How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

Those qualifications sound perfect to me.

So tell us why we need the National Weather Service when private industry does a better job.

Be succinct.

I'm talking about that guy who accused "climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthropogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants," asshole. That's who hazlenut was referring to when he mentioned "qualifications." However, there's no job the national weather service performs that a private company couldn't do cheaper and better.
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Stopped reading after the word teabagger anyone still using that word to describe another is the truest example of brainless there is.
Science, (global warming or as they call it now, CLIMATE CHANGE) and the Federal Government has become the new gods for the left..

That's not really accurate. They may call their god science, but it's not real science.
I find it funny that the Party that derided Reagan's successful space based anti missile system as "Star Wars", also killed the USA's Biggest Big Science Program the Superconduction Supercollider (it would have been many times more powerful than the one that just discovered the 'God Particle'), killed our Manned Space Program and really truly believes in ManMade Global Warming, accuses Republican of being "hostile to science"

Do you see how big a fucking brain dead moron you have to be to be a Liberal today?

But we don't have any money. Boner, McChinless, and Ryan said so. We need to use that money for handouts to the wealthy Republican benefactors. Besides, everything we need to know is right there in the Bible. The Republican motto should be "Ignorant and proud of it."

And yet, If i was a gambler Id be willing to bet that those who deride the Bible have little to no First-hand knowledge of what is actually in it. If they did, they would know that the Bible doesnt claim to have everything we need to know. Quite the opposite.
I find it funny that the Party that derided Reagan's successful space based anti missile system as "Star Wars", also killed the USA's Biggest Big Science Program the Superconduction Supercollider (it would have been many times more powerful than the one that just discovered the 'God Particle'), killed our Manned Space Program and really truly believes in ManMade Global Warming, accuses Republican of being "hostile to science"

Do you see how big a fucking brain dead moron you have to be to be a Liberal today?

But we don't have any money. Boner, McChinless, and Ryan said so. We need to use that money for handouts to the wealthy Republican benefactors. Besides, everything we need to know is right there in the Bible. The Republican motto should be "Ignorant and proud of it."

And yet, If i was a gambler Id be willing to bet that those who deride the Bible have little to no First-hand knowledge of what is actually in it. If they did, they would know that the Bible doesnt claim to have everything we need to know. Quite the opposite.

It's not what the Bible claims. It's the right wing interpretation.
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?

GOP: Moving backwards!!

Less hostile than Democratic congresscritters are to math and economics.

Is that the same math that says when tax rates along with revenues are at their lowest level in over sixty years, the answer to increasing revenues is to cut taxes even more? That kind of math? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
How Hostile To Science Are Republican Congressmen?

We started looking at the House Science Committee when a particularly brainless and outspoken freshman teabagger, Sandy Adams (R-FL), since defeated in a primary, started ranting and raving in a Science Committee hearing about how the National Weather Service should be disbanded because cable TV does such a great job, never considering exactly where cable TV gets their information. Another member of the committee told me that even most of the Republicans saw Adams as an embarrassment and as a focus for scorn and derision... and amusement. But not all of them. Long passed are the days when a mainstream Republican like Sherwood Boehlert would dominate and chair the Science Committee and spend his career working on environmental policy and energy efficiency. That kind of agenda has become anathema to today's Republican Party which eschews Science as a liberal conspiracy against their single-minded belief in Greed and Avarice. Today the Science Committee is chaired by the oldest (90) and one of the most senile Members of Congress, Ralph Hall, a former Texas Blue Dog who switched to the GOP after voting to impeach Bill Clinton, getting in on the Abramoff gravy train and endorsing George W. Bush. So what qualifies Hall to be chairman of the Science Committee? He's one of Congress' leading Climate Change deniers and has accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthopogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants. What more evidence could Boehner and Cantor possibly want to give Hall the gig?
GOP: Moving backwards!!

Is there a reason you aren't pointing out the fact that Democrats are anti science too? Is it because you are a hack, or is it because you are an ignorant fuck?

Less hostile than Democratic congresscritters are to math and economics.

Is that the same math that says when tax rates along with revenues are at their lowest level in over sixty years, the answer to increasing revenues is to cut taxes even more? That kind of math? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Like he i said hostile to math and economics.
Less hostile than Democratic congresscritters are to math and economics.

Is that the same math that says when tax rates along with revenues are at their lowest level in over sixty years, the answer to increasing revenues is to cut taxes even more? That kind of math? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Like he i said hostile to math and economics.

You do realize that you cannot forever cut taxes and expect revenue to increase, right? If that were the case, we could cut tax rates to zero and that would give us the highest revenues we've ever had, but there is a problem with that kind of math, because when you multiply anything by zero, you get nothing, zilch, zero.
I find it funny that the Party that derided Reagan's successful space based anti missile system as "Star Wars", also killed the USA's Biggest Big Science Program the Superconduction Supercollider (it would have been many times more powerful than the one that just discovered the 'God Particle'), killed our Manned Space Program and really truly believes in ManMade Global Warming, accuses Republican of being "hostile to science"

Do you see how big a fucking brain dead moron you have to be to be a Liberal today?

But we don't have any money. Boner, McChinless, and Ryan said so. We need to use that money for handouts to the wealthy Republican benefactors. Besides, everything we need to know is right there in the Bible. The Republican motto should be "Ignorant and proud of it."

^ Yes, that's a genuine moron
Yeah, yeah yeah, another scoop courtesy of the tax exempt Soros Media Matters.
Is that the same math that says when tax rates along with revenues are at their lowest level in over sixty years, the answer to increasing revenues is to cut taxes even more? That kind of math? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Like he i said hostile to math and economics.

You do realize that you cannot forever cut taxes and expect revenue to increase, right? If that were the case, we could cut tax rates to zero and that would give us the highest revenues we've ever had, but there is a problem with that kind of math, because when you multiply anything by zero, you get nothing, zilch, zero.

Yes. I do. Because I understand both math and economics.

Less hostile than Democratic congresscritters are to math and economics.

Is that the same math that says when tax rates along with revenues are at their lowest level in over sixty years, the answer to increasing revenues is to cut taxes even more? That kind of math? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

  1. Revenues are at the highest they have ever been
  2. Who has proposed cutting taxes?

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