massive violation in ethics...

Clarence Thomas should resign to save the reputation of the Supreme Court..
Thing is her husband should have recused himself from the Trump executive privilege case... His wife was directly involved... It was her texts that were revealed when Trump lost the case... Thomas was the only vote against it... This is a massive violation in ethics...

Clarence Thomas should resign to save the reputation of the Supreme Court..
You are 100% correct. There just is no logical argument for Clarence Thomas to be there after this.
She's a patriot who is trying to save America.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and you cannot produce a logical/intelligent argument that says she was saving America. Saving it from what? An invented stolen election? Sorry pal, you don't get to invent your own fantasy at the expense of others.
There is no cult. People do not want Leftist DemNazi Fascism, do not want The Alphabet Agenda turning our children in to their sex toys, and we want to preserve The Republic, Democracy and protect The Integrity of The Vote.

Whether it is Trump or someone else, we will give an ear to those supporting America and things that are virtuous. Whomever wants to keep our families together, keep Americans working, and rejects the destructive forces of Globalism, Americans will support them.

Why are you against God?
Why are you against Israel?
Why are you against America?
440 voter suppression votes is a vehicle for making elections irrelevant. Integrity is non-existent. There is no Dem Fascism that you can prove. You're a worthless piece of crap liar.
Why are you against God?
Why are you against Israel?
Why are you against America?
I'll ask you the same exact thing?
It's standard operating procedure for Brownshirt groups run by the DemNazi Party. The KKK is still associated with the DemNazi party and also does the same thing.

As always, you show up to this forum lying out of your ass. ANTIFA doesn't exist you idiot. It has never been proven to be a known organization, and the New York Post isn't about to prove it exists either.
Why would it matter if the wife of the FBI director was running for office then?

According to you spouses keep their interests separated
They lost their shit about that too. Fucking hypocrites.
Ginni Thomas isn't running for any office.

Just a private citizen who has her own point of view.

Even though you hate her view points , it doesn't make her beloved husband unqualified for the office that he has EXCELLED at for more than 30 years.
Hate her view points? You don't? She colluded with the chief of staff to try and overthrow a legal election for Gods sake. Is that your view too?
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Stealing an election is not legal. Ginni Thomas is right, they need to investigate ballots for the official watermark seal to determine which ballots were fraudulent.
Lying about a stolen election destroys your argument, and does not give Ginni Thomas the right to conspire against that legal election, that wasn't stolen. She needs to be in jail.

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