How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

With all the replies to the "Nut's" disinformation propaganda add, There's no doubt that the lie can't go any further.
The Anti-Science Pledge

The Pledge:

What is the Anti-Science Pledge?

The Pledge is an oath rejecting science, administered to elected officials and candidates for office.

How is the Anti-Science Pledge administered?

The candidate places their right hand on the Bible, and answers The Pledge administrant’s questions, under penalty of eternal damnation.

The Pledge administrant will ask the following series of questions, to which the candidate will answer “I do.”

  • Do you reject Science? And all its works? And all its empty promises?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is no more than 6000 years old?
  • Do you reject the theory of evolution, and promise that neither you nor any of your descendants will evolve?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is not getting warmer… and even if it is getting warmer, man is not responsible… and even if man is responsible, it’s really not that big a deal?
  • Do you accept that the US can drill its way to energy independence, even though the country owns only 1.5% of the world’s oil, but consumes 22%?
  • Do you reject the practice of administering vaccines, a known cause of mental retardation?
  • Do you accept that solar panels drain the Sun of its energy and threaten the very existence of summer?
  • Do you accept that wind farms are responsible for increasing the frequency and severity of hurricanes and tornadoes?

Who is currently qualified to administer the Pledge?

Sen. James Inhofe
Rep. Michele Bachmann
Former Gov. Sarah Palin

Au Contraire Nut, We see it as Oblamer and Biden most qualified to administer the pledge to all Democrats. Didn't they all sign on to the Death Panels led by Oblamer's surogate Sebelius?
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

You mean....BESIDES making-up their own????

March 12, 2013

Republicans vs. Butt ‘Enzymes’

"Speaking before a State House committee, which is voting soon on a gay marriage bill, “concerned Minnesotan and father and husband” Mike Fry presented his own version of how gay men contract AIDS.


"When there’s ejaculation into a vagina, there’s a barrier there — as in your packet it states there — of a cellular tissue that doesn’t allow the sperm that has an enzyme at the head of it to penetrate the blood flow. It is designed to go to the egg, that enzyme is meant to burn the outside membrane of the egg cell, go inside the egg and then deposit …

When ejaculation occurs inside of a colon, it’s highly absorbent material, the cells do not have a barrier for the sperm and those enzyme get into the blood flow. When those enzymes enter into the blood flow and a continued and prolonged environment to that happens — these enzymes into blood flow — it causes what we know as AIDS.

AIDS, of course, brings upon common diseases, colds and things."

Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
All of this anti-science attitude could be laughed at and laughed off if it weren't for a few things. Everyone has considered how we're laughed at by others, of course. And naturally, we as a country end up making decisions which are driven more by belief than by actual evidence. Naturally, that's not a good thing, either. But we also lose out on patents, and copyrights, and intellectual property rights which translate directly to billions of dollars to our economy. And let's not forget that we also lose when scientists and researchers with the brightest minds decide to work in other countries instead of working in America for American companies.
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I find it funny that the Party that derided Reagan's successful space based anti missile system as "Star Wars", also killed the USA's Biggest Big Science Program the Superconduction Supercollider (it would have been many times more powerful than the one that just discovered the 'God Particle'), killed our Manned Space Program and really truly believes in ManMade Global Warming, accuses Republican of being "hostile to science"

Do you see how big a fucking brain dead moron you have to be to be a Liberal today?

But we don't have any money. Boner, McChinless, and Ryan said so. We need to use that money for handouts to the wealthy Republican benefactors. Besides, everything we need to know is right there in the Bible. The Republican motto should be "Ignorant and proud of it."
Poor nut, ill informed, badly educated and incapable of rational thinking.
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?

GOP: Moving backwards!!

Less hostile than Democratic congresscritters are to math and economics.

Why would you say that? Republicans believe in "twinkle down" or whatever they call that nonsense this month.
The Anti-Science Pledge

The Pledge:

What is the Anti-Science Pledge?

The Pledge is an oath rejecting science, administered to elected officials and candidates for office.

How is the Anti-Science Pledge administered?

The candidate places their right hand on the Bible, and answers The Pledge administrant’s questions, under penalty of eternal damnation.

The Pledge administrant will ask the following series of questions, to which the candidate will answer “I do.”

  • Do you reject Science? And all its works? And all its empty promises?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is no more than 6000 years old?
  • Do you reject the theory of evolution, and promise that neither you nor any of your descendants will evolve?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is not getting warmer… and even if it is getting warmer, man is not responsible… and even if man is responsible, it’s really not that big a deal?
  • Do you accept that the US can drill its way to energy independence, even though the country owns only 1.5% of the world’s oil, but consumes 22%?
  • Do you reject the practice of administering vaccines, a known cause of mental retardation?
  • Do you accept that solar panels drain the Sun of its energy and threaten the very existence of summer?
  • Do you accept that wind farms are responsible for increasing the frequency and severity of hurricanes and tornadoes?

Who is currently qualified to administer the Pledge?

Sen. James Inhofe
Rep. Michele Bachmann
Former Gov. Sarah Palin

Au Contraire Nut, We see it as Oblamer and Biden most qualified to administer the pledge to all Democrats. Didn't they all sign on to the Death Panels led by Oblamer's surogate Sebelius?

No, that was Republican Governor Jan Brewer:

Jan Brewers death panels

Arizona Death Panel Claims Another Victim - Forbes

Do try to keep up.
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?

GOP: Moving backwards!!

Those qualifications sound perfect to me.
No one is hostile to science. That's just another moronic meme coming from the left. They think it's fine to kill people as long as it's considered scientific.

Why does the left pretend that its attempt to ram secularism down the throats of local school boards is done in the name of science? Why doesn't it simply admit that its goal is to centralize education and use it as a tool to indoctrinate our children into the wonders of liberalism?
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?

GOP: Moving backwards!!

Those qualifications sound perfect to me.

So tell us why we need the National Weather Service when private industry does a better job.

Be succinct.
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?

GOP: Moving backwards!!

That's ok...this Ralph Hall guy can ignore those Texas fires. :LOL:
Why doesn't it simply admit that its goal is to centralize education and use it as a tool to indoctrinate our children into the wonders of liberalism?

Just like our founders intended:

"The first stage of this education being the schools of the hundreds, wherein the great mass of the people will receive their instruction, the principal foundations of future order will be laid here. Instead, therefore, of putting the Bible and Testament into the hands of the children at an age when their judgments are not sufficiently matured for religious inquiries, their memories may here be stored with the most useful facts from Grecian, Roman, European, and American history. The first elements of morality too may be instilled into their minds; such as, when further developed as their judgments advance in strength, may teach them how to work out their own greatest happiness"

-- Thomas Jefferson; from 'Notes on Virginia' Query XIV
The Anti-Science Pledge

The Pledge:

What is the Anti-Science Pledge?

The Pledge is an oath rejecting science, administered to elected officials and candidates for office.

How is the Anti-Science Pledge administered?

The candidate places their right hand on the Bible, and answers The Pledge administrant’s questions, under penalty of eternal damnation.

The Pledge administrant will ask the following series of questions, to which the candidate will answer “I do.”

  • Do you reject Science? And all its works? And all its empty promises?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is no more than 6000 years old?
  • Do you reject the theory of evolution, and promise that neither you nor any of your descendants will evolve?
  • Do you accept that the Earth is not getting warmer… and even if it is getting warmer, man is not responsible… and even if man is responsible, it’s really not that big a deal?
  • Do you accept that the US can drill its way to energy independence, even though the country owns only 1.5% of the world’s oil, but consumes 22%?
  • Do you reject the practice of administering vaccines, a known cause of mental retardation?
  • Do you accept that solar panels drain the Sun of its energy and threaten the very existence of summer?
  • Do you accept that wind farms are responsible for increasing the frequency and severity of hurricanes and tornadoes?

Who is currently qualified to administer the Pledge?

Sen. James Inhofe
Rep. Michele Bachmann
Former Gov. Sarah Palin


This is why I'm a Libertarian. When I recently abandoned the Democratic Party, it's because of things like "denial of evolution" that prevent me from EVER being a Republican.

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